La Salle University La Salle University Digital Commons Campus News University Publications 2-6-1998 Campus News February 6, 1998 La Salle University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/campus_news Recommended Citation La Salle University, "Campus News February 6, 1998" (1998). Campus News. 1234. http://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/campus_news/1234 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at La Salle University Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Campus News by an authorized administrator of La Salle University Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CAMPUS NEWS LA SALLE UNIVERSITY’S WEEKLY INFORMATION CIRCULAR February 0 6 , 1998 La Salle University Student Life Office [215] 951-1371 M e m o ra n d u m To: Members of the University Community From: Kathleen E. Schrader, Director of Student Life Date: February 4 , 1998 I am pleased to announce that Yvette Marie Flanagan will be joining the Student Life Office staff on Tuesday, February 10th as the Assistant Director of Student Life for Activities Programming. Yvette received a Bachelor of Science degree in Rehabilitation Services from Virginia Commonwealth University and a Master of Arts in Student Personnel Services degree from Rowan University. While at Rowan, she interned in the Alumni Office where she assisted the Coordinator of Alumni Relations and Special Events with planning the Mardi Gras '97, Autumn Nocturne, and homecoming activities. Yvette also organized Rowan's Student Alumni Connection which helped to develop mentor relationships between undergraduates and alumni. Please feel free to stop in and welcome Yvette to our community. Campus News is distributed weekly to foster communication and encourage information sharing among University departments. Articles submitted are the responsibility of their authors alone and do not imply an opinion on the part of La Salle University or the Department of Mail and Duplicating Services. Curriculum Design Committee Minutes for January 30, 1998 Present: Rosemary Barbera, Mary Burke, Eileen Giardino, Tom McPhillips, Lynn Miller, Marc Moreau (Chair), Fran Ryan, Steve Smith, Margaret Watson, Jeannie Welsh, Sam Wiley Excused: Chris Pinto The meeting was called to order at 8:05 a.m., and began with a review of the minutes of the January 22 meeting. Those minutes were approved as amended. Next, the committee discussed the February 19th meeting between the Curriculum Design Committee and the Curriculum Committee. Some of the items discussed for inclusion in the agenda included the following: A review of our progress to date, a review of the alternative models that will be presented to the faculty at large, - discussions regarding the process that should be used in having faculty evalu­ ate the alternative models, and a revised time line for the completion of the committee’s work Finally, the committee completed its review of the information gathered at roundtable #6 (international and multi-cultural issues), and began reviewing information presented at roundtable #7 (the humanities). Respectfully submitted, Margaret Watson La Salle University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19141 Faculty Senate February 4, 1998 AGENDA For the Wednesday, February 11, 1998 Meeting of the Faculty Senate (2:30, Board Room) Approval of Minutes of January 20, 1998 Meeting Report from the Financial Affairs Planning Committee (FAP) Approval of Proposed Nontenure Track Positions for Coordinators of New Programs in Nutrition and in Interactive Arts and Technology Review of Draft Report on the Selection of Department Chairpersons Discussion: Role of Faculty in University Governance Update from the Executive Committee EXCEPT FOR WHEN THE SENATE NEEDS TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION, THIS AND ALL OTHER SENATE MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO ALL FACULTY MEMBERS. ANYONE WHO WISHES TO ADDRESS THE SENATE OR SUGGEST AN AGENDA ITEM TO THE SENATE SHOULD CONTACT PROFESSOR LYNN MILLER, CURRENT SENATE PRESIDENT Curriculum Design Committee Minutes January 16, 1998 Present: E. Giardino, T. McPhillips, L. Miller, M. Moreau (Chair), C. Pinto, F. Ryan, S. Smith, M. Watson, J. Welsh, S. Wiley Excused: R. Barbera, M. Burke The meeting was called to order at 8:05 AM Minutes of the December 7th meeting were approved as written. I. The Curriculum Design Committee (CDC) discussed suggestions from the university community to include a roundtable on the Catholic identity of La Salle in relation to the new core curriculum. In light of this discussion, the CDC will host Roundtable #9: “The Core Curriculum and the Catholic Identity of the University” on Friday, February 6, 1998, from 1:30-3:00 PM in the Board Room, College Union, 2nd floor. II. Marc Moreau met with Provost Nigro to discuss the current progress of the CDC. The Provost asked the CDC to consider how the new core might reflect La Salle’s mission as an urban as well as a Catholic university. III. The Chair of Roundtable #5: “The Social Sciences and the Core Curriculum” summarized issues raised by participants at the Roundtable. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 AM Respectfully submitted, Francis J. Ryan CONTINUING STUDIES ADULT STUDENT COUNCIL SPONSORS “A PENNIES DRIVE ” HAVE A HEART CAMPAIGN 2/3/98 TO 2/27/98 The Proceeds will be donated to homeless . Bring your pennies to: Benilde Bldg., CS O ffice - 1st floor o r La Salle Off-Campus Centers (N o rth e a s t & Bucks County) There is no success without you! Thank You CONTINUING STUDIES JOIN US FOR A CRUISE ON THE DELAWARE! The Adult Student Council is Sponsoring An Evening B uffet Dinner Festivities include Entertainment and Dancing Sunday, May 3rd, 1998 La Salle Vans d ep art a t 4 :3 0 p.m . From the 19th Street gate (Olney Ave.) Board the S pirit o f Philadelphia Ship at 5:30 p.m. Cruise 6 :0 0 p.m. to 9 :0 0 p.m. Cost: $48.00 (Tr ansportation included with an early reservation) Total Payment must be made in advance by March 2Cth, 1998 A $10.00 deposit is required fo r each reservation Make checks payable to: La Salle University Reservation Coupon - Delaware River Cruise Return to: La Salle University Continuing Studies Office 1900 W est Olney Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19141 ____ Check here if you will ride in the La Salle Van Name ___________________________________ Phone (Day)_____________ Address __________________________________ (Evening)____________ City ______________________________________State _____________ Zip T F 14. Student evaluations are RESEARCH better measures of satisfaction with, WATCH and the effectiveness of, the course than the instructor. T F 15. There are moderate Test Your positive relationships between student achievement and student Assumptions ratings of several instructor skills. about Student Evaluations: A Pop Quiz T F 1. More difficult courses, with a greater workload, receive slightly higher student evaluations than do easier/lower workload courses. T F 2. Male instructors gener­ ally receive higher evaluations than do female instructors. T F 3. In general, age and years of teaching are moderately, signifi- cantly, and negatively related to student evaluations. T F 4. Research productivity is From: The Teaching and Learning negatively related to student ratings of teaching. Center T F 5. There is a very small negative relationship between class size and student evaluations. T F 6. The academic field or Answers and relevant research discipline is unrelated to student evaluations. will appear in the next Campus T F 7. Generally, there is a News. small positive correlation between the expected grade in the class and student evaluations. Reprinted with permission from T F 8. Signed ratings are more positive than anonymous ratings. the CATalyst, July 1997 and T F 9. Research has found a slight same-gender preference: male Kathleen McKinney, Center for the students give higher ratings to male Advancement of Teaching, Illinois instructors, and female students give higher ratings to female instructors. State University. T F 10. Instructors' warmth and enthusiasm are generally unrelated to ratings of teaching competence. T F 11. Ratings in lower-level courses tend to be slightly higher than ratings in upper-level courses. T F 12. The scores on many specific items provide belter data for personnel (stimulative) decisions than do a couple of global items. T F 13. There are high positive correlations between student and alumni ratings of global teacher competence. Vol. 7. No. I 1997 F a c u l t y M e m b e r s ARE CORDIALLY INVITED T O A R e c e p t i o n in h o n o r o f t h e C l a s s o f 199 8 F r i d a y , F e b r u a r y 6 6 :0 0 - 7 :0 0 P.M. CELEBRATING 1 O O D a y s u n t i l g r a d u a t i o n . P l e a s e j o i n u s in t h e S t . M i g u e l C o m m u n i t y R o o m FOR HORS D’OEUVRES AND CONVIVIALITY! S p o n s o r e d by t h e S e n io r Year Ex p e r ie n c e P r o g r a m Q u e s t io n s ? M ia Gr o g a n , x 2 6 1 0 A fter t h e r e c e p t io n , t h e s e n io r s w ill b e a tten d in g t h e 1 0 0 -Days D in n er HOSTED BY STUDENT LIFE.
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