7 . V ■ ’V X r- / / a •- - f fe'- Average Daily N et Press Huh PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT W ED^tlAYt M^CH 1^8. 1968 For the Week Ksded iManrtfifBtfr lEitrni^ 1|(raQt M xnh 19. 19SS CSsariag laker tsaig^ -imiitai S Mrs.'iOdward Edgar, tlckst cliair- hrskkAust Sunday, ighaoy W iin- 11,666 a atOa eiHsr, Eaw by ' M aty man of the Manchester Bmblam Setback Quartet b:<fld, cilairman of St. Joim’a par- Editers Service llsmher sf tha Aadlt Bkorolag 99-3S; friia y IMr, wtady, About ToWn _ oommittes, Benjamin PartykA Jobless Oaims Chib No. 901 inslallaitloii to be held Bureaa pf CInnIaUsa esMer. High SS-49. - April 3 at the B rittah American Onenll fine Lead f- Opslarh, SUnley P, Manchetter^A City of Viliage Charm ■ -I Two local ^>pnilMra. Arthur A. Chib, wants t6 remind^ members r'***'* Orsyb and SUnley Opalach Jr.. - ELECTRIC / Knotta ahd E. 1.. O: Hohenthal Jr^ that March 36 U the deadline for will leave for Worcester, |faas., to Decrease Here the sale of tickets. None,|^ll be . With 98 sessions of pla^ttshlnd participate in a gathering dC lay- wra goitif to Boaton tomorrpw to V0t.LXXIV,N0.147 (Claaslhed attend the tliial two dar* of the sold H the door. Tickets M y be them the 4XXXX foursome ''ceQ- msn of tha Eastern DIoesae of the Claims for unmployih^t Insur- COOKING'S ' (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1965 ig SB Pago IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS Bixth annual S-day Ree^mal Con­ purchased from Mrs. Tina I fiRoUa, tinues «i Its path toward winplpr^ Poiirii National' Catholic Churoh. anok in tba Manettsster area drop­ Mrs, Willie LAPeUa. M ra Hsael ths setbaok tourney at the Rim in the Good Shepherd Church jf. ference' preaented by the Ameri­ ped off -during thii wbsik ending can Institute of Rati Brtate Ap- P i t ^ and Mra Jean Beauregard. Men's Club on Bralnard Place. th at dtyt ^ a j white glove pralaera. Hie conference la be- At the end of the Card play- last • 'Kanla of Paw f^kdt, R. 1., March 19, according t o the weekly Wants to Go to Russia ln( held at the Hotel Btatler. A son was bom March 18 at the ntoht. the qua,rtst stood 117 points New Erigland delogata to the Na­ ' Import of the State Labor Depart- GOP Backs Reds Offer Hartford Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. anesd of its nearest contender, tional Council. National Oatholle meht releaaod today. t^lioever saw the adddent at 10 WUllaln Lofrirom, 67 Wedgewood Uebe's. ^ Church of America, will preside at CLEAN Dr. , Score so far: 4XXXX, 8,907; the Worcester convocation. The rei^rt said 486 workers ap­ a-m. on Sa'urday. March 19, at the plied for beneflta last week, a dr<u> State Cafe comer of Main Bt. and PurtMl M. Liebe, 5,1M: Patten, S.I78; Piano A meeting of the local delega­ :-n likf* clcon qlovei . New Anms Gail Nichols, daughter of Mr. Shop, 5,156; Red Men. 5,078; tion will be'held Friday. March 3^, ^f 17 from the M7 reported during avs is requested to call Mrs. Baiwbeth Lessard. 74 W. Middle lt>ke., Tel. and James Nichols, 351 W. Center Coughlin, 5,067; Milikowski, 8,038; at 7 p.m. following Stations M the the preceding week.' CLEAN ELECTRIC COOKING TOO MI 3-5M9. 8t., Is spending this week in Wash- Mistretta, 4,956; Manchester Paint, Ckoes. Despite the over-aU . drop, the For Wards In^on, D. C., as a member of a 4,824; Olivas 4;744; Colla, 4,700; number of initial claims, which in­ Slash Plan group of 88 girls from the Junior and Town Motors, 4,389. dicate new spdRs of unsmploy- Andersan-Shea Auxiliary Jto. State Capitol, Hartford, 9046, VFIV, will hold a kitchen and senior classes of the Principia Present Students ment, edged upward from 97 to 89. United Nations, N. Y^ social tomorrow* night at • o'clock Upper School in 8t. 'Louis, Mo., Claims .for compensation March 24 (4^ —'Republicans March 24 <>P>-^U.N. experts at the home of Mra. Violet Turk- wnsrs ahs Is a Junior, throughout Che State also dropped, agreed at-a long party caucus said today the latest Soviet Hear Confessions In fieeiial Here aceor^g to the report, which put The New GE Stratoliner shot, 99. Russell 8 t today to supgiort legislation the numbed of claiw last week at disarmament proposals as Blocked Peress Trial David R,' Hichols, son of Mr, arid Enjoy Fun Night At Churcb Here 39,189, eompared.to 30,917 for the transferring ^ the State fiill discloeed by Pravda appeared Mrs. Arthur L. Nichols, 98 Delmont Intenfhadiata piapo studenU of prevlotu'week. This is ths flrst responsibility for uncared for to^ontaip concemions on the St, was plMsd on the dean’s list Frederic E. Werner and. Paul A. time ths weekly claim load has Passion Sunday, March 37, will Chetolat presented a program of and neglected children. Dem­ pmlem of intemationsl con­ at Bryant College,of Business Ad- At PTA Meeting dropped Under tha. 90,000 mark ocrats have long favored it. trol. minlsteatlon in P ru d e n ce , ,R. 1., be observed as Hiaater Communion an hour's duration last night be­ Dr. L. Nor Dutton The President Comments on Yalta Papers Sunday at St. John's Polish Na­ fore sn audience thaj flUed the this year.. House GOP Loader Norman K. MacArthur McCarthy’s for the last marking period. tions) Catholic Church, 33 Golwsy Tbs report Uso noted that the Parsells told newsmen that a Members of ths Washington chapel of South Methodist Churoh. Dr. L. N. Dutton, whose offices number, of claims in alt regional Moscow, March,24 (JF)— PTA thoroughly enjoyed the pro­ St. General cbqfesston conducted Psime and spring Mtowers were standing vote 9f House and Senate Pravda said today Russia has In Polish and EngMn at 8:30 a.m. used for decorationsi ars at 307 N. Main St., wUI ds offices declined except four—DaU' Republicans showed 104 for snd 57 Disputed on TI N Y 1 NEW gram last evening a t the West Side will be followed by the Communion part April 6 for a two-year toui bury, up 14.1 per cent; Norwalk, sgainst the propoeal. made a new proposal 'for ban­ Data Curb ■ ^■ Pupils who took part are Perse­ of duty in the Army. DOttoi up .1 per cent; Norwich, up .8 per i Roc', and every numbA- was en- Mass a t 0. phone Kambas, Roberta C. Johns, Speedy Passage Seen ning nuclear weapons, reduc­ thusiaatically received. Much credit After the Holy Mess a Com­ Elaine C. Kasevtch, Julie A, wlU close his dsntal offlcs April 1. cent; 'and W aterbury, up 2.6 per ‘ Republicans hsve been st odds .8.TRANSIStOt< Ths dsntist, who has practiced cent. tion of conventional arms and ia due to every one >yho 'worked munion breakfast will bb kerved in Evans, Elisabeth D. Neubdrt, Lin­ oh the issue for a long time. international inspection to Yalta Views Under Fire to make “Pun Nlglit" a success. the church hall by the Frlen<^ip da J. Wiecek, Maxine E. Webb, hers for four years, will be ats< During the corresponding-two It wss generally agreed that the “A Typical Day on Television" dub in charge o t Mrs. Anthony Barry R. Hopper, Robert W. Hen­ tioned a t Brook Medical Center, wseks 'k year ago, claims dropped caucus vote will assure speedy pas- ensure- compliance. New York, March 24 (/P)— opened with Richard Bsrggren and Pastula, chairman. The Commun­ ry, Dorothy I. Sousa, Barbara K. San Antonio, Tex. , Hia wife will to 34,690 from 86.334. sage of the bill, one of. Gov. Ribi- The Communist party organ By O. MILTON KBUUY ‘niqmas IHimer portraying Dave ion breakfast proved to be such a ^ e , Anna D. Poeppslmoier, Allen Join him there later.. Hartford, which last week re­ coff's recommendations. RepubU. said the proposal was m ^e to thd Gen. Douglas . MXcArthur’s Washington, March 24 (YP) •w - r Gairoway and Jack Lescoulie on aucceas last year it has been^de­ Kingsbury, MereditUs A. Dutton, Dutton^ ia a member of the placed Bridgeport aa the <^ice esns control the House and Demo­ flve-nstion U.N. Disarmament 8u^ disavowal of any connection , —Anny counselor John G. the television show “To-Day.” Fol­ cided to contir.’ e the ci:stom. Germaine C. Aubin, Janet M. Jar­ .British American Club, the Junior with .the ' most clalma, continues crats the Senate. committee at the secret'talks now with Yalta added fuel today Adams testified today had HIARINOAID lowing thia number was a cooking Confessions of the youth of the vis Richard W. Sloan. WiUiam M. Chamber of Commerce and sev­ to ' lead the State' In the number Today's caucus was the second-in being held In London. to the debate over release of schom with Mra. Thomas Turner parish will be heard Saturday at Stuck, Donnamaie E.. Dutton, eral professional organisations. He of clainvi taken, with 4,400. two days held by Republicans on As explained, by Pravda. the the last clear chance to c l^ as a Swedish cook making popcorn 11 a.m. 3 and .4 p.m. plans to resume practice here Bridgeport, which reported^ 4,231, plan largely parallels the proposal the conference papers. SzENITH’S-^^V>«e:OsCR(!^ Mary Anne Aronson and WiUiam the question.' It was attended by The former Far l^ t comman­ the door and didn’t do it” to balls which aha tossed into the Following the Communion J.
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