Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association November 7, 1994, Volume 3 1, Number 40 Division II group focuses on CEO control, more federation The Division II Task Force to Review the NCAA Kcgarding incrcascd federation, the task force sup- Membership Strut tttrc has focused on the concepts ported 111~concrpt of division-spccifit voting but also of presidential co~~tr’ol and increased fedrration in idcntificd a ttrrtl fin an executive body to ovrrser all its effort to determine a struc,ture that works best for of the divisions of the Association. Sucli att rxrcutivr that division and for the Assoriatiott itt grnrral. hody might rotttaitt, tbr exatnplc, thr CEO rrprc- The discussion at the task force’s filmst mcrting, sentativcs of each ofthr l)olicy hoards, plus the NC’XA which was conducted Novrmbrr 1 in Kansas (:ity, executive director. Missouri, was prehminaty and does not I-cprcsrrlt ‘l‘he task force also disc ttsscd the need for the final rot rm~t~~endations. N(XA executive ditcctot. IO fc~~ts on all divisions of In its rrvirw ofstructurc and governance, tttc task the Association, although increased federation could force diSCkJSSed a structure in which policy boards make it necessaty to assign staff’liaisons for each of composed of irtst itutional chief cxecutivc offtccrs the divisions. would have decision-making authority over NCAA On financial and rcvcnuc matters, the task force affairs in each of the divisions. Such policy boards considered principles that might best accotnmoda~r would he rcsportsible for ratifying recommendations Division II needs. Specifically, it addressed the ~011~ from operating groups rrsponsiblr for lhe cept of a CullS~it~JtiCnlally protected budget, in Which Association’s day-to-day husincss in each divisiott. a prrrcntage of the Association’s budget would be The operating groups would consist oPronferencc directed IO Division II. Further, the task torre noted and institutional administrators, but would not include (:EOs. See Task force, page 20 F II vice-president candidate chosen I.ynn L. Dorn, director of‘ She is a lY72 graduatr of Bemidji State LJnivcrsity attcl wotncn’s athletics and senior holds a master’s dcgrrr in Ithysical education front woman administrator at North the LJnivcrsity of Mirtttesota, ‘l’win Cities. Dakota State University, has A member of’ the NCAA Coutlt il, Dorn also serves hecn sclectt-d by the NCAA art thr NCAA Intrrprctatiotts, Women’s Uaskctball Nominalirtg Committee as its Rulrs and Division II Women’s Volleyball Cortt- Tough-minded cattdidatc for Division II vicc- mittees. She is a former rnrmber of the Notttittatittg prcsidenl. (:ommittee. I~‘hen it comes to difficult schedules, quarterback Danny If elected at the Januaty lYY5 She also currently is serving a second tcrrn :IS ;l Karwll and Florio!a Stute CJniuerrity huve one qf tht! nation Is NCAA Convention in San Diego, mctnbrr of the National Assoc iation of Collegiate tough& TJlp Seminoles rank third behind the llniversity of Dorn would sctvc in the vice- Womrn Athletic Administrators board of directors. prcsidrncy through 1YYli. She The Division II offtcc is the only vicc~prcsidrnc y Michigan and t/z University of‘0klahomu for having the l)o?n wottl~l succeed Charles N. for which an clcction is scheduled at thr I!)!)5 toughest Diuisiwn I-A schedule. Seestoly, page 10. Lit~dctncrtn ol Humboldt Sratr University. Dam has been at North Dakota State for 17 years. See II vice-president, page 3 b Rainbow Coalition develops diversity plan for institutions .l‘he National Rainbow Coalition, Division I institutions on a variety ings process that will yield a “fair- -Jesse L. Jackson, who founded lhc The NCAA study, c~~tldt~cttd by after studyittg lhr results of a four- CJflevels, including the number of ness index” that the minority corn- National Kainbow (Coahtion, said the Minority Opportunities and year NCAA study on racial dcmo- black student-athlctcs art ~atnpus, munity can USC lo gauge the level in a statetncnt. “Affirmativr action Interests Committee, foulld thal the grapttic s of tncmher institutions graduation rates, and the number of minority acceptance at NCAA must be put into play al NCAA ins& percentage of black athlrtirs adrnin- that was released in AU~~JSI, an- of black coaches and athninistra- instituliorts. tutions. Rlac ks must be able to istr-ators in Division I incrcasctljust nounced plans Novemhrr 1 to a& tors in arhletic s. ACcording to the commission, the devrlop and prosper beyond the- one-tenth of ;l percrrlliigr point to dress ;t shortage of minority reprr- The rotnmissiott drafted a scven- LJ.S. Educ;ttio~~,Jttstirr and Labor playing field. 8.7 }JCl-CCllt fro111 l!)!)‘L-!):j t0 l!j!% sctttaliort in iritercollcpjatc atltlrtics point diversity and affirmative Dcpartmrrtts have been provided “‘Ihis Xiinirss irtdrx’ will give our !)I. .l’hc pctmccttragr oPl)lack athlet- adtrtittistriil0rs adtnitiistration. action pl;ln for NCAA metnbcr with race demographics compiled tJh k c hiltlrrn and out- conttnunity its is up just three- tenths of ortr pen ent since lYYO~Y1. The klillbcJW ~kJl~ll~liSSiC~Il for institutions. In it, the comntissiort hy the KC:FA, as have the Equal a hasis on which to judgr how ittdi- “WC wclcomr the Kainbow &tirness in Athletics (KCXA), which stressed the inclusion of minotitirs Employment ~~J~Xmlni~y <:onitnis~ virlual institutions arc rreatittg us,” <;oalitiott irt joirting thr elforts of opcratcs unclcr the National Rain- itt every aspect of intcrrollrgiafe sion and the U.S. <:ivil Kights Corn- he said. “WC need to sl;iy clear of hJW (:oahtioti, said it imntrdiatrly arhletics administration. In addi- mission. those ittstituriorts that are bastions will hcgin a process of ratirtg N<‘XA tion, the RCFA will develop a rat- “It is time for a change,” the Rev. of r;lCiSrrJ.” See Plan, page 20 b n In the News w On deck News Digest n Because final Federal guidelines have not been pub November 7-8 Olympic Sports Liaison Committee, Nashville, Tennessee Brieflv lished for the Student Right-toKnow Act, the NCAA’s method for reporting graduation rates is unchanged November 11-13 Committee on Infractions, Kansas City, Comment 4 from last year: Page 3. Missouri Statistics 11 n In a guest editorial, C. W. Tong of Pomona-Pitzer November 19-20 Division I-AA Football Committee, Colleges suggests that the expansion of champi- Administrative Kansas City, Missouri Committee minutes 16 onships brackets may be diluting the accomplishment of qualification: Page 4. November 28 Division II Task Force to Review the Infractions case H The Division I Women’s Basketball Committee has NCAA Membership Structure, Dallas NCAA Record 17 devised stricter criteria for potential hosts of first- and November 28-29 Division III Task Force to Review the The Market 18 second-round competition in the Division I Women’s NCAA Membership Structure, Dallas Basketball Championship: Page 6. Page 2 The NCAANews November 7, 1994 TheNCAAN ews A weekly summary of major activities within the bsociation Earlier, the Nominating Comrnirtre an- nounced its nominees lor NCAA president and secretary-treasurer. If elected at the (:on- Division II group discusses Schedule of ke dates for vrntion, Eugene F. Corrigan, commissioner CEO control, more federation of the Atlantic Coast Conference, would sue- cr December 1994 reed Joseph N. Crowley as president and All three task forcrs responsiblr for ex- Phyllis L. Howlett, assistant commissioner of amining the Association’s membership struc- thr Big ‘l’erl Confrrcnce, would succeed ture have met once, iitld the second set of Prentice Gautt of the Big Eight Confer-rnce discussions will begin November 28 when as secretary-treasurer. the Division I1 Task Force to Review the For more information, see page I. NC,44 Membership Suucture gathers in Dallas. The Division II task forcr met for the first time November 1 and considered a structure in which policy boards composed of institu- tional chief executive officers would have de- Official Notice to be cision-making authority over NCAA affairs mailed November 15 in each of the divisions. Such policy boards would be responsible for ratifying recom- The Official Notice of the Convention will mendations from operating groups respon- omendmentstwmendments may be submitted be mailed to the membership November 15. sible for the Association’s day-to-day husi- NOVEMBER RECRUlllNG after this date, including at the Convention it- The delegate-appointment form will be sent ness in each division. The operating groups Men’s D’nision I basketball self, except that the Council is authorized to sub to each member institution’s chief executive would consist of conference and institutional l-30: Quiet period, except for 20 d s between mit further amendments-twmendments ot the officer along with his or her copy of the Convention if it deems such action necessary. administrators, but would not include CEOs. Cctaber 2 1, 1994, ond March 15, s 995, cb Official Notice. The task force also discussed increased sen at the discretion of the institution OS on evaC Delegates attending the 1995 Convention federation among the divisions and sup- uation period; institutional staff members shall DECEMBER not visit o prospect’s educational institution on RECRUITING in San Diego are requested to pick up their ported the concept of division-specific vot- more than one calendar da during this peri- Men’s Division I basketball voting units at the Convention site as early ing, although it also identified a need for an od. (Effective in 1994-95 on r y, OS 0 result of a l-3 1: Quiet period, except for 20 d s between as possible and no later than Sunday, Janu- executive body to oversee all of the divisions.
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