Alpha Sigma Phi was founded at Yale University in 1845 to make it the tenth oldest national social fraternity and the oldest national fraternity on the Marshall Campus. The local chapter, Beta-Delta, was founded at Marshall in 1922 in the name of Simga Psi and in 1929 it became Mu chapter of Alpha Kappa Pi. In September 1946, Alpha Sigma Phi and Alpha Kappa Pi merged and retained the name of Alpha Sigma Phi. The reason for this merger was to give a better and more marked service to undergraduate chapters. Highlights of Alpha Sigma Phi's social activities are the "Evergreen Ball," the "Star Dance" and the Bohemian Ball. 84 Jim Amodio Robert S. Bickel Jimmie A. Brown John L. Bo.wman Bill Burchett Eddie Booton Slone Mark Brumfield Glenn R. Brewster Joe Childers Harry Cardea Samuel Curry Thomas E. Curry Bob Curry Buster Damron Joseph A. Davis, Jr. Charles Evans Tom Edmundson Frank Eaton George Fiorletta Paul Fitzgerald Bill Fredektng Dr. N. Bayard Green Don Gullickson Bob Hazlett Charles Henning Mark Kenna John Lair Dick Oakley Bill Pitt Tom Read Jim Seale Douglas Singer Buckley Sowards Kenneth Sharp John Sowards Bill Shorter Buddy Wagner Jim Whelpley AlPHA SIGS OWn~ Two years of achievements were recorded in the giant fourteen-page Anniversary Edi­ tion of the Sigs Phinal which appeared on May 1st. Two years of outstanding develop­ ments by Beta-Delta chapter from the found­ ing of the Sigs Phinal to the starting of its third year. Two years which the fraternities' own newspaper recorded the events and achievements and passed them on to our alumni, to other chapters of Alpha Sigma Phi all over the country, and to other organi­ zations on the campus. The Sigs Phinal has had for its goal the progression of the fraternity and Marshall College. It has lived up to its slogan: "For ' . a better Fraternity-for a better College." ' n i-'.1\ • ... • • 'f co11tst. .. ~ t\ .., .·:-• ~.k ..,...\, f -,. .~ •• \ -·. t l• .. r' · .. ~.t \."1"' '··' l:r.· .-;;:: . '\r"'f !.-· Conversing over policy and problems of the Sigs Phinal are left to right standing : George Fiorletta, columnist; Joe Davis and Jim Brown, Sports and H ottse News Editors. Seated is John R. Lair, Editor-in-Chief. Once a year the Alpha Sigs go Bohemian for the annual Bohemian Ball. Brother Smathers and wife made the Alpha Sig pin in flowers for the annual Star Dance. A scene of the study room at the Chapter House. to the sister sorority, the Jim Booton Lem Chadwick KAPPA ALPHA Douglas Chambers ORDER Keith Cliff "In all societies it is advisable to associate, if possible, with the highest; not that the highest are always best, but, because if disgusted there, we can at any time descend; but if we begin with the lowest, to ascend is impossible. In the grand theatre of life, a box ticket takes us through the house." • Dave Daugherty Wiley Taylor Gene Clark John No.2 No.1 No. 3 Hobbs. Thomas Fitzgerald Robert Fizer Glen Galloway Lee Gregory Blakeley Harris Bunk Hatfield Sam Haworth Dennie Hildebrand Don Kell y Bob Kirchen Kenneth Kohn Ben D. Kouns Charles W. Krouse Don Leight) Merriu Mason John McHaffie Fred OUR HOUS£ Moore William Nuckolls Tom Owen George Peraldo Kemper Sarrett Harold Scarberry The boys all dressed tJp. Jack Wade Bill Towhridge Football Team Basketball Team Softball Team KA's 1n Golf SPORTS Athletic Director Individual Winners , Another Dance-Another Queen Old and New K.A.'s Our Belle of the Ball Best Pledge ZETA ZETA CHAPTER OffiCERS JOHN LUSHER Presi./ent BILL BLEVINS Vice-President BERKELEY SHAFER Faculty Adviser JERRY BROWN Secretary CURT CUNNINGHAM Trearurer PAUL ROHRBACH Social Chairman BO COPLEY Ritualist JIM DICKSON Rurh Chairman AL SCHMITT Correspondent fACULTY Mr. Azar Dr. Daly Dr. Davis Dr. Edeburn Dr. Harris Dr. Heath Mr. Hron Mr. Litchenstein Dr. Martin Mr. Pollitt Mr. Taylor Mr. Urian 92 Charles Brede Jack Carlsen Charles Combs Allen Diehl Thurman DeVore Michael Deegan Bob Ellison Richard Fisher Karl Fulks Bill Gardner Dick Gesner Robert Gray Fred Griffith Don Harper Bill Hartzell Jim Holstein John Huey Jim Hunter Randolph Jordan John Kearns Bill Keel Robert Keel Lambda Chi Pin Wallace Kerley Larry Lawson Leland Long Roy Maynor, Jr. David McClung Wheeler McFadden John Miller Curtis Mills Bob Morgan ]. Bernard Poindexter Emery Price Charles Racheter Don Roberts Henry Rohrbach Jack Shelton Jack Shumate Carl Smith Edward Smith Art Swavely Keith Taylor George Terwilleger Robert Turney Charles Via Gene Walker Tom Wilkerson Jack Wilson Jerry Wright Keith Wright Robert Wright Roger Yost Richard Young Our Orchid Queen-fane Frampton Our Sister-Pi Kappa Sigma LAJTIBDA CHI ALPHA Founded at Boston University in 1909, Lambda Chi Alpha has expanded until it is now the largest fraternity in the world, with 138 active chapters and eight colonies. These chapters are located at most of the prominent universities and colleges throughout the United States and Canada. Lambda Chi Alpha owns its present large office building ih Indianapolis, Indiana, and employs four full-time traveling secretaries who visit the chapters periodically and maintain their contact with the general fraternity. The "Cross and Crescent" is the fraternity magazine pub­ lished four times annually. On the Marshall campus, Zeta Zeta chapter was founded in December 1946 and, though still in its early years, has taken an active part in all major activities on campus and produced some of the most important campus leaders. It has maintained second place in scholarship for several years. There are also more faculty members at Marshall in Lambda Chi Alpha than in any other fraternity on the campus. Our House Decoration Ottr Homecoming Float 94 Welcome Committee Next Please LAmBDA CHI OPEn HOUS£ Resting Awhile The Men's Room Our Radio Fans 9!5 lAfnBOA CHI AlPHA "RUSHinG" Meeting prospectives at formal smoker. What's a party without food. 96 '/ES \UN toR LAMBDA. c - HI 1<.:, A oooD ..... f+--..ATE.RNITY.' BROTHERS Of THE PHI Bill Adkins Richard Arthur Charles Asbury Earl Branham Don Brown Estil Brumfield Ray Burford Maurice Cottle Bill Dewhurst Francis Early Harry Fischer Karl Foose Richard Guynan Hartley Harvey James A. Holland David Jarrell 98 TAU ALPHA fRATERniTY Dick Kitchen Nelson Leanord Charles Lawry Edward Monk Bill Murdock RobertNeel Douglas Powell Jack Rosenham Richard Rowsey Dorsey Ryan Bernard Smith ] ack Stewart Bob Stone James Weiler Rex White Jack Young 99 PLf06fS Rush Season resulted in a fine group of new blood for our Fraternity-furure Phi Taus. • • • • • • • HOMECOMING HOUSE • DECORATIONS Homecoming brought our the cre­ • ative enterprise of the fraternity. Our • house decorations were lauded by our • alumni and friends. We feel that the active chapter and pledges did them­ • selves proud. • • • • • • • • • r " ,. ,.' tJ " ,. 1 ,. " .,I' "" OffiCERS Seated: Jack Stewart, Vice­ President; Hartley Harvey, President; Francis Early, Sec­ ?·etary. Standing: Frank Cas­ tOr, Corresponding Secretary; Jack Hamilton, Treamrer; Bill Murdock, Chaplain; "T. J." Williamson, Sergeant-at­ A1·ms. • • • • • • MAXINE KING • OUR PHI TAU ALPHA • SWEETHEART • President Hartley Harvey presents • floral bouquet ro MAXINE KING, • our Phi Tau Alpha Sweetheart. • • • • • • The Cavalrv The Engineer PH I TAU ACTIVITifS Back Stage 102 The Train The Hobo All THROUGH THf YEAR Bull Session and ]am Sessi01~ The End. 103 PI KAPPA ALPHA Pi Kappa Alpha During the school year of 1947-48, Phi Kappa Nu, a Ball, and Dream Girl Formal highlight the year with numer­ local fraternity at Marshall College, expressed the desire ro. ous informals to help brighten the weekends for all Mar­ become a chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha. Later that year the shall students. fraternity was accepted by the active chapters and Supreme Pi Kappa Alpha has always been a threatening team in Council of Pi Kappa Alpha and Delta Iota came into exist­ all college athletics. During its first year the chapter ence June 5, 1949. Of the original eight charter members waltzed away with •he Intramural Trophy by making a one is still present in our ranks, Kenneth Tucker, who near "clean sweep" of the intramural program. We also graduates in August. won the Spring Camival trophy with "Spike Jones" Mul­ The chapter lost no time in beginning irs fight for larky leading his Mad Musicians on to the winner circle. recognition on the campus. The social affairs of Pi Kappa At the present time Pi Kappa Alpha has twenty-four Alpha have been outstanding during the past two years active members and twenty pledges coming in at the be­ and now are looked forward to by other campus organiza­ ginning of the second semester. tions as well as our actives. The annual Fall Formal, Bowery 104 Vincent Thomas Jim Casto Woodrow Withers Dick Massey Wen dell Potter Ken Tucker OflTA IOTA PI KAPPA ALPHA 1868-1950 Bob Anderson John D . Ankrim Bob Blubaugh John Cambell James Dettwiller John Frecka J . B. Johnson Samuel R. King William S. Marlin Gene Maguran Robert Moore Tom Moore Tom Pritchard J im Stamper Dallas Thomas Bruce Thompson Michael Veres Bill Weinfurtner Bill Mullarky 105 GARnET PI KAPPA ALPHA Ano GOlD Standing-Manning, Alexander, Massey, Blubaugh, Kneeling-Detwiller, Capt. Frecka, Casto, Rose. Fraternity Champs ... Nice Block jim. MARSHALL LEAGUE Pi Kappa Alpha ........ 65 Sigma Phi Epsilon ........ 33 Pi Kappa Alpha ........ 56 Phi Tau Alpha .............. 27 Pi Kappa Alpha........ 38 Kappa Alpha ................ 37 Pi Kappa Alpha ........ 71 Tau Epsilon Phi.. .... ...... II Pi Kappa Alpha ........ 60 Lambda Chi Alpha ........ 28 Pi Kappa Alpha ........ 59 Kappa AJpha ................ 31 Pi Kappa Alpha ........ 82 Alpha Sigma Phi... ....... 36 Pi Kappa Alpha ........ 38 Tau Kappa Epsilon ...... 27 Y.M.C.A. LEAGUE Pi Kappa Alpha ................ 90 Narcise ............... .43 Pi Kappa Alpha.. ...58 Moose ................. .40 Pi Kappa Alpha ............... .41 Zenith .................
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