The Magazine for Terrarists No 101 Keeping and breeding the Red Mountain Racer Kaloula pulchra A pike for the home aquarium All issues of the news available on www.animalbook.de 2 Terralog NEWS 101 Inhalt Impressum Porcelain tree snails 4 A new Caecilian worm 30 Herausgeber: Wolfgang Glaser Manouria emys 8 Chefredakteur: Dipl. -Biol. Frank Schäfer Kaloula Pulchra 12 Redaktionsbeirat: Thorsten Holtmann Preview: Volker Ennenbach Red Mountain Racer 16 TERRALOGnews No 102 Dr. med. vet. Markus Biffar LUW von JBL 17 will appear on KW 07/08 2012 Thorsten Reuter Don´t miss it! Manuela Sauer A ban on keeping pets? 18 Dipl.- Biol. Klaus Diehl Enie van de Meiklokjesas 20 Layout: Bärbel Waldeyer Übersetzungen: Mary Bailey A suitable skink 20 Gestaltung: Aqualog Animalbook GmbH Batrachian of the Year 2012 24 Cover: Frederik Templin Tree snail,Amphidromus atricallosus Titelgestaltung: Petra Appel, Steffen Kabisch Artificial rock 25 Photo: F.Schäfer Druck: Möller Druck, Ahrensfelde A pike for the aquarium 27 Gedruckt am: xx.xx.xx Anzeigendisposition: Aqualog Animalbook GmbH und Verlag Liebigstraße 1, D-63110 Rodgau Tel: 49 (0) 61 06 - 697977 Wollen Sie keine Ausgabe der News versäumen ? Fax: 49 (0) 61 06 - 697983 Werden Sie Abonnent(in) und füllen Sie einfach den Abonnenten-Abschnitt aus e-mail: [email protected] und schicken ihn an: Aqualog Animalbook GmbH, Liebigstr.1, D- 63110 Rodgau http://www.aqualog.de Hiermit abonniere ich die Ausgaben 102-105 (2012) zum Preis von g12 ,- für 4 Ausgaben, All rights reserved.The publishers do not accept liability (außerhalb Deutschlands g 19,90) inkl. 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Alle Aqualog-Produkte erhalten Sie weltweit im Zoofachhandel, im Buchhandel oder direkt beim Verlag. Zoofachhändler aufgepasst! animalbook.de Liebigstr.1 D-63110 Rodgau Ihr flexibler und schneller Buchgroß- tel: +49 (0) 6106 697977 händler nicht nur für AQUALOG. e-mail: [email protected] Über 3.000 Titel rund um´s Thema Tier! Filialen mit Zoofachabteilung Terralog NEWS 101 3 Editorial nd so from 2012 onwards your News Dear Reader, A will be expanded in size by a full 16 pages and you will then have 48 pages Thanks to the generous co-operation of internationally renowned bursting with life at your fingertips. wholesalers in aquarium fishes and terrarium animals, AQUALOG News However, we feel that it no longer makes and TERRALOG News have always been able to provide you with an up to sense to continue the division into AQUALOG date review of the livestock and plants currently available in the trade – (containing mainly fishes and the aquarium and all for free! And that will continue in future. hobby) and TERRALOG (containing mainly However, we also plan to offer you more content and an even greater terrarium animals), as in order to continue to variety of topics in future. bring you the News free of charge, we are News Veranstaltungstipps reducing the number of issues from six to four per year. This would mean that the interval Heimtiermesse Hannover Terraxotica-Germany (Terraristikbörse) between issues covering the two main topics 5.The Art of the Planted Aquarium Am 17.12.2011 4. NANO-Wettbewerb und in der Rübekamphalle in Pinneberg would be too long to maintain our 4. Internationales Garnelen-Championat Am 25.03.2012 requirement for up-to-date news. In the final 27.01. – 29.01.2012 in Bremen, Messe Bremen, Halle 3 10.00 – 18.00 Uhr Am 29.04.2012 analysis our aim continues to be the first to www.tmsevent.de im ETM Forum in Chemnitz bring you information on animals and plants www.terraxotica-germany.de Vorträge im newly available in the hobby! So in future Tierfachmarkt Hoose und Stab in Hanau Terra-Art each issue will simply be called the News. Referent: Dieter Untergasser Die Kunst der Terrariengestaltung From issue 102 onwards every issue of the 20. Januar 2012, Inhalt: Gesunderhaltung der - Meisterschaft auf der Hund & Heimtier in Aquarienfische und Prof. Medikamente Dortmund News will contain something on every aspect 30. März 2012, Inhalt: Der Gartenteich im 04.-06.Mai 2012 of the hobby, be it freshwater or marine, wet, Wechsel der Jahreszeiten Dortmunder Westfalenhallen (Länge der Vorträge etwa 2 Stunden) 10 – 18 Uhr / Halle 3B damp or dry. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter www.tmsmessen.de www.tierfachmarkt.de Frank Schäfer, Editor in Chief 4 Terralog NEWS 101 Wirbellose latter type of shell! But it is quite normal Porcelain tree snails for the subgenus Amphidromus to have by Sebastian Zimmer both left-handed and right-handed individuals in any given population. The For around three years gorgeous yellow, light blue, and white snails have technical term for this is amphidromine, been imported to Europe from Thailand. With a shell height of around 5 meaning “winding in both directions”.By cm and their splendid porcelain sheen, these are very impressive contrast, in the subgenus Syndromus the creatures. The soft parts of these snails are colored to match their shells. direction in which the shell winds is They belong to the taxon Amphidromus atricallosus leucoxanthus. largely genetically determined. All but two species of Syndromus – one right- ccording to current wisdom, the specimens are extremely rare. It is said handed, one amphidromine – are left- A genus Amphidromus contains 87 that only one in 20,000 specimens has the handed. species that are divided into two subgenera. Amphidromus atricallosus belongs to the nominate subgenus Amphidromus, and the second subgenus is Syndromus.The two subgenera are distinguished by anatomical details, but we will consider just one of them here. Left- or right-handed? This detail relates to the direction in which the shell of the snail winds. In the majority of snails this is genetically determined. If the shell is held with its apex pointing upwards and the opening towards the observer, then it is possible to determine whether it is left-handed or right-handed. For example,the Edible Snail or Escargot is normally right-handed and left-handed The porcelain tree snail Amphidromus atricallosus leucoxanthus. No sexual dimorphism Under no circumstances should the Terralog NEWS 101 5 direction of the shell be taken as an Known for a long time The species A mphidromus atricallosus was indication of sex. All A mphidromus T he gorgeous shells of the porcelain tree described by Gould in 1843. According to species are hermaphrodites – in other snails came to the notice of natural history the most recent state of systematics it is words, each individual possesses both collectors centuries ago, and so it is no divided into four subspecies. The male and female gonads. Anyone who surprise that one of the species was nominate form A. a. atricallosus is buys two Amphidromus will thus be described as long ago as 1758 by CARL VON widespread and occurs in Burma,Malaysia, buying a pair. The sex organs are so LINNÉ, the father of modern zoological and south and west Thailand. It is found in arranged that they share a common nomenclature. For a long time these snails association with human civilization and is opening, the ductus hermaphroditicus, were known only from their shells, and, most easily differentiated from the which is branched into a penis and a depending on the extent of the available following subspecies by having a black or vagina. For this reason self-fertilization is material, there were different dark brown parietal callus (see illustration impossible, and insemination must take interpretations regarding which snails at the end of this article). place via a second snail. The microscopic were to be classified as species, which as details of the penis and vagina provide subspecies, and which as simply color A.a.leucoxanthus (von Martens,1864) from important indications regarding the variants. And to some degree this eastern Thailand is very similar and specific and/or subspecific identity of remained a matter of debate until a very distinguished mainly by having a white these snails. short time ago. parietal callus. The maintenance of snails is rarely boring and offers lots of opportunities for observation. all photos: Frank Schäfer 6 Terralog NEWS 101 hortensis and C. nemoralis, porcelain tree snails also occur in numerous color Lexicon variants, though only the most attractive, Groß-&Einzelhandel usually yellow or whitish-blue, specimens Terraristik-Zimmer for the porcelain tree Tel.: 0163 7120469 are imported. [email protected] snail article www.terraristik-zimmer.de These shell colors are, however, species- Amphidromus means “twisting in typical to an only very limited extent, and both directions”,referring to the A. a. perakensis F ulton, 1901 comes from there are also brown-patterned right-handed and left-handed the south of the Malayan Peninsula individuals. The dark stripes on the shells shells. (Malaysia, Singapore, and offshore of many individuals are likewise not atricallosus means “with a black callus” islands), while A. a. classiarius Sutcharit & species-specific, but develop when the leucoxanthus means “white-yellow”. Panha, 2006 is known only from the island snail stops growing during a dry spell.
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