Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons Gumbo Yearbook University Archives 1906 Gumbo Yearbook, Class of 1906 Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gumbo Recommended Citation Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, "Gumbo Yearbook, Class of 1906" (1906). Gumbo Yearbook. 6. http://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gumbo/6 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at LSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Gumbo Yearbook by an authorized administrator of LSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. GUMBO ’06 t Dedication In recognition of masterly ability and untiring efforts in the cause of Public Education in Louisiana and of high-minded character and generous spirit, this, the seventh volume of Gumbo, is respectfully dedicated to The Hon. Janies B. Aswell, State Superintendent of Education Hon. J. B Aswell. Biographical Sketch ON. JAMES B. ASW E L L , State Superintendent of Education, was born in Bienville Parish in 1869. He was reared in Jackson Parish and worked on the farm until sixteen years of age. He attended the country schools and the high school at Arcadia; taught a school at Nash, Louisiana, for six summers; was graduated from the Peabody College in 1892; from the University of Nashville, A. B., in 1893, winning the highest honors of the class; from the University of Nashville, A. M., in 1898; did post-graduate work at Chicago University; taught school three years in Calhoun, Louisiana; went to Ruston as Professor of English in the Louisiana Industrial Institute, 1896; went to Natchitoches as Training Teacher and State Institute Conductor, 1897; then to Ruston as President of the Louisiana Industrial Institute for four years; and to Baton Rouge as State Superin­ tendent of Public Education. E d it o h - i n -C h i e f NATHAN H. FEITEL B u s in e s s M a n a g e r s D. L. W EBER D. C. SCARBOROUGH A s s o c ia t e E d it o r s c l a s s o f ’06 P. C. QUEREAU J. ('. HARDY M. G. OSBORN CLASS OF ’07 W. J . SI I ERE OUSE, Ji!. G. C. HUCKABY CLASS OF ’08 R. G. DOUGLAS Ii. G. BOYDEN CLASS OF ’09 C. S. M ILLER (i Session 1906-1907. Session O p e n s ...........................................................Wednesday, September 19, 1900. Entrance Examinations . Wednesday and Thursday, September 19-20, 1906. .First Scholastic Month e n ; l s ..............................................Friday, October 19, 1906. Second Scholastic Month en ! s ....................................... Friday, November 16, 1906. Thanksgiving D a y .................................................... Thursday, November 29, 1906. Third Scholastic Month ends .... Friday, December 14, 1906. C h r is tm a s ........................................................................Tuesday, December 25, 1906. Fourth Scholastic Month e n d s ....................................... Friday, January 18, 1907. Intermediate Examinations b e g 'n .................................Saturday, January 19, 1907. Second Term o p e n s ...........................................................Monday, January 28, 1907. Fifth Scholastic Month e n d s..............................................Friday, Februarv 22, 1907. Sixth Scholastic Month e n d s ..............................................Friday, March 22, 1907. Good F r id a y .............................................................................. Friday, March 29, 1907. Seventh Scholastic Month e n d s ..............................................Friday, April 26, 1907. Eighth Scholastic Month e n ^ s ..............................................Friday, May 24, 1907. Final Examinations b e g in .............................................. ...... Saturday, May 25, 1907. Commencement S e r m o n ...........................................................Sunday, June 2, 1907. Commencement................................................................. Wednesday, June 5, 1907. Session 1905-1906. Session op en s................................................................. Wednesday, November 1, 1905. Entrance Examinations . Wednesday and Thursday, November 1-2, 1905. Thanksgiving D a y .................................................... Thursday, November 30, 1905. First Scholastic Month e n d s ..............................................Friday, December 1, 1905. C h r is t m a s ........................................................................Monday, December 25, 1905. Second Scholastic Month e n d s ....................................... Friday, December 29, 1906. Third Scholastic Month e n d s ..............................................Friday, January 26, 1906. Fourth Scholastic Month e n d s ....................................... Tuesday, February 20, 1906. Intermediate Examinations b e g in .................................Tuesday, February 20, 1906. Second Term o p e n s .................................................... Wednesday, February 28, 1906. Fifth Scholastic Month e n d s ..............................................Friday, March 30, 1906. Good F r i d a y ...............................................................................Friday, April 13, 1906. Sixth Scholastic Month ends......................................................Friday, April 27, 1906. Seventh Scholastic-Month e n d s ..............................................Friday, May 25, 1906. Eighth Scholastic Month e n d s ................................................................. June 15, 1906. Final Examinations begin .......................... ...... Saturday, June 16, 1906. Commencement Sermon . .....................................................Sunday, June 24, 1906. Commencement................................................................. Wednesday, Juno 27, 1906. 8 D e d ic a t io n ...................................................................................... 2 Board of S u p e rv iso rs..................................................................10 F a c u lt y .....................................................................................11 Senior C l a s s ............................................................................... 25 Junior C l a s s ............................................................................... 35 Sophomore C l a s s .........................................................................43 Freshman C la s s ................................................................. 51 Sub-Freshman C l a s s ..................................................................59 M i l i t a r y ........................................................................................... 65 Societies ......................................................................................83 A t h l e t i c s ......................................................................................105 C lu b s ..................................................................................................138 A r t i s t s ............................................................................................ A d v e r t i s e m e n t s .........................................................................204 < BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Ex-Officio Members. G oveenou N ew ton ('. B lan c h a r d , President II o n . J a s . B . A sw e l l , Superintendent o f Public Education T h o m a s I). B o yd , President of the Faculty Terms to Expire January 1, 1SHI8— H en r y L. F uqua , Vice-President . East Baton Rouge S a m u e l McC. L a w r a s o n ...............................West Feliciana J. I!. T h o r n t o n ............................................Hapides Terms to Expire January 1, 190!)— S am u e l Jr. L y o n s ........................................... Calcasieu J u st in C. D a s p it . .........................St. Martin G eorge H i l l ................................................. West Baton Rouge Terms to Expire January 1, 1910— J am es A. W a r e ........................................... Iberville H. S. Cue n e t ..................................................Orleans C. J. D u c o t e ..................................................Avoyelles Terms to Expire January 1, 1907— C. C. D a v e n p o r t ........................................... Morehouse G eorge K. P r a t t ........................................... Orleans G eorge II. C l i n t o n ..................................... Tensas A. T. P rescott , S e c r e t a r y .........................Baton Rouge R. P. S w ir e , T r e a s u r e r...............................Baton Rouge Executive Committee H e n r y L. F u qua , Chairman S a m u e l McC. L aw rason J a s . B. A sw e l l G eorge H il l T h o s. D. B oyd I!- P. S w ir e , Secretary 10 Faculty of the Louisiana State University Col. Thomas D. Boyd. T h o m a s D. B oyd was born at Wytheville, Va., January 20, 1854. Entered the Louisiana State Seminary near Alexandria on October 13, 1868, and was assigned to the following classes: Freshman Mathematics, Sophomore English, Sophomore Latin, and Sophomore Greek. Completed both the Literary and the Scientific courses of study and was graduated as a Master of Arts in 1872, the Seminary hav­ ing in the meantime been removed to Baton Bouge and its name changed to Louisi­ ana State University. Returned to the University in 1873 as Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, and served in various capacities during the troublesome reconstruc­ tion period, when
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