WANT MORE? FOLLOW @THEDAILYIOWAN ON TWITTER AND “LIKE” THE DAILY IOWAN ON FACEBOOK FOR NEWS UPDATES THROUGHOUT THE DAY. THE INDEPENDENT DAILY N EWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 2012 NEWSPAPER • DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ HawkAlerts confuse many A series of HawkAlerts Students take up $2 Challenge issued Monday left some University of Iowa students confused. The confusion came after UI students live some UI students received a Hawk Alert at 10:21 a.m. that under a strict was originally sent in February budget for the regarding an armed man in City Park. The alert read: “ICPD & UI first such chal- police have searched City Park lenge on cam- and didn’t find an armed per- son. Officials will monitor the pus. situation and provide an update By LOGAN EDWARDS as soon as it becomes avail- [email protected] able.” Two-and-a-half dozen UI police then issued a sec- eggs, one bag of black ond alert around 10:30 a.m. beans, one bag of brown stating they were searching for rice, and a six-pack of an armed robbery suspect in the Ramen noodles. Lodge Apartment area to the Jonathan Wesler care- 900 block of Harlocke Street fully selected the smorgas- and warned people to stay out bord of food Monday night, preparing to live for the of the area. week on what he had col- The second alert was issued lected in his shopping bas- after the Johnson County ket. The total came to Communication Center received $7.41. a call from Hills Bank and Trust Welser and other UI stu- Co. to report a bank robbery, dents are participating in according a release from Iowa the first $2 Challenge at City police. the UI, which began Mon- day and will end Friday. A man, identified by police as The challenge is hosted by Eric Martin, 34, of Davenport, Troy Hess and Jared Cohen, members of Delta Sigma Pi, participate with their fraternity in the $2 Challenge while shopping for groceries the business fraternity at Hy-Vee on Monday. The challenge is an attempt to raise awareness about local poverty, and only allows each person to spend $2 each allegedly led police on a chase Delta Sigma Pi. day. (The Daily Iowan/Jessica Payne) on both foot and motorcycle The challenge urges stu- before he was arrested by dents to put themselves in Though many students Curtis, who is also partici- struggles in Third World police. a position similar to those $2 Challenge living on $2 a day, who know about the dire food pating in the challenge. countries. Martin was charged with UI students shop for a make up almost half the conditions much of the “We aim to raise aware- Welser said each partic- first-degree robbery, possession world’s population, accord- world’s population experi- ness and not make people ipant in the $2 Challenge week’s worth of food on a $2 of a firearm as a felon, interfer- ing to the World Bank. ences, Zach Curtis, a UI feel guilty, but instead gained sponsors to pledge a day budget: ence with official acts with a Roughly 30 students have United Nations Associa- shed light on the situa- a sum of money the stu- • Two-and-a-half-dozen eggs — $3.18 weapon, carrying weapons, and chosen to participate. tion member, said it has tion.” dents will receive after the • Bag of black beans — $1.99 eluding. “It’s called the $2 Chal- yet to become a reality for The week of the chal- challenge. The proceeds lenge for a reason,” said them. lenge will be considered will go to help establish • Bag of whole-grain brown rice — $.85 UI police officials declined Welser, Delta Sigma Pi’s “The challenge is going Global Citizenship Week microfinancing efforts, • Six-pack of Ramen noodles — $1.39 comment on the first alert. to force us to really think on campus, featuring a small loans given to poor vice president of communi- Total: $7.41 Martin was later treated ty service. “It’s going to be about how these people combined effort of student and released from the UI very challenging.” struggle every day,” said organizations to expose SEE DOLLAR, 5 Hospitals and Clinics for minor injuries. — by Jordyn Reiland Celebrating those who give Officials ON THE WEB TODAY: see student TEXT: Check out the results from some of the intramural soccer playoffs. debt rising SLIDESHOW: The Iowa men’s baseball team took down Penn National experts say State over the weekend. student debt nationwide will likely increase in DAILY IOWAN TV the coming years. To watch Daily Iowan TV go online By ANNA THEODOSIS at dailyiowan.com. [email protected] Student debt at the Iowa Board of Regents’ universities has decreased in the last year. However, it has increased on average over the past decade. According to an April 2011 regents’ report on financial aid, the Hilery Livengood made a contribution to the organization that started her career, Livengoods contribution to will be cel- average student debt decreased last ebrated during Phils Day at the UI.(The Daily Iowan/Ian Servin) year from $26,908 to $26,764. Uni- versity of Iowa officials said the average debt for the graduating class The UI Foundation received roughly $214 million in private of 2011 was even lower than regent averages. INDEX gift support in fiscal 2011. “There are so many variables that affect student debt,” said Mark Warner, Classifieds 9 Sports 10 By KRISTEN EAST but I felt like The Daily Iowan during Phil’s Day. The annual the director of UI Student Financial Crossword 6 [email protected] had had such an impact on my event allows UI faculty, staff, Aid. “We do what we can to help keep Opinions 4 life,” she said. “I made a four- students, and alumni to recog- One of the first things Hilery students from borrowing.” year pledge, and I was just nize the philanthropic efforts Livengood did after completing Warner said the UI’s graduating thinking to myself, ‘Please God, that contribute to the universi- WEATHER a master’s in journalism was ty. class of 2011 had an average debt let me make enough money to make a contribution to the The UI Foundation organizes of $25,446, and the graduating HIGH LOW pay this off.’ ” such philanthropic efforts and class of 2010 had an average of $69 organization that boosted her Livengood — a 1989 Univer- 70 48 private gifts. The Daily Iowan more. career. sity of Iowa graduate — is “I was just out of grad school Mostly sunny, a bit breezy. among many whose contribu- and shouldn’t have made a gift, tions will be celebrated today SEE PHIL'S DAY, 5 SEE DEBT, 5 2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, April 24, 2012 News dailyiowan.com for more news The Daily Iowan Dean Maxson honored Volume 143 Issue 187 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: E-mail: [email protected] William Casey . 335-5788 Fax: 335-6297 Editors-in-Chief: Hayley Bruce . .. 335-6030 CORRECTIONS Sam Lane. .335-6030 Call: 335-6030 Metro Editors: Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Alison Sullivan .. 335-6063 accuracy and fairness in the report- Luke Voelz . .335-6063 ing of news. If a report is wrong or Opinions Editor: misleading, a request for a correc- Benjamin Evans . 335-5863 Sports Editor: tion or a clarification may be made. Seth Roberts . 335-5848 PUBLISHING INFO Arts Editor: The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is Hannah Kramer . 335-5851 published by Student Publications Copy Chief: Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Beau Elliot. 335-6063 Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Photo Editor: except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and Adam Wesley. 335-5852 university holidays, and university Design Editor: vacations. Periodicals postage paid Alicia Kramme . 335-6063 at the Iowa City Post Office under the TV News Director: Jake Abrams. 335-6063 Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Web Editor: SUBSCRIPTIONS Tony Phan. 335-5829 Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 Business Manager: E-mail: [email protected] Debra Plath. 335-5786 Subscription rates: Classified Ads/ Circulation Manager: Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one Juli Krause. 335-5784 Advertising Manager: semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 Renee Manders. 335-5193 for summer se ssion, $50 for full year. Advertising Sales Staff: Out of town: $40 for one semester, Bev Mrstik. .335-5792 $80 for two semesters, $20 for Cathy Witt . .335-5794 summer session, $100 all year. Production Manager: Send address changes to: The Daily Heidi Owen. 335-5789 Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Dean Linda Maxson looks at President Sally Mason and husband Ken Mason at Maxson’s celebration on the Pentacrest Monday. The event cel- Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004. ebrated Maxson’s 15 years as the dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. (The Daily Iowan/Tessa Hursh) College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean Linda Maxson has overseen the TOP STORIES graduation of thousands of students in her 15 years in the position. Most-read stories on dailyiowan.com from Monday. By DEREK KELLISON flood and the addition of academic programs and 1. Olympic trials: Wrestling becomes human in Iowa [email protected] the word “sciences” to the student development, said Maxson’s City college’s name. Maxson’s work has helped Contributions 2. Increase instruction time in schools Members of the Univer- Maxson said improving bring importance to women Linda Maxson, the dean of 3. Tennessee’s science law: academic freedom or sity of Iowa and the Iowa faculty members.
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