Northamptonshire County Council NORTHAMPTON NORTH WEST RELIEF ROAD Appendix 5.4 EIA Scoping Response - JUNE 2019 PUBLIC Summary of Scoping Opinion Responses Consultees Response received Northamptonshire County Council 16/08/2018 Daventry District Council 04/09/2018 Boughton Parish Council 18/09/2018 Highways England 4/9/2018 Northampton Borough Council 17/9/2018 Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridge and 30/09/2018 Northamptonshire Historic England 28/09/2018 Network Rail 02/10/2018 Environment Agency 04/09/2018 Northamptonshire County Council FAO Daniel Patterson Please ask for: Peter Moor Tel: 01604 367019 WSP Our ref: 18/00002/SCO 1 Capital Quarter Your ref: 70021598 Tyndall Street Date: 18 September 2018 Cardiff CF10 4BZ Dear Sir/Madam, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REGULATIONS 2017: REGULATION 1 SCOPING OPINION Proposal for the Scope and Content of an Environmental Impact Assessment for the North West Relief Road Thank you for your e-mail and attachments received on 7 August requesting a scoping opinion in respect of the proposed North West Relief Road (NWRR). The scoping report has been the subject of consultation in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations and copies of the responses received are attached for your information. In accordance with the Town & Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017, the Environmental Statement means a statement: a) that includes such of the information referred to in Part 1 of Schedule 4 as is reasonably required to assess the environmental effects of the development and which the applicant can, having regard in particular to current knowledge and methods of assessment, reasonably be required to compile, but b) that includes at least the information referred to in Part 2 of Schedule 4; The submitted environmental statement is therefore required to be in accordance with these Regulations. Topics proposed to be scoped into Environmental Statement . Air Quality; . Climate Change; . Cultural Heritage (including Archaeology); . Ecology and Biodiversity; Planning Services One Angel Square Angel Street Northampton, NN1 1ED w. www.northamptonshire.gov.uk t. 01604 367019 e. [email protected] This information can be provided in an alternative language or format such as large print or audio cd. Contact 01604 366014 . Geology and Soils; . Landscape and Visual; . Materials and Waste; . Noise and Vibration; . People and Communities; and . Road Drainage and the Water Environment. Overall I can confirm that the approach that you are advocating in the scoping report is considered to be generally acceptable and appropriate and this is reflected in the nature of the consultation responses which have already been forwarded onto you for information. These specific points are set out in this Scoping Opinion and you are required to have regard to them. In particular I would draw your attention to the following: Air Quality Please refer to the attached comments made by Northampton Borough Council’s Environmental Health Officer, in particular the reference to using the Northampton Low Emission Strategy, Highways England and Daventry District Council. Climate Change Please refer to the attached comments made by the Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust Cultural Heritage (including Archaeology) Detailed comments regarding cultural heritage and archaeology have been provided by Historic England, the County Archaeology Advisor, Northampton Borough Council and Daventry District Council’s Conservation Officer. Ecology and Biodiversity Detailed comments regarding ecological surveys and information have been provided by the Northampton Wildlife Trust and the Council’s Senior Environmental Planner. Geology and Soils Please refer to the attached detailed comments made by the Environment Agency and Daventry District Council. Landscape and Visual Please refer to the attached comments from Northampton Borough Council, Daventry District Council and Boughton Parish Council. In particular you should ensure that the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment should be undertaken using the most up-to- date published guidelines available. Materials and Waste The Planning Policy team commented that Para 10.4.5 of the Materials & Waste Chapter could be deleted (especially as it’s a bit confusing referencing the East Midlands as a whole but only referencing the Northants MWLP in relation to where information will be sourced). It might be better to add at end of 10.4.6 that up to date information regarding supply and demand for waste will be utilised. Noise and Vibration Please refer to the attached comments made by Northampton Borough Council’s Environmental Health Officer, Daventry District Council, Highways England and Boughton Parish Council. People and Communities Please refer to the attached comments made by Daventry District Council Road Drainage and the Water Environment Please refer to the attached detailed comments made by the Environment Agency, the Lead Local Flood Authority and Boughton Parish Council. Traffic and Transportation Detailed comments regarding traffic, transportation and access have been provided by Northamptonshire Highways and Highways England. Cumulative Impacts In assessing the likely effects of the development in respect of the various topics which are scoped in for Environmental Assessment consideration should be given to any cumulative impacts. In particular if there are other permitted developments nearby which if developed could give rise to significant environmental and amenity impacts. In particular you should refer to the comments from Northampton Borough Council and Daventry District Council. The Environmental Statement should address this possibility and the associated potential impacts. Alternatives An outline of the main alternatives considered should be addressed in accordance with the requirements of Schedule 4 of the EIA Regulations 2017. The ES should also include a statement of relevant expertise or qualifications as required by Regulation 18 (5) (b). Should you wish to seek further clarification and assistance on the contents of this opinion please let me know. Yours faithfully, Peter Moor Principal Development Control Officer Enc. Environment Agency Highways England Daventry District Council (Environmental Health) Daventry District Council (Planning) Daventry District Council (Conservation) Northampton Borough Council (Environmental Health) Northampton Borough Council (Planning) NCC Senior Environmental Planner NCC County Archaeological Advisor Historic England Lead Local Flood Authority Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust Boughton Parish Council Northamptonshire County Council memo To: Peter Moor From: Lesley-Ann Mather Ref: 18/00002/SCO Date: 3rd September 2018 cc: TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT) REGULATIONS 2017 SCOPING REQUEST CONSULTATION - REGULATION 15 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Scoping Opinion for proposed North-West Relief Road (NWRR) Peter Thank you for your consultation regarding the content of the EIA Scoping Report. Chapter 6 Cultural Heritage- I would expect the Desk based Assessment to include a full HER consultation with the HER not just a look at the online Heritage Gateway. The suggested search area of 300m is too narrow for undesignated assets. I would expect at least 500m or an area suggested by the Historic Environment Record officer. It is accepted within the EIA Scoping Report that a desk based assessment is insufficient to allow a full assessment of the archaeological potential along the route. I note however that the scoping document only suggests the undertaking of a geophysical survey Paragraph 6.4.6 to inform the Cultural Heritage chapter. Paragraph 6.4.12- without the undertaking of intrusive evaluation in the form of trial trenching it will not be possible to understand the nature, extent and preservation of the archaeological resource within the route. It will also not be possible to outline suitable mitigation measures without the results of the geophysical survey and trial trenching. It is expected that WSP 6.4.9 will consult with the County Archaeological Advisor with regard to all aspects of cultural heritage. I look forward to discussing the methodology for both the geophysical survey and the trial trenching with WSP and the archaeological contractor who will be undertaking the works. Regards Planning Services One Angel Square w. www.northamptonshire.gov.uk t. 01604 367909 e. [email protected] Lesley-Ann Mather County Archaeological Advisor Peter Moor Our ref: AN/2018/127879/01-L01 Northamptonshire County Council Your ref: 18/00002/SCO One Angel Square Angel Street Date: 04 September 2018 Northampton NN1 1ED Dear Peter Scoping opinion for proposed North-West Relief Road (NWRR) North-West Relief Road (NWRR) Northampton Thank you for referring the Scoping Opinion for the North-West Relief Road which was received on 4 August 2018. The submitted report shows appropriate consideration of the environmental constraints within our remit. Therefore, we have no specific comments on the scope of the report but can offer the following advice that can be considered as part of the Environmental Statement. Flood Risk Management We have reviewed the Road Drainage and The Water Environment chapter of the WSP EIA Scoping Report (70045931_SR1 July 2018) and would like the following to be considered in the Environmental Statement (ES): The proposed route is on land located within Flood Zone 3 and defined by the Environment Agency Flood Map
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