December 6, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1593 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING THE NORTHWEST IN- ents alongside the orchestra. Well-known HONORING THE FAIRFIELD AREA DIANA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA’S names in music, such as Benny Goodman, HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS’ SOCCER 75TH ANNIVERSARY Dizzy Gillespie, Doc Severinsen and the To- TEAM night Show Band, and Roger Williams, have HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY performed as guest artists over the years. HON. SCOTT PERRY OF PENNSYLVANIA OF INDIANA For the last 75 years, the Northwest Indiana IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Symphony Orchestra has entertained and en- Tuesday, December 6, 2016 Tuesday, December 6, 2016 chanted audiences with their executions of Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with both classical and contemporary music. Their Mr. PERRY. Mr. Speaker, today I proudly great respect and admiration that I rise to rec- faithful devotion to promoting the arts in North- honor my constituents, the Fairfield Area High ognize the Northwest Indiana Symphony Or- west Indiana has provided accessibility to cul- School Girls’ Soccer team, for earning the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Associa- chestra upon its 75th anniversary. In honor of tural and enriching opportunities for excep- this momentous occasion, the Northwest Indi- tion Class 1A championship. These young tional musical performances to all local resi- women have brought home the first state team ana Symphony Orchestra is hosting a com- dents. memorative gala that will feature its signature sports title in Fairfield’s history. Holiday Pops concert on Thursday, December Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my other distin- The Green Knights defeated District VII 8, 2016 at the Star Plaza Theatre in guished colleagues to join me in congratu- Champion, Shady Side, in a 9–4 victory at Merrillville, Indiana. lating and celebrating the Northwest Indiana Hersheypark Stadium on November 18, 2016. The Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra Symphony Orchestra on its 75th anniversary. The Green Knights finished the season with a 25–1 record and scored 27 goals in four state humbly originated in 1941 as a vision from Northwest Indiana is grateful and proud to be playoff games, including two nine-goal per- cello instructor Arthur Zack, who hailed from home to the brilliantly talented members of Gary, Indiana. Using the Gary Post-Tribune as formances. this organization, and for their outstanding For a team from a small community, the a means to recruit performers, Zack led twen- gifts, leadership, and service, these members ty-six musicians for the group’s first rehearsal. Green Knights had an army of loyal sup- are worthy of the highest praise. From this foundation, the roster flourished, porters. I extend my congratulations to head and the first concert was performed on De- coach Phomma Phanhthy, and the school offi- cember 7, 1941, at Seaman Hall of City Meth- f cials, family and friends who supported these odist Church in Gary. Regrettably, news of the young women on this incredible journey. HONORING GARY A. ROSEMA, OT- On behalf of Pennsylvania’s Fourth Con- attack on Pearl Harbor was received prior to TAWA COUNTY SHERIFF, ON HIS the start of the performance, which prompted gressional District, I commend and congratu- RETIREMENT Zack to open the concert with a heart-felt ren- late the Fairfield Area High School Girls’ Soc- dition of ‘‘The Star-Spangled Banner’’ on the cer team on the hard work and dedication that piano. With reverence to the importance of led to their 2016 State Championship. that decision, the Northwest Indiana Sym- HON. BILL HUIZENGA f phony Orchestra will commence its 75th anni- OF MICHIGAN HONORING MOTHER IRENE L. versary concert with the national anthem. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES GARY While remaining with the organization for several more years, Zack’s perseverance and Tuesday, December 6, 2016 HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON energy helped shape and establish the group, OF MISSISSIPPI then known as the Gary Symphony. Over the Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years, its musicians have delighted audiences rise today to congratulate my friend, Sheriff with their performances at various churches Gary Rosema, on his retirement from the Ot- Tuesday, December 6, 2016 and schools throughout Northwest Indiana. In tawa County Sheriff’s Office. Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- 1972, the members reorganized as the North- After graduating from the FBI National er, I rise today to honor a remarkable person, west Indiana Symphony Orchestra and contin- Mrs. Irene L. Gary. Academy, Gary Rosema began his career in ued to host concerts at area high schools. Mrs. Irene L. Gary affectionately known as The Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra law enforcement in 1973 as a patrol officer for ‘‘Julie’’ was born on September 5, 1930 in held its first performance at the Star Plaza the Coopersville Police Department. One year Goodman, Mississippi to the late Ozzie Lloyd Theatre in September of 1981, the same later, he joined the Ottawa County Sheriff’s and Essie Long. She received her general venue at which the outstanding musicians per- Department as a deputy and achieved the education from the Georgeville Community. formed their first concert in November of 1982. rank of detective in 1981. In 1993, Gary She served as a cook for Holmes Community The following year, the Northwest Indiana Rosema was elected to serve as Ottawa College which she loved doing for many Symphony Orchestra branded the Star Plaza County’s sheriff. years. Throughout her career she served in Theatre as its home concert hall, although the capacity for other businesses until retire- Sheriff Rosema has dedicated his career to they still remained true to their roots by per- ment. forming at other local venues in the commu- providing the highest quality law enforcement Irene’s spiritual life began when she joined nity, including a series of outdoor concerts. service to the residents and communities in Georgeville United Methodist Church in Good- The Northwest Indiana Symphony is now Ottawa County. His relentless work for the man, Mississippi. She relocated to Lexington, comprised of the Northwest Indiana Symphony community includes serving as chairman of Mississippi where she began to worship at St. Orchestra, the Northwest Indiana Symphony Michigan’s Council on Law Enforcement and John C.M.E. Church under the pastorage of Youth Orchestra, the Northwest Indiana Sym- Criminal Justice Initiatives and Chair of the the late Rev. Larry Blackmon. Later in life she phony Chorus, and the Women’s Association. Operations Board of Directors for the West joined the Union Grove Missionary Baptist The Orchestra takes pride in its dedication to Michigan Enforcement Team, which is a multi- Church under the pastorage of Rev. Edward encouraging youth to broaden their knowledge jurisdictional drug enforcement task force. Charles Pitchford where she served faithfully and appreciation of music through educational until her health began to decline. Because of programs. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Second Dis- her spirit of serving others, she was chosen by Since its inception, scores of distinguished trict of Michigan, we thank Sheriff Gary her pastor to be a part of the Mother’s Board. and renowned musicians and entertainers Rosema for his 43 years of service to West She loved her church, her pastor and his fam- from around the world have featured their tal- Michigan and to our nation. ily. Irene was a unique individual; you had to ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:06 Dec 07, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K06DE8.001 E06DEPT1 rfrederick on DSK30MX082PROD with REMARKS E1594 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 6, 2016 know her to understand her and to understand Ministry at Holy Spirit Church to help those over Fire Department in Pennsylvania on its her was to love her. who need rides to medical appointments or 200th Anniversary. Irene departed her natural life on August 1, procedures. The entirely volunteer group pro- The collective accomplishments of the staff 2016. Her parents, Ozzie Lloyd and Essie vides a service that makes a difference in the and volunteers of the Hanover Fire Depart- Long, her loving sister, Eva Smart, and her everyday lives of members in the community. ment truly are exceptional. Over the last 200 niece, Carolyn Smart, all preceded her in Boy Scout Troop 1965. In the past year, the years, the Department’s men and women death. Fond memories of her will forever re- 40 Scouts of Troop 1965 have collectively helped to save countless lives and properties, main with her children: Virginia Brown and completed more than 800 hours of service and have made the Hanover area a safer and George Gary; a grandson whom she reared projects ranging from conservation projects to better place in which to live and work. as her own, Donald Gary, all of Lexington, construction projects throughout the area. The On behalf of Pennsylvania’s Fourth Con- MS; two very dedicated friends Gloria Remus members of Troop 1965 continue to serve gressional District, I thank and congratulate and Ruthie Marshall of Lexington, MS; five those around them and the greater Braddock the Hanover Fire Department on its 200th An- grandchildren; eight great grandchildren; three District. niversary and wish them continued great suc- great-great grandchildren; a God grand- Staff, Volunteers and Friends of Kings Park cess and service in the years to come. daughter, Sade Melton; nieces, nephews, Library. With the closure of Pohick Library for f cousins, and neighbors whom she loved; fam- renovation, the Kings Park Library has seen RECOGNIZING DEBBIE SHEDDEN ily and friends.
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