i v JT-F ',,*•• \ S J » '- v x 1 4 •T^ ,5:,v" ' > • . %, * f'k tf,< V* " ^••TV. 2 TIMES-REPUBLICAN, MABSHAUjTO^VTN, IOWA, SEPTEMBER 8, 1910 hearing at Chicago upon the applica­ (superintendent); Grace "% food, Sioux members of the commission will be J picking: their seed corn when they present was brought by Wlllard Eaton, tion of the railways to advance rates ; should have done so, can not be esti­ City; Nellie Jones, Marathon; Bessie does not Involve any specific Iowa L. Pierce, Sanborn; Rut ti Hinclman, member of the Iowa commission, who mated. in his official capacity attended the rate," said Commissioner Eaton on his : Now, farmers, why not every one of Osage; and Abigail McRalth and C. E. return. "The interstate commerce com­ "Williams, Iowa City. hearing and who had been formally |you get busy, take a half day off and delegated to represent the Iowa in­ mission requires the railroads to take ________ i secure your seed corn by going into the burden of proof upon the proposi­ terests there. your fields and picking the best and LEANDER CLARK COLLEGE OPENS tion of the necessity of the advance of ONE OR MORE MEMBERS OF IN­ Mr. Eaton states that the Interests "GEORGE W. SCHEE INAUGURATES hanging it up some place under shelter CHARLES CITY PREPARED TO EN­ their rates. The fact that any advance where it will have a good place to dry Prosperous Year in Sight for Thriving of the western shippers are 'being cared of rates which might be permitted TERTAIN UPPER IOWA METH­ TERSTATE COMMISSION TO for in most admirable manner by Mr. ,, PLAN TO PLACE STARS iout and the next spring not be bothered Toledo 8chool. might in the end open the door to an Abbott, of Kansas City, who is a match ffi with poor seed? ODIST CONFERENCE. Special to Times-Republican. ATTEND RATE HEARING. advance in rates which would affect •5 AND STRIPES. I Some of our farmers in this vicinity Toledo, Sept. 8.—Leander Clark Col­ for all the railroad attorneys and spe­ the shippers of Iowa, makes It Import­ I paid from J3 to J5 per bushel for seed lege opening, which occurred Wednes­ cialists. The original Intention, ap­ ant that the commission should keep I t parently, was that the examiner should : that had been picked out of somebody's day morning, was a decided success, Itself thoroughly informed of the mat­ SESSIONS NEXT WEEK INTERESTS OF THE WEST secure merely the testimony as to sta­ EVERY SCHOOL IN THREE :crib. i there being a large attendance of stud­ ters brought out at the rate hearing. I n*ow that lar.d Is becoming so val- ents and citizens. The address was tistical Information on which the rail­ WILL BRING CHANGES BEING LOOKED AFTER roads base their claim of need of an "The Inquiry there is one for bring-; COUNTIES TO BE SUPPLIED ua"b,e the far!ner can not afford to have j given by Harvey Ingham, of Des Increase in rates. The examination ing out statistical information and the ; a hill missing. Many fields of corn over | Moines. Professor Stack, vocal direc­ has gone beyond this. opinions of the railroad men who have ! :he tate of Iowa have enough missing) tor, rendered a solo and responded to Commissioner Eaton, of Iowa Commis­ It is probable that the investigation been required to make a showing as to to increase the yield ten bushels Program Issued For Conference, Which an encore. Mrs. Stack rendered -two ; Veteran of Thirty-third Iowa Regiment hi!! will be long drawn out. The material why rates should be raised. Nothing per icre. In most cases this would pay pieces on the violin. Mrs. Stack is the sion, Home From Chicago Hearing— Convenes Tuesday and Will Be in being collected by the examiner sent new has been developed and no new \ Organizes Association to Raise Funds rer,ti violin and art instructor. She received Shippers Protested Against Evidence from the office of the commission is facts other than what we have here In This is no smal item, taking the Session Until the Following Monday a hearty encore. That this will be one to Purchase Flags—Mahaska, Marion largely statistical as to the income the office beyond bringing the statis­ m ?ta:<? over, so remember, brother farm­ of the best years of Leander Clark Being Taken By Examiner—Eaton Bishop Hamilton to Preside—Other and expenses of the railroads and their tics of railroad operation down to date. and Keokuk Counties to Get Them— er, improve the first opportunity and College, seems certain. The only state commissions repre­ ge: busy and pick your seed corn. News of the State. Outlines Questions at Issue. earnings, also as to probable business Regiment Was Raised Therein. Mrs. O'Xiel, of Lincoln, Neb., is vis­ in the future and the necessity for sented were those of Iowa and Illinois. iting at the W. C. Smith home. We were there in pursuance of the re­ CELLAR A GRAVE YARD? betterments. All of this Information is on file in the office of the Iowa com­ quirement of law that we keep our­ Special to Times-Republican. Special to Times-Republican. M. U. TO OPEN SEPT. 20. mission save and except that it is selves Informed as to what- Is being Special to Times-Republican. Attempt to Scare Creston Woman Into done. There is no case before the in­ Charles City. Sept. S.—This city has Des Moines, Sept. S.—At least one brought down to a later date at the Des Moines. Se?t. S —Hon. George W Selling Home at Sacrifice. terstate commerce commission which New Corps of Instructors With the or more members of the interstate hearing. There have been but two Schee of O'Brien county, has done a; Special to Times-Republican. male full plans for the entertainment Exception of Three. gives Iowa a standing in the matter, i>cnee, 01 ur»r.c ' ..r. Creston. Sept. S.— An an^nvmou? let- commerce commission will be present companies examined and both of them next week of the Upper Iowa Confer­ Special to Times-Republican. except as to its general interest in the unique thing in the «ne of :er was received by Mrs. Brigdet Ma- ; are among the most profitable roads in ence of the Methodist church, which Mason City, Sept. S.—Memorial Uni­ in Chicago when the inquiry into the subject of rates affecting Iowa. flags for rural schvoii He iiA6 estab- lone, of this city, yesterday, which is . the country—the Santa Fe and the versity will open in this city Sept. 20. alleged necessity for rate increases Is lished a fund in control of an associa­ being investigated and will get the j will convene on Tuesday and continue Rock Island. Other companies will be With the exception of three of the fac­ resumed in two weeks. This assurance given a hearing and soon the Mil­ Hall of Physics Cornerstone Laying.| tion to be known as the Thirty-tr.ird party, if apprehended, into trouble, as * in session until the following Monday. ulty who are old members the teach­ waukee. Great Western and other Special to Times-Republican. the letter was evidently written with i Owing to the retirement of two of ers are all new. Prof. Homer Hurt was given the interested parties by the Iowa flag association for the purpose roads will get a chance to show why Iowa City, Sept. 8.—The cornerstone the intention of frightening and an- | comes from Virginia, Prof. George commission. The Illinois shippers and over every the present district superintendents, they need more revenue. of the new hall of phys'ics at S. U. I. of placing an American flag noyir.gr the woman who is TO years of ! Weaver, son of Judge Weaver, of Iowa districts ase. The letter is as follows: Creston. I and the serving of many pastors the others had protested against such an The examination has for the pres­ will be laid at 6 o'clock tonight. The school house in the countrj City, is an Iowan; Prof. H. Mueller Is important hearing before an examiner ent been transferred to the east but three Iowa counties ana perpctuai.> Iowa. Mrs. Bridget Malor.e: ! full terms allowed, numerous change? trowel will be wielded by Hon. James from Wisconsin; Prof. H. O. DcGraff j on the 19th will be back in the west "Do you know that an Indian grave , in pastors are probable. instead of the full commission, as it is H. Trewin, of Cedar Rapids, president maintaining them there. is from the State Normal; Miss Marlon j again when some member of the in­ Marion yard is under your house, and the rela- j The homes of Charles City, irrespec­ E. Ryan is from the University of Wis- j claimed had been agreed upon, and of the Iowa state board of education, - These counties ->-• terstate commerce commission will be the tives may either war.: the lot. or re- ; tive of church affiliation, have been conin; Miss Cappa Stone is from In- j the character of the hearing had been who will deliver an address. Presi-. and Keokuk, the ccur.tics in \v.:: move the body in a few weeks? Prom changed so that the scope of the in­ on hand in Chicago. dent 'McLean and Dr. George W. Stew- ; Thirty-third Iowa volunteer regiment thrown open for the entertainment of diana: Miss Grace M. Baker Is also! one who knows. J. E. TOPY." ; quiry is much larger than was in­ The Question at Issue.
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