1550Attend 3-DayMeet On Safety At J(odak Copyright 1950 by Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N . Y. May 11. 1950 $5400 Total for Idea Sets J(odak Record Adding an award of $3000 to a n original amount of $2400 paid last year, two Kodak Park men chalked up t he largest cash total granted for a single suggestion at Kodak Park. They are Gordon Berg of the Ba ryta Dept. a nd Ca pt. commercial Dona ld Thomson , a former m em- paper was ber of the depart­ ment. C a p t a i n Thomson has been station ed with the U.S. Air F orce in T o p e k a, K a n., 1 s i n c e 1 9 4 6. The ~ previous r e c o r d • sum of $5000 was p a i d t o Bernard ~ 1 V • • f The role of medicine in safety was explained by members Holman of the P a- S0 f ety f rom DOdOr S 1ewp01n - of Kodak's medical staff opening three-day Spring Safety per M ill in 1 9 4 8 Conference last week. A. L. Cobb, KP safety director. left, and Dr. J . H. Sterner, associate medical di­ and 1949. rector. at far end of table, presided at session in Bldg. 33 at Kodak Park. Berg a nd Thom- r------------------------- son P r 0 P 0 S e d a Gordon Bor g Capt. Thomson . General improvement in Kodak's safety program was tl~ e key­ from a ll local plants and featured new method of mg chem1cals used talks by Cra ig P . Cochra ne, EK wrapping rolls of baryta-coated j in the processing of 8- and 16mm. n ote of a t h ree-day Spring Safety Conference last week in Roch­ director of industria l relations; Dr. paper for shipment to out-of-town cine film. ester. It was the first gath erin g of the Company's safety personnel W. A. Sa wyer, EK medical direc­ of such a wide scope since October tor; Cobb; Sydney Clarke, H-E 1944. Representatives were here director, and Dr. J . H. Sterner, as­ plant engineer, and Earle Carson, from EK subsidiaries in many socia te medical director of the CW safety director. I va r Hultman, parts of the country. Compa ny, leading a discussion. Com pany vice-president and KP On Ma y 3, activity transferred 1550 Present assistant genera l manager, spoke to Kodak Office for a conference briefl y on behalf of management. The conference was conducted with engineering experts and a May 2-3-4 with sessions at Kodak discussion of legal, compensation, Out-of-Rochester Folks P ark, Hawk-Eye and Kodak Office. industrial relations, public r ela­ Among those from outside Roch­ Gathered together were the reg­ tions and KODAKERY m atters. ester for the sessions were H. L. ula r safety men a nd others in re­ At Hawk-Eye, on May 4, Indus­ Thomas, Taprell Loomis Div., Chi­ lated fields for discussions of com­ trial Relations Dept. and Training cago; Kenneth Burgess, Canadian mon interests in the safety field. Dept. mem bers reviewed the prog­ Kodak Ltd., Toronto; Arthur About 1550 attended. ress made in developing Company­ Burke, East man Gelatine, Pea­ Opening the parley May 2 at the wide interest in safety. body, Mass. ; Guy Isenberg, Tenn­ Park was a session with the Com­ T wo general meetings held in essee Eastman Corp., K ingsport, pany's Medical Dept. representa­ the spacious KP Bldg. 28 gym were Tenn., a nd Warren Lewis, Recor­ tives, with A. L. Cobb, KP safety attended by supervisory personnel dak Corp., New York City. 2600 for Him _Carmen Cor_lett. left. d~scusses with Harvey $ DeYoung, F1lm Processmg Dept. head, Cor­ What shape is a raindrop? lett's suggestion which earned an additional $2600. Instruments show If you think it's pear-shaped, rate of flow of chemicals into film processing machines. Corlett leaves you 're wrong! soon to do quality control work at new Dallas Branch. Photography and General Elec­ tric weather scientists have prov­ en a raindrop isn't any one shape National Academy Are YOU In? very long . changing as often as The Community Chest cam­ 50 times a second! Elects Dr. Mees paign for 1950 is drawing to a close. Special Project Most everybody at Kodak has been contacted by now and This all came out in a special given the opportunity to par­ study to learn raindrop behavior ticipate • . only a few more ... part of a general investigation contacts remain to be made. of weather phenomena, conducted Early returns when KODAK­ under " Project Cirrus." T his is a ERY went to press showed that joint cloud st udy by t he U.S. A rmy again Kodak men and women Signal Corps and the Office of are taking their community re­ Naval Research in consultation sponsibilities seriously . • • and with G-E. are giving the Chest their Since they considered the action wholehearted support. of a raindrop an important phase of this project, they set out to find the answer. Of course they wanted to be able El{ Expands to see what happens to a raindrop when it falls, so they turned to photography because the eye Yule Cards couldn't follow the drop's action. Christmas may be 227 days away, Shoot 70 Pictures but photofinishers already are pre­ paring for it with the timely help Wha t they did was to take 70 of Kodak. stroboscopic pictures of the drops. By this means, high-speed pictures Word is going out about the are taken on a still plate. Here's smartest looking and most com ­ how it's done: plete set of Photo-Greeting Card Dr. C. E. Kenneth Mees. EK masks ever offered to the finishers. The camera's shutter is opened. vice-president in charge of re­ K odak is presenting two new de­ The stroboscopic ligh t flickers on search. has been elected a member signs, each with h orizontal and a nd off at a high speed, recording of the National Academy of Sci­ vertical· openings. They accommo­ on the film the gyrations of the ences. He was chosen at the recent da te these five popula r-size nega­ There It Goesl _Dr. Irving Langmuir. left. and Duncan Blanch- raindrop a t various stages of its fall. annual meeting in Washington. tives: 620, 616, 127, Reflex-620 and • ard of the G-E Research Laboratory are shown G-E scientists u sed Kodak's D.C.. in recognition of his contri­ miniature. This will provide a watching a drop of water as it falls. But they found out a lot of things Super Panchro-Press Type B butions to science. Another honor comple te selection of masks from they couldn't see when they took high-speed pictures of it by means of Film for this work. This particu­ came to Dr. Mees in April when one outfit. a stroboscopic light. The film they used was Kodak's Super Panchro­ lar fi lm combines high speed, fine he was named a Fellow of Univer­ An important feature is offered Press Type B. a sheet of which Dorothy Davis of the Cine and Sheet grain and good highlight separa- sity College in London where he to finishers who do hand coloring, Film Dept., Bldg. 12, Kodak Park. is shown inspecting above. (Con tlnued on Page 4) studied as a young man. (Continued on P age 4) May 11. 1950 2 KOOAKERY El( Stresses Something New • Pictures '" Color Shots To Sportsmen A knotty pine setting and 30x40 color transparencies of hunting and fi shing welcomed sportsm en to the Kodak exhibit at the recent Milwaukee Sportsm an Show. Emphasis was on still and. m o­ tion picture color photography at the Kodak booth. Equipment for the amateur w as demonstrated. This is one of the largest Sports­ man Shows in the U.S., being lo­ cated close to one of America's best hunting and fi shing areas. Staffing the Kodak exhibit were M t Tom Major. assistant manager for sales at Art Sedler and A. E. <Red> Ches­ Sa I esmen ee - the Los Angeles Branch. returned from Roch­ terman of KO Sa les Service a nd ester recently and held a meeting with Kodak salesmen in nearby Salesmen Fred Roberts a nd War­ areas. From left are Chuck P arks. Major, Bill Uhlman. Briggs Austin, ren Starrett. Nate Rust and Dick Sanders. Photo Patter--------------, Kodak Expands Carvings from Finland_ ~hen ~in~ Pa.rtanen. photo dealer m Helsmk1. Fmland. came to KO Special Album Line last year for photofinishing information, he asked Fred Powers. EK ~ke Catchy Greeting Cards liaison for foreign visitors, to do him a favor. He wanted pictures of A new Kodak Oxford Album P erley S. Wilcox. chair man of the board; T. J. Hargrave. EK president. and three additions to the Kodak and Powers. Recently. three portraits in wood arrived at KO. P artanen IAll Year with Your Camera Assembly A lbum line have been had commissioned T. Alikyla, woodcarver for P a rtanen's photo and The photographic Christmas card has become an extremely announced. The BxlO-inch Oxford gift shop. Jo make them. Above. Mr. Wilcox, left. and Mr. Hargrave. popular way of sending holiday greetings to friends. It has the Album with 35 leaves is listed at right. see their portraits. held by Powers. for the first time. pl easing advantage of bein g both a personal and original type of $1.50 for either the upright or greeting.
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