![Bosn] Lian Ml Muslims I Seek P Peace, T Hate](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
l i . irJc ^- I 2 -.I . ' C i P r ! C ;^r'i' £ 'r.' ■ ^ l \ l 3 T-iCC .j Au 'T c iIT t Y "ul■ i1' J H J 1 . J 1 ne^ W [ f f l Good nmorning ^ Looking3 out for peeace Shooteer Today’s forecaicast? Partly c lo u d y withwi patchy morning leftcheleck fog. Light w inds.i. Highs’nearK mid-30s. Tonight partly cloud;>udy. Lows 15 to 20. .1' • rf P a g e A 2 for clesianup The A ssociated Press BOISE — Paul de RenneRei slaked out the Basement anii(liiex slayings o f his brother:r aiand an associate a.s The Legislature maymo rcplace the College' carefully as u mining claiclaim, police say. J Thursday morning . o f Soulliem Idaho\ litlibrary getting the cata- Before going to a Tl ethodically killed uvu loguing annex out oofi f its dank basement. meeting where he nietho P a g e d people and then himscnsclf. the long-time prospector wrote a wil!ill :i:incl i.!.(JOO person- al check for cleaning u|)up the nIl;^s frniii ihc Panoramic visilistas shootings. ............ jnic.forcslScrvicivicc.plans.for a.visitot's-. t S :-— -The brothers hadd bbeen fcuUiny.for------- ... ________ lOPkoiiLQniop.qtihcJh e 7.70R-foot Pike Moun- .. monlhs over the owner/nership of a mining uin inthcSouth Hills,:ills, soulh o f Hansen. claim in the Salmon Nutii'lational l-oresl. P a g e C l The miner strode into M&M Court Ke- porting Service in downjwntown Boise carry- ing a briefcase. Insidele wwas a loaded semi* iiutomatic Colt'.45 hand{indgun wnipped in an pHNG oil-soaked rag. The pocpockets of his brown corduroy coat were weightedwei down with Long-haul gararbagc three more clips o f ammi^munition. He had 28 A Boise dcvclopiopcr may haul garbage bullets. from a.s far nway asis North^ Salt Lake Valley Iv In a front pocket, de RenneI had a type- in Utah to his landfillfill 01 Burley Butie. ANDY ARENZm« written note .saying the;he people| he planned P a g e C S to shoot ••bought theirrbuilei-s,” bu Reflk M asic, right,, te!te lls a b o u t t h e w o rld h e Ileft behind as his broth>ther, Erimin, peeks outta a t their new worid. He wasted no time. T h e ir m o th e r E m iniA, d , second from left, andd cousin Emir Sose also}o fled war-torn Bosnla-Hi-HerzegovIna. Shortly aficr all-slxx p'people Silt down tp resolve the dispute, defe RRenne popped open his brief ease und pulledled <out the gun, At the lable w erc! hishi; brother Don de Golden Eaglesles-Vikings Renne, Patrick Latta.I. st'stenographer Angie' peace, Patrick Miller and Bill Muslimsi seek p Coder and attorneys Pair ithcm Idaho faced Ricks Bosn]lian Ml College o f Southc • ill Part 2 o f a Sccniccnic West Athletic Con- Collins. fcrencc weekend iitiil 1home. De Renne fired a .shotihot point blank at his P a fla B l brolher, Witnesse.s s.-iidlid therel was no artiu- ^ s h e l t e r f p o im ^ n - ai f i o i p nt hate ment before he pulledI'lhe the gun, ■ A team of theiileir own “The first round goiigoing off was a sur- By Steve C nim p pri.se.” Lt. Tim liosenvallivall said, Players arc tryinging out for an all-women Times-News writer Al the sound of thee gun.gi three people in baseball team to ;play 30 exhibition Ciiivil wap latest b:battle in 800 yearaps of conflict the outer ofTice ran outsicutside the building, gam es a g a in s t men'smi minor league var is the latest flare-up in 800300 years of conflict be- rL n . he facc on thehe 'other end of tlie ^oiiosnia-Merzegovina's civirwar Detectives believe this is what happened squads this spring.- ten tho Christian and Muslimm XSlavs who Inhabit what useiised to be Yugoslavia. nexl; il AK-47 wore•i a familiar siriile. gg, ^ P a g e B l Josnia's Muslim community' prpredates the 1463 TurkishI coconquest by almost 400 De Renne systematic;:ilically went afler his N o t th e le er oof a conqueror, yearsirs. but it w as the oppressivele occupa-< other victims, but the sheepish grinin co f a friend. tion1 ofc the Balkans by the Muslin-ilim Ot- I--------------- ^ He next shot MillerIcr iin the arm. Miller of conflict. A u a U l^ a ^Hungary 7 "He said he had to Ilalk lo m e aboul tomoilons that Is the real source of fell under the lable- Codtrodcr, sitting at the up^-. rhe Orthodox Christian Serbs,bs. who con- f v something,” said RclRcfik Music. "We J ’’' *^®nrtanlo posite end of ihe table,ie. ddived uiulenjeaih to — er Bosnia-Herzegovlna parttoftheirter- ol A used to drink togethc;lhcr, cat logclhcr. hide. iry, blame the Muslims and thtlh« mo»lly Fotni >rmcr b o r d o r s * - ^ Tltcn dc Renne moveoyed around the table South Hills Iiglight Then he cam c to m y hihouse w ith his au- Qgih,tholic Croats for a breakup ofOf Yu- • of Y >f Yugoslavia ' and fired several bulletslets inlo Latta. Don de Roy ond Sandydy Wojcik didn't fool tomatic weapon. He camc into my goslaslavla two years ago and theledestruc- c 'S Rcnne’s business partiicitncr. aroiirid when thcjhey strung Chri.stmas house when I was aslasleep und arrested Soniof.‘Groaler c Serbia.' rhe current conflict started aftiafterBosniv \V Paul de Renne bricHybrii slopi^ed ihe lighis at Ihcir homeme south of l^anscn, but me. ' Th. Muslims and Croats-voted for f c slaughter and orderedred his atlorney, Bill they stopped w hen:n tthey got to 15;000. “He said somcihiiihing about being gop'oreal | fice from the Yugoslav federal Collins, to leave. P a g e E l sorry.” jrs ago. More than 45,000 peoplepec have ' r 7 ^.\,G ,eecl^ Miller look the momlomeni to escape and M asic’s a Bosnia:lian Muslim. His d In the fighting since then;; scsom e esti- / was tackled by de RenRenne. They wrestled Clueless, fella'la? friend was a Cathollolic Croat. From mateites nin a s high a s 500,000. for the gun. The attome3mey managed to par- that moment, they’ wwere on opposite SeSerbs, who dominated the old3ld Yugoslav s i ^ . V ? Hungary Don't despair, guguy. Take a peek inside 75 peroent sides of a mindlessss (ethnic bloodlet- Tiy, quickly overran almost 75 Mll«t P le a s e see SHQ0TING/A2 for a Ihe definitiveivc guide on what to get Bosnian territory, although BosnianBoi (To v ting; now they're opopposite sides of your wife, girlfricmiend or spccial someone rt)s m ake up just 33 percentIt oof the pop- ^ Zagreb ^ for Christmas. the w orld. lUon. C roatia Serbia Christm ass ii n P a r k P a g e E l Masic, 25, arrivedved in T w in F a lls rheTh Muslims and the Bosnianan Croats, A Friday night with his mother, Emina, 4nlUalially allies, soon began dghtln<lUngeacb B o s n ia . Belgrade O 50; his younger brotrother, Ermin, 14, otherler, and when th e f rsl seriouslUs efforts to \ ^ finishes runi n to n ig h t irtlerlast ^ irXogovina c and a friend, Emir Sose,So 28 - the firet ^ rtition the oountry began ear11« ar, lhat conflict turned Into ajfull-scaie. fu ^ V TWIN HALLS —■ TheTh fourth and final wave of emigrants frofrom the embattled , Sarajevo*^ ee-w ayw ar. ; •v O 1 ipstallment of the Sorop)roptomisl Iniematlon- nation of Bosnia-HciHerzegovina lo bc . rhejh Bosnian Croats, with armim isa n d • V al's Chrisima.s in the: PaPark is scheduled for Time for a decleclsion Mostar^Yugo. resettled by the Colhoilege of Southern man;inpower from Croatia, now.coic»ntrolthe tonight at the Cily Parkirk solve the case-of Jerome U’s time lo resol\ Idaho’s Refugee Serv::rvice Center. : counjntryside of much of westemm iBosnia, ef- P slavla., Bandshell. ; suspended from his job he ciaes cf ^ teachcr who w as su Six more of So.scosc’s cousins arc lugh; the' M uslims'm hold the Tonight’s pro- in October, today’sy’s editorial says. rajevo, Mostar.;8nd:Tuzla. ThemoseMus- . \^^^nogro/ kTX scheduled lo arrive: NMonday or Tues- ; gram will feu- P a g e AIO I e n c l^ ere^hrinWng, howsiwever.'urh. day, part o f diasporara iof Bosnian Mus- i ^ p h e B ^ t e n \ ^ A I b . lure a perfor- lims that’s acccleratiiating as the Croats |;s ^ mance o f •‘The forcc the closurc of rerefugee camps. •'Re wrontof'the Chrisimas ‘‘Do 1 ev er w an t to go b ack ?’' R cfik • ^^AdriallcSea ^ Guest.” as lold by Rebeccbecca Hom, with mu- sic by the Pro Arts Sing5ingcn>: Deraid Glenn. i asked. “No, never.. BBosnia is not my S e c tio n D rttw batde- KHT Inlogiaphlcs i Rhonda Wong, Cam:amille Cox, Linda S ectio n A hom e.” W eather..........J2.2 B u s in e s s.......1-4 S te v e n so n , M iltonI BarrusBi and Carson,V P l e a50 s e ;see B0SNIA/A3 mm- Wong. Nation..... 3-9 ,1 22 , riKpfiBoenian S e r t ) ^ Croat The Advent candle(5 willwi b'c-lighted the »M ilS^.
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