The Victorian Naturalist

The Victorian Naturalist

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I f ! !!< J;: MItllllllllt IMilHlflllMllllsniJIllII Slit jlJ fli f f|| If j! ;!!!::il!ll!!l!M!l»)!l j » J j f J' Mil !!MS!I1!!1;M1I1 lilllllMIIII IJIIlISi IHlillM.'nil!} I {III fl fl 1 jj li Ijf« «! i f1» Hi; ;! 1 !!l!!ll })! lllli )!lll!!l!!ll!)iIliU;!l!!ll!(Hli'J! Ilfl! II 1 if III! !ii!!fi ;!;;!!!!' Mfr lUfflfill l!!)!!i;i !II!ll!llIlill!lil!lM;iniilIl!l IflMUlf III Hi H> !!!•;:! :•:••:;•: !• )!i li ll!}IJl!)li!!l!l !!l!!fll!(l!lllfllJ?lll?iilfl!ll! 111! f ! 1! t 1 i!;:-' : : • -rif ^ K i 9 .Y' , J'^0 'J a?nDB Victorian Naturalist THE JOURNAL & MAGAZINE OF THE tyy'^'Uff'^''^^ I't^Id JUtupIbb' 4^tt^ 4 fi^i«^^i^* MAY, 1908, TO APRIL, 1909. 1bon. jEDitor : MR. F. Q. A. BARNARD. The Author of each Article is responsible for the facts and opinions recorded. /iftelbourne: WALKER, MAY & CO., PRINTERS, MAOKILLOP STREET (off 390 LITTLE COLLINS STREET). 1909. jn. j/^A/^^ mH^f^ THE VICTORIAN NATURALIST, MAY, 1908, to APRIL, 1909, CONTENTS. Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria:— page Annual Report - - - - - - 38 Proceedings 1, 25, 37, 57, 73, 89, 97, 121, 137, 153, 169, 189 Reports of Excursions 1, 3, 9, 37, 52, 89, 97, 125, 130, 137, 141, 171, 192 OEIGINAL PAPERS. Armitage, R. W. —Notes on the Queensland Firefly Beetle, Luciola fiavicollls - - - - - 28 AuDAS, J. W.—Notes of a Trip to North Queensland - - 177 Grass- Carter. T. , M.B.O.U. —Description of a Supposed New Wren ___--- 86 Ewart, Prof. A. J., Ph.D., D.Sc, F.L.S.—Biological Survey of Wilson's Promontory (with map) - - 142 Some Notes on the Flora of Victoria - - - 78 The Changes of Names in the " Recording Census " - 200 Hardy, A. D,, F.L.S., F.R.M.S.—Further Notes on the Flora - - of Wilson's Promontory -• - 195 Gatliff, J. H. —Description of Valuta [Amoria) spenceriana - 84 Jarvis, E.—Notes on the Scorpion-fly, Bittacus australis - 69 Lyell, G., F.E.S. —Lepidoptera of the Australian Alps; two New Butterflies for Victoria - - - 31 Maiden^, J. H., F.L.S. —Records of Victorian Botanists - 101 Mattingley, a. H. E., C.M.Z.S.—A Night with the Birds on Lawrence Rocks - - - - - 12 Wild Life of the Murray Swamps - - - - 60 IV CONTENTS. PAGJS North, A. J., C.M.Z.S.—Notes on Newton's and Tooth- billed Bower-birds - - - - 160 Notes on Some Living Examples of PsepJiotm dissimilis - 175 Sutton, C. S., M.B.—Botanical Notes of a Visit to Snowy River District ------ 155 Waterhouse, G. a., B.Sc, F.E.S.—A New Form of Papilio for Australia - - - - - 118 INDEX. PAGK PAGE Aboriginal Stone Quarries - 9 Birds, Protection of - - 88 Acacias in bloom _ _ 3 Birds, Some Hawthorn - 76 Adamson, Fred. M. - - 102 Bitfacus australis - - 69 Allitt, Wm. - - - 102 Black Eock, Excursion to - 97 Alps, Lepidoptera of Vic- "Bogong"Moth - - 33 torian - - - - 31 Bosisto, Joseph - - - 103 Amytis varia - - 75, 86 Botanical Nomenclature - 190 Anopheles and Malaria - 71 Botanists, Eecords of Vic- - - - 194 - - - - Ant-house Plant . torian 101 Aprosmictus cyanopygius - 100 Botany of Snowy Elver Dis- Apus - - - - - 68 trict - - - - 155 Armitage, E, W., On Queens- Bower-bird, Newton's - - 162 land Firefly Beetle - 28 Bower-bird, Tooth-billed - 165 Arthur, John - - - 102 Buffalo Mountains, The - 35 Aspidiotus cedri - - - 3 Bunce, Daniel - - - 103 Audas, J. W., Notes of Trip Butterflies, New Victorian - 31 to North Queensland - 177 Butterfly, A Eare Victorian 140 Plants of Wilson's Prom- CalocMliis paludosus - - 171 _ ontory - - 144 Carter, T. , Description of a Australia, Protection of Supposed New Grass- Fauna and Flora of - 51 Wren - - - 86 Australian Animals and their Chapman, F., A Sketch of Origin- - - - 90 Life-History of Foram- Australian Animals, Teeth of 170 inifera - - - 122 Backhouse, James - - 102 Charsley, F. A. - - - 105 Barker, Mrs. - - - 102 Clifton Hill Quarries, Excur- Burnardius harnardi - - 3 sion to - - - - 37 Barnard's Parrakeet - - 3 Glosterium lanceoldtum - 126 Becker, L. - - - - 103 Conversazione Exhibits 94, 100 Beetle, Queensland Firefly - 28 Cormorants - - ~ 56 Beetles, Australian - - 120 Cuckoo, Black-eared - - 141 Beetles, Food - Plants of Curdie, Daniel - - - 105 Longicorn - - 72, 77 Dallachy, John - - - 106 Bird Destruction- - - 77 Darwin-Wallace Celebration 202 Bird Skins, Deputation re - 74 Denisotila nigresctns - - 91 Birds at Lawrence Eocks - 12 Dredging at Western Port - 52 Birds of Wilson's Promon- Eels - - - - 88 tory - - - 149, 204 Elephant, The Pre-historic - 55 —— INDEX. PAGE PAGK Eudyjjtula minor - - 13 Glyceria dives - - 8, 154 Ewart, A. J., Biological Grass-Wren, A New - 75, 86 Survey of Wilson's Prom- " Grasses and their Identifi- " ontory _ _ - 142 cation - - - 194 Changes of Names in Greviilea repens - - - 175 " Eecording Census " - 200 Haliotis conicapora - - 99 Notes on Flora of Victoria 78 Hall, Dr. T. S., Australian Specific Name of Romulea 151 Animals and their Origin 90 Fauna and Flora of Aus- Hanging Rock, Excursion to 192 tralia, Protection of - 51 Hannaford, S.

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