February 10, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 2167 Of the Hall of Fame’s twelve honorees, ready strong evidence that we are on the slip- Read Ridley Finney, Betty attended Agnes eleven were track and field athletes, and one pery slope toward euthanasia and non-con- Scott College and Emory University’s School was a coach. Alice Coachman-Davis, who was sensual human experimentation. Although the of Journalism. According to family lore, Sam not allowed to participate in organized athletic real problem lies within people’ hearts and and Betty met on a street in Columbia in 1953 activities while growing up in the South, be- minds, the legal problems of protecting life when Betty was soliciting newspaper adver- came the first African American woman to win stem from the ill-advised Roe v. Wade ruling, tising. During the following months their court- a gold medal when she placed first in the high where the court usurped the state’s authority ship continued and they fell in love. jump at the London Games in 1948. Harrison over abortion. After the passing of Betty’s father John Dillard won an astounding 82 consecutive One of the bills I am introducing today, the Finney, Sam left his law career and with Betty 110–meter hurdles races, a record which still Sanctity of Life Act of 2005, reverses some of led the Daily Herald, as publisher until 1983 stands. Wilbur Ross coached two of the most the damage done by Roe v. Wade. The Sanc- when the paper was sold. Today, they own successful Olympic athletes of all time, Carl tity of Life Act provides that the federal courts and operate the Lawrence County Advocate, Lewis and Michael Johnson. And Tommie of the United States, up to and including the the Waverly News Democrat, the News Lead- Smith and John Carlos, who finished first and Supreme Court, do not have jurisdiction to er, and the Buffalo River Review. third, respectively, in the 200 meters at the hear abortion-related cases. Congress must Over their 50 year marriage, Sam and Betty 1968 Games in Mexico City, took a coura- use the authority granted to it in Article 3, Sec- have been blessed with two children and five geous stand for social justice in one of the tion 1 of the Constitution to rein in rogue fed- grandchildren. most powerful moments in the history of the eral judges from interfering with a state’s abil- Sam Kennedy, Jr. is an assistant U.S. Attor- Olympics. Other Hall of Fame inductees in- ity to protect unborn life. ney and is married to Mary Susan Betty Ken- cluded Milt Campbell, Herb Douglas, Lee In addition to restricting federal court juris- nedy, a business professor at Columbia State Evans, Edith McGuire-Duvall, Dr. Reginald diction over abortion, Congress must stop the Community College. Their son, Sam Kennedy Pearman, Wyomia Tyus and John Woodruff, unconstitutional practice of forcing Americans III is a junior at the University of North Caro- all of whom were outstanding track and field to subsidize abortion providers. It is not lina, Chapel Hill. Their daughter, Berry, is a athletes. enough to say that ‘‘family planning’’ groups freshman at Yale. These inductees’ achievements are clearly may not use federal funds to perform or pro- Elizabeth Kennedy Blackstone is the editor remarkable in the pure athletic sense, but mote abortion. After all, since money is fun- of the Parsons News Leader. She is married when placed in their social context, they are gible, federal funding of any activities of these to Billy Blackstone, a partner with the law firm even more meaningful. Athletics has played organizations forces taxpayers to underwrite of Stokes, Bartholomew, Evans and Petree. an important role in the broader Civil Rights the organizations abortion activities. This is The Blackstones have three children—Emory, movement, and the Olympic Arena has pro- why I am also introducing the Taxpayer Free- Jack, and Eliza. We all should take a moment vided not only an opportunity for African Amer- dom of Conscience Act. The Taxpayer Free- and applaud their accomplishment and their icans to prove that they could compete with dom of Conscience Act prohibits any federal commitment to one another. the rest of the world, but has also served as official from expending any federal funds for f a forum for making important social and polit- any population control or population planning RECOGNITION OF OPEN STUDIO’S ical statements. Today, it is of vital importance program or any family planning activity. To 10TH ANNIVERSARY that we continue to recognize and pay tribute paraphrase Thomas Jefferson, it is ‘‘sinful and to these achievements, and that we continue tyrannical’’ to force the American taxpayers to HON. MARK UDALL to draw inspiration from them in furthering our subsidize programs and practices they find OF COLORADO morally abhorrent. own work for equality, justice and peace. On IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES behalf of the Ninth Congressional District, I sa- Mr. Speaker, it is my hope that my col- lute both the African American Ethnic Sports leagues will join me in support of these two Thursday, February 10, 2005 Hall of Fame and its July 2004 inductees for bills. By following the Constitution and using Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I rise their invaluable contributions to athletics, the the power granted to the Congress by the today to congratulate Open Studios on cele- United States, and the entire world. Constitution, we can restore respect for free- brating their 10th Anniversary of providing ex- f dom of conscience and the sanctity of human emplary educational and cultural programming life. for artists and art lovers in the Boulder com- INTRODUCTION OF THE SANCTITY f munity. Open Studios is one of Colorado’s OF LIFE ACT AND THE TAX- outstanding arts organizations, offering oppor- PAYER FREEDOM OF CON- CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF tunities to gain a broader understanding and SCIENCE ACT FRIENDSHIP AND LOVE IN MAR- appreciation of the visual arts. RIAGE Founded by Gary Zeff in 1994, Open Stu- HON. RON PAUL dios’ first event was held in Boulder, Colorado OF TEXAS HON. LINCOLN DAVIS during October of 1995. Every fall since then, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TENNESSEE Open Studios has invited the public to create self-guided tours of approximately 135 studios Thursday, February 10, 2005 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES featuring painters, sculptors, woodworkers, fur- Thursday, February 10, 2005 Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to intro- niture makers, weavers, photographers, paper- duce two bills relating to abortion. These bills Mr. DAVIS of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, Sam makers, jewelers, potters and other fine visual stop the federal government from promoting and Betty Kennedy of Columbia started their artists. These tours allow the public to meet abortion. My bills accomplish this goal by pro- life together on November 6, 1954, at the the artists one-on-one in their studios and hibiting federal funds from being used for pop- Methodist Church, in the small Tennessee watch them work. ulation control or ‘‘family planning’’ through ex- community of Culleoka. They reached the 50 Participating artists include an educational ercising Congress’s constitutional power to re- year milestone on November 6, 2004, and component in their studio setting. Many fre- strict federal court’s jurisdiction by restoring celebrated this occasion with family and quently engage the visitors by demonstrating each state’s authority to protect unborn life. friends at Greenway Farms, their home for their artistic skills and technique. Visitors are Abortion on demand is no doubt the most more than 40 years, a few weeks later. encouraged to ask questions about particular serious sociopolitical problem of our age. The Sam, the fifth of eight children, grew up the aspects of their work and their artistic process. lack of respect for life that permits abortion son of a dentist and farmer, Dr. Henry Grady At some studios, materials are available for significantly contributes to our violent culture and Annie Porter Delk Kennedy, farm wife and adults and children to try their hand at creating and our careless attitude toward liberty. teacher. An attorney and newspaper publisher, art. Open Studios enhances the public tours Whether a civilized society treats human life Sam has served as general sessions judge, with a unique Guidebook containing all the with dignity or contempt determines the out- district attorney and county executive of Maury participating artists, an easy-to-read tour map, come of that civilization. Reaffirming the im- County. and an Art Resource Directory. portance of the sanctity of life is crucial for the Raised the daughter of Columbia Daily Her- Prior to the public tours, a preview exhibit is continuation of a civilized society. There is al- ald Editor and Publisher John and Elizabeth held locally along with an artists’ reception. VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:59 Jan 13, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00168 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK2\NO_SSN\BR10FE05.DAT BR10FE05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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