June 8, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3629 (Mr. DEFAZIO addressed the House. Opera. Another Youngstown Connec- As a constable, Geddie was more than His remarks will appear hereafter in tion alumnus, Timothy Gordon, is a a law officer, he was an officer of the the Extensions of Remarks.) professional dancer and teacher in New people. He carried a charge that dates f York who has performed with, amongst all the way back to the Father of others, Alicia Keys. Three former Texas, Stephen F. Austin, who started RECOGNIZING THE YOUNGSTOWN alumni are currently pursuing Ph.D.’s this band of lawmen to protect Texas CONNECTION from universities across the country in settlers from the Indians. Constables Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I fields such as cancer and heart re- are an elite corps of cowboy-lawmen, ask unanimous consent to speak out of search. part of an organization really older order. Mr. Speaker, all children in every than Texas Rangers. They date back to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without school need the same opportunities as before the days of the Republic of objection, the gentleman from Ohio is these kids. Imagine the potential that Texas. And Constable Dale Geddie was recognized for 5 minutes. could be unleashed across the country. known for upholding the charge to pro- There was no objection. Let us give these kids the opportunity tect and serve. Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I that they deserve. These students learn He was a fine lawman and a fine rise today in recognition of the the value of giving back to their com- human being. Friends have said that if Youngstown Connection. This group of munity through service projects to you knew Dale, he was your friend for exceptional students from the Youngs- help the homeless. The group also life. He was the guy who would take off town city schools serves as ambas- raises their own funds for travel, cos- his boots and give them to you if you sadors of our valley throughout the Na- tumes, and other expenses through the needed them. Now it is Constable Dale tion and the world. use of fund-raising activities and gen- Geddie’s family, his wife and his two The Youngstown Connection is com- erous donations from private citizens sons, who will need help during the loss prised of 12 high school students from and groups. The Youngstown Connec- of their good father and their good hus- Youngstown city schools. They are tion provides these young adults with band. Their father’s fellow peace offi- skilled in all areas of the performing the opportunity to share their love of cers, with their badges draped in the arts including theater, dance, and the arts and promote the message of black cloth of sacrifice, their hearts music. brotherhood and peace throughout the bruised, have lost a friend, a leader, The talents of the Youngstown Con- world. and a hero. nection have been showcased at Na- I am proud of the Youngstown Con- Today we remember Constable Dale tional venues, including the Kennedy nection, Mr. Speaker, and because of Geddie, his family and friends and fel- Center and the Washington National them the future of our community in low Texas lawmen, and as we remem- Cathedral in Washington, D.C., the northeast Ohio and the country is in ber them we also remember Smith Lincoln Center, and the Macy’s good hands. County Sheriff’s Deputy Daniel Leon, Thanksgiving Day parade in New York who was also injured in this attack. f City. Across the globe they have per- Today we pause to say a prayer and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a formed at the World War II D–Day give praise to all the other lawmen previous order of the House, the gen- commemorations in Normandy, Paris, across the country who face the forces tleman from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) is and London, Austria’s Millennial Cele- of evil, evil that hides in the hardened recognized for 5 minutes. bration of Music in Vienna, and the hearts of the heathen. Berlin Wall Freedom Celebration in (Mr. BURTON of Indiana addressed Mr. Speaker, peace officers are the cities throughout Germany. the House. His remarks will appear last strand of wire in the fence between Many of the students come from a hereafter in the Extensions of Re- the people and the lawless. Constable variety of socioeconomic backgrounds, marks.) Dale Geddie was one of those peace of- and through the Youngstown Connec- f ficers. tion they are able to explore opportuni- BADMAN VS. LAWMAN—A TRIBUTE And that’s just the way it is. ties they may not have otherwise been f granted. TO TEXAS PEACE OFFICER DALE GEDDIE The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a It has been widely reported, Mr. previous order of the House, the gen- Speaker, that students of the arts con- Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, I request per- tleman from Ohio (Mr. BROWN) is rec- tinue to outperform their peers who for mission to take Mr. BURTON’s time. ognized for 5 minutes. one reason or another have not taken The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without (Mr. BROWN of Ohio addressed the courses in the arts. According to the objection, the gentleman from Texas is House. His remarks will appear here- College Entrants Examination Board, recognized for 5 minutes. after in the Extensions of Remarks.) in 2005 SAT scores of students with There was no objection. coursework or experience in the arts Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, it is the kind f scored between 25 and 65 points higher of ammunition you would expect a for- ON THE PASSING OF GEORGE in the verbal section and an average of eign insurgent to have, 150 armor pierc- DUNNE 28 points higher in the math section ing bullets and a rifle. But it was all Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I than those with no arts coursework. 100 too familiar what happened in this ask unanimous consent to claim the percent of Youngstown Connection stu- event. This individual with all this fire time of Mr. BROWN. dents graduate from high school, and 97 power being a bad father and a bad hus- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without percent go on to graduate from college. band, he was pitted against police and objection, the gentleman from Illinois The focus, the discipline, and the moti- his own family. He held them hostage, is recognized for 5 minutes. vation the students gain throughout then lashing out at the lawmen sent to There was no objection. these experiences in the Youngstown rescue his family. This domestic dis- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, Connection remains with them turbance ended fatally, just as too last week George William Dunne, one throughout their lives. many domestic disturbances end. of the giant figures of Chicago and Today, Mr. Speaker, several alumni After threatening his wife, this fam- Cook County politics in the last half of of the program are at the top of their ily terrorist, Joseph Earl Walsh, turned the 20th century passed at age 93. career fields, including several profes- his blazing gun on a well-known and George Dunne came from humble cir- sional performers. Lawrence Brownlee, well-loved peace officer, a servant of cumstances, the son of Irish immi- who went on to gain a Master of Music the people, leaving him to die while grants. He graduated from De La Salle degree from Indiana University, is an holding fellow peace officers at bay. Institute on Chicago’s South Side, the opera singer who is considered one of This stand-off would last more than 3 alma mater of such stalwarts of Cook the top young tenors in the entire hours, and when the dust and gun pow- County politics as Mayor Martin Ken- world. He has performed in every major der cleared the skies, East Texas Con- nelly, Cook County board president opera house worldwide and currently stable Dale Geddie of Tyler, Texas Dan Ryan, and Mayor Richard J. has a contract with the Metropolitan would be found murdered. Daley. VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:35 Jun 09, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00131 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08JN7.196 H08JNPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMHOUSE H3630 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 8, 2006 b 2230 such as the Honorable Jesse White, gion and other Armed Services mem- He attended Northwestern University Secretary of State, the Honorable Bur- bers, current and past, traveled great and served his country in the United ton Naturus, Alderman and committee- distances to show their respect and States Army during World War II and man of the 42nd Ward, and the honor- support for his friends, his fiance´e and the Korean War. George Dunne began able Walter Burnett, alderman of the his family. his public service career as a park su- 27th Ward. Like so many young men and women who choose to serve our country, it is pervisor at a Lake Michigan play- Mr. Speaker, I am sure that they clear to me, Corporal Eric Lueken em- ground, and went on to a series of posi- would join with me and countless oth- bodied the very best of what makes tions with the Chicago Park District. ers of saying thanks to his family for this country great. Corporal Lueken’s He was elected to the Illinois House sharing with all of us a tremendous sacrifice, his commitment to his faith, of Representative in 1955 and elevated elected official, politician, but most of his family, and his country was unwav- to House Majority Leader in 1961.
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