ENGLISH NATURE A bibliography of research on woodland NNRs No. 41 English Nature Research Reports working today for nature tomorrow English Nahm Rcscarch Report No. 41 A bibliography of research on woodland NNRs C Backmerolf The work W:LS canied nut for Dr G F Peterkcn under llic Cornniissioncd Research Programme of the Nature Conscrv aticy Counci 1. Scnior Site Managers Regiond Libruics Jonatlxui Humphrcy (Bangor) Alan H:mipson (Ediriburgh) BII~l,IO(;RAPHYOF PCJKLICATIONS RELATING TO WOODLAND NNKs 111 1988 Christa Backrneroff was crnpluyed by Geurgc Pcterken to produce a record of research on woodland NNRs in particular of long-term studies. A series of rcpnm (one per rcgion) were produced which listed the studics with at the back - a bibliography for each resemc. These reports do not seem tn Iiavc been formally cniered into the Library system, hut copies were distributed at the timc to Chief Wardcns xiti the rclcvarit Wardens. I Iirive now put thc rcpons into thc library system (exccpt for East Midlands which appcars to be missing) $0 [hat thcy appeiir in the Research Reports listing. A copy of the Scottish iu~dWelsh ones havc gone to the rcspectivc spccialists whilc I hold thc English ones. We do riot havc any more sparcs. The bibliography (but riot the research details) W~LYput 011 a database on the Prime, but is not readily wcessiblc. I will try to get in trarisferred to the Lihrary's STATUS system sorrlelimc over the riexl year. In the rnearitirnc here is a coinplcte printout hy author by ycx. I cm provide other selective printouts fcg by Region or by Rcscrve) if necessary, hut I would stress again that no new data has been added: the lists arc the same i~sthose sent out in about 19x9. Kcith Kirhy Woodl~ltl 23 Fchruliry 1993 A typical entry ANDERSON, J.M. Stand structurc ant1 litter fall 01' a coppiced hccch, *Fagus sylvatica", and swcct chestnut, *Castuiea sativa", woorlland Oikos 24, 328-135 Blcan Wontls 1973 Notes 1. 'Kc arrangcmcnt is Author, Title, Joumal/Book, Volume :md Page numbers, fullowerl hy Reserve followed by Yclu of' publication. 2. The linc breaks in places come in the middle of words. I've riot yet workcd nut why! 3. Scicntilic ~iancsarc riiarked by asterisks. 4. Where a papcr relkrs to more than one rcscrve these iirc listcd in alphabetical order. Keitli Kirhy 22 February 1093 ANDERSON, J. M. The feeding relationships of some woodla nd soil and litter organisms. Blean Woods 1970 ANDERSON, J. M. Observations on the vertical distribution of Oribatei ( *Acarina*) on two woodland soils. Annales de Zoologie. Blean Woods 1971 ANDERSON, J. M. Food and feeding of *Notiophilus biguttatus*. Revue d'Ecologie et de Biologie du Sol, 9, 177-184. Blean Woods 1972 ANDERSON, J. M. Carbon dioxide evolution from two temperate deciduous woodland soils. Journal of Applied Ecology, 10, 361-378. Blean Woods 1973 ANDERSON, J. M. The breakdown and decomposition of sweet chestnut (*Cas tanea sativa*) and beech ("Fagus sylvatica*) leaf litter in two deciduous woodland soils. 1. Breakdown, leaching and decomposition. Oecologia, Blean Woods 1973 ANDEBSON, J. M. Stand structure and litter fall of a coppiced beech, *Fagus sylvatica*, and sweet chestnut, *Castanea sativa*, woodland. Oikas, 24, 128-135, B lean Woods 1973 ANDERSON, J. M. The breakdown and decomposition of sweet chestnut ("Castanea sativa*) and beech (*Fagus sylvatica*) leaf litter in two deciduous woodland sails. 2. Changes in carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and polyphenol content. Oecologia, B 1 ean Woods 1973 ANDERSON, J. M. Succession, diversity and trophic relationships of some soil animals in decomposing leaf litter. Journal af Animal Ecology, 44(23 475-496. B lean Woods 1975 ANDERSON, J. M. & HEALEY, I. N Improvements in the gelatine-embedding technique for woodland soil and litter samples. Pedobiologia, B Le an Woods 1970 ANDERSON, J. M. & HEALEY, I. N Seasonal and inter-specific variation in major components of the gut contents of some woodland collembola. Journal of Animal Ecology, 41, 359-368. B lean Woods 1972 ANDERSON, M. L. The ecological status of Wistrnans Wood, Botanical Society of Edinburgh, Transact 36, 195-206. ions, Wistmans Wood FNR 1953 ANON, Hybrid forms of *Pyrus*. Journal of Botany, 35, 99-100, Glen Diomhan 1897 ARBER, M. A. Landslips near Lyme Regis. Geologist's Association, Proceedings, 84(2) 121-133. Axmouth-Lyme Regis 1973 ARCHIBALD, J. F. Wistmans Wood, a Forest Nature Reserve. Devon Trust for Nature Conservation, Jou 11, 423-428. rnal, Wistmans Wood FNR 1966 ARMITAGE. P. L. Aber mountain: a land and land-use study Coedydd Aber 1973 ASHMOLE, PJ. P, *and others*. Insects and spiders on snowfields in the Cair otland. Journal of Natural History, Cairngorms 1983 BACKMEROFF, C. E. Records of three tsansects establisi. in Black Wood of Rannoch, September 1. Nature Conservancy Council, CSD-Report, Black Wood af Rannoch. FNR 1985 BACKMEROFF, C. E. Monks Wood: Transect recording of trees and shrubs. Nature Conservancy Council, CSD-Report, No. 710. Monks Wood 1986 BACKMEROFF, C, E. Loch Lomond NNR: Long-term changes in the woodland of Clairinsh. Nature Conservancy Council, CSD-Repart, No. 712. Loch Lomond 1986 BACKMEROFF, C. E. Craigellachie Birchwood NNR: Long-term monitoring programme. Nature Conservancy Council, CSD-Report, No. 777, Craigellachie 1987 BALE. D. W. C. Ec~logyof a fen woodland at Chartley MO ss NNR, Staffordshire. Chartley Moss I982 BALL, D. F. Stone pavements in soils of Caernarvonshire, North Wale S. Journal of Soil Science, 18(1) 103-108. Coed Gorswen 1967 BALME, 0. E. Edaphic and vegetational zoning on the carboniferous li mestone of the Derbyshire Dales. Journal of Ecology, 41, 331-344. Derbyshire Dales 1953 BANNISTER, P. The use of subjective estimates of cover-abundance as t he basis for ordination. Journal of Ecology. 54, 665-674. Loch Lomond 1968 BARKHAM, J. Same variations in Cotswold beechwood gr ound flora. Cotswold Commons and Beechwoods 1968 BARKHAM, J. P, A survey oE Black Tor Copse PNR. Black Tor Copse FNR 1965 BARKHAM, J. P, Pedunculate oak woodland in a severe environment: Black Tor Copse, Dartmoor Journal of Ecology, 66, 707-740, Black Tor Copse FNR 1978 BAYFIELD, N. E. & BATHE, G. M. Experimental closure of footpaths in a woodland national nature reserve in Scotland. Biological Conservation, Craigellachie 1982 BAYLIS, N. T. & MATHEWS, J. D. Options for forest management in the native pinewoods. (*Contractor*: Aberdeen University). Nature Conservancy Council, CST-Report, No. 546. Abernethy Forest Glen Tanar Black Woad of Rannoch FNR BEAUMONT, M. E. An investigation of the present structur e, stratigraphy and history of Chartley MOSS, Staffordshire. Chartley Moss 1959 BELL, J. N. B, & TALLLS, J. H. The response of *Empetrum nigrum* to different mire water regimes, with special reference to Wybunbury MOSS, Cheshire and Featherbed MOSS, Derby- shire. Journal of Ecology, 62, 75-95. Wybunbury Moss 1974 BENNETT, A. The Arran Isle *Pyrus*. Journal of Botany, 41, 167. Glen Diomhan 1903 BENNETT, D. & HOUSE, K. A botanical survey of the distribution and state af the rare plants in the Avon Gorge, Bristol. Nature Conservancy Council, Internal Rep No. 162. art, Avon Gorge 1977 BIGNAL, E. Fixed angle photography method used on Loch Lomond Nati onal Nature Reserve. Nature Conservancy Council, Internal Rep No. 335. OK'L, Loch Lomond 1977 BIENAL, E. M. The endemic whitebeams of North Arran. Glasgow Naturalist, 20, 59, 64. Glen Diomhan 1980 BIRKS, H. H. Studies in the vegetational history of Scotland. 1. A pollen diagram from Abernethy Forest, Inverness-shire. Journal of Ecology, 58, 827-846. Abernethy Forest 1970 BIRKS, H. H. Studies in the vegetational history of Scatland. 3, A r adia-carbon-dated pollen diagram from Loch Maree, Ross and Croinarty . New Phytologist, 71, 731-754. Loch Maree Islands 1972 BIRKS, H. B. Studies in the vegetational history of Scotland. 4. Pin e stumps in Scottish blanket peats. Royal Society of London, Philosophical T 270, 181-226, ransactions, Black Wood of Rannoch FNR 1975 BIRKS, H. J. B, Mid-flandrian forest history of Roudsea Wood National Nature Reserve, Cumbria. New Phytologist, 90 i 339-354. Roudsea Woods and Mosses 1982 BLACKIE, J'. E, H. The butterflies of the Monks Wood district. Entomologist, 82 i 54-58. Monks Wood 1949 BLACKIE, J* E. H* The range and distribution of *Strymonidia* *pruni*. Entomologist, 83, 246-248, Monks Wood Castor Hanglands 1950 BLACKIE, J. E. H. Further notes on *Stymonidia* *pruni*. Entomologist, 85, 93-94. Monks Wood 1951 BLAXTER. P. Natural regeneration of Quercus petraea on Inchcailloch, Loch Lomond. Loch Lomond 1984 BOCOCK, R. L. Changes in the amount of nitrogen in decomposing oak litter of sessile oak ("Quercus petraea*). Journal of Ecology, 51, 555-566. Roudsea Woods and Mosses 1963 BOCOCK, R. L. Changes in the amount of dry matter, nitrogen, carbon and energy in decomposing woodland lea f litter in relation to the activities of the soil Eauna. Journal of Ecology, 52, 273-284. Roudsea Woods and Mosses 1964 BOCOCK, K. L, & GILBERT, 0. J. W. The disappearance of leaf litter under different woodland conditions. Plant and Soil, koudsea Woods and Mosses 1957 BOCOCK, K. L., *and others*. Changes in leaf.- litter when placed on the surface of SiLs with contrasting humus type. 1. Losses in dry weigh t of oak and ash leaf litter. Journal of Soil Science, 11(1) 1-9. Roudsea Woods and Mosses 1960 BODDY. L. Carbon dioxide release from decomposing wood: effects 0 f water content and temperature. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 15 , 501-510 " Blean Woods 1983 BODDY , L * Microclimate and moisture dynamics of wood decomposing in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 15, 149-157. Blean Woods 1983 BODDY, L. & SWIFT, M, J. Wood decomposition in an abandoned beech and oak coppic ed woodland in south-east England.
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