OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE - NOVEMBER 22, 2020 MISSION STATEMENT Faithful to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, St. Raphael Parish and School promotes the Universal Call to Holiness for all the People of God. WORSHIP CONTACT SACRAMENTS Weekday Masses Fr. Michael Rudolph, Pastor x 205 Reconciliaon Monday - Saturday: *8:00 am [email protected] Weekdays: 7:30 - 7:50 am First Friday: 7:00 pm Fr. Robert Aler, Parochial Vicar x 206 Saturday: 7:30 - 7:50 am, Extraordinary Form Lan [email protected] 8:30 - 9:30 am and 4:00 - 5:15 pm Weekend Masses Parish Email: [email protected] Marriage Saturday: 5:30 pm Parish Phone: 763-537-8401 Please contact Fr. Rudolph. Sunday: 8:30 am, 10:30 am, and Parish Office Hours Bapsm *12:30 pm Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Please contact the Parish Office. * Masses also live-streamed. Friday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm 7301 BASS LAKE ROAD, CRYSTAL, MN 55428 | WWW.STRAPHAELCRYSTAL.ORG PASTOR’S LETTER Who are we going to serve? make mistakes. Not so with Jesus Christ! Unlike presidents, prime ministers, popes, generals and earthly kings or queens, In 1979, singer and composer Bob Dylan Jesus Christ is someone whom we can trust 100 percent. released an album called “Slow Train Coming.” On it is a song I like a lot, tled To serve Jesus Christ as King means to do what He tells us. He “Goa Serve Somebody.” I think it was guides us in many ways, but His clearest and most important especially meaningful to me when it first instrucons are in the Gospels. For example, in today’s came out because I had just become a Gospel, Jesus tells is disciples that when He comes in His glory Chrisan and was beginning to learn with all the angels, He will sit on His glorious throne and what it meant to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Below is the first separate “all the naons” (meaning every human person) into of seven verses, followed by the refrain: two groups, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the “sheep” on His right. They are the You may be an ambassador to England or France people who in this life fed the hungry, gave the thirsty You may like to gamble, you might like to dance something to drink, welcomed strangers, clothed the naked, You may be the heavyweight champion of the world took care of the sick and visited prisoners. Christ will put the You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls “goats” on His le . They are the people who is this life But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes neglected to carry out those works of mercy. King Jesus will You’re gonna have to serve somebody say to those on His right hand, “Come, you who are blessed Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord by my Father. Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from But you’re gonna have to serve somebody the foundaon of the world.” He will say to those on his le In one way, this song is about our ulmate desny, either hand, “Depart from me, you accursed, into the enteral fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” heaven or hell. But it’s also about this life because we all need someone to guide our steps through the here and now. Which group do we want to be in? Jesus Christ wants to lead Many people are enamored of a parcular polician, romanc everyone into His Kingdom. May we say “Yes” to Him with all partner, author, filmmaker, songwriter, friend or grandparent of our hearts, souls, minds and bodies, trusng in His perfect Love and Wisdom. whose worldviews and ideas aract and influence them. People vary in how many such mentors they have, and how Trying to follow the King of the Universe along with you, uncrically they accept their opinions, claims and guidance. Father Rudolph Some people don’t think much for themselves, instead pung all their trust in the words of others. Other folks are just the opposite. They acknowledge no moral or intellectual authority other than their own. God knows how limited our human intelligence and perspecves are. On our own, we are like ants crawling in a valley; He is like an eagle flying above the mountaintops. God also knows that—because of the effects of original sin and because the devil is more intelligent than us human beings— we are easily confused and misled. So, when the me was right, God came among us as Jesus Christ to clearly show us the path of goodness, beauty and truth. It is a narrow path, but clear. It climbs the ridge of truth, enabling us to avoid falling into the chasm of despair on one side, and the chasm of presumpon on the other. As our Guide, Jesus Christ has many tles. These include Shepherd, Savior, High Priest, Lord, Messiah, Wisdom, Morning Star, Alpha and Omega, Sun of Righteousness, God with us, Master, Judge and Light of the world. This Sunday the Church worships Jesus Christ under His tle “Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.” No mere human being sll living in this world, no maer how wise or saintly, deserves our absolute trust. We all have blind spots, weaknesses, faults and can be corrupted, or at least 2 PARISH INFORMATION PARISH DIRECTORY FAITH FORMATION PASTORAL COUNCIL Parish Office: 763-537-8401 Director of Youth Ministry & Mario Chavez, Sco Gregory, Sharon Confirmaon Coordinator Hedman, Roselyn Lawrence, Jacob Nelson, PRIESTS Maricela Rodriguez Ocampo, Rose Pislli and Pastor Joseph Turner (x211) Family Discipleship Director Mike Vecellio Fr. Michael Rudolph (x205) Parochial Vicar Josh Stegman (x211) Pastoral Council Meengs Fr. Robert Aler (x206) RCIA Coordinator If you would like a parcular item on Mary Jo Smith (x511) the next Parish Council agenda please PARISH ADMINISTRATION contact Fr. Rudolph. Business Administrator WORSHIP Ginny Metzger (x202) Prayer Line (x528) FINANCE COUNCIL Part-Time Administrave Assistant Bullen Prayers for the Sick Sue Kubovec (x201) (x523) Steve Cheney, Kevin Hejna, Nancy Holovnia, Administrave Assistant/ Adoraon Coordinators and Shawn Horn Bullen Editor Sharon Hedman 763-315-0202 Marie Nachtsheim (x222) Char Vecellio 651-336-6630 STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Social Needs Coordinator NOVEMBER 01, 2020 CONTRIBUTIONS SCHOOL Bunny Arseneau (x214) School Office: 763-504-9450 Contribuons .............................. $17,419.29 Crisis Pregnancy Hotline (x500) Budget ......................................... $16,623.00 School Principal PARISH TRUSTEES Paul Dull (x352) Building Fund.................................... $545.00 Tony Pistlli Budget ........................................... $1,419.00 Jo Tolck Mr. J. Scholarship Fund .................... $304.48 Thank you for your generosity! PARISH CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday, November 22 Saturday, November 28 9:45 AM Catholic Q & A, 5:00 PM Youth Caramel Sales, Marian Hall Upper East Gathering Monday, November 23 Space 7:00 PM Schola Pracce, Sunday, November 29 Church Choir Lo 8:00 AM Youth Caramel Sales, Upper East Gathering Tuesday, November 24 Space 9:20 AM School Students, Church 9:45 AM Catholic Q & A, 6:30 PM Fundamentals of Marian Hall Catholicism, Marian Hall 3:00 PM Addional Advent 7:00 PM Rosary & Divine Mercy Confessions Chaplet - inside or outside the lower level East side. Wednesday, November 25 9:00 AM Cana Family Instute, Fr. Fenelon Room 11:30 AM RCIA, Fr. Fenelon Room 7:30 PM Adult Choir, Church Choir Lo Thursday, November 26 Parish Office Closed The Parish Office will be closed on 9:00 AM Mass of Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 26 and Church Friday, November 27 in Friday, November 27 observance of the Thanksgiving Parish Office Closed holiday. 3 PRAYER & WORSHIP MASS INTENTIONS PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday November 23 Eucharisc Adoraon 8:00 AM + Louann Foster Contacts Tuesday November 24 8:00 AM + Marie Reinke Sharon Hedman 763-315-0202 Wednesday November 25 Char Vecellio 651-336-6630 6:30 AM + Jane Johnson 8:00 AM + Marlos Bacon Thursday November 26 ADORATION OPEN HOURS 9:00 AM St. Raphael Parishioners Every hour must be covered with at Friday November 27 least one - preferably two commied 8:00 AM Loann Condon adorers before the Blessed in Thanksgiving Sacrament can be connually Saturday November 28 exposed. 8:00 AM + Joel P. Ehlenz 5:30 PM James Nelson Family - If you have quesons regarding Adoraon please call Sharon Hedman Living & Deceased Members at 763-315-0202. Sunday November 29 If you are interested in comming to a specific hour(s) or to get on a 8:30 AM + Dale Howard and substute list, please contact Char + Kim Howard "Who is Jesus to me? Jesus is the 10:30 AM St. Raphael Parishioners Vecellio at 651-336-6630. Word made Flesh. Jesus is the Bread MOST URGENT NEED: of Life. Jesus is the Vicm offered for WEEKLY READINGS our sins on the cross. Jesus is the SUNDAY: 11:00 am; 2:00 pm; sacrifice offered at holy Mass for the Readings for the week of 8:00 pm; 10:00 pm sins of the world and for mine. Jesus November 22, 2020 SATURDAY: 7:00 am; 12:00 pm; is the Word - to be spoken. Jesus is Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17/Ps 23:1-2, 2-3, 6:00 pm; 8:00 pm the Truth - to be told. Jesus is the 5-6 [1]/1 Cor 15:20-26, 28/Mt 25:31-46 Monday: Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5/Ps 24:1bc-2, Just a reminder that if you come to Way - to be walked. Jesus is the 3-4ab, 5-6 [cf.
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