Mosbsi ¦ Make 3 9 Cop*

Mosbsi ¦ Make 3 9 Cop*

THB EVENING STAR, Washington, I nußsr, Jtxyur it, O. G ** MBIT tip ¦ *—a«t *t*wn B*l iwsI*oo A-33 | Highlights | VC 818 I IV 1 TELEVISION—RADIO S MATZO BALLS U Today— Friday, jonuary 14,1955 Television Today Beacon TV Rental | CHOFFED LIVER S:S*. WTOP (*)—Early Show: 1132 7H. St. N.W. _rANCAKES tragedy Itefas , IsP-M. Wtc (Cfc- ?MWTTS <Cfc. 5> WMAi (Cb, T> WTOP (Cfc. 9) A bay faces the of AP. 4-4688 ijj®? 1 m Briittsf Hy" Afiii.iMr «s“Ts*snssr his father’s untimely death, 5* Wrttto. iKItll*W killWitte “TnR I* Mttiti" in "The Second Mrs. Sands.” RRPMRi nm Jitl starring Biliary Brooke and "T*H****1 “WuMactwr'e Lcnetue ~7 kmsiMbkii hMUJMM ”"i Mn John Sutton. r.pii., Mp 4 Emtaermßt” IMJbIJII AUTO RADIO ' 'imSlmlm Fie* retook Tkuter Met Temple tMtl leaser Dinner 1 a-ta* - m~~m »Uilm" " - (S)—Million CklMren'p " " WTTG Dol- Mean r-.H tatUtak "fralrto 7:3*. WHILE YOU WAIT ' Formerly WHO : Reaper tern Ckicten” Iktarty Un lar Movie: A wealthy miser 17 Yean llm see ietu st. nt “X" n.w. HtHIUHt* J:M " * “ by past, SERVICE DiNNsa « n*»n- rj; is trapped his in tabin natnoMß “Ruthless,” starring 5213 Ga Ay.. au. wo aa coaaajnmn ST fisssmsfir HeppitF Skipgtty Urn takteee Mae &651 Diana N.W. TA 9-3036 Repair*—Setae—lnstallation ‘1 Stir." wttkktopppt metis - * taw Piter Lynn and Zachary Scott. CAU. TOO AT VO* r*U ESTIMATE 6,1$:M Mt*won »*WI, Wtattta; tfta. RMt, Stall •»(»• Ml tpttHgkt (•)—Mama: Patty Drivin Radio Salasarvica Wpetbpe; Yestertay'e Neesreel Mad Pkaatoa Maas; S:M. WTOP M Ntwii >Mrti KtetarM McCormack, star of the N. A AVI. AMO D ST. N.W. —wmrm sg*m aaTrsnaw ssriisf “ " * * Broadway hit, Seed," « «tam» Beet*. Meta take Sa»R*m “Bad U. 4!.717» U. 4-1614 ; tmliH letter Meet. Ma Tie Tie Mere, schemes to get a puppy when TMMOT IILLYVMI ittlMinda. ten* ' FROM 7 ,«s New Carnet toMM” - * PwryCtaM the portrays Zngeborg. M lad Carta* MM KB Mta. Mari* tate at Harriet fiii 8:00, WRC (4)—Jack Carson: Is host to Actress Zsa Zsa Ulaaflltif Lctary Ray ktlgar Skew S:M " " Tiaaar Gabor Graham, =4» (Ceeeaty) \ and Sheilah — Hollywood it fKlifitory MiHid kettir Merit tSTairhi The Star’s col- WUMOTO, . « 'nan mSmWffSi D.C REPAIRS - umnist. 1L M 9.„,M Baw ta«ta S»«tbM mad Tti Vise oer Mist mall 8:30, WRC (4)—Life of Riley: * * ,U Meltye liatfii EeeArtte Morgan ~ Wesley carries out :N Ceveleete as S»*rtl Ckaeti as a LHetteee Mr. Ilatrlct Attorney ftaTirßy the advice of William (luiaf) laaais Janes ” " * “ AU WORK GUARANTEED - JftlJ " * Bean Ym Be When Tael Sanaata farm Bendix by leaving home to I U.-M I wan job. i« Matateia Mam ¦' " IHrart «. mrrae llnd a jack® AO A,77 :M Naert; Vaatkar mat. Warm Hast, lad; Waattar Narma: Waataar 8:30, WMAL (7)—Ray Bolger CHARGE Siam—laa mat Sltaat Ttaatar Sfti; Star Tkeatar Sparta: lata Maw Show: The star imper- ,M " " Natoat” HO. nil! Taatist “Mr Slitar aal I" “Steal sonates a bronco buster to CRITICS CHEER! 2-3228 :4f Steaa Attn tip IN Marita Had Mart Mattel further a romance. DAY,NIGHT and SUNDAY A# SMI Mp 6ft lata Maw Tnlikt 8:00, WRC (4)—The BigStory: 1800 Columbia Baud N.W. ' ' By Reporter William CARSON Superb fr- Gar- The t snhird«y ( January 15,1955 rett of the Williamson Television Tomorrow— (W. Va.), Daily News. Food at Wlß—till, Cartaaa Clreat; 11, Haaar Feltoat 1I:M, Jerry Mdatay-fial WladaH; 11, Ftaty 8:00, WTOP (B)—Playhouse U) laaerii 11:11, Mata Calat; it Wartaa. WarksSap; 1, utartay Matiaaa—"Staartl of Stars: A young wife keeps u 1, Cirtla 4 kaacb; S. fra laeletoill-nttattlptrte at I, Cartaaa SHOW! tSL Cirtla”! Mllwadai! a terror-filled vigil over her DUKE ZEIBERT S 1:11, Cfrcat. ClrtUi Safety invalid sister during a storm HAJE’S I I WTTC-4, Sttarlay Skew—"ler4er Ragan”; I, Stadarl as Ualai; Ml, Satartay Maw-“Md in “Man Out of the Rain,” CHANNEL M (51 w*" Always Rates starring Phyllis Thaxter and BOLDER BROWN VM4L-11-.M, Saailia* U MtCaaaaUi It, Span Patras, 11;* Sip Off, 4:N, Tkia Va laHaet; -*%) Skip Homeier. 8:00 P.M. S, Cartaaa Caacart. • 8:30, WTTG (s)—Hollywood Rave Notices. FRIED CHICKEN I ...VTOf-7,41. Mditatiaa; 7:49, Stay. Had aal llstai; 1:11, tartar till's Cartamt Maraiat Offbeat: Melvyn Douglas SHRIMP DINNERS 19) t:M, Billy Jakataa; I.N, AU it laikat; 11, wiaty Bid aal Taa; ll:M, Caatait Car- Featuring aiaali 11, Caitala Mitaipt; It:*, Mkatt aal Cntalli; 11, Tkt Bit Tap; 1, UM stars In “The Trial.” Banter; I.*, 1, 9:30, (9)—Our laquiriat tlitar; Satartay Matia<e-"la 111 Mew Mnlca”; ), Cal- WTOP Miss Zsa Zsa Gabor litlata Basketkall—llliaais at. Bkla State; 4:J4, fid Taaplt Raad-"latlaw lapaty." Brooks: Eve Arden saves and her principal and a fellow TV end APPLIANCE PRICES BUSHED teacher from a mad killer. Sheila Graham B Today— Friday, January 14, 9:30, WMAL (7)—The Vise: "Radio ‘ 1955 ‘ H Christopher Lee kills the PrisMteJ by daughter of his publisher 449.95 I 189.95 I 24995 I ~ P.M. WMAL—63O WRC—9BO WWDC—I26O N«w N,w * WTOP—ISOO~ and places the blame on TOMR PONTIAC DEALER 1954 N«w 1954 1954 . H Bask: strain laakataiaMta TSTciak Heesawtree' another as a means of fur- a,II firry aal llama stalls Battae lacklterrta fratactlralaapa ADMIRAL A Brtwa Ham, 11M Ctak Mark lean thering his Journalism career, PHILCO ll “ Wlltar " :4! Waaua la Baaaa Jadßawtla " “ in "The Pinal Column.” for ! 3-Way Cembieotien TV TV <7)—Mr. ¦ IT 21" I ' :N tarry aal llama last Plata Biff IMClak Maaalial Matlan 10:00, WMAL District " ” lariaza Jean lack Remit; Him Ettla Callakar Attorney: David Brian T*bl* MuM CONSOLE I “ “ TO :M Mlltan 0. ran Nam; Twiliikt Thu 12M Clak plants fluorescent powder YOUR DOOR *229 ” in ¦ 5:11 likkait " PaMTITIDIIEYSI tTLTj ,4] Twiliikt Tuner Haaar lack; Iran ", Waatker the safes Ta Serve 1 or 1,000 in ' of supermarkets mm 4 BLADDER B >os sue a | *g;Stor Naan—Mastl* Newt; lief ill Id Walff Hurt; laektai to trap a gang of thieves. Wash., Md. or Va. I J HHtj Ww MmW ¦ Mlltaa 8. fin Earl Cslaata Baalttaal; mere CIS Newt Raprl 10:00, WRC (4)—Cavalcade of Mountain Valley Water 1 :1B Haial; Wklta Ham Biaaar Bata Ham, Huts, mm BRAND-NEW SPECIAL! " " •• - Sports: Lightweights N.w N.« 1954 6:11:49 Tkraa Star litw lawill Ikanas Duilio 8 (lapses daily hsa helped ¦ DELIVERY SERVICE ON B 1954 279.95 B M Ida Vanlertaek SkawTaaa Thai Fattn Laarta, |r. TeaattsH trait Loi of Italy and Glen Flana- people for over 100 years. B King-Sixe Mdarry • » gan. Direct WHIRLPOOL Bill Start Mat iimBaalttaal , from Hot Springe, B Newa—Beatty 10:30, HAMBURGERS AND RCA I ,M tail Banter Crtriil Htattar Ckarallara WTOP (9)—Person to Arkansas to your door. B unTpoiUT 7,11 " ,45 "iHtwa Ba« Md'» fiwlly lartlaßMli Elwart B. ktorraw Person: Visits with Broad- Puro, Non-Laxative. B ZEIBERT’S , BARBEQUES 21 TV ELECTRIC I :M filia traat BlaaßMtrt id will Skew Crlnt fkatapajKT- way Producer BillyRose and Non ANT " -Chlorinated. RESTAUR ” " •• « M II FradSlaatra Actress Helen Hayes. “ “ I7NI s».«—Two doors West DRYER ;3I lallaw’iLena Ham; tat Clak Artker Saltray B Table Medal I “ •* 18:30, WMAL (7)—Where Were •F Com*. Ave W -8.,45 Seta at tkt fiaaaan tack Rawria Bipst .N 2-3880 You? A re-creation of the io>orvt»oo8 3-1730 \ lit fiiiSkeltia Skew frilay Wltk larriway Ham; IMA "CM Party Claw Rorlrf I * * 159 lack lamia llat Creaky year 1910 around the life a com today M Opaa 'taMidnight. Utmhy'nUOo.m I *idd *BO |» Cretae ” " HAJE'S Orif. :It Warn Wa Lira It 12M CM Aims 'a' Ally of a man who stunned the " ** 9:11 " :4S "; Htwa lack lamia Maalt Hall world with an Invention. 904 12th St. N.W. RESTAURANTS 499.95 New 1954 299.95 New 1954 ,M Elwart Marpa-Hawa CiralciH at Sparta frn Aair. Ikapyaly Mr. Kata • 11:20, WMAL (7)—Seven Star I I 4A:IS Ranlall; Mews “ * Yea Wan Tkara lakBaltai Sktw Theater: Martita Hunt stars llln Bill Malene Skew Mt«n; Mac tacCarry Ciantarspy Faatsttps in “My Sister nOTPOINT **,4l •• - - •• and L“ a ADMIRAL I Maßwry'a Hita la MMia mystery. Ntwa-Sparti 1 ill' Bill Milan Skew SMBMamy Ham; tpamll 11:25, WTOP (9)—The Refrigerator* B ” ” Late Refrigarotors Maaie Tkraafk Rkytta aal Blwi Mnallal :SB ” " , Hint Mian; Minay EMIt Show: “The Steel Helmet,” JANUARY Ik! lalldar CLEARANCE n:IS M " " ” " id Bkytlrn aal tlwa " the story of a mission in war- time Korea, stars Robert *278 *IBB Hutton and Qene Evans. ¦ Automatic daf'DSter; 9 cubic feet; V H ' UNFINISHED FURNITURE in sriginal Crates. „. in original cratci. Radio Today. w Choose Radio Tomorrow— Saturday, January 15,1955 8:00, WTOP—Crime Photogra- the alas end atyle bookcase you need while Hiey lost from our large assortment of well-seasoned knotty pin# Famous pher: Development of a com- beokcoses and unfinished furniture assembled and ready for delivery during our Jetnuory ¦ Nationally A,M WMAi—63O WRC—9BO WWDC—I26O WTOP—ISOO posite picture exposes store wide sale. * “““ a iim iikkitt Himi Utk ta tkii Art trim Him; clues, ip Bn " um chain of in mys- I AIR CONDITIONERS " the i Marie Bakkial Melitatiaa tery, “Peaches,” starring :N “ " Mamtßrtm Mam; Earn De luxe models with automatic " 6:41 " Artiram Mark Enas Staats Cotsworth and Jan H thermostats.

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