, " ... 5- 0- JAN 9 '1995 HOUSE FILE ;3 STATE GGVERNMfNT BY VAN MAANEN " tf.I4\) (fo ;ZS() Passed House, \kate 1-;1.3"'14- Passed Senate, Dat~ ~J6 )'15 Vote: Ayes tj (, Nays 0 Vote: Ayes L/ <::j Nays _O~_--,-- Approved -~~~:?- 3) Iq ~ S A BILL FOR 1 An Act relating to the state banner. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TLSB l030HH 76 cl/sc/14 S.F. H.F. .3 1 Section 1. Section 1B.1, Code 1995, is amended to read as 2 follows: 3 1B.1 SPECIFICATIONS OF STATE BANNER FLAG. 4 The banner designed by the Iowa societ,Y of the Daughters of 5 the Amer ican Revolution and presen.te~. to the. sta te7-wh~eh 6 b!lrlrlet" is hereby adopted as the st'ate flag foor use on all 7 occasions where a state flag may be fittingly displayed. The 8 design consists of three vertical stripes of blue, white, and 9 red, the blue stripe being nearest the staff and the white 10 stripe being in the center,-!lrld-ttporl. On the central white 11 stripe beirlg is depicted a spreading eagle bearing in its beak 12 blue streamers on which is inscribed,-irl-wh~ee-~eeeet"~, the 13 state motto, "Our liberties we prize and our rights we will 14 maintain" !lrld in white letters, with the word !'Iowa" in red 15 letters below ~tteh the streamers,-a~-~tteh-de~~grl-rlow-appeat"~ 16 eft-ehe-b!lftftet"-±ft-ehe-of£±ee-e£-ehe-ge~et"rlot"-ef-ehe-~eaee-e£ 17 iew!l,-±~-het"ebY-!ldopeed-!l~-a-d±~e±ftee±~e-~eaee-barlrlet",-£et"-tt~e 18 erl-!lll-eee!l~forl~-whet"e-a-d±~e~rlee±~e-~eaee-~ymbol-~rl-ehe-way 19 ef-a-barlrlet"-may-be-£±ee~rlgly-d±~played. 20 Sec. 2. Section IB.2, Code 1995, is amended to read as 21 follows: 22 IB.2 USE OF STATE BANNER FLAG. 23 Stteh The design may shall be used as a-d±se~fteei~e the 24 state barlftet" flag and may a~-stteh be displayed on all proper 25 occasions where the state is officially represented a~ 26 d~se~rlee-£t"om-eehet"-~eaee~, either at home or abroad, or 27 wherever it may be proper to distinguish the citizens of Iowa 28 from the citizens of other states,-~tteh-d~~play. When 29 displayed with the national emblem, the state flag shall in 30 all cases eo be subservient to and a~orlg-w~eh-ehe-d±~p~ay-of 31 ehe-rlae~orla~-emblem-arld,-wherl-d~~p~ayed-w~eh-ehe-laeeet",-eo-be 32 placed beneath the stars and stripes. 33 Sec. 3. Section IB.3, Code 1995, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 IB.3 FLAGS ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS. -1- 1 S.F. H.F. 1 It shall be the duty of any board of public officers 2 charged with providing supplies for a public building in the 3 state to provide a suitable state flag and it shall be the 4 duty of the eH~~od±8n~ custodian of 8ll that public bH±ld±n9~ 5 of-~he-~~8~e building to raise oye~-~Heh-bHildin9 the fl89 6 flags of the United states of America and the state of Iowa, 7 upon each secular day when weather conditions are favorable, 8 8nd-±t-~h8ll-be-~he-dH~y-of-8ny-bo8~d-of-pHblie-offiee~~ 9 eh8~ged-w±~h-~he-dHty-of-prov±d±n9-for-the-~Hppl±e~-of-8ny 10 ~Heh-pHblie-bHild±n9-~O-p~oYide,-in-eonneetion-w±th-o~her 11 ~Hppl±e~-fo~-8nY-~Heh-bH±ld±n9-of-the-~~8~e7-8-~Hi~8ble-fl89 12 for-the-pH~po~e~-here±n-proYided. 13 Sec. 4. Section 280.5, Code 1995, is amended to read as 14 follows: 15 280.5 DISPLAY OF UNITED STATES FLAG AND IOWA STATE BANNER 16 FLAG. 17 The board of directors of each public school district and 18 the authorities in charge of each nonpublic school shall 19 provide and maintain a suitable flagstaff on each school site 20 under its control, and the United States flag and the Iowa 21 state b8nner flag shall be raised on all school days when 22 weather conditions are suitable. 23 EXPLANATION 24 This bill reenacts provisions of 1921 Iowa Acts, chapter 78 25 (House File 398). The bill, as passed by the House of 26 Representatives and Senate in 1921 was never signed by the 27 Speaker of the House as required by Article III, section 15 of 28 the Iowa Constitution. The bill also updates the language 29 describing the flag of the state of Iowa. The term "banner" 30 is replaced by the word "flag". Currently and under the bill, 31 boards of directors of public buildings are required to fly 32 the flag of Iowa as well as the stars and stripes of the 33 nation. 34 35 LSB 1030HH 76 -2- cl/sc/14 House File 3, p. 2 Sec. 2. Section lB.2, Code 1995, is amended to read as follows: lB.2 USE OF STATE BANNBR FLAG. S~eh The design m8Y shall be used as 8-di~eineeiye the HOUSE FILE 3 state b8nner flag and may 8~-~~eh be displayed on all proper occasions where the state is officially represented 8~ AN ACT di~einee-£rom-oeher-se8ees, either at home or abroad, or RELATING TO THE STATE BANNER. wherever it may be proper to distinguish the citizens of Iowa from the citizens of other states7-~~eh-di~piay. When BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: displayed with the national emblem, the state flag shall in all cases eo be subservient to and 8%ong-wieh-ehe-di~pi8y-o£ Section 1. Section lB.l, Code 1995, is amended to read as ehe-n8eion8i-embiem-8nd7-when-dispiayed-wieh-ehe-i8~~er7-~o-be follows: placed beneath the stars and stripes. lB.l SPECIFICATIONS OF STATE BANNER FLAG. Sec. 3. Section IB.3, Code 1995, is amended to read as The banner designed by the Iowa society of the Daughters of follows: the American Revolution and presented to the state7-whieh lB.3 FLAGS ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS. b8nner is hereby adopted as the state flag for use on all It shall be the duty of any board of public officers occasions where a state flag may be fittingly displayed. The charged with providing supplies for a public building in the design consists of three vertical stripes of blue, white, and state to provide a suitable state flag and it shall be the red, the blue stripe being nearest the staff and the white duty of the e~~eodi8n~ custodian of 8%i that public b~i%dings stripe being in the center7-8nd-~pon~ the central white o£-ehe-se8ee building to raise oyer-s~eh-b~i%diftg the £%8g stripe being is depicted a spreading eagle bearing in its beak flags of the United States of America and the state of Iowa, blue streamers on which is inscribed7-in-whiee-ieeeer~7 the upon each secular day when weather conditions are favorableT state motto, "Our liberties we prize and our rights we will 8nd-ie-~h8%%-be-ehe-d~ey-o£-8ny-bo8rd-o£-p~biie-o££ieer~ maintain" 8nd in white letters, with the word "Iowa" in red eh8rged-wieh-ehe-d~~y-o£-proYiding-£or-ehe-~~ppiie~-o£-8fty letters below ~~eh the streamers7-8~-~~eh-de~ign-now-8ppe8rs ~~eh-p~biie-b~i%ding-eo-proyideT-in-eonfteeeion-wieh-oeher on-ehe-b8nner-in-ehe-o££iee-o£-ehe-goyernor-o£-ehe-se8ee-o£ ~~pp%ie~-£Or-8fty-s~eh-b~iiding-o£-ehe-~e8ee7-8-~~ie8bie-£iag IOW87-i~-herebY-8dopeed-8~-8-di~eineeiye-~e8ee-b8nner7-£or-~se £or-ehe-p~rpose~-herein-proyided. On-8%%-Oee8~ion~-where-8-diseineeiye-~e8ee-symbo%-in-ehe-way Sec. 4. Section 280.5, Code 1995, is amended to read as o£-a-b8nner-m8y-be-£ieeing%y-di~p%8yed. follows: 280.5 DISPLAY OF UNITED STATES FLAG AND IOWA STATE BANNER FLAG. The board of directors of each public school district and the authorities in charge of each nonpublic school shall provide and maintain a suitable flagstaff on each school site :J: "11 W House File 3, p. 3 under its control, and the united States flag and the Iowa state b8ftfter flag shall be raised on all school days when weather conditions are suitable. RON J. CORBETT Speaker of the House LEONARD L. BOSWELL President of the Senate I hereby certify that this bill originated in the House and is known as House File 3, Seventy-sixth General Assembly. ELIZABETH ISAACSON Chief Clerk of the House Approved d-d::. ,I}.... , 1995 TERRY E. BRANSTAD Governor .
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