Saint Luke Catholic Church Westport Ct 22 September 2019 Who we are and what we strive for... In the spirit of our Patron, Saint Luke, ! our Parish Mission is: saintlukewestport ! To be a welcoming and hospitable community to all; ! To enrich the hearts, minds and lives of those who seek to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ in the Roman Religious Formation Office Catholic tradition; PHONE : 203 -226 -0729 • FAX : 203 -226 -5446 ! To be faithful in prayer, in spiritual renewal, in SAINT L UKE P ARISH C ENTER stewardship and in compassionate outreach . 49 N. T URKEY H ILL R OAD , W ESTPORT , CT 06880 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Mrs. Jacqueline Frusciante – Coordinator E-MAIL : [email protected] Parish Office e-mail: stluke [email protected] PHONE : 203 -227 -7245 • FAX : 203 -226 -8063 SAINT L UKE R ECTORY Mrs. Jean Coleman – Office Assistant 84 L ONG L OTS R OAD , W ESTPORT , CT 06880 Office Hours: M to F, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Youth Ministry Office PHONE : 203 -981 -8817 Monsignor Andrew G. Varga, D.Min. – Pastor Ms. Deb Toner , Youth Minister - e mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Reverend Udayakumar Xavariapitchai – P.V. e-mail: [email protected] Music Ministry Staff PHONE : 203 -227 -7245 Dr. Brian J. Kelly, Ph.D. – Deacon Mr. Leon Bernard – Minister of Music - e mail: [email protected] Mrs. Marguerite Hastings – Assistant Organist Mr. Lance C. Fredricks – Deacon - e mail: [email protected] – Outreach Ministries Mr. Steve Hodson Deacon e-mail: stluke [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Sr. Maureen Fleming, SSND PHONE : 203 -222 -0478 Mrs. Judy Torska – Parish Secretary – – Coordinator of Pastoral Outreach Activities Ms. Mary Blake Office Assistant (M & W) Deacon Lance C. Fredricks PHONE : 203 -227 -7245 Lay Members of the Parish Corporation (“Trustees”) – Ministry to Sick, Elderly and Shut -ins Mr. Edmund Bagnulo & Mrs. Joanne Landino Pastoral Advisory Council Chair Pastoral Counseling Services Mr. Peter Anstett Dr. Brian J. Kelly, Ph.D. PHONE : 203 -373 -9753 Parish Finance Council Chair ◊ Individual, Family and Marriage Mr. Joseph Nixon ◊ Certified in Neuro -Feedback Therapy WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday, 5:30 pm Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am (Choir), 5:30 pm (Youth Singers) Children’s Liturgy of the Word at 9:00 am & 11:00 am Masses WEEKDAY M ASS : 8:00 am, Monday through Saturday 8:00 am (plus 12:15 pm, Tu & Th in Lent) SACRAMENT OF R ECONCILIATION : Saturday, 4:30 to 5:15 pm, or by appointment BAPTISMS AND W EDDINGS : Please call the Rectory Office; see our website for more information Saint Luke Church Page 1 PARISH NEWS Let’s stay in touch! Simply text slwestport ! to the number 84576 or go to ! A SPECIAL NOTE FOR OUR flocknote.com/SaintLukeWestport . ! LITURGICAL MINISTERS PRAYERS for the SICK With Bishop Caggiano’s recent promulgation of the new Moises Alves, Teri Bass, Joy Beckwith, Patricia “Norms Governing Liturgical Ministries” for our diocese, the Bigge, Father Bob Burbank, Yolanda Cipollone, Mike Conway, Sue Domena, Anna Dube, Claire time has come for Saint Luke’s to gather our Readers and Ex- Ford, Charlie French, Marie Garafolo, Marilyn traordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to review and these Gilbert, Ed Gorney, Denis Habza, Matthew norms together and see how they will be implemented in our Kokoszka, Kim Mackewicz, Julie Matecki, Vinnie own sanctuary. Merolla, Claudio Morrone, Meribeth Nixon, Sister Charity Nkewra, Judy Noe, John Paul, Maria I will offer two opportunities for this on Saturdays Helena Pinto, Monsignor Thomas Powers, September 28 and October 12, each time at 9:00 am. Richard Riguzzi, Joanne Rogers, Teresa I will send out more information by e -mail this week. Sacouto, Paul & Jean Schiavone, Catherine Schoonmaker, Patricia & Warren Shapiro, In the meanwhile, please take some time to read the Norms at Amanda Shark, Ann Sposito, Margie Tetreault, https://formationreimagined.org/wp -content/uploads/2018/11/ Evelyn Toner, Marie Veno, Jack & Kate Walters, Norms -Governing -the -Liturgical -Ministries.pdf David Wassermann, Brad Weeks, and... we pray for those who put their lives in jeopardy on our behalf, service men and women, police, Parish Picnic fire fighters, EMTs, and first responders Thank You!! Eternal rest On behalf of all who enjoyed the fes- Grant unto them , o lord tivities of that perfect -weather day, I express our heartfelt gratitude to all WILLIAM KLEMISH who pitched in to make the picnic such an enjoyable event for all PRAYER SHAWL • - the “setter uppers” MINISTRY • the food preparation crew and shoppers The Prayer Shawl Ministry • the “grillmeisters” and servers will be starting on Monday • all who brought the yummy desserts to share September 23 and all are welcome to join us in the • those who provided all the fun activities for the young’uns Robertson room at 1:00 pm. • all the “schleppers” who made countless trips between the If you know of someone ill yard and the parish kitchen, and… or recovering from illness, please let us • all the wonderful folks who helped in any way with the know so we can get a shawl to you. cleanup: the morning after, the lawn always looks like nothing ever happened there! Picnic Lost’n’Found EXTRA SPECIAL KUDOS to PETER ANSTETT who • One very colorful beach towel stepped in to oversee the whole project so very well in the ab- • One pair of sunglasses sence of our other “picnic -meisters” that weekend. • A lady’s necklace GOD BLESS YOU, EVERY ONE!! • Call the rectory to claim them! Page 2 Parish Life and News FAMILY HOSPITALITY NOTES Weekly Calendar ! A television monitor is available in the hallway for September 22-September 29 families whose child might be having a restless day that would disturb other worshipers. Sunday, September 22 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time ! A baby -changing table is located in the handi- 9:00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word ...................Church capped lavatory. 11:00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word ...................Church Tuesday September 24 Mosaic 10:30 am Faith Forum .......................... Saint Cecelia Room All women are invited to join in our Thursday September 26 Mosaic Program of Spirituality for 7:00 pm Rediscover Catholicism ........... Community Room Women on Thursday Mornings at Saturday, September 28 10:00 am. We are viewing “Catholicism by Bishop 8:30 am Men’s Group ..................................... Youth Room Barron. Sunday, September 29 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word ...................Church Candle Stand 11:00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word ...................Church Attendants Needed Because people’s situations change, we LOOKING AHEAD... are again in need of people to help with A l -o-n-g view of what’s coming up cleaning our candle stand. If you are in- at Saint Luke Parish… terested please call Ron Wayne at 203 -362 MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! JOIN US!! -8084 or email him at [email protected] for in- formation. The more helpers we have the less time October 1 New Horizons Luncheon you’ll need to attend to this. THANK YOU!! October 18 Feast of Saint Luke Murder Mystery Dinner The Saint Luke Pastoral Advisory Council – VATICAN II (PAC) Needs You! THE POWER & PROMISE PAC is seeking new members... We will be meeting on the third Thursday of each In a nutshell: the primary role of the Council is to be month at 7:30 pm in the Robertson Room from the “eyes and ears” of the parish, a sounding board September -April for presentations and discussions through which parishioners communicate their con- of Vatican II. These will be led by Deacon Brian cerns, needs, expectations and proposals concerning Kelly. For more information please call Deacon the current and future life of the parish to Monsignor Brian Kelly at 203 -373 -9753. Andy and his parish staff. To fulfill this role, PAC Bible Study will also resume on Tuesday, Septem- listens, seeks input, advises, develops plans for ap- ber 17. We will focus on the writings of John. proval and as necessary marshals the resources ( i.e. financial, volunteer, etc.) to execute. As its name sug- gests, the PAC is an advisory , not governing, body, rooted in the Mission Statement of our parish, and guided by our prayer to Saint Luke. Please seriously consider giving a bit of your time and talent to assure that PAC continues to be a viable and relevant collab- WELCOME TO orative ministry here at Saint Luke Parish. OUR PARISH! To learn more about PAC and offer your insights and talents for the benefit of our parish, please contact the Leonel Rodriguez, Rima Fawaz PAC Chair, Peter Anstett at or call him at 203 -981 - & family Thank you for joining us! 1001. Religious Formation Page 3 FAIRFIELD PREP Fairfield Prep invites all seventh and eight grade boys and their families to our OPEN HOUSE on Sunday, October 6 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Meet fac- ulty, administrators, and students to learn more about what Fairfield prep has to offer. For directions to Upcoming: prepand to create your online Prep Admissions Ac- Grades K -8 count, please visit the Fairfield Prep website at Family Mass : www.fairfieldprep.org. and…. th Hosted by Grade 8 Sunday, October 6 9:00 am Registration for the Fairfield Prep Entrance examina- tion are now being accepted. For further infor- THIS WEEK’S GOSPEL - Luke 16:1 -13 mation. Please contact the admissions Office by e - Jesus tells a parable about a dishonest steward who mailing [email protected] . The Fair- is commended for his prudence; one cannot serve field Prep Exam can be taken either Saturday, Octo- both God and money.
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