An Index To CROSSOVERS 2: A SECRET CHRONOLOGY OF THE WORLD By WIN SCOTT ECKERT (From the Black Coat Press edition, 2010) Prepared by Adrian Nebbett 120 Rue de la Gare (Léo Malet), 31, 31 Adamant, Adam, 233-234, 453 “A” is for Alibi (Sue Grafton), 236 Adams, Douglas, A Rebours (J.K. Huysmans), 455 Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The, 385 Abbalah, 229 Restaurant at the End of the Universe, The, Abbot, John, 462 385 Abbott, Bud, 94, 225 Adams, Neal Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948), Brave and the Bold: The Angel, The Rock, 71-73, 299, 335 and the Cowl, The (with Bob Haney), 43, Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man 43-44, 95 (1951), 79, 79, 299 Detective Comics: Ghost of the Killer Skies Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy (1955), (with Denny O’Neil & Dick Giordano), 89 94, 299 Adams, Nick, Jr, 214 Abner, 315 Adamson, Al, 147 Abnett,, Dan Addams, Charles, 458 Bloodstone (with Andy Lanning, Michael Addams Family, The, 161, 458 Lopez & Scott Hanna), 307, 307 Adele and Co. (Dornford Yates), 85 Abrams, J.J., 342 Adelsberg, Professor, 461 AC Comics, 92 Adey, Robert C.S., Accident – Or Murder? (J.T. Edson), 161 As It Might Have Been, 427, 439 AC-DC, 351 Adieu, Gary, 185 Ace Books, 114, 123, 125, 130, 135, 137, 140, Adkins, Dan, 149, 243 Brave and the Bold: Ice Station Alpha, The Ace Reporter, The, 396 (with Marv Wolfman & Dave Cockrum), ACG Comics, 110, 310 44 Acid Test (Jean-Marc Lofficier), 214 Deadly Hands of Kung Fu: The Master Plan Ackerman, Forrest J., 125, 137 of Fu Manchu, The (with Tony Isabella, Just Imagine: Jeanie (with Mike Nubbin, Doug Mounch, Chris Claremont, John James Warhola, Harold Shuler, Mike Grell Buscema, Herb Trimpe & Mike Vosburg), & Ron Frenz), 367-368 161 Ackroyd, Dan, 255 Iron Fist: A Fine Day’s Dying (with Chris Aclin, Jeff, Claremont & John Byrne), 208 Invincible Iron Man: Death Lair, The (with Superman vs Wonder Woman (Gerry Conway Roger Stern) 158 & José Luis Garcia-López), 36 Acme Press, 246 Adlard, Charles, Action Comics, 112 X-Files Annual: Hallow Eve (with Stefan Action Comics Weekly, Petrucha), 280 Phantom Lady II, The (Len Strazewski & Adler, Irene, 404, 411, 419 Chuck Austen), 254 Adrian, Boris, 469 Action Force, 245 Adventure Comics, 265 Action Force, Adventure of Exham Priory, The (F. Gwynplaine Meditations in Red (Grant Morrison & Steve McIntyre), 393 Yeowell), 245 Adventure of Mr Short and Mr Long, The (Ellery Action Ink, 268 Queen), 33 Acuña, 323 Adventure of the Ancient Gods, The (Ralph E. Adair, Cary, 185 Vaughan), 408 Adam, 307 Adventure of the Clothes-Line, The (Carolyn Adam Adamant Lives!, 234, 453 Wells), 393 Adam-12 (1968-1975), 255 Adventure of the Dauphin’s Doll, The (Ellery Adam-12 (1989-1990), 255 Queen), 66 Adventure of the Death Fetch, The (Darrell African Queen (riverboat), 304 Schweitzer), 393 African Queen, The (C.S. Forester), 304 Adventure of the Diogenes Damsel, The, 363 African Queen, The (1951), 304, 305 Adventure of the Duplicate Deceiver, The (Jim After Dark (Manly Wade Wellman), 40, 106 Harmon), 393 After King Kong Fell (Philip José Farmer), 28 Adventure of the Flying Reporter Harri Kander After the Stone Age (Brian Stableford), 330 (Karl-Heinz Hardt), 51 After the Sunset (2004), 341 Adventure of the Frankenstein Monster, The Agent, The (aka Jimmy), 446 (Don W. Baranowski), 393 Agent 99, 134 Adventure of the Global Traveler, The (Anne Agent X-9, Lear), 393 Deadly Smile, The (Dean Davis & John Adventure of the Grinder’s Whistle, The Dixon), 302-303 (Howard Waldrop), 453 Agents, The (Kevin Gunstone & Ben Dunn), 395 Adventure of the Illustrious Impostor, The Agents of Atlas (Jeff Parker & Leonard Kirk), (Anthony Boucher), 28 350, 350-351 Adventure of the Metal Murderer, The (Fred Aggartha, 325 Saberhagen), 394 Agricola, Albert Payson, 416 Adventure of the Misplaced Hound, The (Poul Ahab, Captain, 347, 349, 410 Anderson & Gordon R. Dickson), 379 Aihai, 403 Adventure of the Missing Coffin, The (Laura AIM, 220 Resnick), 394 Air Fighters Comics, 27, 27 Adventure of the Missing Detective, The (Gary Air Force (1941), 31, 272 Lovisi), 394 Airboy, 264, 456 Adventure of the Mona Lisa, The (Carolyn Airboy and Mr Monster: The Café at the Edge Wells), 394 of the World (Michael T. Gilbert), 395 Adventure of the Opera Ghost, The (Steven P. Airboy, 395, 442 Jones & Aldin Baroza), 394 Airboy (aka David Nelson, Jr), 27, 37, 231, 249, Adventure of the Other Detective, The (Bradley 264 H. Sinor), 394 Airboy (aka David Nelson III), 249 Adventure of the Peerless Peer, The (Philip José Airboy Meets the Prowler (Timothy Truman, Farmer), 179, 249 Chuck Dixon, Michael H. Price, John K. Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Snyder III & Graham Nolan), 249 Dimension, The (1984), 43, 189, 241, 247, Airboy II, 27 317, 335, 373, 382, 384-385, 389 Airey, Jean, Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Doctor and the Enterprise, The, 407 Dimension, The (Earl Mac Rauch), 241 Ajax Comics, 69 Adventures of Captain America, The (1943), 40, Akechi, Kogoro, 142, 154 122 Akis, 24-25 Adventures of Captain Marvel, The (1941), 435 Akuma, 319 Adventures of Hiram Holiday, The, 151 Akunin, Boris, Adventures of Sam Spade radio show, The, 53 Altyn Tolobas, 105 Khandi Tooth Caper, The, 52-53 Alabama, 113 Adventures of Saturnin Farandoul, The (Albert Alamo, The, 210 Robida), 394, 394-395 Alamy, Christian, Aegis, 144, 320 Enemy Ace: War in Heaven (with Garth AeroDeth helicopter, 312 Ennis, Chris Weston & Russ Heath), 35 Affair at Durmamnay Hall, The (Brian Mooney), Alanguilan, Gerry, 134 Dangerous Connections (Andy Hartnell & Affair of the Bassin Les Hivers, The (Michael Leinil Yu), 301, 340-341 Moorcock), 395 Albert Schweitzer and the Treasures of Atlantis Affaire Atomos, L’: see The Atomos Affair (George Alec Effinger), 395 Affaire Saint-Fiacre, L’ (Georges Simenon), 81 Albion, 423 Affairs of Charlie Wild, The, 53 Albright, Captain Jim “Red”: see Captain Afghanistan, 360 Midnight Africa, 70, 80, 88, 121, 152, 158, 245, 269, 297, Alcazar, Roberto, 171, 183 410, 436, 440, 441 Aldrich, Kim 155 Aldridge, Professor, 111 Sinister Secret of the Sixth Sense, The (Roy Aleph, 435 Thomas, Mike Clarke, Mike Harris, Vice Aleph (Jorge Luis Borges), 435 Colletta & Tony de Zuniga), 396 Alert, The, 410 All That Glitters (C.J. Henderson), 202 Alerta, alta tension (1969), 128 All Things Under the Moon (C.J. Henderson), Alexander, Bud, 79 208 Alexander, Jesse, All-Thrill Comics, 250 Heroes: How do You Stop an Exploding All Winners Comics, 36 Man? (with Aron Eli Coliete & Travis Allain, Marcel, 56, 264, 433-434, 454 Kotzebue), 352 Allan Quatermain (H. Rider Haggard), 180 Alexander, Lloyd, Allard, 394 Chronicles of Prydain series, 381 Allard, Kent: see The Shadow Alexandria Quartet (Lawrence Durrell), 133, 401 Allen, Gracie, 27 Alfred, 51, 131 Allen, Captain Jimmie, 44 Algiers, 53 Alley God, The (Philip José Farmer), 416 Algy, 456 Alley Man, The (Philip José Farmer), 100 Alhambra Hotel, 256 Alleyn, Roderick, 28, 88-89 Al-Hazred, Abdul, 401 Alliger, Danny, 93, 108, 289 Necronomicon, The, 32, 42, 143-144, 156, Alliger, Johannes Frederich, 289 182, 208, 215, 237, 285, 298, 363, 423 Alliger, Simon, 289 Alhazred (spaceship), 376 Allingham, Margery, 97, 372 Alias, 341, 374 Allnut, Charlie, 304 Awful Truth, The, 342 All’s Fair… (Brad Mengel), 52 Ice, 342 Allston, Aaron, Telling, The, 328 Doc Sidhe, 406 Alias Norman Conquest (Edward Searles Sidhe-Devil, 406 Brooks), 75 Allyn, Lee: see Captain Zero Alice, 427 Almond, Bob, Alien (1979), 331, 335, 364 Captain Gravity and the Power of the Vril Alien aliens, 306, 318, 330-331, 335 (with Joshua Dysart, Sal Velluto & Mike Aliens Are Coming!, The (Dayton Ward), 144- Garcia), 17 145 Alone, Dirk, 185 Alien Factor, The (Franklin W. Dixon), 417 Alone in the Dark games, 325 Alien vs Predator (2004), 330, 330-331, 335 Alone in the Dark (Randy & Jean-Marc Aliens vs Predator: Requiem (2007), 330-331, Lofficier, Matt Haley, Aleksi Bricot & David 335 Hahn), 325-326, 325 All-Consuming Fire (Andy Lane), 32, 363, 407 Alone in the Dark IV: The New Nightmare, 325 All Quiet on the Western Front (1930), 455 Alouh T’ho, 164 All Star Comics, 29 Alpha-60 Computer, 116, 118 Vulcan: Son of Fire (Gerry Conway, Keith Alphaville, 116-118 Giffin & Wally Wood), 444 Alphaville (1965), 82, 116, 118, 460 All-Star Squadron, 68, 441 Alps, The, 424 Death Sword at Sunrise (Roy Thomas, Mike Alraune (H.H. Ewers), 455 Harris, Vince Colletta & Tony de Zuniga), Altair IV, 240, 367 396 Altairac, Joseph, Mayhem in the Mile High City (Roy Thomas, Jeunesse de Mme Atomos, La (with Jean-Luc Rich Buckler, Jerry Ordway & Adrian Rivera), 111 Gonzales), 395-396 Altamont, 399 Never Step on a Feathered Serpent (Roy Alternate Martians, The (A. Bertram Chandler), Thomas, Rich Buckler & Jerry Ordway), 396 395-396 Altman, Robert, 466 Origin of Johnny Quick, The (Roy Thomas, Alto, Joseph, 99 Don Heck & Tony de Zuniga), 396 Altrove, The, 356 Shanghaied into Hyperspace (Roy Thomas & Altrove, The, 356 Al Dellinges), 396 Altus Press, 33 Altyn Tolobas (Boris Akunin), 105 Amahagger, The, 452 Hoka! Hoka! Hoka! (with Gordon R. Aman Ho-Tep, 318 Dickson), 379 Amaze, 446 Hokas Pokas! (with Gordon R. Dickson), 379 Amazing Fantasy, 107 House Rules, 427 Amazing Five, The, 151-152 Losers, The, 427 Amazing Lanes, The (Win Scott Eckert), 148, Midsummer Tempest, A, 426, 426-427 151, 320 Operation Chaos, 427 Amazing Spider-Man, The, Operation Luna, 427 Black Cat Always Land On Her Feet, The Queen of Air and Darkness, The, 364, 432 (Marv Wolfman, David Michelinie, Keith Three Hearts and Three Lions, 396, 427 Pollard, Pablo Marcos & Jim Mooney), 225 Time Patrol, 95, 364 Amazon, The, 91, 113, 304, 310, 336 Andinach, Paul, 449 Amazonia, Isle of, 279 Andorra, 299 Amazonia, Sceptre of, 278 Andras, 200 Amazons of Zillikian (J.T.
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