Booklist 7-8.Xlsx

Booklist 7-8.Xlsx

2019 Years 7-8 Booklist Author Book Title ISBN Year Level Aaron, Moses Lily and Me 9780091830311 7-8 Abdel-Fattah, Randa The Friendship Matchmaker 978-1-86291-920-4 5-6, 7-8 Abdel-Fattah, Randa The Friendship Matchmaker Goes Undercover 9781862919488 5-6, 7-8 Abdel-Fattah, Randa When Michael Met Mina 9781743534977 7-8, 9-10 Abela, Deborah Max Remy Super Spy series 5-6, 7-8 Abela, Deborah In Search of the Time and Space Machine 978-1-74051-765-2 5-6, 7-8 Abela, Deborah New City 9781742758558 5-6, 7-8 Abela, Deborah Teresa 9781742990941 5-6, 7-8 Adams, Michael The Last Girl Trilogy series 7-8, 9-10 Adams, Michael The Seven Signs series 7-8, 9-10 Adams, Richard Watership Down 978-0-06-093545-0 7-8 Adamson, Joy Born Free 978-0-375-71438-2 7-8 Adornetto, Alexandra The Lampo Circus 978-0-7322-8619-4 7-8 Adornetto, Alexandra Von Gobstopper's Arcade 978-0-7322-8663-7 7-8 Adornetto, Alexandra The Shadow Thief 978-0-7322-8618-7 7-8 Aiken, Joan Foot in the Grave 978-0-670-84169-1 7-8 Aiken, Joan The Wolves of Willoughby Chase 978-0-09-941186-4 7-8 Aldridge, James The Girl from the Sea 978-0-14-300112-6 7-8 Aldridge, James The True Story of Lilli Stubeck 978-0-14-012328-9 7-8 Aldridge, James The True Story of Spit MacPhee 978-0-14-010590-2 7-8 Aldridge, James Wings of Kitty St Clair 978-0-14-300492-9 7-8 Alexander, Goldie Transported 978-0-439-98114-9 7-8 Surviving Sydney Cove: the Diary of Elizabeth Harvey, Alexander, Goldie Sydney, 1790 978-1-86504-267-1 5-6, 7-8 Alexander, Goldie Hanna My Holocaust Story 9781743629673 7-8, 9-10 Alexander, Lloyd Taran Wanderer 978-0-7460-6839-7 7-8 Alexander, Lloyd The Black Cauldron 978-0-7460-6039-1 7-8 Alexander, Lloyd The Book of Three 978-0-7460-6038-4 7-8 Alexander, Lloyd The Castle of Llyr 978-0-7460-6040-7 7-8 Alexander, Lloyd The High King 978-0-440-43574-7 7-8 Alexandra, Tonya Nymph 9781922077240 7-8 Aliki William Shakespeare and the Globe 978-0-06-443722-6 7-8 Our Don Bradman: the Diary of Victor McDonald, Allen, Peter Sydney, 1932 978-1-86504-591-7 5-6, 7-8 Allende, Isabel City of the Beasts 978-0-00-714635-2 7-8 Allende, Isabel Forest of the Pygmies 978-0-00-719963-1 7-8 Allende, Isabel Kingdom of the Golden Dragon 978-0-00-717748-6 7-8 Almond, David Kit's Wilderness 978-0-340-72716-4 7-8 Almond, David Wild Girl, Wild Boy: a Play 978-0-340-85431-0 7-8 Almond, David My Name Is Mina 978-0-340-99725-3 7-8, 9-10 Almond, David Skellig 978-0-340-71600-7 7-8, 9-10 Andrews, Jesse Mun Mun 9781760523596 7-8, 9-10 Anhar, Nazam Dragon Hunter 9781742830308 7-8 Anhar, Nazam Scrimshaw 978-1-74169-338-6 7-8 Antle, Nancy The Longest War 978-0-14-130324-6 7-8 Applegate, Cathy Red Sand, Blue Sky 978-1-55861-278-5 7-8 Archbold, Charlie Mallee Boys 9781743055007 7-8, 9-10 Ardagh, Philip Awful End 978-0-571-20354-3 7-8 Ardagh, Philip Dreadful Acts 978-0-571-20947-7 7-8 Ardagh, Philip Terrible Times 978-0-571-21622-2 7-8 Arena, Felice Bravo Billy 978-0-207-19834-2 7-8 Arena, Felice Breakaway John 978-0-207-19842-7 7-8 Arena, Felice Wish 978-0-14-330212-4 7-8 Arena, Felice; Lyon, Garry Specky Magee series 5-6, 7-8 Armour-Chelu, Francesca Fenn Halflin series 5-6, 7-8 Armstrong, William Sounder 978-0-06-440020-6 7-8 Arnold, Nick Horrible Science series 7-8 Aronson, Linda Plain Rude 978-0-330-48254-7 7-8 Aronson, Linda Rude Health 978-0-330-39060-6 7-8 Aronson, Linda Naturally Rude 978-0-1413-1063-3 5-6, 7-8 Arrigan, Mary Esty's Gold 978-1-84507-965-9 7-8 Arrigan, Mary Hard Luck 978-1842994481 7-8, 9-10 Ashby, Amanda Fairy Bad Day 9780143565772 7-8 Asphyxia The Grimstones series 5-6, 7-8 Aveyard, Victoria Red Queen series 7-8, 9-10 Avi The Most Important Thing 9781925381634 7-8, 9-10 Babbit, Natalie Tuck Everlasting 978-0-7475-5595-7 7-8 Baddiel, Ivor; Zucker, Jonny Mystical Magic 978-0-439-98117-0 7-8 Baillie, Allan Cat's Mountain 978-0-14-330229-2 7-8 Baillie, Allan Heroes: Australians at their Best 978-1-876580-13-1 7-8 Baillie, Allan Magician 978-0-14-036127-8 7-8 Baillie, Allan Mates and Other Stories 978-1-86291-142-0 7-8 Baillie, Allan Saving Abbie 978-0-14-130740-4 7-8 Baillie, Allan The China Coin 978-0-14-034753-1 7-8 Baillie, Allan The Last Shot 978-1-86291-316-5 7-8 Baillie, Allan Treasure Hunters 978-0-14-330007-6 7-8 Baillie, Allan Wreck 978-0-14-038796-4 7-8 Riding with Thunderbolt: the Diary of Ben Cross, Baillie, Allan Northern NSW, 1865 978-1-86504-580-1 5-6, 7-8 Baillie, Allan The First Voyage 9780143307679 7-8, 9-10 Baker, Matthew If You Find This 9780316240086 5-6, 7-8 Balchin, Lance Aquatica 9781760404147 5-6, 7-8 Balchin, Lance Mechanica 9781499803433 5-6, 7-8 Baldacci, David Day Of Doom 9780545298445 5-6, 7-8 Ballantyne, Maryann Tara: Goal Keeper 978-1-876372-78-1 5-6, 7-8 Ballantyne, R. M. The Coral Island 978-1-85326-170-1 7-8 Balliett, Blue Chasing Vermeer 978-0-439-37294-7 7-8 Bancks, Tristan Mac Slater Cool Hunter 7-8 Bancks, Tristan Two Wolves 9780857982032 7-8 Bancks, Tristan The Fall 9780143783053 5-6, 7-8 Banks, Lynne Reid Angela and Diabola 978-0-00-675300-1 7-8 Banks, Lynne Reid Maura's Angel 978-0-380-97590-7 7-8 Barlow, Steve Funny Business 978-1-84299-374-3 7-8, 9-10 Barlow, Steve; Skidmore, Steve The Doomsday Virus 978-1-59889-907-8 7-8, 9-10 Barnard, Simon A-Z of Convicts in Van Diemen's Land 9781922079343 7-8 Barron, Antonia Jeremy Jeremiah 978-1-86373-860-6 7-8 EC-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7- Base, Graeme The Sign of the Seahorse 978-0-14-054401-5 8, 9-10 Base, Graeme Truck Dogs 978-0-670-89333-1 5-6, 7-8 Baskin, Nora Raleigh Anything But Typical 978-1-4169-9500-5 7-8 EC-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7- Bass, Guy Monster Boy 978-1-4071-0459-1 8, 9-10 Bassett, Jan Wrecked: Mysteries and Disasters at Sea 978-1-86448-089-4 7-8 Bates, Dianne The Last Refuge 978-0-7336-0318-1 7-8 Bates, Dianne Our Home Is Dirt By Sea 9781925081190 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 Bateson, Catherine Millie and the Night Heron 978-0-7022-3526-9 7-8 Bateson, Catherine Painted Love Letters 978-0-7022-3289-3 7-8 Bateson, Catherine The Airdancer of Glass 978-0-7022-3393-7 7-8 Bateson, Catherine Being Bee 978-0-7022-3566-5 5-6, 7-8 A Better Life: the Diary of Ivana Ivanovich, Dargaville Batistich, Amelia 1924 978-1-86943-603-2 5-6, 7-8 Bauer, Michael Gerard Don't Call Me Ishmael! 978-1-86291-666-1 7-8 Bauer, Michael Gerard The Pain, My Mother, Sir Tiffy, Cyber Boy Me 9781742991504 7-8, 9-10 Baum, Frank L. The Wizard of Oz 978-1-85326-112-1 7-8 Bavati, Robyn Within These Walls 9781760152857 7-8 Bawden, Nina Carrie's War 978-0-19-831295-6 7-8 Beck, Jennifer; Blacklock, Dyan Crash: the Search for the Stinson 978-1-86291-378-3 7-8 Becker, Aaron A Stone for Sascha 9780763665968 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 Beikoff, Katrina May Tang 9781742990743 5-6, 7-8 Belbin, David Stray 978-1-84299-381-1 7-8, 9-10 Belbin, David Coma 978-1-84299-197-8 7-8, 9-10 Belbin, David; McIntosh, Liz (ill.) Nicked! 978-1-90226-029-7 7-8, 9-10 Bell, Davina; Masciullo, Lucia (ill.) Our Australian Girl - Alice series 5-6, 7-8 Bell, Helen Idjhil 978-1-876268-90-9 5-6, 7-8 Bell, Krista No Strings Trilogy series 7-8 Bella, Trace Rockhopping 97818760112349 7-8 Below the Mountains: the Diary of Amy McDonald, Bennett, Jean Milford Road, 1935-36 978-1-86943-663-6 5-6, 7-8 Bernard, Patricia Monkey Hill Gold 978-1-86291-133-8 7-8 Bernard, Patricia Thumbprints series 7-8 Bernard, Patricia Outcast Trilogy series 7-8 Bernard, Patricia Claw of the Dragon: Broome, 1899-1900 978-1-86504-861-1 7-8 Fords and Flying Machines: the Diary of Jack McLaren, Bernard, Patricia Longreach, 1919-1921 978-1-86504-562-7 7-8 Bernard, Patricia Snatched by Pirates 9781741698459 7-8 Bernard-Waite, Judy; Bernard, Patricia The Riddle of the Trumpalar 978-0-86896-217-7 5-6, 7-8 Biesty, Stephen Stephen Biesty's Incredible Body 978-0-7513-5841-4 7-8 Biesty, Stephen; Solway, Andrew Rome in Spectacular Cross-Section 978-0-439-45546-6 7-8 Bilkuei, Cola Boy Soldier 9781405038416 7-8, 9-10 Black, Cally In the Dark Spaces 9781760128647 7-8, 9-10 Black, Holly; Clare, Cassandra The Bronze Key 9780545522311 7-8, 9-10 Black, Holly; Clare, Cassandra The Copper Gauntlet 9780545522281 7-8, 9-10 Black, Holly; Clare, Cassandra The Iron Trial 9780857532503 7-8, 9-10 Blacklock, Dyan Pankration 978-1-86448-295-9 7-8 Blacklock, Dyan; Kennett, David (ill.) Olympia: Warrior Athletes of Ancient Greece 978-1-86291-388-2 5-6, 7-8 Our Enemy, My Friend: the Diary of Emma Shelldrake, Blackman, Jenny Adelaide Hills, 1915 (My Friend, the Enemy) 978-1-86504-526-9 5-6, 7-8 Blackwood, Gary Shakespeare's series 7-8, 9-10 Blake, Bronwyn Carrie's Song 978-0-07-440687-8 7-8 Blake, Bronwyn Dangerous Waters 978-0-7344-0467-1 7-8 Blake, Bronwyn Nick Reilly's 9th Life 978-0-7344-0333-9 7-8 Blake, Bronwyn Paddy McCann, Time Shifter 978-0-7344-0783-2 5-6, 7-8 Blake, Quentin Tell Me a Picture 978-0-7112-2067-6 5-6, 7-8 Bloom, Jessica Plenitude 978-0-9581360-0-6 5-6, 7-8 Blume, Judy Are You There God? It's Me Margaret 978-0-330-39808-4 7-8 Blythe, Daniel Shadow Runners 9781906247801 7-8, 9-10 Bogle, Eric; Whatley, And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda 9781743317051 5-6, 7-8 Bone, Ian Blood on the Microphone 978-0-7344-0170-0 7-8 Bone, Ian Killer Plot 978-0-7344-0169-4 7-8 Bone, Ian Spy Babies 978-0-7344-0105-2 7-8 Bosch, Pseudonymous The Secret series 7-8 Bosse, Malcolm J.

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