Armed Conflicts 1946 - 2003 * Location Incompability Opposition organization Year Intensity level Europe Azerbaijan Terr (Nagorno- Karabakh) Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia 1 1992–94 War Govt Husseinov military faction 1993 Minor OPON forces (Otryad Policija Osobogo Naznacenija: Special Police Brigade) 1995 Minor Bosnia and Herzegovina Terr (Serb) Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbian irregulars, Yugoslavia2 1992–93 War 1994–95 Intermediate3 Terr (Croat) Croatian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatian irregulars, Croatia4 1993 War 1994 Intermediate * The location column lists the governmental party except in the case of extrastate conflicts, which are listed in italics with brackets around the name of the dependent territory, and, with both parties listed in the opposition organization column with the government name in bold. In the case of an interstate conflict, both parties are presented in the location column, with a dash between the two country names. Internationalized internal conflicts have at least one state or or multinational organization listed with the primary parties to the conflict. All other cases are internal conflicts. Minor armed conflict: at least 25 battle-related deaths in a year and fewer than 1,000 battle-related deaths during the course of the conflict. Intermediate armed conflict: at least 25 but fewer than 1,000 battle-related deaths in a year and an accumulated total of more than 1,000 deaths. War: at least 1,000 battle-related deaths in a year. This document is part of the dataset Armed Conflict 1946–2003, an update of the dataset Armed Conflict 1946–2001 as described in Nils Petter Gleditsch, Peter Wallensteen, Mikael Eriksson, Margareta Sollenberg & Håvard Strand, 2002. ‘Armed Conflict 1946–2001: A New Dataset’, Journal of Peace Research 39(5): 615–637. The latest version of this document can always be found at the dataset webpage at http://www.prio.no/cwp/armedconflict/ 1 Armenia active in 1992–93. 2 Yugoslavia active in 1992–93. 3 Possibly war in 1994–95. 4 Croatia active in 1993. Location Incompatibility Opposition organization Year Intensity level Terr (Bihača Krajina) Autonomous Province of Western Bosnia 1993–95 Minor Croatia Terr (Serb) Serbian Republic of Krajina, Serbian irregulars, Yugoslavia5 1992–93 Minor 1995 Minor6 (Cyprus) Terr (Cyprus) United Kingdom vs. EOKA (Ethniki organosis kiprion agoniston: National Union of Cypriot Fighters) 1955–59 Minor Cyprus – Terr (Northern Turkey Cyprus) 1974 War France Govt OAS (Organisation de l’armée secrète: Secret Army Organization) 1961–62 War Georgia Govt Anti-government alliance7 1991–92 Minor Zviadists 1992-93 Minor Terr (South Ossetia) Republic of South Ossetia 1992 Minor Terr (Abkhazia) Republic of Abkhazia 1992 Minor 1993 War 5 Yugoslavia active in 1992–1993. 6 Possibly intermediate in 1995. 7 The anti-government alliance in Georgia consisted of a faction of the National Guard, the Forces of Vazha Adamia and Mkhedrioni. Location Incompatibility Opposition organization Year Intensity level Greece Govt DSE (Dimokratikos stratos ellados: Democratic Army of Greece) 1946–49 War Hungary – Soviet Union Govt 1956 War Macedonia Govt UCK (Ushtria çlirimtare ë kombëtare: National Liberation Army) 2001 Minor Moldova Terr (Dniestr) Dniestr Republic 1992 Minor Romania Govt National Salvation Front 1989 Minor Russia Govt Parliamentary forces 1993 Minor Terr (Chechnya) Republic of Chechnya (Ichkeria) 1994 Minor 1995–96 War 1999–2001 War 2002-03 Intermediate Terr (Dagestan) Wahhabi Movement of the Buinaksk District 1999 Minor Soviet Union Terr (Estonia) Forest Brothers 1946–48 Intermediate Location Incompatibility Opposition organization Year Intensity level Terr (Latvia) LTS(p)A (Association of the Latvian Fatherland Guards), LNJS (Latvian National 1946–47 Intermediate Youth of LTS(p)A), LNPA (Latvian National Guerilla Association) Terr (Lithuania) BDPS (Bendras demokratinio pasipriesinimo sajudis: United Democratic Resistance Movement) 1946–47 War 1948 Intermediate Terr (Ukraine) UPA (Ukraine Partisan Army) 1946–48 War 1949–50 Intermediate Terr (Azerbaijan) APF (Azerbaijani Popular Front) 1990 Minor Terr (Nagorno- Karabakh) Republic of Armenia, ANM (Armenian National Movement) 1990–91 Minor Spain Terr (Basque) ETA (Euskadi ta azkatasuna: Basque Nation and Liberty) 1980–81 Minor 1987 Minor 1991–92 Minor UK Terr (Northern Ireland) PIRA (Provisional Irish Republican Army) 1971–77 Minor 1978–91 Intermediate Real IRA (Irish Republican Army) 1998 Intermediate Location Incompatibility Opposition organization Year Intensity level UK– Albania Terr (Korfu Channel) 1946 Minor Yugoslavia Terr (Croatia) Republic of Croatia, Croatian irregulars 1991 War Terr (Slovenia) Republic of Slovenia 1991 Minor Terr (Kosovo) UCK (Ushtria çlirimtare ë kosovës: Kosovo Liberation Army) 1998 War UCK, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) 1999 War Location Incompatibility Opposition organization Year Intensity level Middle East Egypt Govt Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Association) 1993–98 Minor Egypt – UK Terr (Suez) 1951–52 Minor Iran Terr (Azerbaijan) Republic of Azerbaijan, Soviet Union 1946 Minor Terr (Kurdistan) Republic of Kurdistan/KDPI (Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran), Soviet Union 1946 Minor KDPI (Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran) 1966–68 Intermediate8 1979–80 War 1981 Intermediate 1982 War 1983–88 Intermediate 1990 Intermediate 1993 Intermediate 1996 Intermediate 8 Possibly war in 1966–68. Location Incompatibility Opposition organization Year Intensity level Terr (Arabistan) APCO (Arab Political and Cultural Organization) 1979–80 Minor Govt Mujahideen e Khalq 1979–80 Minor 1981–82 War 1986–88 Intermediate 1991–93 Intermediate 1997 Intermediate 1999–2001 Intermediate Iraq Govt Military faction 1958 Minor Nationalists 1959 Minor9 Military faction 1963 Minor SCIRI (Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq) 1982–84 Minor 1987 Minor 1991 War 1992–96 Intermediate10 9 Possibly war in 1959. 10 Possibly war in 1992. Location Incompatibility Opposition organization Year Intensity level Terr (Kurdistan)11 KDP (Al-hizb al dimuqraati al-kurid: Kurdish Democratic Party of Iraq), PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan)12 1961–63 War 1964 Intermediate 1965–66 War 1967–68 Intermediate 1969 War 1970 Intermediate 1973 Intermediate 1974–75 War 1976–87 Intermediate 1988 War 1989–90 Intermediate 1991 War 1992–93 Intermediate PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) 1996 Intermediate Iran – Iraq Terr (Various)13 1974 Minor 1980–88 War 11 Possibly war in the years 1968, 1970 and 1979–87. 12 PUK active from 1975. 13 Notably the Shatt-al-Arab, but also islands in the Strait of Hormuz as well as territory along their common land border. By 1982, the stated incompatibility had widened to concern governmental power in addition to the territorial dispute. Location Incompatibility Opposition organization Year Intensity level Iraq-USA, United Kingdom, Australia Government 2003 War Iraq – Kuwait14 Terr (Kuwait) 1990 Minor 1991 War (Israel) Terr (Israel) United Kingdom vs. IZL [Etzel] (Irgun zwai leumi: National Military Organization) 1946 Minor Israel Terr (Palestine) Palestinian insurgents 1949–54 Minor 1955–64 Intermediate15 PLO (Munazamat tahir falastin: Palestine Liberation Organization) groups, Non- PLO groups16 1965–1988 Intermediate PFLP (Al-Jabna Al-Shabiyya li Tahrir Falastin: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) PFLP-GC (PFLG-General Command), Fatah (Harakat Tahrir Falastin: Movement for the National Liberation of Palestine), Hezbollah (Party of God), PIJ (Al-Jihad al-Islami fi Filastin: Palestinian Islamic Jihad), PNA (Palestinian National Authority), Hamas (Harakat al-muqawarna al-islamiyya: Islamic Resistance Movement), AMB (Kataeb al-Shaheed al-Aqsa: al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade), Harakat Amal (Hope Movement) 1989–2003 Intermediate 14 In 1991, Kuwait supported by the Multinational Coalition comprising troops from: Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, France, Greece, Honduras, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Niger, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Spain, Syria, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and USA. 15 It is unclear when the conflict changed from minor to intermediate. 16 E.g. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PFLP-GC, Hizbollah and al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. For the period after 1988 it has been possible to be more exact in the coding, and more precise information is thus given for these years. Location Incompatibility Opposition organization Year Intensity level Israel – Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Transjordan Terr (Palestine) 1948 War 1949 Intermediate Israel, UK, France – Egypt Terr (Suez) 1956 War Israel – Egypt Terr (Suez/Sinai) 1967 War 1969–70 Intermediate17 1973 War Israel – Jordan Terr (West Bank) 1967 War Israel – Syria Terr (Golan Heights) 1967 War 1973 War Lebanon Govt Independent Nasserite Movement /Mourabitoun militia 1958 War 17 Possibly war in 1970. Location Incompatibility Opposition organization Year Intensity level Various organizations18, Syria, Israel 1975 Minor 1976 War 1977–79 Intermediate19 1980–82 War 1983–88 Intermediate Lebanese Army (Aoun), Lebanese Forces, Syria 1989–90 War Muscat and Oman/Oman20 Terr (Oman) State of Oman/Free Oman 1957 Minor Govt PFLOAG (Popular Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arab Gulf)21, South Yemen 1972–75 Minor N. Yemen 22 Govt Opposition coalition 1948 War Royalists 1962–64 War 1965 Intermediate 1966–67 War 18 Some of the main groups being Progressive Socialist Party/Lebanese National Movement, Phalangist militia
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