Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Washington, D.C., and Vicinity GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 1776 Geology and Ground -Water Resources of Washington, B.C., and Vicinity By PAUL M. JOHNSTON With a section on CHEMICAL QUALITY OF THE WATER By D. E. WEAVER and LEONARD SIU GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 1776 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1964 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director The U.S. Geological Survey Library catalog card for this publication appears after page 97. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 CONTENTS Page Abstract__-__.-_--------------------_-----------------_--_.--__ 1 Introduction.___.__-___-_-_--____-_--_-_-____---___-____-_._______ 2 Purpose and scope of the investigation ___________________________ 2 Location of the area.--__--_-_-_------------------_-_--------_- 3 Previous investigations.__-__---_--_-_-_----__---_-_-_-_-_-_____ 3 Acknowledgments. ____________________________________________ 5 Geography _______,--_-------_-_----___----_---_--___----_-_-__-_- 5 Surface features and dramage---__-_-_-__---_--__--_-____-______ 5 Climate ________--------_-------------_-_---------_-------_--. 7 Economic development-,-_--_---_--_--__-------------_-_--_-_--_-__ 8 Geology.___________-___--_---_-_----_----_-_--_---.--_-_-_--_--__ 9 Regional geologic history_----_------_------_-__----____-_--__-. 10 Geologic formations -----.--------_------_--------------_---- 11 The Piedmont____.-..__-------__-_---------__. 11 Lower Paleozoic(?) rocks--------_-----------_.-_--_---- 11 Wissahickon Formation-__.___.---_-.--_-_.-.__.___ 11 Rocks of unknown age_--_---_---'--__----_-_-_----_--__ 14 Serpentine, ------ ----__-----_---_-_---_--___-___ 14 Mafic rocks--_----_-_----_----__------_---.-_--__-- 14 Laurel Gneiss of Chapman, 1942.__-----------.--__- 16 Sykesville Formation of Jonas, 1928----------------- 17 Granitic rocks.---.--_--------------.---__----_-,-- 21 Aplite....._-.-____-.__--.____.___ 25 Quartz veins.-..-_--_-..------.-___-__-._._---._.. 26 Structure of the Piedmont rocks.----_------._-_-.------- 27 The Coastal Plain...._..._.._.._-------__..... 29 Lower and Upper Cretaceous Series __------_.__.----... 29 Potomac Group___.-.-_--.-.--_.-.-.-._.____-__.-_ 29 Lower Cretaceous Series_-_-------------_-_-----.--._- 29 Patuxent Formation________________________________ 29 Upper Cretaceous Series------.-----.----------.-------- 31 Arundel Clay.......__..___..........____. 31 Patapsco Formation_______________________________ 31 Magothy Formation __-_. ..-..................__... 32 Monmouth Formation..._.-..._-..._...._.....__.- 32 Tertiary System Paleocehe Series...__.-_--_...-....-.-. 33 Brightseat Formation_____--____-_-____----___----. 33 Eocene Series Pamunkey Group.-.--------.------------ 33 Aquia Greensand---_-__--_-----------------------_ 33 Nanjemoy Formation.--___-_----------------.---__ 34 Miocene Series Chesapeake Group -._---.--._-------- 35 m IV CONTENTS Geology Continued Geologic formations Continued The Coastal Plain Continued Page Pliocene(?) Series._....._....-..............,------.- 36 Bryn Mawr Gravel ___---_____.___________------ 36 Brandy wine Gravel, ----_-----___._--___--.--------- 37 Quaternary System Pleistocene Series___--_-_--_-------- 38 Sunderland Formation_..-_.-.._...._......_-.------ 38 Wicomico Formation,. ..____._.,_._.._._..__------ 38 Pamlico Formation_------------_----_------.------ 39 Recent alluvium and colluvium__--______._____._------ 39 Colluvium......-..._._.--_...__----____---- - 39 Recent alluvium__------------------------------- 41 Structure of the Coastal Plain deposits..----------------- 41 Water resources_....__._.._._...--.-._-.--_--.-...----._..-------- 42 History of water supply in the District of Columbia_______-__----- 42 Present status of water supply in the area_-_._.------------------ 48 District of Columbia..__________________----------------- 48 Suburban Maryland,__-__-_____-----_______-_--_-_---..---- 49 Suburban Virginia,.-__-____--_------____------._-.-------- 49 The hydrologic cycle__-_-----------_-----------,--------------- 50 Surface water-__-__----_----------------.-_--------_---------- 51 Principal streams and their use in the area_____-__---------- 51 Ground water-____-----_----_----.-------_----_------_-------- 52 Occurrence in crystalline rocks_---__---_------_------------- 52 Occurrence in sedimentary rocks_--_------------------------- 54 Development __-____--_--------------_-_------------------ 54 Wells and springs --------------.---.---------------- 54 Well-numbering system-----.-_-_-------_--_------- 55 Springs-----.------------------.------------------ 55 Construction methods_-----_--_-----_----_---_--- 56 Comparison of well types..----.------__--.-_------- 56 Problems. .._--..-_--------------------------- 59 Selection of well sites___...__..._..-.-...---- 60 Studies of the relations of well yield, depth, and topographic position._._.----_-__----_--_-.--_-.-__---__----_------- 62 Depth and yield of drilled wells in the Piedmont by geo­ logic units.-.-_-_--------------_-__----.------------ 63 Yield of drilled wells in the Piedmont by depth intervals - - - 64 Relation of yield of drilled wells in the Piedmont to depth of weathering- __.--.-------------..-_.----.-_---------- 65 Relation of depth, casing, and yield of drilled wells in the Piedmont by topographic position_-_------------------ 65 Dug and bored wells in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain relation of depth of well and water level to topographic position._--_---_-.,-_--_----.._--_----.--_--------- 66 Yield of drilled wells in the Coastal Plain._--------------- 66 CONTENTS . V Water resources Continued Ground water Continued Page The chemical character of the ground water, by D. E. Weaver and Leonard Siu____---_-_--------_-----_-__--------__--_ 67 Geochemistry of ground water. _________________________ 67 Quality of water in relation to source _-_-----__-----_--_ 75 Wissahickon Formation__--___----_--__-.-_________ 76 Sykesville Formation of Jonas, 1928__.__..______--_ 77 Laurel Gneiss of Chapman, 1942 ------------------- 77 Granite-.__--------------_---------_--_____-__--- 77 Mafic rocks_------------------------------------ 77 Serpentine ________-----------_---__----___-___.___ 78 Potomac Group (undifferentiated)____----__.-__.__-_ 78 Patuxent Formation _.._--_.._-...___.___.____-.__ 79 Quality of water in relation to use.__-____.-.__.___..__.._ 79 Summary- __---.--_-_--_._-----------_--_-----_-_---___ 81 Potential development of ground-water resources...------------ 81 The Triassic basin __.-_____-____.________.--_____.___ 83 Fluctuations of ground-water level.- -----_--_-_-_-------___ 83 Emergency water supplies.-_---...---___---__.-_____-____--_ 85 Summary and conclusions__________---__.-________--________....___ 87 Selected references___-_-_----_------_--_-___-.------____--_-_-__--- 88 Index.---_-_---_._._.---._.-_---_---___-__-__-__._--.-___..__-... 95 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates are in pocket] PLATE 1. Geologic map of Washington, D.C., and vicinity. 2. WelLmap. Page FIGURE 1. Map showing location of report area------------ 4 2. The Potomac River flowing over Piedmont rocks. 6 3. The Potomac River and Coastal Plain.-.__-_-._ 7 4. Wissahickon Formation in quarry-______---_--_ 13 5. Serpentine quarry__-_-_______-____----_-- 14 6. Mafic rocks.---_____-_.____-_-_____-___..____ 15 7. Laurel Gneiss in Sligo Creek_--___-_._-_-__--__ 17 8. Laurel Gneiss in Rock Creek Park._____________ 18 9. Laurel Gneiss, deeply weathered.__-_----------- 18 10. Sykesville Formation in Stonyhurst Quarry..---. 20 11. Sykesville Formation at McLean, Va_ __ ._-____ 21 12. Contact of granite and schist.----------------- 22 13. Granite dike.---------_---___-----_._-_______ 23 14. Granite in catch-basin excavation ____________ 23 VI CONTENTS Page FIGURE 15. Kensington Granite Gneiss^ -____------___._____-_---__-- 24 16. Aplite dikes at Glen Echo. ---_--________________.__._- 26 17. Fractured quartz vein_-_--____--.__._________-__--__-__- 27 18. Folding in Wissahickon Formation______________________ 28 19. Patuxent Formation in sandpit -__--__---________---___ - 30 20. Bryn Mawr(?) Gravel near Tysons Crossroads.__-._------- 37 21. Gravel pit at Lincolnia, Va_...__.....-..__-....._.--_--- 39 22. Colluvium overlying schist---------.------------..------- 40 23. Silver Spring-.-._------------___--__---______----- 42 24. Takoma Spring_____--__________________________----. 44 25. Zones of subsurface water-__--_-----___----______------- 50 26. Diagram, hydrologic principles._--___--___________--_---- 52 27. Diagram of well types..-__-_-_-_-___--_____-___._------- 58 28. Graph showing chemical constituents of ground water------- 76 29. Month-end water levels-___.___--__-________.__.__-----_- 86 TABLES Page TABLE 1. Piedmont formations and their water-bearing properties, Washington, D.C., and vicinity-.______________________ 61 2. Coastal Plain formations and their water-bearing properties, Washington, D.C., and vicinity. -.-------_____--------- 62 3. Depth and yield of drilled wells in the Piedmont by geologic units ________________________________________________ 64 4. Yield of drilled wells in the Piedmont by depth intervals ______ 64 5. Relation of yield of drilled wells in the Piedmont to depth of weathering._________________________________________ 65 6. Depth, casing, and yield of drilled wells in the Piedmont by topographic position __________________________________
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