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SUBJECT INDEX Accents on Arrangements, children’s tours at, Admission. See specific attractions 40 African American Museum, 131 Accommodations, 65–97 African Americans for business travelers, 98–100 Amisted Research Center collection on, 131, Central Business District, 87 160–61 from consolidators, 74 history of, 16–18 near convention center, 98–100 Mardi Gras clubs for, 53–55 corporate rates for, 72 Airboat tours, 127 costs of Airports and air travel, 36, 40, 103–5 for business travelers, 99–100 Algiers, attractions, 165 comparison of, 77–97 Allergy season, 41–42 discounts for, 71–74 Amisted Research Center, 131, 160–61 Faubourg Marigny/St. Bernard, 69, 87 Amtrak service, 106 French Quarter, 65–67, 87 Amusement parks, 158–59, 188–89 information chart, 87–97 Anthony Bean Community Theater and Acting Internet sites for, 72–74 School, 307 by location, 87 Antiques, shopping for, 272–73, 277–79 maps, 67–70 Aquarium of the Americas, 158–59, 166–67 Mid-City/Esplanade, 68–69 Archbishop Antoine Blanc Memorial, 160, 185– pets in, 37 86 preferred rates for, 71–74 Arnaud’s complex, 137 public restrooms in, 116 Arrival and orientation, 103–19 rating/ranking, 77–97 by airport, 36, 40, 103–5 best deals (top 30), 84–86 by bus, 106 room characteristics in, 77–80 by car, 105–6 reservationsCOPYRIGHTED for, 34–42 dress recommendations,MATERIAL 36–37, 113–14 for busy seasons, 32–33 geography, 107–9 for conventions, 99–100 highways, 105–6 services for, 74 local customs and protocols, 111–12 travel agent help with, 76–77 name pronunciations, 112–13 selection of, 65–66 radio stations, 115 tipping for, 114–15 safety guidelines, 111–12, 116–19, 307–8 with travel package, 74–76 tipping, 114–15 Uptown/Garden District, 70, 87 by train, 106 weekday rates for, 71 visitor guides, 106 from wholesalers, 74 Arsenal, 135, 160, 170–71 330 INDEX Art Blues, 290 festivals for, 45 Boating, 128, 286 museums for, 131, 149, 162–63, 183–84 Boo at the Zoo, 46 shopping for, 272–73, 278–79 Book shops, 135, 273–74 studios for, 149 Botanical Gardens, 161, 182 Arts centers, 149, 158–59, 174, 307 Bourbon Street, 27 Attractions, 156–89. See also specific attractions geography, 109 Algiers, 165 nightlife, 289–94 Central Business District, 157, 164 safety, 307–8 Chalmette, 164 Breakfast, restaurants for, 194 for children. See under Children Breweries, 281 Faubourg Marigny/St. Bernard, 164–66 Brewpubs, 305 French Quarter, 160, 164–65 Broel, House of, 144 Kenner, 165 Brunch, restaurants for, 193–94 by location, 164–65 Burgundy Street, 109 maps, 158–61 Buses, 110 Mid-City/Esplanade, 161, 165 to/from airport, 104 types, 162–63 arrival by, 106 Uptown/Garden District, 160–64 tours on, 122 Audubon Cottages, 136 Business District, Central. See Central Business Audubon Insectarium, 39, 167 District Audubon Louisiana Nature Center, 158–59 Business travelers, 98–102 Audubon Park, 158–60, 167–68, 283–84 accommodations for, 98–100 Audubon Zoo, 39, 44, 46, 158–59, 168–69 convention center for, 98–102 Automated teller machines, at airport, 103 food for, 102 Backstreet Cultural Museum, 129 Cabildo, 135, 160, 170–71 Ballet, 306 Cabs, 104, 111–12, 115 Balls Cajun(s) Halloween, 61 cooking of, 38, 190–91, 204 Mardi Gras, 52–54 festivals of, 63–64 Banking services, 40–41, 103 region of, swamp tours in, 127–28 Barataria Preserve, 40 Cajun Pride Swamp Tours, 127 Barbecue restaurants, 196, 204 Calendar Bars and nightclubs food seasons, 192 Faubourg Marigny/St. Bernard, 311 special events, 42–47 French Quarter, 289–94, 311 Canal Place mall, 281 jazz in, 294–99 Canal Street, 107, 110 profi les, 308–28 Canal Street Ferry, 39, 128 safety, 307–8 Cancer Survivors Memorial, 157 Bartenders, tipping, 115 Captain Phil’s Saltwater Guide Services, 286 Baseball, 287 Carnival. See Mardi Gras (Carnival) Basketball, 287 Carriage tours, 123 Battle of New Orleans, anniversary celebration, Cars 42 arrival by, 105–6 Battlefield sites, 158–59, 283 parking, 57, 117 Bayou Food Festival, 64 plantation tours in, 151–56 Bayou tours, 127–28 rental, 105 Bead tossing, 49, 56–57 Cathedral Gardens, 134–35 Beauregard-Keyes House, 130, 142, 160, 169 CBD. See Central Business District Biking, 111, 283–84 Celebration in the Oaks, 46 Blacksmith Shop, Lafitte’s, 141, 291, 294 Cemeteries, 158–59, 171–72 Blaine Kern’s Mardi Gras World, 129, 158–59, Chalmette Battlefi eld, 158–59, 171–72, 283 169–70 Lafayette, 125–26, 132, 145–46 INDEX 331 Lake Lawn Metaire, 132 Comedy, 307 St. Louis, 136, 157 Commander’s Palace, 143 St. Roch, 165–66 Commercial area. See Central Business District tours of, 125–26, 132 Commuting, to Morial Convention Center, Central Business District 98–99 accommodations, 87 Confederate Museum, 150–51, 158–59, 173–74 attractions, 157, 164 Consolidators, for accommodations, 74 description, 27–28 Contemporary Arts Center, 149, 158–59, 174, nightlife, 311 307 restaurants, 208 Convention Center. See Morial Convention walking tours, 147–51 Center Chalmette, attractions, 164 Convents, Ursuline, 142–43, 160, 185–86 Chalmette Battlefield and National Cemetery, Cooking schools, 37–38 158–59, 171–72, 283 Corporate rates, for accommodations, 72 Chapel of St. Roch’s, 132 Court houses, 148 Chartres Street, 109 Court of Two Lions, 136 Children Court of Two Sisters, 135–36 attractions for, 39–40, 127–28 Craft festivals, 64 carriage tours, 123 Crawfish season, 192 Creole Christmas, 62–63 Credit cards, 40–41 Halloween events, 61–62 Creole(s), cooking of, 190–91, 204–5 Mardi Gras, 59 Creole Christmas, 32, 62–63 museums, 39–40, 158–59, 179 Creole Queen cruises, 128 Rivertown, 39, 158–59, 188–89 Crescent City, 107 bookstores for, 273–74 Crescent City Classic race, 43 restaurants for, 194–95 Crime, 111, 116–19 Christmas events, 32, 47, 62–63 after Katrina, 116–19 Churches in nightlife, 307–8 Church of the Immaculate Conception, precautions against, 118–19 150–51 scams, 307–8 Holy Trinity, 166 Crowds, seasonal, 32–33 Immaculate Conception, 150–51 Cruises, river, 128 Our Lady of Guadalupe, 132, 157 Cultural museums, 162–63 Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 146 Culture, walking tours related to, 130–31 St. Alphonsus, 132, 158–60, 188–89 Currency exchange, 40–41 St. Augustine’s, 132 Customs, local, 111–12 St. Louis Cathedral, 125, 132, 134–35 Customs House (historic building), 151 St. Patrick’s, 132, 148–49 Customs office, for international travelers, 40 tours of, 132 Churchill, Winston, statue of, 147 Dameron House, 146 Cigars, shopping for, 275 Dancing, 300 City Park, 39, 158–59, 165 Dauphine Street, 109 Celebration in the Oaks, 46 Decafest, 45 Creole Christmas, 62–63 Decatur Street, 108 recreation, 283–84 Degas, Edgar, 131 Civil War historical sites and museums, 18–19, Delta Queen cruises, 128 149–50, 158–59, 173–74 Destrehan Manor, 151, 153 Claiborne Cottage, 146 Disabled visitors, services for, 41, 103 Clay, Henry, statue of, 148 Discounts, for accommodations, 71–74 Clothing, recommendations for, 36–37, 113–14 Drama, 306–7 Clubs Dress recommendations, 36–37, 113–14 health, 284–85 Driving. See Cars Mardi Gras, 48–53 Drugs, international travel and, 40 Coffee houses, 301 Duty-free allowances, 40 332 INDEX Eating. See Restaurants entertainment, 289–94, 311 Edgar Degas House, 131 geography, 108–9 1850 House, 160, 175 jazz scene, 294–99 Entergy IMAX Theater, 158–59, 166–67 maps, 160 Entertainment music, 294–99 bars. See Bars and nightclubs nightlife, 289–94, 311 French Quarter, 289–94, 311 restrooms, 116 jazz scene, 294–99 restaurants, 199, 208–9 music. See Music shopping, 271–76 performing arts, 306–7 walking tours, 134–43 safety in, 307–8 French Quarter Festival, 43–44 strip establishments, 115, 291 Friends of the Cabildo, walking tours, 121 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, 98–102 Esplanade Street. See Mid-City/Esplanade Galleries, 272–73, 278–79 Essence Music Festival, 45 Gallier House Museum, 141–42, 150, 160, Ethnic restaurants, 204–7 175–76 Exercise. See Recreation Garden(s), 163 botanical, 161, 182 Fairgrounds Cathedral, 134–35 horse racing at, 287 Longvue, 131, 161, 178–79 Jazz and Heritage Festival at, 59–61 St. Anthony’s, 135, 160, 185–86 Faubourg Marigny/St. Bernard, 29–30 Garden District. See Uptown/Garden District accommodations, 69, 87 Gay and lesbian community, 35 attractions, 164–66 festivals, 45 nightlife, 311 information on, 106 restaurants, 201, 208 nightlife, 303–4 Faulkner, William, 273 tours, 123 Faulkner House Books, 135 Geography, 107–9. See also Maps Ferries, 39, 128 Germaine Cazenave Wells Mardi Gras Museum, Festival International de Louisiana, 61 129, 137, 160, 176 Festivals. See also Mardi Gras (Carnival) German festivals, 46 calendar for, 42–47 Gilmour-Parker House, 146 Festivals Acadiens, 64 Glass works, shopping for, 279 Fictional books. See Literature Global Wildlife Center, 40, 127–28 Film festivals, 46 Go Fourth on the River celebration, 45 Films, IMAX Theater, 158–59, 166–67 Golf, 44, 284 First Street, walking tour of, 144–45 Gray Line Tours, 122, 151 Fishhunter Guide Service, 286 Great French Market Tomato Festival, 44 Fishing, 285–86 Greek Festival, 44 Fitness clubs, 284–85 Greyhound Bus Lines, 106 Flea markets, 280 Guitars, shopping for, 279 Food, restaurants for. See Restaurants Gyms, 284–85 Food festivals, 44, 64, 192 Football, 46, 286 Halloween events, 32, 46, 61–62 Foreign visitors, 40–41 Hamburger restaurants, 195 Franklin, Benjamin, statue of, 148 Handicapped visitors, services for, 41, 103 French influence, 12–13 Haunted History Tours, 126 French Market, 143, 280 Haunted tours, 125–26 French Quarter Health clubs, 284–85 accommodations, 65–67, 87 Heritage Literary Tours, 123 attractions, 160, 164–65 Hermann-Grima House, 123, 136, 160, crime, 116–19 176–77 description, 26–27 Highways, 105–6 INDEX 333 Historic New Orleans Collection, 138, 160, Julia Row, 149 177–78 July Fourth celebration, 45 Historic New Orleans Walking Tours, 125–26 History, 11–20 Katrina effects, 20–26 museums for, 130, 153, 160, 162, 177–78 Bourbon Street, 1–2 walking tours related to, 130–31 bus tour routes, 122 Holy Trinity Church, 166 Central Business District, 27–28 Homes, historic, 130–31 convention center, 100 Honey Island Swamp Tours, 127 crime, 116–19 Horse racing, 46, 287 erosion, 25 Horseback riding, 285 hours of operation, 8 Hotel(s).

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