jln ft J^ utjjere’ J^t'coxlr: A Weekly Journal of the Ringing Exercise; and Compendium of Information for the Clergy and Churchwardens. No. 249. [NEW series.]— V O L . V. S A T U R D A Y , J A N U A R Y 1, 1887. [O n e P e n n y . CHURCH CLOCKS. TOHN SMITH & SONS, Midland JAMES SHAW, SON, & CO., J Steam Clock Works, Queen Street, CHURCH AND CARILLON T W ARNER & SONS, Bell and Bras* DEEBY, v " F o u n d e r s t o H e r M a j e s t y , Makers of Clocks or Chimes for the following Parish T h e C r e s c e n t F o u n d r y , C r i p p l e g a t e , L o n d o n E.C. Chwches in various parts of the Country— AND Musical Bell Founders. Fowey (Corawall), Clyst St. George (Devon), Childe Hand-Bells in Sets, in Diatoaic or Chromatic Scales. Okaford (Dorset), Ruishton (Somerset), Crudwell (Wilts), Clocks, Bells, and Carillons in any size or number. Oaksey (Gloucestershire), Condover (Salop), Tittleshall CHURCH BELL HANGERS, Bells of every description and size. (Norfolk), Kelvedon (Essex), Leafield (Oxon),Knewl Hill PUBLISHERS OF (Berks), Tysoe (Warwick), Clent (Worcestershire), Ut- LEEDS ROAD, BRADFORD, THE ABO OF HAND-BELL RINGING toxeter (Stalori), Asbover (Derbyshire), Rudston (Yorks), by S. B. G o s l i n , in which are Tunes suited for chiming Newchurch (Lancashire), Wooaford (Cheshire), Thim* Y O R K S ., on large bells. Price is. W eb y (Lincolnshire), Syston (Leicester), Gedling (Notts), “ Just the thing which was wanted for young beginners 5 Dry Drayton (Cambs) . We recommend it."— Church Bells. ESTABLISHED 1848. Estimates, with Designs and particulars, free on “ This little book will be very acceptable/'— Church application. Review. THE MUSICAL HAND-BELL RINGERS Bells cast Singly or in Rings. Church Bells, IN STR U C TO R , Part II., containing the Theory and GEORGE WELCH, Practice ©f Hand-Bell Music and Tunes for Musical (Successor to George Steckham) School Bells, and Factory Bells. Hand-Bells, by S. B. G o s l i n . Price 2s. “ We advise all who are desirous of making progress with Hand-Belis to get it.”— Church BeUs. «frOTD-BEl£lt+F0lINDIII^ OLD BELLS RECAST OR REHUNG. “ A work of great practical utility.”— C ity Press 61, Bankslde, Southwark, London, S,E. " We heartily recommend it.”— Church Review. THE FIRST STEPS TO BELL-RINGING Musical Hand-Bells to any size or key; Chromatic! or UPON CH U R CH B E L L S . Price is. By S. B. G o s l i n , Diatonic Scales. MUSICAL HAND BELLS “ Wq have no hesitation in saying that it is the best Elementary Introduction to the exercise of Bell-Ringing ©fir $«U« rijjmrtb or sKtrounkb io snj> sij*, on In sets, Diatonic or Chromatic Scales. in Rounds and Changes we have met with/’— Churcn most vmsonablt ttrms. Bells. “ It is clear and simple in style, and is altogether jus Musical Clock Bells and Carillons to an? the book to placfcin the hands of persons desirous o PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. Size or Number. knowing for themselves something of the Art.”— York shire Gazette. JOHN QUICK, One Hundred closely-printed pages, supplied only along C J j u r c l j £>cll £ j a n g e r , with Part II., Post free, 3s. 2%d. A TREATISE ON TREBLE BOB, 80, QUEEN’S ROAD, CROYDON WEST, PART I. B y Ja sp e r W . Sn ow don . SURREY, A History of the Progress in Composing and Ringing Peals of T r e b l e B o b , with an account of the different Upwards of twenty years with the late Henry Boswell, long lengths rung on each number of bells; whose fame as a Bellnanger was so well known. Estimates for hanging new peals and re-hanging old An Essay on the In and Out-of-Course of the Changes; ones sent to all parts o f the United Kingdom. Reports The mode df pricking touches and peals; the qualities upon the state of bells prepared, and their deficiencies and mode ®f transposing peals; elaborate insti uctioas accurately pointed out. on the Proof and Composition of peals ; and a chapter Clergymen and churchwardens desiring the services on conducting and calling round. and advice of a competent hanger should apply to J. W m . S n o w d o n , Beckett’s Bank Chambers, Leeds. Qaick. One Hundred and Thirty-Six closely-printed pages, A TREATISE ON MUSICAL Post-Jree, 2s. i^d. in Halfpenny Stamps. HANDBELL RINGING. A TREATISE ON TREBLE BOB, 8hewing “ How to Read,” & “ How to Ring.” PART II. By Wm. G o r d o n . B y Ja sp e r W . S now don. O r d aining Introduction, description of the Handbell, A Collection of Two Thousand peals of T r e b l e B o b with hints on Table Ringing, on cleaning bells and M in o r , M a j o r , R o y a l , and M a x im u s , with the Tenors keeping them in order, on holding or striking Handbells, manufacturers by Steam Pewer of every together; and a Selection of Musical Compositions with on making the vibrato or shake; on defers in Handbells the Tenors parted. Arranged with their reverse and their remedies: on re-pegging and re-tufting Hand­ descriptim of variations under a simple classification, with remarks held ; on commencing to ring from musie, with counting upon the different qualities in each class ; with particu* and use of the baton in beating time; position of bells lars of the time of performance, etc. In table ringing; with complete catechism of musical Church, Turret, and Public Clocks. Tbe last chapter is devoted to a list of the names oi notation, including Solos, Duets, Exercises, (Scales and Composers of tne different peals, with various particu* Diagrams, price is. 6d., post free. Six or More copies lars, and in the cases of deceased Composers with the 18.3d. each. dates of death, age, etc. Wm Gordon, 04, Lower Hlllgate, Stockport.l Price Lists and Estimates Free. W m . S n o w d o n , Beckett’s.Bank Chambers Leeds i i . The Bell News and Ringers’ Record. STANDARD METHODS IN THE AET OF CHANGE-RINGING, By JASPER W. SNOWDON. U LL explanations and rules for ringing all the best methods, from five to eight bells, with plain course diagrams of each method F printed in full, with coloured lines. Post-free, as. 6d., from W m . S n o w d o n , Beckett’s Bank Chambers, Leeds. ROPE-SIGHT: AIT INTRODUCTION TO TEE AST OF CHANGE-RINGING BT JASPER W. SNOWDON, THIRD EDITION. London : Wells Gardner, Darton, <5- Ce. /'"'ONTENTS.— On the Management of a Bell; on Ringing Rounds ; on Pricking Changes; on Ringing Changes on Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, and Eight Bells; on Pricking Touches and Peals by the lead-ends and course-ends; on Conducting and Calling Round ea Raising and Falling in Peal, Chiming, Covering, etc. Post-free, is. 6d.,from Wm. Snowdon, Beckett's Bank Chambers, Leeds. ‘ PAINLESS AND PERFECT DENTISTRY.” Post Free, One Shilling, in stamps. A new Pamphlet, by Dr. GEO. H. JONES, F.R.S.L., F.R.M.S., etc., Surgeon- Double Norwich Dentist, 57, Great Russell Street, facing British Museum entrance, London, contain­ ing a List of Diplomas, Gold and Silver Medals, and other Awards, obtained at the great International Exhibitions, forwarded gratis and post free. Court Bob. Her Majesty’s Surgeon-Dentist says:— By JASPER W. SNOWDON. M y D e a r D o c t o r ,— Allow me to express my thanks for the skill and attention Rules and instructions for pricking and ringing tbe displayed in the construction of my Artificial Teeth, which render my mastication and method, with lineal diagram oi tbe plain course. A collection of compositions and instructions for articulation excellent. I am glad to hear that you have obtained Her Majesty’s Royal proving the same. Letters Patent to protect what I consider the perfection of Painless Dentistry. In A history of all peals known to have been rung ia tbe recognition of your valuable services you are at liberty to use my name. method, with full particulars of the same. Wm. S n o w d o n , Beckett’s Bank Chambers, Leeds. T o G eo. H . J o n e s , E s q ., D.D.S. S. G. H u t c h i n s , By appointment Surgeon-Dentist to Her Majesty the Queen. RINGER’S EMBLEM. S c i e n t i f i c D e p a r t m e n t .— L a b o r a t o r y o f E xperimental S c i e n c e . A STERLING SILVER SCARF •**> PIN the shape of a Bell, with the words “ Great This is to certify:— That I have analysed the Prize Medal Teeth submitted to me, Paul,” or the ringer’s initial (monogram). Price ss. Name required in full, 3d. extra. Brooches, Ear RingSi and| find them to be composed only of minerals of extreme purity. I have also Watch appendages, etc. Sole Maker, j. Carter, Brace* examined and tested your patented painless system of adjustment, it is quite perfect, bridge Street, Birmingham. and is the most successful application of scientific laws for securing actual wear and comfort yet introduced.
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