Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-20-1961 The B-G News January 20, 1961 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News January 20, 1961" (1961). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1575. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1575 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Kennedy Inaugurated Tod President President's Thoughts On Leaving Office Parade, Ceremony, Sometimes Private, Sometimes Public Ball To Be On TV Washington (UPI) — This him which he considered unfair President-elect John F. Ken- and/or untrue. More than that is D Day for the youngest nedy will become President Hoover was depressed by the man ever elected President of thought that he was delivering Kennedy today in inaugura- the United States. the executive department Into the tion ceremonies in Washing- As H. R. H. the former keeping of a man he considered to be Inadequate. Hoover left Wash- ton. The former Massachu- Prince of Wales put it on the ington In 1933 In tears. setts senator will be the 35th occasion of another notable All Presidents leave office be- man to hold the office. changeover (in 1936), "Now we lieving in some degree that they At approximntely 11 a.m. Pre- all have a new king." could carry on better than their sident-elect Kennedy will leave What a President of the United successors will be able to do. In his Georgetown home en route to States thinks about on surrender- some retiring Presidents, this be- the White House. He will be join- ing office is wholly known only lief creates a burning resentment. ed there by President Kisenhower. to a President who surrenders of- President Elsenhower Is like other At noon the Inauguration cere- fice. Some of the things he thinks Presidents In behoving he could monies will be held In front ol the about become known, however, in carry on better than his successor, Capital. Chief Justice Earl Warren bits and pieces. meaning better than President will administer the oath of office. BOOM of the retiring Pr.sld.nt'■ elect John F. Kennedy or any other. This will be followed by the Inau- thoughts star be mirrored In his But If there Is any resentment cold guration address. eyes or be conveyed by a foetal or hot It Is well concealed, so well The inauguration luncheon, at- expression on the big day. Thus concealed that It Is right to believe tended by the nation's leaders, h was when Calvin CooUdge bowed It does not exist will be at 1 p.m. Channel 11 will carry the CBS out on March 4. 1929. to make room Dwight D. Eisenhower is a for Herbert C Hoover. CooUdge was coverage and Channel 13 will friendly, practical man who can handle the ABC presentation. no laughing boy tinder any circum- smile at himself even when he is stances, least of all when sur- The inauguration ball will be rendering the White House to a televised by Channel 11 at about The Inauguration of President-elect 11:30 p.m. man of whom be Vang bad been John F. Kennedy Is being televised MM NBC TV (Channel i, Detroit) from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. today In will present an innovation in cov- Herbert Hoover was a bigger the Union. man than Calvin CooUdge before, PRESIDENTS PALAVER—University President Ralph campaigning through the Midwest for the Democratic no- erage with Miss Dinn Merrill, act- A television set has been install, ress, and socialite, applying her during, and after Coolidge's Presi- ed In the ballroom tor students who W. McDonald, left and United States President lohn F. mination for President, but today he will be Inaugurated as dency. CooUdge was aware of that, Kennedy are shown conferring during the latter s visit to the country's thirty fifth President. Kennedy's visit to the fashion knowledge in a description wish to watch the ceremonies. The the University in Sept. 1959. He was only a senator then. campus drew a large crowd In 1959. of the hall and the gowns worn. and he didn't like it It was com- ballroom Is decorated with red. while mon knowledge in Washington that and blue bunting for the occasion. CooUdge from time to time re- Hot elder is being served. ferred in bitterness to Hoover as that "wonder boy." President of the United States. No one in Washington could say He was discussing his new private he had heard CooUdge call Hoov- life a few days ago in friendly er a "wonder boy," but it was com- company, and a friend asked him mon knowledge, anyway, because what thoughts came to a man about to lay down the Presidency. it appeared to one and all—the VoL 45 Bowling Green State University. Bowling Green. Ohio. Friday. Jan. 20. 1961 No. 29 news reporters—who saw CooUdge That question could have been frequently that he was jealous of the cue for an emotional binge, Hoover. No doubt CooUdge would for some of what the late Al Smith have called Hoover a "wonder used to call baloney. Ike was dif- boy" if he had thought of it. ferent. He said he thought about There was no need to guess how many things, especially that he U.S. Stops Tourist Travel To Castro's Cuba Hoover felt on turning over to would have to make his own travel Franklin D. Boosevelt the destiny arrangements after leaving the (UPI)—The United States port especially endorsed by the of the United States. Hoover was White House. has halted tourist travel to State Department. "You know," he said, "I wouldn't When the United States broke hurt and. perhaps, angered by some Student Court Fidel Castro's Cuba because Reds Recapture aspects of FDR's campaign against know how to buy a railroad ticket." with Castro's regime Jan. 3, it it is no longer able "to extend asked the Swiss Embassy in Hav- normal protective services" to nna to look after American in- Tries 5 Cases terests in Cuba. Since the United Airstrip In Laos Georgia Riots Halted, Five cases were tried in the Jan. American citizens there. States no longer has cither an (UPI) — Pro-communist troops 16 session of Student Court. Three Travel to the island will be li- embassy or a consulate in Cuba, were reported to have retaken students were found guilty of non- mited to trips considered "in the it can no longer extend "protective strategic Vang Vieng airport after best interests of the United services" to U.S. citizens. Negroes Back In Class registration of their automobiles, States." Boiled down, this means The United Slates also has brok- Laotian government troops seized and two were fined for second newsmen and businessmen "with en off diplomatic relations with the Ihe Red stronghold town uml its """^Athens, Ga. (UPI)—Six Ku Klux Klansmen arrested parking offenses. previously established business con- Dominican Republic, but there Is airstrip north of Vientiane. during a riot on the campus of the newly integrated Univer- nections in Cuba." no ban on travel there. Officials Sherry I* Burkhart pleaded not Advices from the front some The State Department action put said this Is because the United sity of Georgia were bound over to a grand jury this week guilty of non-registration of her l!5 miles north of this capital said automobile. She was found guilty Cuba In the same category with States still has consular represen- on charges of carrying weapons to a public gathering. a Laotian army task force drove and fined S2B, 120 of the fine Red China. North Korea. North Viet tatives there. The outburst did not come until after classes had con- being suspended. Nam, and Albania, all communist The State Department said per- across the Lik River, established cluded for the day and the campus was teeming with students countries, where travel by Ameri- manent resident aliens in this coun- a bridgehead, and captured Vang Mary Ellen Jarvi, also pleading cans is banned without special try will not be able to travel to Vieng, site of an important Red who had turned out for a A number of student groups not guilty to a charge of non- permission. , , „ ,, . , »«.» paved the way for the calm ac Cuba without special permission supply depot. registration, was found guilty and Regulations on Cuba probably from the U.S. Immigration Service. basketball game between the ceptance^eI)Unce by circulatingcircuiating pamphletspamphlet fined 126. Earlier reports said the loyal University and arch-rival Georgia will not be enforced as severely Officials said the new regula- urging students to exercise the Pleading not guilty but found pro-Western troops also captured Tech "Golden Rule" in greeting the as they are toward other countries. tions would go into effect when the town's airstrip. But control of otherwise by the court, Robert J. However, any U.S. citizen wishing they are published in the Federal The two Negro students whose Negroes. Ihe important field, which had been Kussell was fined $25 for non- to go to Cuba must have his pass- Register. presence touched off the rioting. registration. Twenty dollars of his used for Soviet airdrops of equip- Charlayne Hunter.
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