/ NEWS OF THE GOIF WORLD IN BRIEF Firestone CC, Akron, O., Charley Wagner from Stlow: completes 10 acre golf range Hill CC, Wilmington, O. to be including 8000 sq. ft. practice pro at Connersville (Ind.) CC green anil '/2 acre of sodded ... Bob Macdonald had opu- bent tees . Supt. Bill Lyons lent winter at his golf school has nursery of Hoffer's bent at in deluxe Algiers hotel, Miami range . Lyons recently in Beach, Fla. • U. S, Junior hospital for leg operation . , Chamber of Commerce will Midwest supts. report there have young golfers from sev- was more play last winter eral countries at Its 8th annual than they ever had before on National Junior tournament at HERS GRAFFIS their courses . , say they University of Michigan course, don't expect it will mean any Ann Arbor, Mich,, Aug. 17-22. maintenance troubles if they can keep the Bob Harlow again handling national courses closed during spring thaws. golf campaign for United Cerebral Palsy Harvey B rani gar, sr., 78, real estate Fund . , Alvin Handmacher repeating man who was early and successful in 1952 policy of his Weathervane four cross- establishing golf courses in Chicago and country women's Open proceeds going to Mississippi as profitable factor in real Cerebral Palsy Fund . Initial Weather- estate selling, died recently at his home at vane at Boca Raton (Fla.) Club brought Gulf Hills, near Biloxi, Miss., where he'd $25,000 to CP Fund. had a course built and had resided for Mavor Boyd plans construction of 18 30 years, hole course to be called Canyon Creek Joe Mayo, supt., Navy-Marine course at G&CC, 7 miles west of Billings, Mont. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, says 1952 play at Blythefield CC, Grand Rapids, Mieh., to the course was 80,356 rounds and green have Western Golf Assn. 51st Amateur fees of $38,764 . , Enlisted men pay 50 championship, Aug. 17-23 . Western ex- cents a day; $3 a month . Officers pay pects nation-wide representation at its $1 a day or a month , . Cart rental first Caddie Masters' forum, Morrison Ho- 25 cents a day . Income of $5,150.50 for tel, Chicago, Monday, April 20 . West- rental of 2 woods, 5 irons and putter set ern substituting money clip bearing all day ... 7 minute starting time be- contestants' emblem for old-type badges cause of much beginners' play . Hangers in its championships . Amateurs and keep play going at rate of 1% hours for pros excepted to supply their own 9 holes and hours for 18 . , . 10% of money. play women. Lot of valuable help on clover problem Dave Baugr giving some lessons to son- in NY State Turf Assn. bulletins 39 and in-law Bob, Pie fine big-hitting blond lad 40, edited by John F. Cornman, NT State who married- Alice . Bob is son of mgr. College of Agriculture (Box 27, Ithaca, at Lake Hills G&CC, St. John, Ind. N- Y.) ... Bulletin gives reports of 1952 Bob lookfe-iiike he's got tournament circuit endothal trials for clover control conduct- possibilities . , . The talk about the ed by Cornman and John A. Jagschitz, and curiously favorable handicaps given ama- of 2,4,5-T clover control tests made by teurs in some big money Calcuttas may W. H. Daniel of Purdue and by Cornman educate suckers enough to reduce heavy and Jagschitz . , Cornman and Jagschltz gambling in these events . Each year report: "If 2,4,5-T continues to perform as there's increasing complaint about "syndi- well as it has at Purdue and in our single cates" of sharp gamblers buying so trial, it will be much more desirable ma- many foursomes only the long shots are terial for most clover control work." left for the hopeful chumps. H. C. May, 88. father of George S., Get Beautiful Greens noted golf tournament promoter, died March 4 at St. Petersburg, Fla. ... He Is survived by his widow to whom he was INEXPENSIVELY married for 64 years, sons George S, and Truman and daughter, Mrs. E. C. Mader. Bulletin of the Northern-Calif. Pro- Amateur Golf League is a fine job of pro public relations . It's mimeographed . , . -iW" Carries scores and lots of chat . Flock of names in each bulletin ... Few small Anllibli with two ads carry the cost. handles lor Iwi nan opintliB-Ht.il Cary Mlddlecotf Is only pro to he in SflU-UlK Incltr tut two five-way ties for tournament leads . Ko.30 [ampiritJIy ttltkfriwn Middlecoff, Oliver, Fred Haas jr., Charley Congdon and Vic Ghezzi tied at 274 In rfeMte with a SPIKE-DISTaeomC a Invitation at Flrcrest CC, Sept. The inexpensive Durham Spike-Disc Consist! of two rows of disci armed with long knife-like blades. It 16-19, 1948 with Oliver winning Ihe play- cultivates and aerate* in one simple operation. Regu- off ,, . Middlecoff won the play-off after lar ute of the Spike-Disc will give you healthy beau- tiful greens. tying with Bill Nary, Jim Ferrier, Shelley The knife-like blades of the Spike-Disc cut unnotice- May field and Earl Stewart, Jr. in Houston able slots to the root areas allowing moisture to ga (Tex.) Open at Memorial Park course In down where it will do the most good. The Spike-Dise leaves no ugly holes or dirt plugs on the green. March. NiMiictiud by Ohio Machine Products, Inc. cuiabos, two O. B. Fitts, Reg Giddings, Rueben Hines, Maiiitutitirs si the Dinlutn Hand led Filmy (lUr-teUrt Solltrs. Bob Scott, sr., Dick Scott and Dick Wat- Write for full Information to; Dept. 4 GR-7 son, 6 of the 14 members who founded JOHN H. GRAHAM 4 CO., INC.. Soles Agent the Mid-Atlantic Assn. of Golf Course IDS Dunne St., New Tork. N. Y. Supts., attended the 25th annual confer- The New "PEERLESS 600" GRINDS Your Mowers EXTRA Sharp Designed for heavy-duty mowers — but sharpens all mowers with speed and precision. No disassembling! . Engine, wheels, and handle all remain in place on the mower while shar- pening. Heaviest mowers easily positioned. PEER- LESS adjusts instantly for exclusive "Hook" or straight line grinding . By far the most accurate mower sharpener ever Built by an old, reliable manufacturer built. Write today for full THE FATE-ROOT-HEATH COMPANY information. Dept. G-4-P, Plymouth. Ohio ence of the organization held this year at Lord Baltimore hotel, Baltimore, Md., in Get those Weed cooperation with U of Maryland , . "Un- usual" gale does heavy damage to trees on Wilshire, Los Angeles CC and Riviera in LA dist. Wilshire suffered 65 ft. ROOTS! acacia uprooted and topped across 18th green . LACC lost about 59 trees . Go to the Root of Your Weed Problem Los Angeles cleared ground for 36-hole with These Dolge Products muny course in San Fernando valley . No further work on the layout. Horton Smith, been getting around a lot this winter on PGA business despite To keep weeds his mother's illness at Springfield, Mo. off drives, walks, which kept him from making winter tour parking lots, ten- , , , Horton at Toronto representing U. S. nis courts, sand pros at Sports Dinner for Crippled Chil- dren's society . British Golf Writers traps you've got voted Elizabeth Price "Golfer of the to finish the Year" for 1952 , . , Miss Price's decisive victory in Curtis Cup matches figured in the voting . , . Women golfers got the first three places in British scribes* poll. Jack O'Brien given placque by PGA DOLGE SS WEED-KILLER does that for organizing Texas Open, one of the first and more. It kills the foliage, of winter circuit big money events . Shera- course. It works down deep. It tends ton-Cadillac hotel, Detroit, to be head- to sterilize the soil so that wind-blown quarters for PGA championship . , This seeds cannot sprout in it. Diluted as directed, it can kill the ttlughest weeds. Spray or sprinkle where you RYAN'S IMPROVED OK want no growth whatsoever. SEEDER and SPREADER E.W.T. is the Dolge 2,4-D Selective Built Today for Years Ahead Service until BETTER DISTRIBUTION Weed-Killer. It finishes dandelions, NUN BETTER BALANCE plantain and other broad-leaved EASIER PUSHING weeds in turf—does not harm good LARGER CAPACITY lawn grasses. It translocates; is ab- sorbed and ttavels through the sap to the roots. See your Dolge Service Man — he will call soon. Write for the Dolge booklet on chemical weed control. America's Best Machine for TOP DRESSING - FERTILIZING - SEEDING Adjustable Control Lever on the Handle No Holes to Clog • Easy to Fill and Operate iStOOURDOlGME^t No Intricate Mechanism to Fall LIGHTWEIGHT — U Pounds; CAP«IIY — Feur Cubic Feet; SPREADS — Swotii 3 Feet Wide; Forced Direct Feed, Thereto re Ho Ridges or Gaps. Write for Circular and Nearest Distributor H. & R. MANUFACTURING CO. WES1PORT, CONNECTICUT 3443 Motor Ave. Los Angeles 34, Calif. year's annual meeting of PGA likely to be in Detroit at Sheraton-Cadillac . , . Give Your Attendance at Cornell university 6th annual turf conference more than 106 . Midwest Turf conference at Purdue drew Greens that its biggest attendance; more than 300 . First Illinois Turf Conference, at V of Illinois horticulture and drug experiment station, Downers Grove, III,, sponsored by Well fed l®®^ Midwest Assn. of Golf Course Supts., drew crowd of 200, March 14 , . Golf specialists on program were Wm. H. Daniel, director. Midwest Regional Turf Foundation at Purdue; Bert Host, supt,. Park Ridge (III.) CC, and A1 Agrimonti. chmn,, Green committee, Chicago Dis- trict GA, Ross Sob el, winter pro at West view CC, Miami, Pla., gives pupils written "prescription" of points brought out in each lesson which should be especially heeded .
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