Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 1-21-2000 The iH lltop 1-21-2000 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 1-21-2000" (2000). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 254. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000/254 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' i!It ILLTOP .... 1. I The Nation's Largest Black Collegiate Newspaper VOLUlHE 83, No.17 FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 2000 http://hilltop.ho\vard.edu Millennium on Ice Swygert Named Candidate For Temple University Job By IRA P ORTER Campus Editor oward University Pres­ ident H. Patrick Swygert might be entertatntng the · thought of becoming the nex1 president of Tumple Uni­ versity in Philadelphia, PA. Hilltop sources said. In December, Temple President, Peter J. Liacouras announced his retirement from his $293,000 a year job. Liacouras's term will be offi­ cially up in June of 2000. Swygert who's five-year contract with the University is up in June was named by a national search committee as File Photo one of Tumple's only outside candi­ According to a national seracli committee, President H. Pntrick Swygert, is being consld• dates for the job the source close to ered for the presidency•or Tum pie Unh'ersity. S" ygert's 11.-e year contract .,;th Howard Is Photo By Eric Hall the proceedings said. Temple is up in J une. Tumple Is expected to make its decision In 1\1:1), expected to make its decision in May. teated on his work at Howard ...As Dreams of u nhite Christmas came true a little late as snow slammed lhc Washington, D.C. metropolitan area Thursday his focus is here at Howard Univer­ morning, dumping as much as lhc inches of sno\l, Students hnd time lo rcllu nod uimind either in their dorms or out in The Hilltop was unable to contact far as President Swygert going to sity." the snow us Hownrd Unh·ersily suspended clas,,cs for lhc da), It ,,as the heaYiest snow the District bas seen this "inter sea­ Swygert earlier this week. Universi­ Temple, that is speculative," Brock Swygert has strong ties with Tom­ son. ty Communications Director, Donna said. "He is extremely well regarded pie. He was a professor in the Law Brock said the Swygert is concen- in the Philadelphia community, but See TEMPLE, AS General Assentbly Denounces University Enrollment Down Proposed Tuition Hike Drastically, Student Leaders Fear By CHRISTOPHER W INDHAM spread last Monday when students ment. Eiland Selected as Elections Chair Asst. Campus Editor reported half-filled classes and cafe­ Students disagree. BY L AURF..N ANDERSON terias. Many suspected student "I know it's (enrollment) down," Hilltop Staff Writer During peak school hours on enrollment could be the lowest in as said senior Frank B. Turner, HUSA Wednesday's General Assembly Howanl's campus this semester, there many as fifleen years. financial advisor. "There's nobody Meeting Members of the General Assem­ is Jess traffic on the main yard. The Enrollment Management officials on campus:· bly voted to oppose a measure that Brandon Neal wait in the Punch-Out is shorter. The declined to give an exact count of According to students, members would raise tuition three percent and (Arts & Sciences) bookstore lines moves more swiftly how many students enrolled at of the freshmen class were the lea.,t also chose a chairman of the 2000 Jennlferue and the number of chain ,mokers in Howard this semester. and the rumors likely to return. election pwcess, cr:inking up the (Edu atioo) fr<'nt 01 the Bt,.:kburn Ci: tter is continues 10 roll. Khalfani Walker. <ophomore den­ Km1cn Saul! r political wheels ot an de.:uon that is shrn11Sng. ,Kcording to sorn.: stu­ "I've heard enrollment has been tistry major and Charles Drew Hall Abagail William., dents. The lack ofMudent body pres• decreased by 1,500." satd Jackson. Resident Assistant, said that fresh­ now set for early March. ( Law) Though the Assembly voted to ence has caused prominent s1udent In October. at the first faculty sen­ men are 1he least likely to return Harshad Joshi leaders to question the amount of ate meeting of the year, President because of poor grades, financial aid send a letter to the Board of Trustees, Sandra-Linda Black which meets today, it is expected that (Medicine) Howard's enrollment for Spring Swygert said enrollment figures problems or lack of interest. Walker the mea.,ure will easily pass. Photo By Eric I fall Harry Lawon Jr. 2000. were at 9,7 I 9, which is slightly less also said that freshman enrollment is 'I) rrell L. J. Eiland, Election Chair 2000 The first meeting of the new year (Social Work) "Where are all the students?" said than last years figure of approxi­ usually down in the spring semester. was held \Vednesday in the Black­ Eiland. a senior architecture Asha Moy senior Q. Torah Jackson, vicc-prcsi­ mately 10,000. But Walker admitted that overnll burn Center Ballroom. major, beat out senior international Blenvenldo Lebron denl of the Howard University Stu­ Some administration argued that enrollment seems to be down. The Assembly also selected business major Rob Hall for 1he paid (Communications) dent Association (HUSA). "It feels poor weather, numerous students still "Many students have a lot of rea­ 'Iyrrell L. J. Eiland as the General position. As chairman, Eiland will be like a ghost town. This is the lirst trying to register, and a mor.: spa­ sons to leave ," said Walker. "I hope Assembly Elections Chairman for in charge of running the spring elec time the .:ampus feels small .. cious bookstore have aided in the Howard get, a grip on the problem. the Spring 2000 elections. See ASSEMBLY, A5 Rumors of a decreased enrollment appearance of a diminished enroll- University More Campus Events Needed for MLK Day, Students Say Fires Men's Conzpared to Other Schools, Many Wonder if Hoivard Does Enough By E RRtCA DOTSON parades and even cook ouLs in King's inate various pieces of historical Basketball Hilltop Staff Writer name. But not at Howard. On college informaiion about Dr. King and the campuses from coast to coast, there social movement he was apart of in Traditionally, the most recognized have been speak outs, rallies and The King Papen; Project. This pro­ Coaches occurrence by students on Howard's fund-raisers dedicated to keeping his ject is one of the few large scale campus in honor of Dr. Martin legacy alive. Bui a Hilltop analysis of research ventures focusing on an By KIMOTHV K. BROWN Luther King Jr.'s birthday is a soul events surrounding the holiday show African American. Under the direc­ Managing Editor food dinner in the cafeteria, complete that only a scant number of activities tion of Claybourne Carson, this pro­ with pork chitterlings, chicken and an were planned this year. ject has become a joint effort Howard Uni­ array of zesty sides. But as Howard So, what exactly is the Mecca between Stanford University, the versity fu-ed the stands at the dawning of a new mil­ doing to commemorate the memory King Center and the King estate. entire men's lennium, students question whether of King, an honorary alumnus of T his year marked its fifteenth basketball or not the University does enough to Howard? In comparison to other anniversary, which was observed coaching staf celebrate the legacy of the slain civil campuses, many students say very with an exhibit entitled The Unfin­ January 8, cit­ rights leader. little. ished Dreama.swell as \t,/wne JV o ing several Since becoming a national holiday Smdents at Stanford University Martin L111/rer King Jr.: A Svmbo/ o NCAA and l'ile Photo in 1986, there have been a myriad of have taken part in a major research University rule More und more Howard students arc wondering if I Jo.,ard does enough to honor Mar­ nationwide memorial services, effort to assemble and then dissem- See KI NG,AS violations. tin Luther King, Jr., seen abow in 1963, on his national holida): Head Coach Kirk Saulny, along with his . File Photo Rash of Burglaries, Thefts Hit Campus Dorms Over Break two paid assis- Kirk Saulny THE HILLTOP AT 16 tants Darryl By IRA PORTER reports started coming as students 13 burglaries; the East and West Tow­ grnwn with the Um\cn.it>, uoJ h•t,, m 1hc l~t 76 Bruce and Lamont Franklin, were Campus Editor returned 10 campus. Smith said 19 ers both logged two incidents; Cook To lcll lhc Mory of HO'\\ard Unhff'ity I, 10 tell Iht ) 'C'3f\. cme(lcd from -' mod~\I operation 1nm o told that their tenure at Howard was burglaries were reported in five res­ had one theft and Drew had one bur­ "lory thtough thl" page-. nfTilc Hilhop. "RxLly nwl., modern. SS•mcmber ne'"'"' l'lfltllni1.Jtion lb.ti cxh Howard University campus police the fi-"I i!lro,uit of the Ol"\\ mlllennium or Tht HiU• \\ttl print, '-Om( 10,000 copit'<- of The H1lltop, and over. idence halls including the East and glary. top- ~m 1m,1i1uuon 1ha1 h.,., '-Cnctl the HO\\J.RI Uni• re.ache-. 1hou'3nd\ mon.- throuj?h it, Internet \\"Cb The University also declared said they are investigating a string of West Towers, Cook, Drew and 'Iwelve of the l3 burglaries in \e1'ity oommuriit).
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