Vol. 4, No. 38 SEPTEMBER 22, 1922 10c. a Copy September 26, 1918^—Five Seconds to Zero : —. 3 SEPTEMBER 22, 1922 PAGE A Fighter's Frank Letter How One Man Smashed Through the Reactions of War AN ounce of actual ex- Defects Banished perience is worth more Amongst the defects which than a pound of opinion. keep so many men and women During the war, there were back are: more than 200,000 Pelmanists Forgetfulness Brain-Fag in the trenches in France Inertia the majority taking the course Weakness of Will in Enghsh, but many study- Lack of Ideas ing it in French. Many of Indefiniteness these men were getting ready Timidity for the return to the struggle Mind-Wandering Indecision of civil life—many others Shyness deciding to stay in the serv- Lack of System the ice, saw in Pelmanism Procrastination chance for quicker promotion Slowness In our files are thousands Mental Confusion of letters from these men THE ABOVE DIAGRAM ACCURATELY Pelmanism banishes these and unsolicited testimonials to RECORDS THE PROGRESS IN IN- many other defects. It sweeps the value of Pelmanism—and COME-EARNINCi ABILITY MADE IN FIFTEEN them away. It makes your brain MONTHS BY THE EX-SOLDIER WHOSE STORY keen, fresh, vigilant and reliant, from the list we offer the fol- IS GIVEN BELOW IN HIS OWN WORDS. renews your vigor. It enables READERS WISHING TO OBTAIN FULL PARTIC- It lowing vivid, graphic story ULARS OF THE METHOD WHICH LED TO SUCH REMARKABLE you to press on unfalteringly to of one man's success SULTS SHOULD USE THE COUPON PRINTED ON THIS PAGE. your goal. "My story goes back a long way to the days when we were waiting in the Argonne for that last 20 Personal Questions Qualities Developed push which finished the war ahd cast forth thou- sands of men on an unfeeling world. Make a test of your efBciency to-day by answer- Here are some of the qualities Pelmanism de- ing for yourself the following questions: velops. They are qualities of the utmost practical those days who, in "I knew of Pelmanism in — value to you, whatever your position in life may be: France, didn't.' My dugout mate was a keen Pel- 1. Are you a first-class organizer - hours over the Little Gray Rooks. - Concentration -Executive manist, and spent 2. Have you directive power — 'After three doses of j'our Pelmanism I am now a —Observation -Self-confidence General'—that was my feeling regarding Pelman- 3. Can you originate valuable ideas - Perception - -Driving Power ism. I scoffed at it. There must be something in 4. Are you a logical reasoner — - I but they claim too much. -Self-control it, thought, 5. Do you remain calm and unflurried —Judgment when faced with a crisis — Initiative -Tact "Anyway, the day came when George rather care master difficult subjects -Reliability lessly received a furlough. After cursing him for 6. Can you —Will-power easily his good luck and packing his kit I sent him down —Decision -Salesmanship the line and returned to my dugout to magnificent 7. Have you a strong personality —Resourcefulness - -Originality It some days later, searching for solitude. was 8. Have you a strong will something, anything, to read, I came across —Organizing Power- -A Reliable 9. Are you a persuasive talker George's Pelmaln books. I read, lightly at first —Forcefulness Memory but gradually my interest grew. From that on I 10. Can you convince people who are studied keenly. That period of study made a doubtful or even hostile These are the qualities which make the difference change not easy to define. Put between a leader and a follower, between one who change in me— a 11. Do you decide quickly and correctly bluntly, it gave me the grit to prepare for civil life. dares and does, and one who weakly drifts through 12. Can you solve knotty problems easily I knew the war was finishing. I knew I should life, between Success and Failure. And these are the return to civil work what, I didn't know, have to — 13. Do you remember what you read qualities you can develop by means of Pelmanism. till then I hadn't much cared. But Pelmanism' and 14. Can you remember details as well as aroused in me an inordinate aVnbition to get on; main principles it gathered together my scattered mind, which had been wandering uncontrolled among the shell holes. 15. Have you an accurate and ready How to Become a Pelmanist memory "It was months later before I finally cast off the 16. Can you remember dates, statistics, "Scientific Mind Training" is a book which throws of truth on Pelmanism. Clear, in- shackles of militarism, but I came out with the faces, telephone numbers, and long the searchlight Pclman spirit, the Pelman inlcnt, and the push lists of facts cisive, fascinating, it describes Pelmanism down to which one gains with self-confidence. I got a job the last detail. It shows clearly why and how Pel- 17. Can you concentrate your mind on at $1,750 a year. That was fifteen months ago. manism has positive benefits for all sexes, all classes, one thing for a long time all of To-day I am getting $0,250 a year. ages, from the boy 14 to the man or woman 18. Can you work hard without suffering at the end of life. It shows how to keep the mind "Recently I saw a statement that the revised from brain-fag young, keen, active. In its pages will be found experience Pelmali Course is 100 per cent, better than the old. 19. Are you ready to take responsibility the testimony and of men and women of every trade profession, telling Pelman- I decided to enroll. I find it is many hundreds per and how 20. Are you earning a larger income than ism led them to unexpected heights of social, cent, better to me, and for this reason— I am now year you were a ago financial and intellectual success. Your is submitting work sheets— a thing I could not do copy ready for you. It is absolutely free. This can be in the old course. This brings me into touch with If you are not satisfied with your answers to the golden moment of vour life. Don't hesitate. the director of studies; his correction, his sugges- these important questions, then use the coupon tions, his enthusiastic help, are such as to throw an Don't put it off. ACT NOW—send for "Scientific_ printed on this page and obtain, free of charge, full entirely new light on the reading of the books. Mind Training" to-day. The coupon is your oppor- particulars of the Pelman Course. tunity. Pelman Institute of America, Suite Z109, 2575 Broadway, City. "I mean to keep at it, and with the courage that New York it gives me. the confidence and the decision, I mean to double my salary in the coming yeaV, or know why." The Pelman Course The Pelma,n Course is founded on the experiences Pelman Institute op America, Most people to-day are living half lives. Their of over 0.50,000 men and women who have trained mental engines are running at half speed. They Suite Z109, 2575 Broadway, New 'i'ork. on Pelman lines. It also embodies the latest dis- full use of their mental resources. are not making coveries in Business Psychology. Sir William the majority of people to-day are troubled Please send me. without obligation on my For Robertson Nicoll, the editor of the "British all of which are keeping with kinds inertias them Weekly," says: part, your free booklet, "Scientific Mind Train- down below the level to which their natural abili- ing." ties would otherwise carry them. "Psychology as a science remained largely out- side the ken of the average man until the finding of To quote a famous Army neurologist: "We are the scientists was linked up with the facts of every- Name living far below the limits of our possible selves, day life by Pelmanism. Pelmanism makes avail- and there are open to us resources of power which able for practical purposes what the scientific will free us for a life of energy and strength." investigator lias discovered by years of patient laboratory research." Slreel In order to become successful we must free orr energies from these clogging inertias, open up the "For practical purposes." Note this phrase. reservoirs of power which exist in every brain, and Pelmanism is essentially practical. It provides a make our minds keen, clear, bright and etiicienl. course of mental training which benefits everyone ni!/ St'ltr You have at j'our service a metliotl which will who practices it. Kveryone. Scarcely a profes- enable them to do this. And the best time to begin sion, business, trade or occupation in the world is {All correspondence strictly confidential) is Now. unrepresented in the long roll of Pelman students. WHY IT PAYS TO BE WELL DRESSED Most men do not pay enough attention to clothes-they dont get enough style and enough quality Men need the best of both Good style makes them look better, feel better, take greater pride in themselves Fine quality gives them long wear—keeps the style look^ ing right—saves their money jp3 Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes will keep you well dressed Copyhghi. 1911, Han SfhafTnet St Man =!flll!lliIiMlllfiniMlllllllIIll!}}liilillllilllIlfllliliUlliflliliIIIIIIl1tlIlllHlll11tUilllU . Published Offieial publication of by the Legion The American Legion Publishing Corporation. and The American Le- President, Hanford gion Auxiliary. MacNider ; Vice-Presi' dent, James A.
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