+1LIO4 -/ oq MCNAIRMt: NAI R ATTORNEYS 2),cgt.' 5- - :Sql5~! f -c 5 -C.'argaret Margaret M. Fox [email protected]@mcnetr nel TT (803) 799-9800799-9900 F (803)7803j 753-3278 October24,2013 Ms.Ms..locelynJocelyn Boyd Chief Clerk and Administrator South Carolina Public Service Commission Synergy Business Pat'k,Park, The Saluda Building 101 Executive Center Drive Columbia, South Cm'olinaCarolina 29210 Rc;Re: Application oflof Fairfieldairfield Communications, Inc. to Amend its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide LocalI.ocal ExchatlgeExchange and ExchangeL'xchange Access Telecommunications Services to Customers locatedlocated inin Certain Areas Served by BellSouth Telecommunications,Tclccommunications, LLC d/b/a AT&TATIIcT South Carolina inin FairfieldFairlield and Newberry Counties Dear Ms. Boyd:Boyd; EnclosedLnclosed forfor filingfiling on behalfbehalf of Fairfield Communications, Inc.Inc. please findfind an Application for Expanded Authority in thethe above-referenced matter. Also enclosed withwith thisthis application is a proposed Notice of Filinglgiling and Hearing. Thank youyou tbrfor your assistance. Very trulytruly yours, McNAIR LAW FIRM, P.A.,/:_P.A,, 7 TAT X+~t'. ///gal r: 4" McNairMcNsir Law Firm,Finn, P.P. A. 12211221 MainMein StreetSlieet Margaret M. Fox SuiteSuito 1600 Columbia, SC 29201 ;j, Colume a. SC MMF:rwm MMF:rwm Mailing AddressAddress Enclosures Post OfficeQlfice Box 1139011390 Columbia,Columoia, SC 29211 cc: Tom'I'om Harper,I larper, TruVista Communications m_,oetmcnair net Nanette S. Edwards, Esquire, ORS COLUMBIAClll UMNIA I1110rl17vl130917vl tl iTox HEAo MvxTLE BEAcu PAWLETE IELAHn KENTUCKY LEXINGTON [ NORTH CAROLINA CHARLOTTE { SOUTH CAROLINA ANDERSONAuoErson BLUFFrONBturrrox CHARLESTONCurstEsrou COLUMBIACotuusm GREENVILLEGxLExvLLE HILTON HEAO MYRTLE BEACH PAWLEY8 ISLANO KENTUCtlv LixiuoTOH INORTH CAROLINA CHAfllottc I SOUTII CAROLiNA BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF SOUTH CAROLINA DOCKET NO. INRE: APPLICATION Application of Fairfield Comnmnications,Communications, Inc. to Amend Its ) APPLICATION Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Local ) FOIlFOR EXPANDED Exchange and Exchange Access Telecommunications Services ) AUTHORITY to Customers Located inin Certain Areas Served by BellSouth ) Telecommunications, LLC d/b/a AT&T South Carolina inin ) Fairfield and Newberry Counties ) ) Fairfield Commtmications,Communications, Inc.inc. ("Applicant")("Applicant") hereby submits thisthis application toto thethe South Carolina Public Service Commission ("the Commission")Commission") toto amend itsits Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, pursuant toto S.C. Code Ann. §t'l 58-9-280 and thethe rulesrules and regulations of the Commission, to permit it to provide locallocal exchange andand exchange access serviceservice toto customers located inin certain areas currently being served by BellSouth Telecommunications, Incorporated, d/b/a AT&T South Carolina ("AT&T"). Applicant proposes toto expand its service to thosethose areas currently being served by AT&TAT&T inin the portion of AT&T's service area locatedlocated within Fairfield and Newberry Counties. InIn support of this application, the following isis shown:shown; 1. Applicant's name and address are as follows:follows: Fairfield Communications, inc,Inc. 116l l 6 York Street Chester, South Carolina 29706 COLIJMBIACocuMBIA 1130475v21130475 2 Applicant's 2. Correspondence regarding this Application should be addressed toto Applicant's counsel: M. John Bowen,Bowen, Jr.Jr. Margaret M. Fox McNAIR LAW FIRM, P.A. Post Office Box 11390 Columbia, South Carolina 29211 Telephone: (803) 799-9800 Facsimile: (803) 753-3278 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]@mcnairinet the person who should be 3,. The name, title,title, address and telephone number of the person who should be contacted inin comaectionconnection with general management of the company is:is: J. Brian Singleton President & CEO Fairfield Communications, Inc.Inc. 112112 York Street Chester,Chester, South Carolina 29706 Telephone: (803) 581-9193 Facsimile:Facsimile: (803) 581-2223 Email:Email: [email protected] South Carolina, and has 4.4. Applicant isis organized as a corporation in the State of South Carolina, and has this Commission. In previouslypreviously been issued a certificate of public convenience and necessity by this Commission. In local exchange and 2003, the Commission granted Applicant a certificate inin this docket toto provide local exchange and served exchange access service to customers located in the WilmsboroWinnsboro exchange currently beingbeing served by See Order Frontier Communications of the Carolinas, Inc.,Inc., formerlyformerly Verizon South, Incorporated..SeeIncorporated. Order Applicant's request to No. 2003-41 inin Docket No. 2002-355-C. InIn 2007, thethe CommissionCommission granted Applicant's request to access service to amend itsits certificate toto permit it to provide locallocal exchange and exchange access service to County. See customers located within the portion of AT&T'sATBcT's service area located within Kershaw County. See granted Commission Order No.No, 2007-12007-1 inin Docket No.No, 2002-355-C. In 2012, the CommissionCommission granted and exchange Applicant's request to amend itsits certificate to permit it to provide local exchange and exchange accessserviceto customerslocatedwithin the portion of AT&T's servicearealocatedwithin RichlandCounty. SeeCommissionOrderNo. 2012-76inin DocketNo. 2011-433-C.Thecertificate and the amendedcertificateswere grantedtoto Applicant upona findingfinding by the Commissionthatthat Applicanthasthethe technical,financial,madand managerialresourcesresources sufficientto providetherequested services within the Stateof SouthCarolina,andthat theApplicant met all otherrequirementsof certification. ApplicantApplicant continuesto meetthesethese requirements,asdemonstratedinin thethe Profilesof Company OfficersattachedasExhibit A, andtheApplicant'smostrecentAnnualReportfiled with thethe Commission,whichisis attachedasExhibit B. 5. Applicant proposesto expand itsits servicetoto thoseareascurrentlybeing servedby AT&T in FairfieldandNewberryCounties.The areasin questionare contiguous toto areasalready local servedbyby Applicantin FairfieldandRichlandCounties.Applicantwill provideafull rangeof local exchangeand exchangeaccessservicesinin theexpandedareaonceplantandfacilitiesfacilities areinin placeto enableApplicantApplicant to provide such servicesin thethe expandedarea. Applicant's proposedlocal exchangeand exchangeaccessserviceswill beprovided toto customerslocatedin theexpandedarea underthe stonesaine terms and conditionsas itit is currentlyproviding to customersinin its presently certificatedservicearea,atratesrates comparabletoto thosethose of theincumbentincumbent LEC servingthethe area. 6. AmendingAmending Applicant's certificateto expanditsits serviceareawill servethethe public interest.interest. Applicant is an establishedcompetitive local exchangecarrier in South Carolina. Provisionof serviceby Applicant inin the requestedservicearea will enhancecompetitioninin thethe Stateof SouthCarolinaby offering additional serviceoptionsand high servicequality to South Carolinatelecommunicationstelecommunications users. 7. AsAs demonstratedin Applicant'sprior certificationcertification proceedings,andasdemonstrated and the by Applicant'sservicehistory and thethe Annual Reportsthatthat arefiledfiled with thethe Commissionandthe 3 Office ofof'egulatoryRegulatory Staff by Applicant and itsits parent company on anan annual basis, Applicant has the tecbafical,technical, managerial, and financialfinancial resources necessarynecessary toto provide service in the requested areas. 8. As demonstrated in Applicant's prior certification proceedings, and as demonstrated by Applicant'sApplicant's service history,histoiy, Applicant will provide services which meet the service standards of the Commission;Commission; Applicant'sApplicant's provision of service will not adversely impact the availability of affordable locallocal exchange service, and will not otherwise adversely impact the public interest; and Applicant will support universally available telephonetelephone serviceservice at affordable rates.rates. 9. The Commission has previously granted Applicant'sApplicant*s requestrequest forfor flexible regulation of itsits local exchange telecommunicationstelecommunications services. See Commission Order No. 2003-412003-41 in Docket No. 2002-355-C.2002-355-C. Applicant requests the same treatmenttreatment forfor locallocal exchange telecommunications services provided in the expanded area for whichwhich itit requests certification. InIn view of the foregoing, Applicant respectfullyrespectfully requests that thethe Public Service Commission ofol'outhSouth Carolina amend thethe certificate of Fairfield Communications, Inc. to include thosethose areas described inin this Application that are currently being served by AT&TATILT in Fairfield and Newberry Counties, and that its rates and tariffstariffs for such local telecommunicationstelecommunications service inin the expanded area be regulated inin accordance with thethe principles and procedures established for flexible regulation,regulation, consistent with thethe authority previously grantedgranted by thethe Commission to Applicant forfor the locallocal exchange areas it currently serves. Respectfullysubmitted, M. JohnBowen,Jr. MargaretM. Fox McNairLawI.aw Firm, P.A. P O0 Box 11390 Columbia,SC 29211 Telephone:(803) 799-9800 Facsimile:(803)933-1515
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