A Brief His tory of the Lutheran Church in Amer ica 1 Also Avail able from Luther an Li brary.org Churches And Sects Of Chris ten dom by J. L. Neve. The Ref or ma tion and the Lutheran Church: Ser mons and Ad dresses by Amer i can Lutheran Pas tors. 2 About The Lutheran Li brary The Lutheran Li brary is a non-profit pub lisher of good Chris tian books. All are avail able in a va ri ety of for mats for use by any one for free or at very lit tle cost. There are never any li cens- ing fees. We are Bible be liev ing Chris tians who sub scribe whole heart edly to the Augs burg Con fes- sion as an ac cu rate sum mary of Scrip ture, the chief ar ti cle of which is Jus ti fi ca tion by Faith. Our pur pose is to make avail able solid and en cour ag ing ma te rial to strengthen be liev ers in Christ. Prayers are re quested for the next gen er a tion, that the Lord will plant in them a love of the truth, such that the hard-learned lessons of the past will not be forgot ten. Please let oth ers know of these books and this com pletely vol un teer en deavor. May God bless you and keep you, help you, de fend you, and lead you to know the depths of His kind ness and love. 3 A Brief His tory of the Lutheran Church in Amer ica By Juer gen L. Neve. PRO FES SOR OF SYM BOL ICS AND HIS TORY OF THE DOC TRINES IN WIT TEN BERG SEM I NARY, SPRING FIELD, OHIO. Burling ton, Iowa THE GER MAN LIT ER ARY BOARD © 1916 / 2020 (CC BY 4.0) Luther an Li brary.org 4 Con tents Also Avail able from Luther an Li brary.org About The Lutheran Li brary Con tents Pref ace by Lutheran Li brar ian Lit er a ture. Im por tant Sources. Pre sen ta tions of the His tory of the Luth. Church in Amer ica as a Whole: His to ries of In di vid ual Syn ods: Bi ogra phies: With Ref er ence to Doc tri nal Differ ences: With Ref er ence to the Dis cus sion on Pre des ti na tion: Fore word. In tro duc tory. Mode of Treat ment. The First Pe riod. Ori gin Of In di vid ual Con gre ga tions. 1. Pre lim i nary His tory Of The Lutheran Syn ods Of Amer ica. § 1. The Dutch Luther ans. § 2. The Swedish Luther ans. § 3. The Ger man Luther ans. The Sec ond Pe riod. Con gre ga tions Orga nized Into Syn ods. 2. Muh len berg And The Found ing Of The First Lutheran Synod. § 4. Muh len berg and His Work. 3. Fur ther De vel op ment Of Muh len berg’s Orga ni za tion. § 5. Ori gin of Other Syn ods. § 6. Char ac ter is tics of This Pe riod. The Third Pe riod. Syn ods Orga nized Into Larger Bod ies. 4. The Gen eral Synod. § 7. The Found ing of the Gen eral Synod. § 8. The Sig nif i cance of the Gen eral Synod for the Lutheran Church of that Pe riod. 5 § 9. Aber ra tions. § 10. Dis rup tion of the Gen eral Synod and Ori gin of the Gen eral Coun cil. § 11. The Char ac ter of the Gen eral Synod. § 12. The Work of the Gen eral Synod. § 13. Ob ser va tions on Sta tis tics. 5. The United Synod Of The South. § 14. The Ori gin of the Synod. § 15. Char ac ter i za tion. § 16. In sti tu tions and Work. 6. The Gen eral Coun cil. § 17. Orga ni za tion. § 18. Char ac ter of the Coun cil. § 19. Present Sta tus. § 20. In sti tu tions and Mis sions. 7. The Syn od i cal Con fer ence. § 21. In tro duc tory. § 22. How It Came Into Ex is tence. § 23. Doc tri nal Con tro ver sies of Mis souri. § 24. Its Work. The Other Parts Of The Syn od i cal Con fer ence. § 25. The Gen eral Synod of Wis con sin, Min ne sota, Michi gan and Other States § 26. The Slo vak Synod. § 27. Prac tice of the Syn od i cal Con fer ence. 8. In de pen dent Syn ods. § 28. The Joint Synod of Ohio. § 29. The Iowa Synod. § 30. The Buffalo Synod. 9. The Nor we gians And Danes. § 31. The Nor we gians. § 32. Dan ish Luther ans in Amer ica. 10. Small Syn ods of Differ ent Lan guages. § 33. Small Syn ods of Differ ent Lan guages. 11. Con sti tu tional Forms of the Lutheran Church in Amer ica. § 34. Con sti tu tional Forms of the Lutheran Church in Amer ica. 12. Gen eral Re view. 6 § 35. A Dis cus sion of the De vel op ment of the Lutheran Church in Amer ica. § 36. Re view of the Ex ten sion of the Lutheran Church in Amer ica. 37. Ap pen dices. Copy right No tice How Can You Find Peace With God? Bene dic tion Ba sic Bib li cal Chris tian ity | Books to Down load Es sen tial The ol ogy | Books to Down load De vo tional Clas sics | Books to Down load 7 Pref ace by Lutheran Li brar ian In re pub lish ing this book, we seek to in tro duce this au thor to a new gen- er a tion of those seek ing au then tic spir i tu al ity. The Lutheran Li brary Pub lish ing Min istry finds, re stores and re pub lishes good, read able books from Lutheran au thors and those of other sound Chris tian tra di tions. All ti tles are avail able at lit tle to no cost in proof read and freshly type set edi tions. Many free e-books are avail able at our web site Luther an Li brary.org. Please en joy this book and let oth ers know about this com pletely vol un teer ser vice to God’s peo ple. May the Lord bless you and bring you peace. A Note about Ty pos [Ty po graph i cal Er rors] Please have pa tience with us when you come across ty pos. Over time we are re vis ing the books to make them bet ter and bet ter. If you would like to send the er rors you come across to us, we’ll make sure they are cor rected. 8 Lit er a ture. Im por tant Sources. Hallesche Nach richten. Halle, 1744. 1750. 1778. Eng lish edi tion, Phil- a del phia, 1894. Muehlen berg’s eigene Lebens beschrei bung, her aus ge beben von W. Ger mann, Al len town, Pa., 1881. Urisperger, S., Samm lung aus fuehrlicher Nach richten von den Sals- burger Em i granten. Halle, 1735-1746. Kirch liche Mit teilun gen aus and ue ber Nor damerika 1843-1866 (be ing doc u men tary ma te rial for the ori gin of Mis souri and Iowa syn ods). Ochsen ford, S. E., Doc u men tary His tory of the Gen eral Coun cil. Phil- a del phia, 1912. Doc u men tary His tory of the Ev. Luth. Min is terium of the Gen eral Coun cil. Phil a del phia, 1898. Fritschel, Geo. J., Quellen und Doku mente zur Geschichte und Lehrstel lung der Iowa Syn ode. Chicago, 1916. Sachse, J. F., Ger man Pietists of Pro vin cial Penn syl va nia (1694-1708), 1895. Finck, W. J., Lutheran Land marks and Pi o neers in Amer ica. Phil a del- phia. 1913. Pre sen ta tions of the His tory of the Luth. Church in Amer ica as a Whole: Ja cobs, H. E., His tory of the Ev. Luth. Church in the U. S. Phil a del- phia, 1893. Fritschel, Geo. J., Geschichte der lutherischen Kirche in Amerika auf grund von Ja cobs’ His tory (trans lated and en larged) Gueter sloh, 1896. 9 Wolf, E. J., The Luther ans in Amer ica (out of print; new edi tion un der con sid er a tion). New York, 1891. Graeb ner, A., Geschichte der luth. Kirche Amerikas (up to 1820) St. Louis, 1892. His to ries of In di vid ual Syn ods: Nicum, J., Geschichte des New York Min is teri ums. Read ing, Pa., 1888. Hochstet ter, C, Geschichte der Mis souri-Syn ode. Dres den, 1885. Dein do er fer, J., Geschichte der lowa-Syn ode. Chicago, 1897. Pe ter-Schmidt, Geschichte der Ohio-Syn ode. Colum bus, 1900. Bergh, J. A., Den Norsk Luterske Kirke i Nor damerika. Min ne ap o lis, 1914. Tra bert, G. H., Eng lish Lutheranism in the North west. Phil a del phia, 1914. Bern heim, G. D., Ger man Set tle ments and the Luth. Church in the Car oli nas. Phil a del phia, 1872. Schmauk, Theo. E., His tory of the Luth. Church in Penn syl va nia (1638-1820), Phil a del phia. 1903. Bi ogra phies: Sachse, J. F.. Jus tus Fal ck ner. Mann, W J.. Life and Times of Muehlen berg.
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