THE BUGLE CAMDEN MILITARY ACADEMY 520 US HIGHWAY 1 NORTH CAMDEN, SC 29020 WWW.CAMDENMILITARY.COM [email protected] 800/948-6291 [email protected] CAMDEN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION CARLISLE Vol. XXXIII, No.1 Fall-Spring 2018-2019 Class of 2019 is 60th to Graduate from CMA Michael Angelo Arrindell, Cole Bay, St. Maarten; Joseph Daniel Barriere, Crestwood, KY; Aaron Caleb Batalka, North Augusta, SC; Imani Tyrese Bowie, Evans, GA; John Steiner Branch, Jr., Grovetown, GA; Patrick Kenneth Brooks, Camden, SC; Kolton Trey Buxton, Gulf Breeze, FL; Robert Henry Cianchetti, Birmingham, AL; Nicholas Hopkins Coates, Big Canoe, GA; Luke Andrew Collins, Lexington, SC; Arthur Hallam Cottingham, Greenville, SC; Jonathan Dwayne Cyrus, Charleston, WV; Mathieu Minh Sheng Deprat, Singapore, Vietnam; Leo Ernesto-Bashir Eckhardt, Vienna, Austria; James Noah Edwards, Chester, SC; Grant James Finnie, Charlotte, NC; Alexander Ray Harbaugh, Hope Mills, NC; Jacob Lee Hebbard, Augusta, GA; Ethan Amado Hobert, Weston, FL; James Million Hyder, Jonesborough, TN; Carson James Jarvis; Savannah, GA; Stacy Eugene Jeffcoat, Gaston, SC; Grant Keeton Johnson, Las Vegas, NV; Noah Edward Johnson, Covington, GA; Aubrey Earl Kendrick, IV, Waxhaw, NC; Carson William Klaas, Pooler, GA; Jon Cooper Krenek, Severna Park, MD; Jonathan Andre Le, Minnetonka, MN; Jonathan Niles Leach, Tonasket, WA; Jackson Murley Lewis; Cincinnati, OH; Jacob Joshua Macker, Deltona, FL; Theodore Kent Martin, Marblehead, MA; James Andrew Meade, Brentwood, TN; Parker Christian Miethbauer, Columbia, SC; Remington Dean Mitchelle, Alma, AR; Brendan Nicholas Morgan, Staffordsville, KY; William David Murphy, Savannah, GA; Arlington Alexander Musgrove, Orlando, FL; Terran Chaddrick Nelson, Buford, GA; Petar Obrenovic, Boca Raton, FL; Daniel El- liott O'Connor, Greenville, SC; James Stewart Oribhabor; Lilburn, GA; Mario Ortiz, Columbus, OH; Matthew Todd Osborne, Jr., Rock Hill, SC; Andrew James Ostrander, Chesapeake, VA; Evan Robert Owens, Raleigh, NC; Michael Douglas Palmer, Hollywood, FL; Tanner Hunniford Paul, Wrightsville Beach, NC; Christian Isiah Perpignand, New Rochelle, NY; Dylan Reiss Pollard, Voorhees, NJ; Nicolo Gianni Pucciarelli, Lakeland, TN; Aristidis Alexander Roubanis, Grantie Bay, CA; Ze'Quan Maliek Seward, Camden, SC; Shean Simon Soussana, Jongny, Switzerland; Landon Scott Stillitano, Charlotte, NC; Shan Sun, Beijing, China; Nolan Conner Thompson; San Ramon, CA; Tristin Conner Trimpert, McLean, VA; Rodrigo Oscar Villalobos, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Caleb Thomas Watson, Jacksonville, FL; Zhaofeiyang Wei, Taiyuan, Shanx China; Chen Wu, Missouri City, TX; Zachariah Christopher Yucis; Northeast, MD; Douglas Sijie Zhang, Salisbury, MD Inside You Will Find: Page 8 - 2019 Excalibur Society Page 14 - 2019 Appointments & Experiences Page 2 - Message from Admissions Page 9 - Cadet Villalobos Speech Page 15 - Past Alumni Looking Back Page 3 - 2018 Spartan Challenge Page 10, 11 - Annual Fund FY 2019 Pages 16-21 - CMA’s 60 Years Pages 4-6 - Blogs & Activities Page 12 - Gold Stars 2018-2019 Page 22 - Carlisle Articles Page 7 - 2019 Senior Awards & Plans Page 13 - National Flight Academy Page 23 - Pass in Review Page 2 The Bugle A Few Facts About CMA by Casey Robinson, Admissions Director Having lived in the area most of my life, I CMA has found a unique niche which allows us to am continually amazed at how very little people instill many military philosophies and principles without know about Camden Military Academy. How- attempting to form soldiers. The military program at Camden ever, I am even more amazed at the myths and 0LOLWDU\$FDGHP\SURYLGHVRQHRIWKHPRVWEHQH¿FLDODVSHFWV stereotypes that people associate with CMA and of campus life. The student body is organized into a Corps its cadets. Also, people sometimes question RI&DGHWVFRQVLVWLQJRI¿YHFRPSDQLHV&DGHWVOLYHLQWKHLU the importance of our military program and if its company area within the dormitories. Assistant comman- teachings are antiquated. As I write this article, GDQWVFRPPRQO\NQRZQDVD7$&RI¿FHUVDUHDVVLJQHGWR I hope that I can help you understand what CMA truly stands each company and closely supervises the activities and life of for as well as explain the value of our military program while the cadets within his company. These adult leaders monitor simultaneously dismantling some of the “urban legends” that each cadet's academic progress, conduct, and overall devel- have perpetuated through our community for years. opment and is readily available to cadets seeking advice or First, we are NOT a reform school. Camden Military FRXQVHO7KHVH7$&RI¿FHUVRIWHQIHHOWKHIDWKHUUROHZKLOH Academy is a college preparatory boarding school for young cadets are on campus and sometimes once they depart. men. We are in the business of offering young men a chance CMA values the military training because it instills to succeed in the classroom and in life. Our typical cadet neatness, precision, promptness and self-control. It teaches is a student who has not been working up to his potential a young man to take pride in himself and his country. He academically. Have you ever heard a teenager described as learns to take orders before he is given the authority to an underachiever, poor time manager, or lacking in self-con- give orders. Through this process, a cadet learns that he is ¿GHQFH"'R\RXNQRZDQ\WHHQDJHUVZKRPLVVFODVVURRP responsible to his fellow students for his actions. As a cadet DVVLJQPHQWV RU IDLO WR WXUQ LQ KRPHZRUN" 0RUH RIWHQ WKDQ develops, he is given more responsibility. Cadets learn to not parents always bring up “laziness” or lack of respect for respect authority and develop socially. authority on the part of their son. As part of the military program, the Academy requires CMA feels that a boarding school must provide that all high school cadets participate in the JROTC program more than just a quality education. Camden Military offers and attend classes in leadership development. Camden a unique blend of a high-quality education and military prin- Military Academy is designated as a Military Institute (MI) ciples. Hence, Camden Military offers a young man structure, -XQLRU $UP\ 5HVHUYH 2I¿FHUV 7UDLQLQJ &RUSV -527& organization and self-discipline as well as a strong academic School and has consistently been rated as an Honor Unit with base. As graduation approaches, over 96% of our graduating 'LVWLQFWLRQ E\ WKH 'HSDUWPHQW RI WKH $UP\ 7KH -527& cadets will attend prestigious colleges and universities across program requires students to participate in drill and the nation and around the world. Trust me, not very many ceremonies, and to attend two classes in leadership develop- schools can boast that percentage. ment per week. Seventh and eighth grade students, although :HDUH127DERRWFDPS+RZHYHUSK\VLFDO¿WQHVV not part of the JROTC program, are required to participate is important. Camden has mandatory morning PT (Physical in all drill and ceremonies. The Cadet Challenge Program, Training) and/or drill. Sports are also a large part of Camden WKH YDUVLW\ ULÀH WHDP DQG WKH SUHFLVLRQ GULOO WHDP DUH DOVR Military Academy. We have 13 different interscholastic sports VXSHUYLVHG E\ WKH 0LOLWDU\ 'HSDUWPHQW 0LOLWDU\ WUDLQLQJ LV and also include intramural activities in our weekly schedules unquestionably one of the great assets of Camden Military All cadets must participate in some form of athletics. Academy. REGISTRATIONDW&0$LVDVPRRWKSURFHVV7KH$GPLVVLRQV'HSDUWPHQWGRHVDOOWKDWLVSK\VLFDOO\SRVVLEOHWRQRWLI\ parents of all the require- ments and paperwork that is neces- sary and vital to the initial registration process. We hear quite often how im- pressed the parents are that it is so organized. As soon as the parents and new and returning cadets enter the Risher Administration Building, they are greeted and given instructions that takes them through the entire process. In this way, they can be assured that all is well by the time they enter the EDUUDFNVIRUWKH¿QDOPRPHQWVEHIRUHWKHLUGHSDUWXUH The Bugle Page 3 6SDUWDQ&KDOOHQJHEHJLQVZLWKFRPSDQ\GHVLJQHGVKLUWVDQGÀDJV The 10th annual Spartan Challenge took place in Sep- tember when CMA's ¿YH FRPSDQLHV WRRN to the campus's vari- RXV DWKOHWLF ¿HOGV swimming pool, and library to test and to prove their ability to both lead, to work together as a team, and to have fun in the process. As an integral part of this annual event, each company designs its own t-shirt and banner to wear and wave throughout the day and to be judged by the faculty and staff for awards. The day ends with a feast and awards ceremony. The Spartan Challenge is an event developed by LTC Armstrong, retired Comman- dant, to celebrate the spirit of the corps and the culmination of each &RPSDQ\UHFHLYLQJLWVFHUWL¿FDWLRQ &RPSDQ\76KLUW'HOWD&R Company Flag - Charlie Co. %ULFN&KDOOHQJH'HOWD&R Soccer Challenge - Alpha Co. Lift Challenge - Bravo Co. $URXQGWKH'LDPRQG%UDYR&R 5LÀH6KRRW$OSKD&R Relay - Charlie Co. Frisbee Golf - Alpha Co. Hillbilly Relay - Charlie Co. Glider Fly - Band & Staff Co. Rafting Challenge - Charlie Co. Academic Challenge - Bravo Co. %DVNHWEDOO&KDOOHQJH'HOWD&R %HDP:DON'HOWD&R Centipede Walk - Charlie Co. 9ROOH\EDOO&KDOOHQJH'HOWD&R The winning FCA Run for Your Life - Charlie Co. 'HOWD&RPSDQ\6KLUWUHDGV 6KRZQEHORZ$OSKD:LQQHURI)ULVEHH&RQWHVW'HOWD:LQQHURI%ULFN&KDOOHQJH BE WHERE YOU ARE 683326('72%(:+(1 YOU’RE The 2018 683326('72%(7+(5( Winners Are: '2:+$7<28¶5( 683326('72'2:+(1 VW'HOWD YOU’RE 683326('72'2,7 2nd - Charlie 3rd - Bravo &60:,/'(5 4th - Band & Staff &$0'(10,/,7$5<$&$'(0< 5th - Alpha :::&$0'(10,/,7$5<&20 Page 4 The Bugle
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