/ ..'- ■*.‘'-.} •' ;• :^r,-1 •vr- :”t The Weather Avnage DaOir Net Press Ron Cloudy and mild toai||Alp,v ,, For tho Week Ended 60% ebance o f light saOW' W"' Febmuy 4 ,1S67 rain, low 26*30; partUl log, a little colder toUan'lwf, high 30*86. 15,069 . I 'yl. M ancl^ter^A City of Village Cfwm ^ ■ . ' ' ■’ ' j V . (Ofauaifled Advertisins ,on Page 17) PRICE . SEVEN CENTS: VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 119 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHfiSTElt, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRdARt H McNamara to Cotigress: Dearhom Ditty d e a r b o r n , Mich. (AP) Backers Resumie — “Love tliat song,” beam­ ed Mayor Orville Hubbard witl> a doordle*dee-do. i « p And. so do hundreds of others in this Detroit sub- uib. The song is “Dearborn, Attacks Michigan,” a new pop ditty. Won’t Halt Hanoi . Dearborn seems to like it. Except for a slight Interest WA8HINOTON (AP) — Tho At ahother point, McNamara 2. Increasing the cost to the in tho Baltlmore-Washing- North'd its Infiltration; bombing of North Vietnam has indicated Utat it may be the ton a i^ , the record com­ North Vietnamese — not tho 8. Raising the political price pany reports, most of the ------failed^ .to. reduce ------------„ significantly , the„ y g bombing’ efforte — who paid by the North to continue 35,000 records sold have Stiff Terms infUtraUon ot men and material control tho rate of inflltraUon. the campaign in the South. been in the Dearborn area. infoiiuu thevno ouuuiSouth 9UU1and thereuier« lois noiiu '’unoouDveuiy,"Undoubtedly, thevnc bombingMuuiuiiiB "Thosexiivoc werevToa«» the »va.v^stated objec *Ibe composer, Marty Urged Before evidence increased attacks does limit the capability of the fives we had in mind and we Cooper of Los Angeles, said . ____ ____ ___________________ __ . ____ _a - »» ‘ftjT.ra- w;ould prove more, successful. North Vietnamese to Infiltrate have accomplished them,” Mc­ he has never been to Dear­ Secretary d Defense Robert B. men and equipment into the Namara said. born. “I d<m’t think Tve Peace Talks McNamara told Congress in South,” the defense chief said, McNamara, and a ir m a n even been in Michigan,” he testimony released today. ' "But it is n d clear that the Urn- Earle G. Wlweler of th'e Joint said. TOKYO (A P )— Despite Ml In what amounted to a sharp it that results is below the level Chiefs of Staff appeared at the reports of new unrest in rebuttal to those who advocate a that the North Vietnamese closed Senate, hearings Jan. 23, Red China’s strategic bor­ y* ‘ stepup in the bombing of the planned on, and in any event, it 24 and 25 to testify on the |12.7- D aVinci W ork der areas and elsewhere, North, McNamara repeatedly is not below the level necessary blllion Vietnam war supplemen- ” , . Mao Tse-tung’s supporters told often skeptical members at to support tho force in the South tal money bill, I n W a s n i n g t o n , turned to foreign policy to- a joint Senate Armed Service at the present time." —They - dwelled. — at length on the and Appropriations Committees ' McNamara explained that effectiveness of U.S. bombing Tk • TT 1 « day and urged Hanoi to hearing, "I don’t believe that despite his reservations he be- and the rate of North Vietnam­ t h r i c e U n k n o w n stiffen its term s'for peace tho bombing up to the present lieves the air campaign against ese infiltration. Some of their talks* Wa s h in g t o n (AP) — ’Ibe After weeks in which the has slgnlTloantly reduced, nor the North has been successful testimony was censored from any bombing that I could con- when viewed against its stated thele transcriptiranscnpi released.reieaseo. National Gallery of Art an- Maoist organs virtually Ignored template in the future would objectives, McNamarac N a m a r a aacknowledged c k n v . ^ nounced----------- today— . it has acquired cy questions, except for Mos- significantly reduce, the actual He, described these as: that the Johnson administration i,eonardo Da Vinci’s Portrait of cow-<Peklng relations, the Pe­ flow of men and materiel to the 1. Increasing the morale of now has “ many algnsV that the Ginevra de’ Bend, the only gen king People’s Daily took note of South.’* the South Vietnamese: rate of North Vietnamese infll eraily acknowledged painting by tration, which averaged 5,300 recent moves to bring the Unit­ the Italian Renaissance master ed State's and North Vietnam to men a month for the first nine known to be In private hands or the negotiating table. V , , months according to adminis­ in any collection outside of Eu­ ‘The whole point of the Viet- tration estimates, fell off shar­ rope. D.A. Runs Own Show ply in the October-Deoember the withdrawal of (U.S. and al­ period. on published, reports that the lied) aggressive forces from At one point, McNamara told price for the masterpiece was Vietnamese territory, not on the the senators that “ my ^ e ss, between |5 million and 36 mil­ To Prove Conspiracy question of.the cessation of U.S. and it is only a guess, based on lion, the highest ever paid by a bombing,” the People’s D ally' .NEW ORLEANS, La. (AP) — sdtomey general, said Garri- very fragmentary Infortnafioh, gallery for an art work. Snaggle-Toothed Monster of Saginaw? Is that it has fallen off in the The figures were given in sto­ said. A district attorney is keeping son. No it’s not an icy-toothed monster, it’ s the result of the removal of snow that " I ’m In charge of the opera- last™— three-------- monfiis,--------- > —and - -I wopld--j— ries ...in the Wartiington Star and ’This Implied are buke to Ha- secret the details of an inves­ noi, which last week said it was left this overhang of hard encrusted snow. Subsequent thaws and an ic# tigation he says he is making of tion and we’ve made a lot of 1* surprised, frankly. If it was the New York Times. « _ V much Aover v f A w A4,600 KAA rvAwper month for The portrait «nwill411 go on display prepared to talk peace with the the Kennedy assassination, con­ progress working this way. So I storm then transferred the undercut snow bank to what appears to be an icy the year.” ■ Hiis would mean March 17, the' gallery’s annlver- United States if the Americans tending federal intervention don’t propose to make any ogre. (AP Photofax) ______________________ _____________ . that infiltration in the last three sary. The gallery opened March "Put an immediate end” to their _ might only slow him down. changes that might result in a months of 1966 was slightly over , 1941. bombing of North Vietnam. Ha- Jim Garrison, betting his in­ slowdown and make us less ef­ 17 2,(X)0 per month. The published stories identi- did not mention a troop vestigators can prove a conspi­ fective.” racy in New Orleans led to the Asked what tl)e Federal Bu­ McNamara emphasised, “ I fled the seller as Prince Franz withdrawal as a condition of death of President John F. Ken­ reau of InVesfi^tion Is doing don’t believe any amount of Josef n of Liechtenstein, a tiny negotiations, Court Backs Auto Search, bombing, within practical Urn- principality between Switzer- The People’s Dally said the nedy,ilCUJi spumed a suggestion Tofiaqv about ..Garriaon’s w.«—- — — gprobe, - » ’an FBI give his facts to the U.8. attor- spokesman said, “ the only fifing its, of North Vietnam would land and Austria. United States and the Soviet ney general who could pass it on I can say regarding any ques- have substantially reduced The National G alley said Union were trying to .m ckm ail to-------------------------------------------------------------- President Johnson. ..—fions -u-,..about flancfi. .T^e J ifw ^ p e r :added- (See Fac4 Nineteen) (Bee' Page Two)- ” I am running this investiga­ comment.’” ,that W vlet ^^teipletr Alexei N. Kosygin’s-talks-in LondQp with j I tion, not the President, not the After New Orleans newapa- _ pers broke the’ storjr of Ifis In- • . F •: .’7 ' British Prime Mtaistw ^Harold supreme Court upheld to(lay a WASHINGT<3N (AP) — veat^raUon on Frldajf, Gwrloon said “ irresponsible release of eo SruTviSaii.- f <»nvl.U0» ol th. Rtetan^. the rraiat to . ..pO Tte^ many details” would delay-fire— pavings $aR-Hoine, CM revolution and are s i ^ unconstitutional caUf., man on charges of selling CIA School aurests he said would be forth­ lU ■A: porting U.s; aggression,” r search of an automobile for evi- two bindles or capsules of hero- WASHINGTON (AP) -r- Th* coming. in. Link Viewed ’The release of details and What prompted Communist dence naimes, he said, “ has now creat­ Unloads Tomorrow Cana’s sudden emphasis on B t o * foreign policy was not clear. ed a problem for ue in finding By JOHN STAKNIS al.- ------------------------------------ ’The two caimons boomed, as ering the 5-4 opinion. Mid poUce said Cooper’s car was searched Represe^ti . As ^Mistake’ all cir- one. The chain holding the at- The People s Daily editorial Nathan Cbopfir's auto witnesses and getting coopera­ ’The Uil.S. lavings Sail clr . w ..« to , out of tached sail flew through the air said the Vietnam situation was {^o^uge of the crime for which tion from other witnesses and in cled slowly in the rain, out of This search, he said, cannot be J“" b WABHINQ’TON (AP) — Sec­ -at---------- least— one - —case has endan- the range of the guns of Say- Uke a giant white bird and land- at "a critic^ they arrested him i t would be Houston where the state will retary of Welfare John W.
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