Industrial Policy and Global Value Chains: The experience of Guangdong, China and Malaysia in the Electronics Industry By VASILIKI MAVROEIDI Clara Hall College This dissertation is submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge Date of Submission: September, 2018 Preface This dissertation is the result of my own work and includes nothing which is the outcome of work done in collaboration except as declared in the Preface and specified in the text. It is not substantially the same as any that I have submitted, or, is being concurrently submitted for a degree or diploma or other qualification at the University of Cambridge or any other University or similar institution except as declared in the Preface and specified in the text. I further state that no substantial part of my dissertation has already been submitted, or, is being concurrently submitted for any such degree, diploma or other qualification at the University of Cambridge or any other University or similar institution except as declared in the Preface and specified in the text It does not exceed the prescribed word limit for the relevant Degree Committee. 2 Acknowledgments This thesis would have been impossible without the support and encouragement of a great many people that I met during this journey. My biggest thanks go to Dr. Ha-Joon Chang. He believed in me since the very first time we met and all our conversations since (together with the copious amount of red ink spent on my earlier drafts) have pushed me to think harder and improve not only as a scholar, but also as a person. I would also like to thank Professor Peter Nolan for being one of the most inspiring people in Cambridge and an endless source of knowledge that goes far beyond Chinese economic development. Dr. Kun-Chin Lin has provided me and other colleagues with a space to discuss Chinese political economy and given me plenty of spiritual and practical support. Finally, I would like to thank Professor Jan Toporowski at SOAS for helping me start this journey and Dr. Annalisa Primi at the OECD for providing a safe haven for me to finish it. Cambridge University, Clare Hall, the Vergottis Foundation, the Karelia Foundation, the Centre of Development Studies and the Faculty of Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) provided me with generous financial support to undertake this Ph.D. This work was also supported by the Smuts Memorial Fund, managed by the University of Cambridge in memory of Jan Christiaan Smuts. In Cambridge, I found a rare camaraderie that will always accompany me. I am profoundly grateful to Yee Siong Tong, Ivan Rajic, Jostein Hauge, Joao Silva, Natalya Naqvi, Alice Krozer, Cirenia Chavez, Bojana Radovanovic, Christopher Hope, Nina Rismal, Guy Williams, Fu Zhenyu, Xiao Chen, Ming Leong Kuan, Rafe Martyn, Jack Wright and Isabella Weber for the stimulating conversations and the many laughs. My colleagues at Clare Hall also offered me the most exciting escape from Ph.D life in our rowing club and Valeriya, Serhiy and Max were always there to offer me food and comfort whenever I needed. Beyond Cambridge, Sophie van Hullen and Aftab Malik were the two most supportive friends a Ph.D student could find. I am also grateful to everyone who made fieldwork research possible. Landy, Felicia and Ming Jiang provided excellent research assistance. I would also like to thank the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou and their precious university library resources. In Malaysia I will be eternally grateful for the help 3 of Yu Leng Khor and Wong Chen, without whom I would have achieved very little. Professors Rajah Rasiah and Terrence Gomez were incredibly kind and helpful, discussing my work and putting me in touch with great people. I would finally like to thank the countless policy-makers, business people, scholars, experts and students that I met in my trips and were kind enough to share their precious time with me and contribute to this work. I would also like to acknowledge my family and friends in Greece and China. My brother Themistoklis and my sister-in-law Taofen Zeng are the most generous people I know and without their moral and material support this thesis would have been impossible. My father and mother have also been unconditionally supportive and I hope this work will serve as an acknowledgement of their sacrifices over the years. Without my best friend Efstathia Nikolaidou, I would have never completed this work. Finally, I am grateful to Jose Miguel Ahumada. Beyond your love and support, thank you for helping me grow my intellectual curiosity. You opened up worlds I didn’t know existed. 4 Abbreviations AFC Asian Financial Crisis AmCham American Chamber of Commerce ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit CAS Chinese Academy of Sciences CBS China Bureau of Statistics CCID China Centre for Information Industry Development CEIYCC China Electronics Industry Yearbook Compilation Committee CEO Chief Executive Officer CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Silicon COCOM Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls CREST Collaborative Research in Engineering Science and Technology CRT Cathode Ray Tube DISF Domestic Industrial Strategic Fund DRAM Dynamic Random-Access Memory DSM Department of Statistics Malaysia E&E Electronics and Electrical EMS Electronics Manufacturing Service EPU Economic Planning Unit EPZ Export Processing Zones ERP Effective Rate of Protection ETDZ Economic and Technological Development Zones ETP Economic Transformation Programme FDI Foreign Direct Investment FIDA Federal Industrial Development Authority FIE Foreign Invested Enterprise FOB Free on Board FREEPENCA Free Industrial Zone Penang Companies’ Association FTZ Free Trade Zone FYP Five Year Plan GBS Guangdong Bureau of Statistics GDEMI Guangdong Department of Electronics and Machinery Industry GDP Gross Domestic Product GDRC Guangdong Development and Reform Commission GDST Guangdong Department of Science and Technology GEIA Guangdong Electronics Industry Annals GEIC Guangdong Economic and Information Commission GETC Guangdong Economic and Trade Commission GFC Global Financial Crisis GPN Global Production Network GTP Government Transformation Programme GVC Global Value Chain GYCC Guangdong Yearbook Compilation Committee HICOM Heavy Industries Corporation of Malaysia HIDZ High-Tech Industrial Development Zones 5 HKTM Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan HNTE High and New Technology Enterprises HRDF Human Resources Development Fund IC Integrated Circuit ICA Industrial Coordination Act ICT Information and Communications Technology IIA Investment Incentives Act IMP Industrial Master Plan IoT Internet of Things IP Intellectual Property IRDA Iskandar Regional Development Authority IRPA Intensification of Research in Priority Areas IT Information Technology ITA Information Technology Agreement ITRI Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan JV Joint Venture KHTM Kulim High-Tech Park LCD Liquid Crystal Display LED Light Emitting Diode LMW Licensed Manufacturing Warehouse M&A Merger and Acquisition MAEI Malaysian American Electronics Industries MARA Majlis Amanah Rakyat MATRADE Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation MCA Malaysian Chinese Association MEI Ministry of Electronic Industry MIC Malaysian Indian Congress MIDA Malaysia Investment Development Agency MIDF Malaysia Industrial Finance MIGHT Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology MII Ministry of Information Industries MIIT Ministry of Industry and Information Technology MIMOS Malaysian Institute for Microelectronics Systems MISC Malaysian Standard Industrial Classification MITI Ministry of Trade and Industry MLP National Medium- and Long-Term Plan for the Development of Science and Technology MNC Multi-national Corporation MoE Ministry of Education MoF Ministry of Finance MOST Ministry of Science and Technology MOSTI Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation MP Malaysia Plan MPT Ministry of Post and Telecommunications MSC Multimedia Super Corridor MTDC Malaysian Technology Development Corporation 6 NCER Northern Economic Corridor NCIA Northern Corridor Implementation Authority NDRC National Development and Reform Commission NEP New Economic Policy NKEA New Key Economic Area OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer PC Personal Computer PCB Printed Circuit Board PDC Penang Development Corporation PEMANDU Performance Management and Delivery Unit PERNAS Perbadan NAsional PIA Promotion of Investments Act PIO Pioneer Industries Ordinance PMO Prime Ministers’ Office PRD Pearl River Delta PSDC Penang Skills Development Centre R&D Research and Development RDA Regional Development Agency RFID Radio-frequency Identification RM Ringgit Malaysian RMB Renminbi S&T Science and Technology SEDC State Economic Development Corporation SEG Shenzhen Electronics Group SEI Strategic Emerging Industries SEZ Special Economic Zones SIRIM Scientific and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia SME Small and Medium Enterprise SMT Surface Mount Technology SOE State-Owned Enterprise SOSHE State-Owned Holding Enterprise TEEAM Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia TiVA Trade in Value Added TPM Technology Park Malaysia UMNO United Malays National Organisation UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organisation US United States USD United States Dollars UTM University Technology Malaysia VDP Vendor Development Programme WFOE Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise WTO World Trade Organization YRD Yangtze River Delta 7 Table of Contents Preface 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