Mali Peacebuilding, Stabilization, and Reconciliation Quarterly Report – FY2020 October - December 2019 Implementation Period: April 16, 2018 - April 30, 2023 FY 2020 Quarterly Report October 1, 2019 - December 30, 2019 This document was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Creative Associates International, USAID's implementing partner under Mali PSR. USAID Point of Contact: Andrew Lucas, COR, [email protected] Prime Partner: Creative Associates International Activity Name: Mali Peacebuilding, Stabilization, and Reconciliation Contract #: 720-688-18-C-00002 CONTENTS I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................... 4 II. CONTEXT .......................................................................................................... 5 III. FOUNDATIONAL ACTIVITIES .................................................................... 9 IV. OBJECTIVE 1: RESILIENCE TO VIOLENCE AND CONFLICT REINFORCED ....................................................................................................... 11 V. OBJECTIVE 2: INCLUSIVE GOVERNANCE AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT STRENGTHENED IN CONFLICT-AFFECTED COMMUNITIES ................. 16 VI. OBJECTIVE 3: EMPOWERING YOUTH AND BUILDING THEIR RESILIENCE TO VIOLENT EXTREMISM ........................................................ 16 VII. MONITORING AND EVALUATION ........................................................ 23 VIII. OPERATIONS .............................................................................................. 23 IX. CONSTRAINTS AND CHALLENGES ........................................................ 24 X. COORDINATION AND PARTNERSHIP .................................................... 25 XI. LESSONS LEARNED ..................................................................................... 26 XII. SUCCESS STORY ....................................................................................... 267 MALI PEACEBUILDING, STABILIZATION, & RECONCILIATION QUARTERLY REPORT 1 FY2020 2 ACRONYMS AMSS Association Malienne de la Survie au Sahel (Malian Association for Survival in the Sahel) CAF Conflict Analysis Framework CAFO Coordination des Associations et ONGs Féminines (Coordination of Women's Associations and NGOs) CBO Community-Based Organization CC Community Coordinator CEC Community Engagement Committee CMA Coordination des Mouvements de l’Azawad (Coordination of Azawad Movements) CNAP Centre National d’Alerte Précoce (National Early Warning Center) COR Contracting Officer's Representative COREM Community Resilience in Mali/Mopti CSO Civil Society Organization DDR Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration DQA Data Quality Assessments DNI Dialogue National Inclusif (National Inclusive Dialogue) EWRS Early Warning and Response System FAMA Forces Armées Maliennes (Malian Armed Forces) FRAMe® Fragility and Resilience Assessment Methodology GATIA Groupe d’Auto-défense Touareg IMGHAD et Alliés (Imghad Tuareg Self-Defense Group and Allies) GOM Government of Mali HCUA Haut Conseil pour l'Unité de l'Azawad (High Council for the unity of Azawad) IMEL Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning MINUSMA United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali MJP Mali Justice Project MTAD Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization NGO Non-Governmental Organization PSR Programme de Consolidation de la Paix (Peacebuilding Program) PDESC Plan de Développement Economique, Social et Culturel (Economic, Social and Cultural Development Plan) P2P People-to-People UNDP United Nations Development Programme PVE Preventing Violent Extremism RPM Regional Program Manager SMART System for Managing Activities and Report Tracking SNGP Sub-National Governance project ULSHB Université des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de Bamako (University of Arts and Social Science of Bamako) USAID United States Agency for International Development USG US Government VE Violent Extremism WANEP West Africa Network for Peacebuilding MALI PEACEBUILDING, STABILIZATION, & RECONCILIATION QUARTERLY REPORT 1 FY2020 3 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Mali Peacebuilding, Stabilization and Reconciliation (PSR) program (herein referred to as the project), is a USAID five-year $20 million contract with a potential $5 million crisis modifier. The project is implemented by Creative Associates International along with local partners Association Malienne pour la Survie au Sahel (AMSS), facilitating implementation in northern Mali, and Think Peace, facilitating implementation in the center of Mali. The purpose of this project is to improve prospects for long-term peace, security, and reconciliation by building trust between conflict- affected communities and their governments, strengthening the ability of communities to mitigate and manage conflict, prioritize and implement community-led action around their most pressing development needs, and training and empowering marginalized youth as change agents. Program activities are being implemented in 41 conflict affected communes in the center and northern Mali covering seven (7) regions, Ségou, Mopti, Tombouctou, Gao, Kidal, Menaka and Taoudenit with linkages to regional and national policies intended to promote peace, reconciliation and development. The goal of PSR is to see measurable improvement in the efficiency, effectiveness and capacities of local communities to be more resilient to conflict and violent extremism. Fostering stability in target regions is not only a desired end unto itself, but a necessary pre- condition for the full and complete implementation of the peace agreement and the regional development plans- which, in turn, will create the conditions for more lasting, durable peace. PSR activities are integrated by three objectives which support this broader program goal. This report summarizes the project’s progress and achievements under the three objectives, made in the first quarter of FY 2020. The October – December 2019 period represents the first quarter of year 2 for Mali PSR. The quarter was productive despite the volatile security situation in key locations that posed mobility challenges for program staff. There were several achievements realized during the quarter that include the conclusion of the project’s foundational activities in the Center and the North. The remaining foundational activities were anchored by the findings from the Integrated Conflict Assessment Framework (ICAF) and the Fragility Resilience Assessment Methodology (FRAMe®) studies which were also concluded during the quarter. The project team also completed conflict prevention and mitigation, and preventing violent extremism trainings for local influential actors, and conducted P2P community dialogues/public debates aimed at promoting social cohesion in communes fraught with conflict. A key achievement of the quarter was the presentation and dissemination of findings of the ICAF- FRAMe® intersectoral analysis that provides a nuanced understanding of the linkage between conflict and governance in PSR’s intervention communes. In November and December, the PSR team presented the FRAMe® findings to the US Mission, USAID Democracy and Governance implementing partners, and the project’s line ministry--the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization (MTAD). The feedback received from the presentations of the ICAF- FRAMe® findings will inform how results are disseminated at regional and commune levels. Activities under Objective 1 focused on enhancing the conflict prevention and resolution capacity of influential actors and conducting dialogues to promote peaceful coexistence between communities. Conflict prevention and mitigation training was also conducted by PSR Community MALI PEACEBUILDING, STABILIZATION, & RECONCILIATION QUARTERLY REPORT 1 FY2020 4 Coordinators in ten (10) communes1 using training modules jointly developed with the Mali Justice Project (MJP) and the Centre National d’Alerte Précoce et de Reponses aux Risques Securitaires (CNAP). Under Objective II, PSR held meetings with the Agences de Développement Régional (ADRs) in the seven intervention regions along with other donors and implementing partners, to better understand the process for developing the PDESCs. The meetings also provided an opportunity to discuss and mutually agree on the roadmap for increasing citizen participation in the process. Under Objective III, activities carried out during the period focused on reducing youth, family, and community vulnerability to violent extremism through training sessions, public debates, and youth civic engagement. The project team conducted Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) training in nine (9) communes2 and organized a peace caravan and two (2) public debates in Macina and Tenenkou. An asset mapping activity that engages youth to promote civic engagement and entrepreneurial initiatives in their communities was also conducted during the reporting period. Finally, and as part of the project’s cross-cutting P2P activities to promote social cohesion through a Malian cultural prism, PSR concluded the #1Mali1Peace campaign, which was initially launched in September 2019, by awarding seven (7) grants to youth and women’s local organizations. II. CONTEXT The reporting period was launched by a National Inclusive Dialogue (DNI) throughout the country organized by the government. Dialogues were held in 611 out of a total of 730 communes (October 7-8), cercles (October 15-16), regions (October 21-22) and concluded in Bamako (December14-22).
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