ITALIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY JOURNAL special issue – 2013 on the occasion of the exhibition musical migrants pictures and stories from the lucanian community in melbourne co.as.it. museo italiano, 16 august – 12 october 2013 ITALIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY JOURNAL Musical Migrants. Pictures and Stories from the Lucanian Community in Melbourne Special Issue 2013 This issue of the Italian Historical Society Journal was edited by Alexandra Forté Rankine, Alexander Andrew Parise, Alison Rabinovici and Dr Paolo Baracchi. Access the Journal, and more information on the Italian Historical Society, at: www.coasit.com.au and www.museoitaliano.com.au The Italian Historical Society Journal invites submissions from its readers. Guidelines for submissions can be found on the last page of this issue. Contact: Italian Historical Society Journal Co.As.It. 189 Faraday Street Carlton, VIC 3053 Australia t: +61 (0)3 9349 9021 f: +61 (03) 9349 1063 e: [email protected] w: www.coasit.com.au; www.museoitaliano.com.au © Italian Historical Society Journal 2013. Copyright remains the property of the authors of individual articles. Where the author is not stated, copyright remains with the Italian Historical Society. The il- lustrations not sourced are from the Italian Historical Society Collection. The views expressed by the contributors of the Italian Historical Society Journal are not necessarily endorsed or approved by the Italian Historical Society. Neither Co.As.It. nor the Italian Historical So- ciety accepts any responsibility for the content or accuracy of the information contained in this publi- cation. ISSN 1321–3881 Front cover: Studio photograph of musician Tomaso Cerbasi and his harp, c. 1893. Tomaso’s father was a travelling musician from Basilicata. Tomaso was born in Boston, United States of America on 17 March 1873; when he was eight years old his parents returned to Naples, Italy so that Tomaso could be taught to play the harp by the master Caramello. In 1888, the family migrated to Albany, Western Australia. In 1896 Tomaso Cerbasi married Emilia Curcio. The couple with their young family mi- grated to Victoria in 1900, where Tomaso established himself as a musician. [See Italian Historical Society Journal, June 1994 vol.2 no.1]. Back Cover: Panoramic view of the town of Viggiano, Potenza, Basilicata, c. 1915. [Photographer: Vin- cenzo Candela] Italian Historical Society Journal – Special Issue 2013 contents to the readers / ai lettori 4 musical migrants: pictures and stories from the lucanian community in melbourne curatorial essay by alison rabinovici 6 suonatori di strada, vagabondi e migranti: la costruzione della diversità culturale di enzo v. alliegro 20 street musicians, vagrants and migrants: the construction of cultural diversity by enzo v. alliegro (translated by alexander andrew parise) 30 chains and links: the story of a family of travelling musicians from lucania by bette leone 39 guidelines for contributors 47 . 3 Italian Historical Society Journal – Special Issue 2013 TO THE READERS AI LETTORI a Società Storica Italiana è orgogliosa he Italian Historical Society is proud di presentare questo numero speciale to present this special issue of the dell’Italian Historical Society Journal, Italian Historical Society Journal, on L T in occasione della mostra Musical Migrants. the occasion of the exhibition Musical Mi- Pictures and stories from the Lucanian grants. Pictures and stories from the Lu- community in Melbourne, che si terrà nello canian community in Melbourne. The exhibi- spazio espositivo del Museo Italiano del tion will be showing at the Museo Italiano at Co.As.It. dal 16 agosto al 12 ottobre 2013. Co.As.It., Melbourne, from 16 August to 12 Questo è il secondo numero speciale del October 2013. This is the second special Journal, dopo quello dell’anno scorso, uscito edition, after last year’s which celebrated in occasione della mostra sul fotografo e photographer and Australian art cinema pioniere del cinema d’arte australiano pioneer Giorgio Mangiamele. Giorgio Mangiamele. The Musical Migrants project comprises Il progetto Musical Migrants comprende the exhibition proper, this issue of the Jour- la mostra, questo numero del Journal e tre nal, and three public events – two cultural eventi – due serate culturali con musica dal evenings with live music (traditional Lu- vivo (musica della tradizione lucana e canian music and music by composers of musica di compositori migranti di origine the Lucanian diaspora) and the launch of lucana), e il lancio del volume Italy in the book, Italy in Australia’s Musical Australia’s Musical Landscape, a cura di Landscape, edited by Linda Barwick and Linda Barwick e Marcello Sorce Keller Marcello Sorce Keller (Lyrebird Press, (Lyrebird Press, 2012), con il sostegno del 2012), supported by the Melbourne Melbourne Conservatorium of Music. Conservatorium of Music. Il progetto si è sviluppato a partire da The project developed from a series of una serie di circostanze che hanno portato circumstances that brought together photo- insieme, da una parte, le fotografie e storie graphs and stories, generously shared by generosamente condivise dalla comunità the Melbourne Lucanian community lucana di Melbourne attraverso le collezioni through the collections of the Co.As.It. Ital- della Società Storica Italiana del Co.As.It. e, ian Historical Society on the one hand, with dall’altra parte, il progetto di dottorato della musicologist Alison Rabinovici’s PhD pro- musicologa dott.ssa Alison Rabinovici. ject on the other. Fin dal suo esordio nel 1989, l’Italian Ever since its first publication in 1989, Historical Society Journal ha promosso la the Italian Historical Society Journal has condivisione della storia e della cultura played a part in sharing the history and cul- degli italiani d’Australia. La condivisione, la ture of Italian Australians. The sharing, col- raccolta e la conservazione di questo patri- lecting and preserving of this heritage con- monio costituiscono gli obiettivi della Socie- stitute the Italian Historical Society’s mis- tà Storica Italiana fin dalla sua fondazione sion since its foundation in 1980. The nel 1980. Il Museo Italiano, che si è affianca- Museo Italiano, which complements the to alla Società nel 2010, è pure fondamen- Society since 2010, is also vital to the fulfil- tale per questi obiettivi. Partendo dalla con- ment of its mission. Building on the connec- nettività che è un elemento cardine del- tivity that is a natural element of the mi- l’esperienza migratoria, la Società, il suo grant experience, the Society, its Journal and Journal e il Museo contribuiscono a raccon- the Museo all help tell the Italian Australian tare la storia degli italiani d’Australia come story as an integral part of the wider Aus- una parte integrante della più ampia storia tralian story. Australiana. Another connection traditionally valued Un altro collegamento tradizionalmente by the Historical Society is that between the importante per la Società Storica è quello material that it collects and preserves – the fra il materiale che essa raccoglie e conserva historical and cultural testimonies of our – le testimonianze storiche e culturali del- community’s experience – and the work of l’esperienza della nostra comunità – ed il research and interpretation carried out by lavoro di ricerca e di interpretazione svolto scholars on that material. This connection dagli studiosi a partire da questo materiale. 4 Italian Historical Society Journal – Special Issue 2013 has been made on the occasion of the Soci- Questo collegamento si è verificato in ety’s collaborations with universities and occasione delle collaborazioni della Società individual scholars engaged in specific re- con università e studiosi impegnati in search projects. It is, however, perhaps in specifici progetti di ricerca. È forse però the pages of this Journal that community soprattutto nelle pagine del Journal che le and scholarly voices pre-eminently come voci comunitarie e specialistiche si incon- together in what is more than a mere trano in quella che è più che una mera giu- juxtaposition. stapposizione. The current issue is no exception. Open- Il numero presente del Journal non ing the journal is an essay on the exhibition costituisce un’eccezione. In apertura si written by musicologist Alison Rabinovici. trova un saggio sulla mostra scritto dalla Alison is the curator of the exhibition, and musicologa Alison Rabinovici. La dott.ssa has worked extensively on all aspects of the Rabinovici, la curatrice della mostra, ha project with competence and passion. The lavorato a tutti gli aspetti del progetto con well-known Italian scholar Enzo Vinicio competenza e passione. Il noto studioso ita- Alliegro (University of Naples), one of the liano Enzo Vinicio Alliegro (Università di luminaries in the field, generously contrib- Napoli), uno dei maggiori esperti nel campo, uted an article which is here published for ha generosamente offerto un articolo qui the first time in both Italian and English. pubblicato per la prima volta in versione Finally, Bette Leone’s memoir offers pre- italiana ed inglese. Infine, l’articolo di Bette cious glimpses into the experiences of one Leone offre, con calore umano e dovizia di migrant musician family with warmth and informazioni, un prezioso spiraglio sulle rich detail. Her piece is representative of the esperienze di una famiglia di musicisti story of many families in the international migranti. Il suo pezzo è rappresentativo del- Lucanian diaspora. la storia di molte famiglie nella diaspora Gratitude
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