Brooklyn Academy of Music 1969-70 Season American Ballet Theatre DECEMBER 2 - 14, 1969 ABRAHAMcf .."'•,. c "' SCHUSSING 'N SUNNING Visit A&S Ski Shop and see all that's dazzling bright for the skier ... pants, jackets, headgear ... plus the latest, greatest in ski equipment! Then head for the Cruise Shop and take in the newest looks in sun'n fun fashions from all the top designers ... in all the now colors! DECEMBER 1969 I BROOKLYN ACADEMY OF MUSIC I 3 BALLET THEATRE FOUNDATION SHERWIN M. GOLDMAN, President presents AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE LUCIA CHASE and OLIVER SMITH, Directors Friday, December 5, 1969 TONI LANDER ROYES FERNANDEZ BRUCE MARKS SALLIE WILSON ELEANOR D'ANTUONO GAYLE YOUNG CYNTHIA GREGORY TED KIVITT MIM I PAUL IVAN NAGY MICHAEL SMUIN ALEXANDRA RADIUS HAN EBBELAAR and LUPE SERRANO DIANA WEBER TERRY ORR RONI MAHLER GAIL ISRAEL PAUL NICKEL KARENA BROCK ROSANNA SERAVALLI PAULA TRACY SUSAN CASEY MARCOS PAREDES BETSY ERICKSON WILLIAM CARTER ROBERT GLADSTE IN IAN HORVATH Robert Bellini Amy Blaisdell Robert Brassel Carol Bryan Christine Busch Richard Cammack Betty Chamberlin Zola Dishong Deborah Dobson Helyn Douglas Jan Fisher Carol Foster Ingrid Fraley Rhodie Jorgenson Sue Knapp Keith Lee Rosamond Lynn Jacquelyn Marshall Ruth Mayer Christine Motzkus Dennis Nahat Phyllis Papa Zhandra Rodriquez Gary Snider Naomi Sorkin Bojan Spassoff Vane Vest Luis Villanueva Patricia Wesche Stephanie Wolf Maria Youskevitch James Zynda Principal Conductor Conductor JAIME LEON AK IRA ENDO Regisseur Assistant to the Directors Ballet Master DIMITRI ROMANOFF JOHN KRIZA ENRIQUE MARTINEZ DARYL DODSON, General Manager 4 I BROOKLYN ACADEMY OF MUSIC I DECEMBER 1969 The Brooklyn Academy of Music The Brool;lyn Academy of Music is a department of the Brook lyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. The Governing Committee Ticket Reservation Systems - TICKETRON Seth S. Faison, Chairman Edward S. Reid, V1ce Chairman Computerized ticket selling system which Monroe D. Stem, V1ce Chairman permits purchase of tickets to Academy Hon. Alexander Aldrich events at the following locations: Bernard S. Barr Mrs. H. Haughton Bell MANHATIAN: Donald F. BenJamin Gimbels 33rd St.; Chase Manhattan Bank, Dr. William M. Birenbaum 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza and 52nd St. Donald M. Blmken & Ave. of Americas; Freedom National John R. H. Blum Bank, 275 W. 125th St.; Grand Central Patrick Carter Station, Information and Balcony Areas; Will1am B. Hewson Hunter College Concert Bureau, 695 Park Rev. W. G. Henson Jacobs Ave. Howard H. Jones Max L. Koeppel Msgr. Raymond S. Leonard BROOKLYN: Mrs. George Liberman Chase Manhattan Bank, Court and Mon­ Harvey Lichtenstein tague Sts.; Four Season Ticket Informa­ Mrs. Constance J. McQueen tion Association, 1625 Jerome Ave.; Free­ Alan J. Patncof dom National Bank, 493 Nostrand Ave. James Q. Riordan Will1am Tobey LONG ISLAND: Administrative Staff Harvey Lichtenstein, Gimbels, Roosevelt Field and Valley Director Stream; Grand Union, Great Neck; Gertz, Lewis L. Lloyd, Flushing, Jamaica, Hi cksville, Great General Manager Neck, Bayshore; Austin Travel, Hemp­ Charles Hammock, stead; Sears, Hicksville. Asst. General Manager Walter Price, Asst. D1 rector, Press & Public Relations STATEN ISLAND: Thomas Kerrigan, Assistant to the Director Major's Travel. Ron Chnstopher, Public Afta1rs Coordi nator WESTCHESTER: Judith Bllnken, Music Program Coordinator Gimbels, Cross County Shopping Center; Betty Rosandorn, B. Altman and Co., White Plains; Sears, AomtnlstraLOr, School Ti me Program Yonkers. Sarah Walder, Adm1n1strator, Membership Program NEW JERSEY: Jane Yackel, Admm1suative Assistant Gimbels, Paramus and Moorestown; Mildred Levinson, Broadway Bank and Trust, Paterson; Administrative Secretary Grand Union, Morristown; Acme Super­ Adele Allen, market, Somerville; B. Altman and Co., Administrative Secretary Short Hills; Customer Made Shirts, 31 E. Sylv1a Rodm, Administrative Assistant Broad St., Westfield; Diners/Fugazy Frances M. Seidenberg, Travel, Broad and Monmouth, Red Bank; Assistant, Public Affairs Food Circus, 835 Highway St., Middle­ Merle Johnson, town; Levy Bros., Clifton and Elizabeth; F1nancia1 Secretary Linden Travel, Linden; Liptons Stores, Evelyn August, Bloomfield; Mercury Travel, 4 Lafayette, Staff Assistant Trenton; Paramus Bowling, Rte. 17, Pa­ House Staff ramus; Princeton University Store, Alfred Salmaggi, Jr., House Manager Princeton; Ridgewood Newspapers, Alan Schnurmacher, Asst. House Manager Ridgewood; Steinbach Goerke, Asbury Harry Pearl, Box Office Treasurer Park, Bricktown, Elizabeth, Plainfield, Ronald Argenzio, Assistant Red Bank; Stern Brothers, Paterson, Pa­ Donald Giebler, Assistant ramus, Preakness; Valley Fair, Irvington; Richard Beck, Stage Crew Chief Woodbridge Travel, Woodbridge. John Van Buskirk, Master Carpenter Edward Cooney, Assistant CONNECTICUT: Donald Beck, Chief Electrician Gimbels, Stamford; Grand Union, Green- Louis Beck, Assistant wich; Lafayette Radio, Danbury; Stoler's, John Cooney, Property Manager Darien; Yale Cooperative Corp., 77 Broad- Charles Brette, Custodian way, New Haven. IN CASE OF FIRE, WALK, DO NOT RUN, TO THE NEAREST EXIT. DECEMBER 1969 I BROOKLYN ACADEMY OF MUSIC I S MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE BROOKLYN INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Mr. Alexander Aldrich Mrs. Edward M. Fuller Mr. Warren H. Phillips Miss Marian Anderson Mr. Andrew L. Gomory Mr. Rutherford Platt Hon. Emil N. Baar Mr. Covington Hardee Mr. Eben W. Pyne Mr. Edward K. Bachman Mr. F. Warren Hellman Mr. Edward S. Reid Mr. Bernard S. Barr Mr. J. Victor Herd Mr. Frederick W. Richmond Mrs. H. Haughton Bell Dr. James MeN. Hester Mr. James Q. Riordan Mr. Donald F. Benjamin Mr. William B. Hewson Mrs. Thomas H. Roulston Dr. William Birenbaum Mr. John E. Heyke, Jr. Robert S. Rubin Mr. John R. H. Blum Mr. Winston E. Himsworth Mrs. Frank K. Sanders, Jr_ Mr. Robert E. Blum Dr. R. Gordon Hoxie Mr. J. Folwell Scull, Jr. M r. Gordon S. Braislin Mrs. Darwin R. James Ill Mr. Oonald G. C. Sinc lair Mr. RobErt M. Burke Mr. Howard Jones Mr. lv'lon roe D. Stein Mr. Patrick Carter Dr. John B. King Mr. Gerard Swope, Jr. Mr. Francis T. Christy Mr. Preston L. Lambert Mr. Harold J. Szold Mrs. Robert T. H. Davidson Mr. Wilbur A. Levin ~~rs. Ho llis K. Thayer Mr. Sidney W. Davidson Mrs. Abbott A. Lippman Mrs. John F. Thompson, Jr. Mrs. Berton J. Delmhorst Mr. Alastair B. Martin Mr. William Tobey Mrs. carroll J. Dickson Mrs. Emmet J. McCormack Mr. George R. To llefsen Mr. Milton T. VanderVeer Mr. Thomas A. Donnelly The Very Rev. Eugene J. Molloy Mrs. Tracy S. Voorhees Dr. James B. Donovan Hon . Leonard P. Moore Mr. Francis B. Wadelton, Jr. Mrs. Mary Childs Draper Mr. Justin J. Murphy Hon. George C. Wildermuth Mr. Paul F. ~lv Mrs. Louis Nathanson Mr. Robert Wilson Mr. Seth S. Faison M r. Michael C. O'Brien, Jr. Mrs. Earle Kress Williams Mr. LeWIS W. rrc.. ocis, Jr. Mr. Donald M. Oenslager Judge Joseph B. Williams FOUNDATION AND CORPORATE CONTRIBUTORS A & S Foundation Marine Electric Corporation Albert and Greenbaum Foundation, Inc. Marine Midland Grace Trust Company American Airlin es Foundation of New York Bache Corporation Foundation Martin's Department Store Bankers Trust Company Mays (J.W.) Department Store Bay Ridge Savings Bank (now Anchor) ll/larz Foundation Bristol-Myers Fund Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith, Inc. Brooklyn Savings Bank Henry and Lucy Moses Fund Brooklyn Union Gas Company Nathan's Famous, Inc. 1:3uriington Industries Foundation National Lead Foundation Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation New York Community Trust Chemical Bank New York Trust Company - Brooklyn Heights Cities Service Foundation - Cultural Fund Co rning Glass Works Foundation - Prospect Park Cranshaw Corporat ion New York Fo undation CT Found"'ltion New York Post Foundation Dell Publishing Company Foundation New York State Counci-l on the Arts Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn New York Telephone Company Dow JonPs Foundation New York Times Foundation, Inc. Duplan Corporation Ogilvy & Mather, Inc. East New York Savings Bank 1-'ack-Kahn Foundation Eighty Maiden lane Foundation Pfizer Foundation Fawcett Enterprises, Inc. Jerome Robbins Foundation Fi rst National City Bank Foundation Rockefeller Brothers Fund Ford Foundation Rockefeller Foundation Greater New York Savings Bank F. & M. Shaefer Brewing Company Green Point Savings Bank Scherman Foundation Hudson Pulp and Paper Company Sea rs, Roebuck and Company IBM Corooration Shell Companies Foundation, Inc. Kaplan Fund South Brooklyn Savings Bank Kidder Peabody Foundation Spartans Industries Kings County Lafayette Trust Co. Trans World Airlines, Inc. Kirsch Beverages, Inc. Trump Foundation (Fred C.) Klein, Stephen and Regina, Foundation United Airlines , Kraftco Corporation (National Dairy) United States Trust Company lincoln Savings Bank v~nAme rin ge n Foundation, Inc. Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company William C. Whitney Foundation Foundation Williamsburgh Savings Bank FRIENDS OF BROOKLYN ACADEMY OF MUSIC FIRST LUNCHEON-LECTURE SE RIES "THE PERFORMING ARTS" Jan. 16-Ciive Barnes-Dance Mar. 13- Henry Butler-Creation of Feb. 13- William Woodruff- Opera "Mourning Becomes Electra" Apr. 10-Michael Kutza- Films FRIENDS OF THE BROOKLYN ACADEMY OF MUS IC 30 Lafayette Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11217 Tel.: 783-6700 - Ext. 18 G I DROOKL YN ACAD E MY Or M USIC I DECCMUER 1!169 LES NOCES (A Dance-cantata) Music by Igor Stravinsky Choreography by Jerome Robbms Set by Oliver Smith Lighting by Jea n Rose nthal Costumes by Patricia Z1pprodt St rt~vin ~ky ll'>t'cl .ts lllctlt> rtdl lor "It><, Noc cs" tile rtltt.tlt '>l tc t> IPrtH'Ill
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