vrrvnlunilin (Com.) luawc* owoKTuwrrm tUSINISS OPPORTUNITIES ¦USINISS OPPORTUNITIES | | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOUSES for SALt, N.W. (Cost.) HOUSIS fOi SAU—N.W. HOUSIS TOR SAU—N.W. iTHE SUNDAY STAR B-11 COCKTAIL LOUNGE NEW NR. CONN. AVE. AND ’ Washington, * & ,ner * I I GARFIELD D. C. ‘S‘SPrice, K,.°! 1'- Fears. And rest., BT.i LOW CASH—3-ttory brk. 9 *45 l downtown: 10-yr. lease: POTOMAC PALISADES n'*’ '* rent; ™« 2Va baths: compl. furn.; CHEVY CHASE SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1557 ASS 808 HOI LaiirvwrfAr" reasonable seat* 130; one of Strout Spring Catalog 1411 p, ,„X DER (exclusive). EXCLUSIVE the most and nicely i a‘ ? h.-w.h.: gar.: priced low; income 5213 CATHEDRAL “ n exclusive ’ J“ . out' Mailed FREE! Reaorta, * 4 AVE. - u»-_N ' C M ir>wß»r. 8-8743. eawoped in Wash.: newly dec., owner r Tourist and Boarding Houaea. Mo- _s2«o._lUL_7-2137_0r LI. 4-7265. BEDROOMS HOUSES fOT SALE—N.wT" {‘’SR DERS DEALERSHIP has fust spent .OOO remodeling; 0,8 Farms, N R WALTttI Blessed Sacrament Parish OPEN, 2-5 L*A. /A. ,11 SUP- SII i ?.'!?.>. BA$ • Btarea. etc. REED—3-bedrm. ‘at VlTO“ hed 32 »rs - Con- has done ud to $12,000 mo.: should 2,891 propertiea described. 34 State., semldet. brick: lat-fir. powder rm.: Priced the COLORED fentent l»ffiS! °Aw ner quotes sell for $45,000. owner says I ,t rec m porch: In upper 20s. this $995 DOWN, $99 MO. CORNER DET. with . large sell for year “' _' screened financing over buslnes* »nd eoa .„_J7 Service. '~r handsome 100-ft. (1400 ,’K= . white brick Colonial Close front. Delafleld °P« cdlmorb $28,500, wants $12,500 down. r WORLD’SSSSl t i avall OWNER TA. be can't to good schools, churches, jl® NOW AVAILABLE LARGEBTI STROUT B-5841 matched for value and location i shopping, 3 bedrms., lge. gar- Dl. I—Bamt : 4 bedrms. and flntahed i co. o EA TY tias-N. Woodward Bldg Center hail, study and ; etc. Name your ‘siraL ’ 5, ; , HOME WITH rooms’, powder room, attic. down payment. LIQUOR RESTAURANT Washington.t. Sterling INCOME—Ten 2)4 2£P* iL elt * export Col. Jerbey. Seats 125; rent. $.3.50; yr.; 3-3784. furnished. 4 baths, garage, oil baths. breakfast apace. 2i ;FE. 3-2218.~o h on premises. Immed. pose. Trades considered. W^WSS^ft profit lease 6 b '» porches, deep 3-3498 Unusual opportunity In 1 income quoted $2,300 wkly.: newly t: Mt. Pleasant car. MR. ER- screened wooded lot HE. 4-3197 Bun.: EX Mon. dynamic,growth Industry Es- dec.: Conn, ave.; NET SIO,OOO VIN. DE. 2-4885 p.m. • and ..-car garage out Conn, I H. A. GILL & SON ¦agaMs?# with a real buy for I PER YEAR after 1 to Drive COLORED—I36O lllth ST. H.W totm© ther Williams Swimming Pools. $7,000 down. 5310 KANSAS ave. Nebraska ave , right to Utah! |DB. 3-5000 REALTORS Semldet brick. rms., 2 AVE. N.W. «-rm. ave Barnaby at., right to 1 8 kits.. 3 “OU«e, all conveniences: own a home our "-sit. t’. baths: gats h.-w.h.: 2-car garage. Dlke ' *‘ ’open.' RESTAURANT—BEER COMPLETE with half rent you OPEN SION. 1-5 P.M. SHEPHERD PARK rorwtvim aS.. tamM April 1 powerful the arc paying Vacant. Price reduced to *18.590. k3SmB£ TV, mag., news- Seats 75: income. sl.OllO wkly ; now. By OWNER. Seeing believ- dn., bal. trust. A D paper advertising plus ntcelv equipped: SOFT, ICE CREAM STAND la SHANNON & pJ.t.000 one Call national I near 18th and Co- Pen " LUCHS CO. $3,009 3-yr.-old E. Exc.u«nt*iocat promote Sun 3 5 TA. down. Smart 1 MIDDLETON. Realtor, RE. <!o in^StniiArt^ir • local explodes to the ! lumbli road; *3.0n0 handles. 9°W/° 5000 Conn. Ave. KE 7-1800 brlck-and-stone rambler. 3 bedrms.. (-1181: eywv, OL. 2-8557. dominant brand name in home ON WHEELS 3 baths, ree. rm., to swimming SPEC IA1.~1 - maid's rm,. all- 8-RM; die ,I)Drox essential han- • pools. The largest con- GIFT SHOP NCOME PRO PERT - kit., COLORED LARGE brick SIO,OOO story brick, 0 CHEVY CHASE—*22.BS9 elec. wall-to-wall carpeting and « . oiiii..H**®’wqutred. cash re- ¦l sumer advertising campaign ever Rent SIOO, Includes heat and elcc.; We welcome your Inspection furn. rms.. .3 baths. drapes; *.ncl re r Porches; til* , _ Box 410-X. star. Industry. In income $2,200 monthly of must be sold. A bargain at bath Venetian B f Att°ro«y. (the over quoted, : units now operating In BUYERS ATTENTION! $28,750. blinds: storm win- _ ME. 3 {j E ' the dows; ?^(i 7r EM < 7s j , owr business on il could be increased; approx. $3,000 StoblleBalt. rec. rm : lge, back yard. !l. — °a t* nice, area. Cuh down. & 5 BEDROOMS AND DEN JUNIOR MISS DarT^imi? l small in clean stock: $2,000 handles i KEACH $49,950 Easv terms. RA. ANb~TKEN~RBh* bum vut* J«*». Invest- 3 more OPEN SUNDAY. 1-DARK and at this price owner- 3-3333. Eld. 3- nl, Eslb Cr Williams Swimming to choose from. RFD #1 de builder it, losing SIO,OOO. W ® *75 a 1 Poolsn-°. L Havre Grace COR. over Ab- r S^Ua^sS^Sjfe n forU w. week ; bear the Good Housekeeping Havre de Grace. Md. 1746 16th AND CRITTENDEN STS 5805 30th at. Is truly solutely the finest, the most beauti- COLORED—I7iIT Inventory: .< , For info, OL tl- 12 ROOMS, 4 DPBHUB~arw7—fi w?IT Mt»b[ish, d .2??, i-. call I**. assuring highest BATHS House beautiful, det.. red brick; an outstanding De- ful home in Shepherd area; rms. 2 b ; det. prlc«; Bundw or RA XXHffiquality ; 4 complete apts., near i -——— value. the Park briok: low T 0-3011 Bhoreham '¦s gar. HA mahogany-paneled easy terma • f " week- standards and Immediate baths. 2-car tached brick. Attractive llv. library. 3 spac with subatl. cash. B BROWNR tio dav* consumer acceptance. Hotel; 2-car garage, large yard, oil 8- I AttornwAt?* heat; verv nicely rent $160; rm. with built-in bookshelves, belrms., 3 baths rec. rm. with bar. {COLORED— M |.% Bth ST. i ' furn.: etc. Sep lge maids many N.W.— MJS .7.BSO7I.EM 3?7slS CDEUCATESBEN—Dntn, loc income over and apt. NEAR BUREAITOF STANDARDS-^ din. rm.. kitch- rm , other outstanding! ! Home and lge Ust sell Itnmedlately. S3OO for owner: YOU Can Own rms.. en, bedrm. and Income: well-built Ownern' m ,nin must sell, wants $.3,000, kit 2 baths, oil bath olua den features: terms. ! detached 8-rm.. 5 * n.i ,.JL hosw’ ».l pymt Can you qualify for a dealership? terms on 2V.-bath home: . smal dn. Ist flr. 4 bedrms. and RAFFELL REAL made apta: ll* r or call 9.91 $2,090 w ESTATE Into 2 many extras; „, taYo . dn. bath on 2nd. Garage, porch. o:: MR KAY VT°n f , Rooming Moneymaker Call P. E. MIDDLE- JU. i'-i Realtor* | W phone M I 7 om LI 15 6 Your Own Business! Blessed Sacrament i sell FLOYD E. DAVIS CO. b 4-9830 - ‘*'‘«< rooms. baths: rent $100; in- Realtor. KE. 7-1181: eves.. Lafayette Parish. Pfiood W NA A- * *v “- s?#{, ' •Uckionvllle. N det <“•>*«- come vJL.JON 2-8557. School. Out Conn, n ' ' 035 c.! $000: long lease. Rhode Island, Stop working right SHEPHERD PARK N.W. LU 2?0037 DRY CLEANING STORE for Vale cations?' now! near 10th; all wants ; for someone f'e- on Nebraska to OPEN 1444 C ,, In rented; 51.5U0 WIDOW SACRIFICING li’respon- PRIMROSE RD D— r O ' else! Be YOUR McKinley, right 1 „ COLOR? l '3l BEI.MOiNT STTn ‘n ,00<1 down. OWN BOSS! •' ow bricks, off upbfr blk.. left N.W : det.1-5 Colonial, renter IV. BoJ Rleldly controlled dealerships nV.iv r on .19th to home. lge. brk. hall.' —II ,rm «. 4 baths: apt. bamt.; .bUsßfes’s' 09-Z. st?r protecting you 14th: 12 mod, furn. apts., A-l llv. rm . w flrpl.. din. rm., pwdr In bob 12 ROOMS, In vour area rm.. brkfst. rm Vouflst home. Call MR. tailor ESTHER WILLIAMS S4OO . approx. *1.699 mo : METZLER, den . kit. w/garb., LEWIS. i.SI —Good nropositlon for right Down: 3 baths, large fenced yard: •re ODen for MISTER SOFTEE *15.000 down, bal. REALTOR-BU1! DBR disp 4 NO. 7-4511. DE 2-1180. man mobile unit cash like rent: Dally and Sunday. EM. 2-7490 . bedrms . 3 baths on 2nd! Ir,R M«st have own truck. PL. SWIMMING oil heat: rent $140; income quoted 1 operators for the _cotnm. area. Box 2ilß-Z. nr., recr. rm., screened porch. : c V:D—-2003 13th ST. IPrXS.4- POOLS $.375; on near 17 sale of ice cream, taking Star. Dir.: Suitable2 asss***® or PL 4-H2OB. Lamont th st. the soft' by REED, *t. to Northgate for dentist or doctor: com- Hurry. country storm Serve NR. WALTER 80H Butternut Primrose, rd.. rt.l plete apt. on 2nd heat; Kathryn s Aunt ; T*ry deslrablV lo- ALBEE BUILDING. D. C. directly to homes, parks. n w t br,ck concrete CHEVY CHASE, rt. to house floor: auto ball ,. ' frt. D. C! lull MR cookies <asc a nk®\- ' ‘ °T' I pch2.n .srl* spac. bsmt SMITH. AD. 4-2972. * P r tlOn r -5 LIST 'ndustrla l plants. Ride hall. llv with LEO M. & • ll c BlUi OL WITH US EVERY flrepl.. rm. BERNSTEIN CO. i DE H"0217° ~ din.
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