LCC5 Lincolnshire County Council A46 DUNHOLME AND WELTON JUNCTION IMPROVEMENT Proof of Evidence: Landscape and Visual Andrew Williams (BA (Hons), Grad Dip, CMLI) Public Inquiry in respect of the: A46 Dunholme and Welton Junction Compulsory Purchase Order 2019 A46 Dunholme and Welton Junction (Classified Road) (Side Roads) Order 2019 Ref: NATTRAN/EM/LAO/195 A46 DUNHOLME AND WELTON JUNCTION IMPROVEMENT Proof of Evidence – Landscape and Visual OCTOBER 2019 1 LCC5 LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 I, Andrew Williams will say as follows:- 1.2 My name is Andrew Robert Williams. I am an Associate Director within the Environment Business Unit of WSP Ltd. I hold a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) and Graduate Diploma in Landscape Architecture and am a Chartered Member of the Landscape Institute. My specific responsibilities relate to landscape and visual impact assessment of development, with a focus on highway related schemes. ROLE IN RELATION TO THE SCHEME 2.1 My statement is submitted as a member of the WSP Ltd landscape and urban design team. I have been involved in the project from its early development and have advised Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) and the project engineer during the development of the design, providing advice on appropriate mitigation and landscape design with the intention of avoiding unnecessary land take. This has included input and support to the relevant planning applications (PL/0113/17, PL/0080/18 and subsequent non-material amendment referred to hereafter as "the Scheme"); including input into the Planning Statement, and the preparation and subsequent amendments to the Landscape Masterplan (refer to Figure 1). SCOPE OF EVIDENCE 3.1 I appear at this Inquiry to give evidence in respect of the anticipated landscape and visual effects of the Scheme and the suitability of the approved mitigation measures in addressing these. I have undertaken an analysis of the approved improvements to the A46 Welton Road Junction and its relationship to the receiving landscape and visual context of the area immediately adjacent to the junction. 3.2 My statement relates to the effect of the Scheme on the character and appearance of the landscape and on the visual receptors who are considered to be affected. The effects will be considered in the context of the completed Scheme and the successful establishment of the approved mitigation measures. Construction effects have not been considered as these will be temporary in nature, that is, less than 12 months duration, and I have assumed that the mitigation as set out in Figure 1 is established, matured and performing its function. Ref: NATTRAN/EM/LAO/195 A46 DUNHOLME AND WELTON JUNCTION IMPROVEMENT Proof of Evidence – Landscape and Visual OCTOBER 2019 2 LCC5 3.3 I can confirm that the contents of my evidence are my professional opinion and true. CONSTRAINTS AND ASSUMPTIONS 4.1 I have liaised with the engineering design team for the project and identified the following design, construction, and operational constraints to ensure that my review and appraisal properly acknowledges appropriate limitations on the delivery of the Scheme: 1. There is a need for an improvement at the junction of Welton Road (A46) with Lincoln Road; 2. Access to the adjacent commercial site will be maintained via a northern access road; 3. To manage surface water there will be a requirement to construct a swale and balancing pond to the west of the northern access road; and 4. A Landscape Masterplan has been prepared to mitigate the loss of existing landscape features that contribute to local character, and adverse effects on nearby visual receptors. 4.2 In establishing a significant effect, I have adopted the accepted approach that effects identified as being equal or greater than moderate are considered significant. STUDY AREA 5.1 In order to analyse the potential effects on landscape character and visual receptors I have identified an area within which changes, and therefore effects, will be perceptible within the landscape. This is defined as a Zone of Visual Influence, and has formed the extent of the study area. The visual limitations are outlined in the following paragraphs. 5.2 To the north the gently rising landform, combines with the existing hedgerows to limit views to the first substantial hedgerow to the west of Lincoln Road, this also marks one of the access road to Dunholme Lodge. East of Lincoln Road, substantial hedgerows along Honeyholes Lane constrain views towards Welton to the north. 5.3 To the east of the Scheme, are medium sized arable fields, the eastern hedgerow boundaries forming a local horizon beyond which is the western fringe of the village Ref: NATTRAN/EM/LAO/195 A46 DUNHOLME AND WELTON JUNCTION IMPROVEMENT Proof of Evidence – Landscape and Visual OCTOBER 2019 3 LCC5 of Dunholme. South of the village of Dunholme the landform flattens and views extend as far as Scothern Lane/Dunholme Lane. 5.4 Views south are limited immediately by the existing tall mature hedge that marks the highway boundary and runs along the south of the Scheme. Where glimpsed views exist beyond the hedge, the landform gently descends towards a ditch before rising gently towards a shallow crest, marked by Heath Road, which ties in at its western end with Welton Road and its eastern end with Dunholme Lane. 5.5 To the west the landform forms a shallow ridgeline, running broadly north – south and a local highpoint approximately 2km to the west and approximately 1km north of the property, Grange de Lings. A small copse at the junction of Welton Road (A46) and Horncastle Lane limits broader views to the south and west, with broader views to the west gradually being constrained by layers of hedgerows and mature trees. REVIEW OF FINDINGS 6.1 I will now provide a review of the relevant planning policies where they apply to landscape and/or visual amenity in relation to the Scheme, along with the aspects of landscape character and visual amenity relevant to the development being considered, taking each aspect in turn, and drawing conclusions on the anticipated effects. PLANNING POLICY 7.1 The Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (Document 3), adopted 24 April 2017, is the current Local Plan for the area. Policies relevant to landscape: 7.2 “Policy L17: Landscape, Townscape and Views” requires proposals to protect and enhance the intrinsic value of the landscape and townscape, having regard to maintaining and responding positively to natural and man-made features that contribute positively to the character of the area. With reference to the Scheme, this will include topography, trees and hedgerows and field patterns, which are reflected in the Landscaping Masterplan through the restoration of field boundaries, hedgerow trees and the use of low bunds to mitigate potential effects on the landscape setting. 7.3 “Policy LP25: The Historic Environment” seeks to protect, conserve and enhance the historic environment of Central Lincolnshire. Development proposals will be supported where they protect the significance of designated heritage assets, by Ref: NATTRAN/EM/LAO/195 A46 DUNHOLME AND WELTON JUNCTION IMPROVEMENT Proof of Evidence – Landscape and Visual OCTOBER 2019 4 LCC5 protecting or enhancing landscape and townscape features through consideration of scale, design materials, siting, layout, mass, use, and views and vistas both from and towards the asset. The Scheme does not impact directly on known heritage assets, but has through its design avoided unnecessary impacts on historic field boundaries. 7.4 “Policy LP26: Design and Amenity” requires a high quality and sustainable design, contributing positively to the local character, landscape or townscape, supporting diversity, equality and access for all. As a result, development proposals will be required to ‘respect the existing topography, landscape character and identity’, relating to the site and surroundings, and incorporate appropriate landscape treatment to ensure development is assimilated into the surrounding area. The Scheme avoids unnecessary changes to the landform although it does remove the hump in the road which limits visibility, it proposes the restoration of field boundaries, hedgerow trees and bunds to mitigate potential effects on the landscape. 7.5 It is my professional opinion that the Scheme is not in contravention with the above policies, and through the design of the Scheme in combination with the approved mitigation, accords with those policies that require the protection or enhancement of historic and landscape features. LANDSCAPE CHARACTER 8.1 The Scheme is located within the Lincoln Fringe landscape character area, defined within the West Lindsey Landscape Character Assessment, August 1999 ( Appendix A) . The character area is described in the character assessment as: 1. ‘Flat agricultural landscape with a number of expanded settlements 2. Medium sized fields with low hawthorn hedge boundaries and few hedgerow trees 3. Approaches to settlements generally dominated by the built form 4. Views to Lincoln Cathedral’ 8.2 The landscape within the study area, as defined in paragraphs 5.2 to 5.5, reflects the characteristics outlined above, the landscape is broadly flat with a gentle rise from east to west of approximately 30m across the study area. The landscape is Ref: NATTRAN/EM/LAO/195 A46 DUNHOLME AND WELTON JUNCTION IMPROVEMENT Proof of Evidence – Landscape and Visual OCTOBER 2019 5 LCC5 dominated by medium sized fields, regular in shape, and bounded by hedges which are frequently broken and fragmented, but within which there are numerous hedgerow trees. 8.3 The effect of the Scheme on the perception of landscape character would be limited to the landscape immediately adjacent to the existing road, comprising an arable field and hedgerow to the west, an arable field and roadside vegetation to the east, and existing highway verges bounded by a mature hedgerow to the south. 8.4 The Scheme will result in changes to the south-east corner of the arable field, and the formation of an earth bund, combined with a hedgerow to form a realigned highway boundary to the west of the Scheme.
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