} J Bbrraan Go ! Goap Read the Herald Read the Herald -or Local News For Local News Serving Summit for$8 Ymr§ Serving Summit for <?$ Years and Summit Record 66th Ytif—We. I t eiwhena EttMrtd M iiecontf lUx MsUt r »l ih* PostofHi« BHMti>BwpiifiiiWMWiiiwiiwiiiiMi !• *»• SmtunU «-f3M SUMMIT, N. J.. THU*50AY,JUNE 3, 1954 it Summit,TS- i tinder tlie Act «l Man* 3, 1111 $4 A YEAR 10 1 ENTS iverlook Plaque to Honor Work started on Five of City's Six Grade Schools ity's 69 World War 2 Dead The names of Summit's 6B World War II dead will be! Below Par, Survey Reveals pmmemorated bv a bronze tablet to be installed in the lobby CrouItfl was broken Tuesday for A two-year study on school .housing needs, of tlie city's \>f the mw addition of Overlook Hospital. The plaque Will the »,oooooo..E.stern elementary schools which rates five of the si^chool build- ings below .existing and future estimated J&eas' iia-s been ,»,,.„„.„ the company's, operations handed to the Board.of Education by the Lay Committee A presentation of the plaque by I on Education, A recommendation is made that a modem- «e Memorial Committee will h& jfrora New York to North Carolina, j Company officials said that the s' ization'program be undertaken at ni*de to the Hospital. ! once and" completed vvjtlun the Attendance at the ceremony inew office would care for many' of the details previously handled by Betts Makes Plea j, next-live'or six years and that HIP il! be limited only to the families j Board establish a schedule for if the dead heroes. the home office in" Chicago. bringing each school up to date. Cooperating in the program will ! ! Governor Robert Meyner.; 'Hath- For New Delay The Lay ComjHiittee states that to representatives of American ; away Gvkenrper of Chicago, pres- Brayton and 'Franklin ichqol Legion Post 138; Beacon Hill Post, jidenf of the Kemper group which represent the most urgent 'cages' W. Veteran* of Foreign Wars j includes Lumbermens, and Mayor On Parking Lot nil American Legion Lindsay- jPereival M. Bland, each turned a ; requiring modernization. Hash-. [shovel of dirt to signalize the'start An appeal tor an eviction'stay j ington did top the iibt but .improve- •/eet Post 322. after the August 1 dateline" for the ! | of construction on the completely ments already under way. have re- three families who ate tenants in j The committee announced that ' air-conditioned, reinforced concrete, moved that school from the ii believes the list of war dead to the city owned Glenwood place.; ur- •structure. Excavation work started dwellings was made Tuesday by g«»»t class. The add.hon. at Wasji.- be inscribed upon the plaque U I yesterday and William H. lleineke, an accurate one but if any name Kormer Cpmnion Council Presi- ington will give that school five j yice.president of Lumbermens in dent Rome Betts, Mr Btttsnwado. f more classrooms. Lrayton. the re- has been inadvertently omitted jjjew York, said tlie contract for notice should, be promptly given his plea to the present Council at ; P«rt .states, requires four addtlinn- construction would be let within its regular meeting. ! al-classrooms and rranklin need- tit-the editor of The JSurnmit Her- 160 days. Occupancy is expected Scoring a recent "sum nut Herald I tnrce "lore- ald and' arrangements will be i by late in 1955. made to Include the name. Addi- editorial which backed Council in The report anticipates sihotd tional names can be placed upon Officials Given Shovels its move to raze tlie sub-standard housing needs up to September. he bronze tablet. Three engraved silver shovels dwellings and use the property j 19:>7- The list of local residents who used for the occasion which for a city parking lot, Mr, Betts i' Lincoln School., the city's ncv. .- »ve their lives during World War were later presented to the Gov- urged Council to undertake some | est school which was opened last to be inscribed upon the plaque ernor, the Mayor and Mr. Kem- responsibility in finding housing < November, is the only school dis- is as follows: per. ' ' •.... for the three fanulies who will be j trict' "to fully measure up to A jams, Robert J., Anderson, Frantz Bohne The Governor arrived at the forced to vacate. i nunimum' needs," the Committee John M., Angelo, Albert, Briggs, Beechwood site about three-quar- Council made public its decision j says;.All of. the other schools have Warren E., Bruno, Frank S., By- ters, of an hour late and the pro- to evict the families two weeks [ been measured against Lincoln'* strak, Henry, Caporaso, John J., Heads County gram was delayed, until his ar- ago following a 5 to 1 vote with j "standard" and their deficiencies ( aroy, Alan P., Colangelo. Sam, rival. only Councilnian-aWarge William i in general Constitute the rccom- Cook. Uobert S., Connelly, Francis R, Gilson dissenting and Ogden ! mendations'.of the •Committee. Mayor Bland, in a brief rues- SCHOLARSHIP VMNNFRS-Tbe College Club this Mary Rafferty, Summit High senior, winners of the w... Cooney. Janfes J., Crofut, Bankers' Group D. Gensemer absent. | The Committee added that it sage, welcomed Lumbermens to week announccd the recipient9 Of scholarships to 1954 study grants. Miss Ellis plans to enter Biyn iHiam B., Dawson, John F., Del- FranU A Bohne assUtant vice : Sujt am] ex ed lhe opin. Howes cr, this action had been j recognizes the fact that it would [three new students and the continuation of existing Mawr, Miss Mallard will enroll at Centenary Junior mo, Salvatore, Dempsey, James present, First National Bank and; fi w k a pending since May, 1951, when be "impractical and uneconomi- College and Miss Rafferty at Randolph-Macon Col- . De-Nunzio, John J., Dowe, Trust Company of Summ.t was contribution to the com- I study grants to nine other local girls. Above are. the City acquired 12 Glenwood cal" to alter each school building lege. (Wolin photo) .a-ik V., Erbe, George P. F, elected president of the Elizabeth ., . ,., • left to right, Miss Lee Ellis, Summit High senior; place units following a fire the to comply with standard require- munit v s bUMM llfe •"•id , Fcibush, Leonard J., Flood. chapter American Institute of i - " " , •Miis Beverly Mallard, Kent Place senior, and Miss previous November. The fire ir- ments and so has listed each Banking, at the annual meeting! "Summit.-he said, "is a grow- reparably darli'asccl four uf the school in two categories; < 1) those i.mcs L. Foster, William P., Gil- m a^tm, James, Hagen, Stanley on Wednesday. May 28, at Char-r' * community but growing in the dwellings and since then four rooms and facilities which are . Herr, William B.. Hogan, Rob- nor Lodge, Bound Brook. Mr. right way. You (Lumbermens) will others were vacated and demol- non-exbtent, and (2) rooms and '•t R-, Hopping, Frederick \V.. Bohne succeeds Mrs. Hazel G. ; bring to Summit the sort of pec- Grandmother, 63, Fulfills College Club Gives ished. The remaining three fam- facilities below the "standard" to pie we want." <d,w?.a, Moses A., Irwin. Her- Vandcrhoof of The National Bank ilies were permitted to remain such an extent that they require ntl W., Jardillo, Ernest, Karas- of New Jersey, New Brurisnick. State 'Insurance Commissioner after appeals to Council that they special consideration by tlie Board '•Other officers elected were first Dream of College Degree v.uski, Joseph P., Kelly, Jean of New Jersey Warren Gaffney. Three New Grants, could not find other housing. of Education, vice president, John Gilbert. Citi- 1'.. Kenny, Thomas, Kice, W, P., State Insurance Commissioner Al- Few humans are privileged to * 9, now a grandmother, she re- Herald Editorial "Unkind" At Brayton and Franklin, both zens Trust Company, Summit: fred Bohlinger of New York, arid Jsipp, William, Kopp, Hans F., lead two lives, but to Mrs. Rebec ' ceives with 1.600 other young men Calling the Herald editorial "en- 12 classroom plus ..kindergarten second vice president, Joseph B;. number of executives of the Continues Nine I unagna, Salvatore G., Lane, ?• ,T f ' number 01 executives 01 me ca Bacchus of 20 Prospect stiec* *TKI womeh from Rutgers Univer- tirely uncalled for and unkind," Fuko,.Union Center The scholarship committee of buildings, the needs are as fol- I 'fderiek D.. MiUigan, Robert S. • National Bank. Kemper s.oup from Chicago aadj wk() gliJfW,te, fmn ti«-K«jijt«wX,ty,- But tmlifce many of these Mr. Betts declared, "It is an al- Union; chief consul the Summit College Club an- lows: 1 su,, M.^WU J. ;Ot,wr oliK-ts «U-» *ttcnoetl. A re-j cveninR t.ojje?j June 9 at the age i recipients of dedegreesg , Sirs, Bac most if not impossible task to find • Lcvdt, Henry S;, Libertino, nounced at the annual, meeting Brayton basic improvements are 1 1 Mazar, Fords National Bank, eeption at the Canoe Brook Coun j oj this privilege has come. elms had earned hers with a very homes for Negroes." dierick T., Linke, Paul A, Jr., last Tuesday at the Fortnightly four classrooms, two to replace Fords. try Club in Summit attended by In endorsing Council's action, ''.'iffpi, Anthony, Mallow, Edwia. As a young girl in Philadelphia, neat average of 2 throughout her Club that a total of $3,200 has been existing' basement classrooms, 1 The following Mere appointed mOrc than 125 persons followed. the Herald editorial said in part. , McDermott, Rodney, McMa- die would have liked to have gone college career.
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