Kehilat Hadar Shabbat Hol haMoed Pesah Birnbaum Sim Shalom ArtScroll Rinat Yisrael Mizmor Shir Hanukat haBayit 117 50 368 222 Mourner’s Kaddish 117 52 368 223 P’sukei d’Zimra 119-147 54-94 370-400 223-246 Nishmat 149-151 334 400 246 Shokhein Ad 151 336 404 248 Barekhu 153 340 406 250 Blessings before Sh’ma 155-161 340-346 406-414 250-255 Sh’ma 161-163 346-348 414-416 256-258 Blessings after Sh’ma 165-167 350-352 416-420 258-260 Shabbat Amidah (w/ add. for Pesah) 167-177 354-364 420-430 261-267 Halleil 339-347 380-388 632-642 361-366 Full Kaddish 179 392 642 268 Shir haShirim Handout Handout Handout Handout Mourner’s Kaddish 117 324 482 294 Torah Service 179-193 394-398 432-436 268-271 Exodus 33:12-34:26 page numbers 56-59 page numbers 362-367 Maftir: Numbers 28:19-25 in back 59 in Hertz 695-696 Haftarah: Ezekiel 37:1-14 of Birnbaum: 60-61 humash: 1015-1016 Yekum Purkan 195 412 448-450 276-277 Prayer for Congregation 197 414 450 277 Prayer for our Country Both of these prayers can be found Prayer for Israel on the back of this page. Ashrei 201-205 420-422 456 280 Return Torah 205-207 422-426 458-460 280-281 Half Kaddish 207 428 460 282 Festival Musaf (w/ add. for Shabbat) 355-371 456-476 674-692 393-403 Full Kaddish 223 506 474 290 Ein Keiloheinu 225 508 476 291 D’var Torah - - - - Amar Rabbi Elazar 227-229 508 478 292 Kaddish d’Rabbanan 229 274 480 292 Aleinu 231 510 480 293 An’im Z’mirot 233-237 46 484 295 Shir shel Yom (Shabbat) 237-239 32 488 294 Mourner’s Kaddish 231-233 52 482 294 Adon Olam 77 6 12 22 www.KehilatHadar.org [email protected] A Prayer for Our Country adapted from a translation by Rabbi Louis Ginzberg Our God and God of our ancestors: We ask Your blessings for our country, for its government, for its leader and advisors, and for all who exercise just and rightful authority. Teach them insights of Your Torah that they may administer all affairs of state fairly, that peace and security, happiness and prosperity, justice and freedom may forever abide in our midst. Creator of all flesh, bless all the inhabitants of our country with Your spirit. May citizens of all races and creeds forge a common bond in true harmony to banish all hatred and bigotry and to safeguard the ideals and free institutions which are the pride and glory of our country. May this land under Your Providence be an influence for good throughout the world, uniting all people in peace and freedom and helping them to fulfill the vision of your prophet: “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they experience war any more.” And let us say: Amen. Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel ktrah ,bhsn oukak vkp, by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel ktrahk ,hatrv ,ubcrv ,tn Our Father who is in heaven, Protector and 'Ik£tId§u k¥t¨r§G¦h rUm 'o¦h«©n¨X©C¤J Ubh«¦c¨t Redeemer of Israel, bless the State of Israel, the dawn of our deliverance. Shield it beneath the wings ,©jh¦n§m ,h¦Jtr ¥ 'k¥t¨r§G¦h ,©bhs§ ¦nÎ,¤tÎQr¨ ¥C of Your love; spread over it Your canopy of peace; vh«¤¨ k¨g xIr§pU WS§ ¤x©j ,r§ ©c¤t§C vh«¤¨ k¨g i¥d¨v /Ub«¥,¨Kªt§D send Your light and Your truth to its leaders, officers, and counselors, and direct them with Your '¨vh«¤Jtr§ ¨k W§T¦n£t©u WrIt § j©k§JU W«¤nIk§J ,©Fªx good counsel. Strengthen the defenders of our Holy e¥Z©j /Wh«¤b¨p§K¦n v¨cIy v¨m¥g§C o¥b§E©,§u '¨vh«¤m£gIh§u vh¨ r¨ «¤G Land; grant them, our God, salvation and crown Ubh«¥v«k¡t o¥kh¦j§b©v§u 'Ub«¥J§s’e .r¤ ¤t h¥B¦d§n hs§h ¥ ,¤t them with victory. Establish peace in the land, and everlasting joy for its inhabitants. oIk¨J T©¨,¨b§u 'or§ ¥Y©g§T iIj¨M¦b ,r«¤ ¤y£g©u 'v¨gUJ§h Remember our brethren, the whole house of Israel, /¨vh«¤c§JIh§k o¨kIg ,©j§n¦G§u .r«¨ ¤t¨C in all the lands of their dispersion. Speedily bring t¨bÎs’e§P 'k¥t¨r§G¦h ,h¥CÎk’F Ubh«¥j©t ,¤t§u them to Zion, Your city, to Jerusalem Your dwelling-place, as it is written in the Torah of Your ,UH¦n§nIe vr¥ ¨v§n o¥fh¦kI,§u 'o¤vhrUz§ ¥ P ,Imr© §tÎk’f§C servant Moses: “Even if you are dispersed in the cU,¨F©F 'W«¤n§J i©F§J¦n o¦h«©k¨JUrh¦k§u Wrh¦ ¤g iIH¦m§k uttermost parts of the world, from there the Lord v¥m§e¦C W£j©S¦b v¤h§v¦h o¦t :W«¤S§c©g v¤J«n ,rI,§ © C your God will gather and fetch you. The Lord your God will bring you into the land which your :W«¤j¨E¦h o¨X¦nU Wh«¤v«k¡t ¨h§h W§m¤C©e§h o¨X¦n 'o¦h«¨n¨X©v ancestors possessed, and you shall possess it; and Wh¤,«c£t UJr¨ §hÎr¤J£t .r«¨ ¤t¨v k¤t Wh«¤v«k¡t ¨h§h W£th¦c¡v¤u God will make you more prosperous and more (v-s:k ohrcs) :Wh¤,«c£t¥n W§C§r¦v§u W§c¦yh¥v§u 'V¨T§J¦rh¦u numerous than your ancestors.” (Deut. 30:4-5) Unite our hearts to love and revere Your name, and r«n§J¦k§u 'W«¤n§J ,¤t v¨t§r¦h§kU v¨c£v©t§k Ub¥c¨c§k s¥j©h§u to observe all the precepts of Your Torah. Speedily s¦u¨SÎi¤C vr¥ ¨v§n Ub¨k j©k§JU 'W«¤,¨rI, hr§ ¥c¦SÎk’F ,¤t send us Your righteous Messiah of the House of David, to redeem those waiting for Your salvation. g©pIv /W¤,¨gUJ§h .¥e h¥F©j§n ,Is§p¦k 'W¤e§s¦m jh¦© J§n Shine forth in Your glorious majesty over all the 'W«¤m§r©t k¥c¥, h¥c§JIhÎk’F k©g W¤Zªg iIt§D rs£ ©v©C inhabitants of Your world. Let everything that k¥t¨r§G¦h h¥v«k¡t ¨h§h :IP©t§c v¨n¨J§b r¤J£t k«F r©nt«h§u breathes proclaim: “The Lord God of Israel is King; His majesty rules over all.” Amen. Selah. /v¨k¤x i¥n¨t 'v¨k«¨J¨n k«F©C I,Uf§k©nU Q¤k«¤n.
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