May 4, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2939 In parceling out Ramadi, the Marine Corps declined to discuss the matter. His first fit- growing businesses and creating jobs. leadership gave Company E more than 10 ness report, issued on May 31, 2004, after the This bill was opposed by the minority square miles to control, far more than the company’s deadliest firefights, concluded, leader. battalion’s other companies. Captain Royer ‘‘He has single-handedly reshaped a company Permanent repeal of the death tax, said he had informally asked for an extra in sore need of a leader; succeeded in forming platoon, or 44 marines, and had been told the a cohesive fighting force that is battle-tested supported by 42 Democrats. The death battalion was seeking an extra company. and worthy.’’ tax is the leading cause of dissolution The battalion’s operations officer, Maj. John The second, on Sept. 1, 2004, gave him op- for most small businesses. Seventy per- D. Harrill, said the battalion had received posite marks for leadership. ‘‘He has been de- cent of businesses do not make it past sporadic assistance from the Army and had scribed on numerous occasions as ‘dictato- the first generation because of death given Company E extra help. General Mattis rial,’’’ it said. ‘‘There is no morale or moti- tax rates. According to one small busi- says he could not pull marines from another vation in his marines.’’ His defenders say he ness survey, more than 80 percent of part of Iraq because ‘‘there were tough fights drove his troops as hard as he drove himself, small businesses spend $25,000 annually going on everywhere.’’ but was wrongly blamed for problems like Colonel Kennedy said Company E’s area armor. ‘‘Captain Royer was a decent man on attorney-consultant fees and life in- was less dense, but the pressure it put on the that was used for a dirty job and thrown surance premiums in an attempt to marines came to a boil on April 6, 2004, when away by his chain of command,’’ Sergeant avoid the crushing blow of the death the company had to empty its camp—leaving Sheldon said. tax. Again, this money could be much the cooks to guard the gates—to deal with Today, Captain Royer is at Camp Pen- better spent growing businesses and three firefights. dleton contesting his fitness report, which creating jobs. This was opposed by the Ten of its troops were killed that day, in- could force him to retire. Company E is minority leader. cluding eight who died when the Humvee awaiting deployment to Okinawa, Japan. The Border Security Act, supported they were riding in was ambushed en route Some members have moved to other units, or by 42 Democrats. This will implement a to assist other marines under fire. That are leaving the Marines altogether. Humvee lacked even the improvised steel on ‘‘I’m checking out,’’ Corporal Winn said. much-needed national standard for the back where most of the marines sat, ‘‘When I started, I wanted to make it my ca- driver’s license requirements and Company E leaders say. reer. I’ve had enough.’’ strengthen our borders so that those ‘‘All I saw was sandbags, blood and dead f who intend to do us harm find it harder bodies,’’ Sergeant Valerio said. ‘‘There was to enter our country. This was opposed The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. no protection in the back.’’ by the minority leader. KUHL of New York). Under a previous Captain Royer said more armor would not Thank goodness for the moderates in have even helped. The insurgents had a .50- order of the House, the gentleman from the Democratic Party who are willing caliber machine gun that punched huge holes New Jersey (Mr. SMITH) is recognized to put aside partisan bickering and through its windshield. Only a heavier com- for 5 minutes. work together to get things done for bat vehicle could have withstood the bar- (Mr. SMITH of New Jersey addressed rage, he said, but the unit had none. Defense America. The minority leader’s contin- the House. His remarks will appear Department officials have said they favored ued opposition tactics more closely re- hereafter in the Extensions of Re- Humvees over tanks in Iraq because they semble the pirates of the South Seas marks.) were less imposing to civilians. who hijacked commerce and progress The Humvee that trailed behind that day, f and accomplished absolutely nothing which did have improvised armor, was hit with less powerful munitions, and the ma- ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF 109TH in the long run. rines riding in it survived by hunkering CONGRESS What a shame. down. ‘‘The rounds were pinging,’’ Sergeant f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Sheldon said. ‘‘Then in a lull they returned DEFEAT CAFTA fire and got out.’’ previous order of the House, the gen- Captain Royer said that he photographed tleman from Kentucky (Mr. DAVIS) is The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a the Humvees in which his men died to show recognized for 5 minutes. previous order of the House, the gen- to any official who asked about the condi- Mr. DAVIS of Kentucky. Ethics. The tleman from Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) is tion of their armor, but that no one ever did. principles of honor and morality. The recognized for 5 minutes. Sergeant Valerio redoubled his effort to accepted rules of conduct. The moral Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, pro- fortify the Humvees by begging other principles of an individual. branches of the military for scraps. ‘‘How am ponents of the so-called free trade I going to leave those kids out there in those Mr. Speaker, the 109th Congress re- agreements like the North American Humvees,’’ he recalled asking himself. cently passed its 100-day mark, and I Free Trade Agreement, which I op- The company of 185 marines had only two would like to reflect on the progress we posed, have long promised endless Humvees and three trucks when it arrived, have made under the strong leadership riches for U.S. workers, farmers, busi- so just getting them into his shop was a of the Republican Party to create jobs, nesses and the economy. Of course, logistical chore, Sergeant Valerio said. He to strengthen the economy, support they have been wrong on all counts. also worried that the steel could come loose our troops, and to protect our borders. But they are not to be deterred. They in a blast and become deadly shrapnel. For the gunners who rode atop, Sergeant And we have done this with strong bi- want another bite of the apple here. Valerio stitched together bulletproof shoul- partisan support as wiser, calmer heads They think that the American people der pads into chaps to protect their legs. have prevailed on the other side of the and Members of Congress who rep- ‘‘That guy was amazing,’’ First Sgt. Ber- aisle. resent them, those who have lost their nard Coleman said. ‘‘He was under a vehicle The energy bill, supported by 41 jobs, seen their jobs threatened, their when a mortar landed, and he caught some Democrats. This bill will create nearly standard of living diminished as we in the leg. When the mortar fire stopped, he half a million new jobs in the manufac- have gone into massive trade deficits went right back to work.’’ turing, construction, agriculture and and exported industries overseas in A CAPTAIN’S FATE technology sectors by reducing our de- pursuit of cheaper labor and lower en- Lt. Sean J. Schickel remembers Captain pendency on foreign oil while exploring vironmental standards, that they can Royer asking a high-ranking Marine Corps domestic sources and alternative en- fool us again. visitor whether the company would be get- ergy sources. This was opposed by the The President finished secret nego- ting more factory-armored Humvees. The of- ficial said they had not been requested and minority leader. tiations a year ago the end of this that there were production constraints, Class action reform, supported by 73 month for what is called the Central Lieutenant Schickel said. Democrats. This will unclog overused American Free Trade Agreement. And Recalls Captain Royer: ‘‘I’m thinking we courts, end the harassment of local they are promising all the same things. have our most precious resource engaged in businesses by stopping predatory forum I went before the Committee on Ways combat, and certainly the wealth of our na- shopping by some trial attorneys and and Means which reluctantly, begrudg- tion can provide young, selfless men with will protect consumers with a con- ingly, allowed some of us to testify in what they need to accomplish their mission. sumer class action bill of rights. Small opposition to this pending agreement. That’s an erudite way of putting it. I have a much more guttural response that I won’t businesses pay an average of $88 billion Now, there is no legislative process. give you.’’ each year on lawsuits and this cost is They mark up what is called a mock Captain Royer was later relieved of com- simply passed on to consumers. This bill or a pretend bill or a play bill in mand. General Mattis and Colonel Kennedy money could be much better spent Ways and Means. They are not allowed VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:07 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H04MY5.REC H04MY5 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H2940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 4, 2005 to amend it or change it. The President overseas, China, Japan and other coun- he could face charges for disobeying or- secretly negotiated it, and it will be tries, they get more and more capable ders.
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