A 16—MANCHESTER HERALD, Hiesday. April 24. 1990 ■-A. ■*r-; CONDOMINIUMS I CONDOMINIUMS I FOR SALE FOR SALE Battling Finish Critical A EAST HARTFORD-NEW MANCHESTER-HANDY ‘■H •• *• V LISTINGI Like New, 6 DANDY LOCATION! 11 room Townhouse. 2 This spotless 4 room Coventry parents Coventry saves best State workers’ bedrooms, panelled Condo at WELLS- S p e c i a l i s t Rec room, dining WEEP Is only steps support program/3 for last vs. Cheney/11 practices faulted/4 room, central olr, flre- away from shopping, Dloce, oarage and bonking, churches and mosch more. Only m o re ! 2 b ed ro o m s , 1.5 $124,000.0 & R Realty, baths, private base­ 643-2692.0______________ ment with laundry DECKS/ INSTALLATION/ ROOFING/ CARPENTRY/ MISCELLANEOUS hook-ups, ample park­ CONDOMINIUMS-Sunny SPRING IS THE TIME REMODELING ing, reasonable fee and ADDITIONS REPAIR SIDING SERVICES Ranch Condo, private It's priced at For Chimney Repair entrance. RENT WITH $107,000.Jackson 8< Call Now For Free Estimate OPTION TO BUYI HANDYMEN/CARPENTERS Jackson Real Estate, Installation and Replacement MASTERCRAFT Clffln^Hajirig.Cafpertiy. O d d J o b s $59,900. IMMACU­ Talaga Masonry ^ THE DECK WORKS ^ 647-8400.D of Water Heaters Rsmodslihg. Rsssqnsbly Pricsd Hauling unwanted articles. LATE 1st floor unit. 6 4 3 - 8 2 0 9 (Spring Special) ROOFING FresEstlrhatss EAST HARTFORD-NEW Garages, cellars and Fully appllancedi after 6pm Very popular, nigh quality deck •Gas At Mastercralt we work tor you 6 with An Calls Antwersd $60,900. 2BEDROOM LISTINGI Like new, 6 building reputable craltsman using •Electric you. Whelheryour desire is residential Rick’s Handyman & gutters cleaned. END UNIT. Pool & room Townhouse. 2 quality materials very affordable. •Oil or commercial. Asphalt shingles, Carpentry Service Call anytime bedrooms, panelled This combination cant be beat woodshingle 6 shake, B.U.R slats or Tennis, charming vll- SENIOR CITIZENS/ Wilson Oil Company _________ 646-1 9 4 8 8 7 1 -1 3 7 8 loge setting Rec room, dining FREE ESTIMATES single ply. We offer quality workman­ TRANSPORTATION 6 4 5 « ? 9 3 $124,900.Anne M iller room, central olr, fire­ 644-2362 j ship, reliable service accompanied w/ iManrhpatfr HmlJi Real Estote, 647-8000.O place, garage and competitive prices. We're lully Insured KITCHEN & BaW CHARLES THE much more. Only 6 provide tree estimates. SOUTHFIELD GREEN- HANDYMAN $124,000. U 8. R R e a lty , SENIOR CITIZENS CLEANING Manchester. Enloythe I wl pick you up at your home and take you: Please Call 647-3683 REMODELING ENTERPRISES 643-2692.P______________ SERVICE carefree living of a 2 Groeeqr Shopping DECKS POWER WASHING -Doctors appointments Pressure Treated From the smallest bedroom Townhouse CONDOMINIUMS-Sunny Placing an ad In Classified residential & commercial -Visll frtenda Custom Designs Wednesday, April 25,1990 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents. with tennis court, pool Ranch Condo, private -Do Banking Is eosy. Just call 643-2711. repair to the largest PAINTING entrance. Rent with op­ FREE ESTIMATES Interior/Exterlor and a view of the -etc. C all We'll help you with the renovation, we vvill do a Inteiior/exterlor Manchester Country tion to buyl $59,900. For friendly courteous servtce call Painting Done wording of your ad. SPRING CLEANING IMMACULATE 1st Carol I t 649-19M THE DECK SPECIALISTS complete job. Club from the spoclous ■light carpentry •garages -yard ' floor unit. Fully 646-0032 deck. Easy living at Its -ceilings and walls repaired Start to finish. •cellars -gutters apllancedi $60,900. ■attics and cellars cleaned best I $164,900. D.W. L A W N C A R E ELECTRICAL FREE ESTIMATES •rotatil'Ing Fish Realty, 643-1591.□ 2BEDROOM END 6 4 3 -6 3 8 6 UNIT. Pool Si Tennis, Complete do-it-yourself •BrushAree & trash MANCHESTER-New llst- LIQUIDATION fully insured/fee estimates rem oval charming village set­ ELECTRICAL programs available. Assault-gun bill Ingl Good 1st time ting.$124,900. Anne *30 yrs. experience buyer Investment In M iller Real Estate, 647- MOWING & CONTRACTOR ’fast, reliable & this spacious 5 room TREE SERVICE/ 8000.□ Heritage Kitchen & fully insured Townhouse with lower ■ Repars • New Installation TILLING ESTATE LIQUIDATION PRUNING *10% senior level rec room and • Licensed • Insured Bath Center C a ll J o h n Commercial & Residential discounts office. $99,900. Sentry ILOTS/LAND ■ Free Estimates Come visit our showroom at: Real Estate, 643-4060.O 6 4 9 -0 7 7 3 Cash or Sell on CALL 872-4072 FOR SALE HAWKES TREE SERVICE ■ Senia Discounts 254 Broad Street SOUTH WINDSOR-27L Consignment Bucket, truck & chipper. fired at Senate Jim Varrelman Manchester Amato Drive. Atforda- NEW LISTING:Prlmelot ^ARtlMASTERS Stump removal. Free GSL Building ble luxury. Immacu­ 6 4 5 - 1 1 7 4 Contr. Lie. # 103833 I n Pondview SPRING CLEANUP estimates. Special 649-5400 Maintenance Co. By Judd Everhart said Susan Misiora, lobbyist for the that it is a sporting and target ver­ late 2 bedroom unit Subdivision-sacrifice considerab’on for elderly and 6 4 6 -0 3 1 9 Commerdal/Residontlal build­ with loft In wonderful ■Trees & Lawns Cut The Associated Press National Rifle Association, which sion of its aR-15, a military-style sale-$90,000. Century 21 handicapped R.H. RUSSIlio ing repairs and home improve­ complex featuring In­ ■Yards & Garages Qcaned opposed the measure. “It isn’t going assault weapon. Epstein Realty 647- SALE/TRADE 647-75M ments. Interior and exterior door and outdoor 8895. ■Brush Piles Removed BOOK/ HARTFORD — Proponents of a to do anything.” “The Colt Spoiler rifle is no dif­ pools. Clubhouse with rooms. Decks, Garages painting, ight caipentry. Com­ ■Truck & Backhoe W ork ■Flni«h;Carp*ntiy,Kiton«na.BaM(Tant«, bill requiring permits for assault Robert T. Crook, lobbyist for the ferent from the AR-15 and it should sauna and exercise NEW LISTING! Prime ■Exterior Housepainting IN C O M E T A X plete janitorial service. Experi­ lot In Pondview Subdi­ PAINTING/ enced, reliable, free esti­ weapons say they’re optimistic Connecticut Sportsmen’s Alliance, be on the list” of assault weapons room. A neat way to •Driveways S ^ e d THE BOOK ■BrU^iuM ton* Wall* S PWk» live. $100,900. Century vision. Sacrifice sale. PAPERING Expert Piintlng ft Wallpapsring mates. about getting the measure through which also opposed the measure, covered under the bill, said Rep. $90,000. Century 21, Ep­ ■Landsc^ing Installations 21, Epstein Realty, 647- RACK 6Se-2620 22S-4032 Christopher Burnham, R-Stamford. stein Realty, 647-8895.P •Complete Building & 1 9 8 9 643-0304 the Senate, after winning 2-1 ap­ said the bill would do nothing for 8895.0 National Rifle Association officials Property Maintairi^ Audio Cassette Books. INCOME TAXES proval in the House. gun control. “It’s going to affect us, EAST HARTFORD- ■AnyJobCoMUMd All Categories McHugh Himself Consultation/Preparation PAINTING/ Opponents say, however, they’ll our members, and let me assure you, have also conceded that the Sporter Bellcourt, unita. Affor­ 1 BUSINESS FVW f INSURE} FREE ESnHATES HEATING/ is essentially the same as the AR-15. dable 2 bedroom first Painting & wallpapering at Individual/Business PAPERING keep up the heal on the upper c h ^ - we’re going to affect them" at the PROPERTY ouz. YARDMASTERS 435J. Hartford Tpke. PLUMBING An amendment to the bill adding floor unit. $68,900. Cen­ 643-9996 its best Free Estimates. Fully Jan Pawlowski ber and remember how lawmakers ballot box, he said. O tury 21, Epstein Realty, "Shops at 30 Plaza" voted when Election Day rolls Rep. Robert Godfrey, D-Danbury, the Sportcr to the list of assault guns - n COMMERCIAL- Verzion, CT 06066 Insured. Established 1974. 6 4 3 -7 2 5 4 Wall Papering and Painting 647-8895.0 Industrlal condo with LAWN SERVICE around this fall. one of the bill’s chief backers, said rczjuiring a permit was approved on HANDY DANDY LOCA­ 870-8870 643-9321 30 years Experience M&M OIL ^ F 1600 so. ft. $149,900. Fertilizing, liming, spring Just before midnight Thesday, the chances of getting the bill through a voice vote. TIO N S!!! This spotless Commercial B1 zone. Insurance, References and PLUMBING & HEATING House approved the measure on a the Senate were “pretty good.” The measure lists about 70 guns, 4 room Condo at Wells- High Visibility! clean-up, complete lawn CARPENTRY/ Free Estimates ■Oil Burner Service & Sales Other supporters said it was a first by brand name and model, as assault weep In Manchester Is $229,900. Home busl- service. B O O K R A C K REMODELING %-49 vote and agreed lo include in — m ness/nursery poten­ ELDERLY CARE MARTY MATTSSON ■Automatic Dll Delivery step in getting assault weapons, weapons. It also carries a 10-year only steps away from 643-0747 Previously enjoyed paperback the bill’s list of assault weapons the 0 D shopping, banking, ______ 649-4431 ■Wei! Pumps Sales & Service tial. 11.34 acres also books from Flomance to Hor- controversial new “Spxtrtcr” rifle often the gun of choice for drug mandatory prison term for anyone churches and morel 2 a V a I I a b I e I ■Water Heatefs (EiMitio s Gm ) 649-8045 rorl W e will tradefor yourgood made by the state-backed Colt’s lords, off the streets. committing a violent crime with an bedrooms, 1.5 baths, $244,900.Anne M iller CUSTOM QUALITY WEiGLE'S PAINTING CO. :Bathrnom & Kitchen 2 CD paperbacks 2 for 1; or we will NURSE'S AIDE Manufacturing Co. as an assault The vole at 11:58 p.m.
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