“ the Ceylon Government Gazette” January to June, 1957

“ the Ceylon Government Gazette” January to June, 1957

[Supplement to the “ Ceylon Government Gazette ” of October 18, 1957] INDEX TO “ THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” JANUARY TO JUNE, 1957 N o 11,040 t o N o 11,139 PART I : SECTION (I) — GENERAL PAGES pages PAGES PAGES Accounts o f the Government Customs ii Honours by the Queen _ Brice Orders vi of Ceylon 1 Ed ication Department of ii Honours by the Queen (Birthday) — Proclamations by the Governor- Appointments, &e. i U General vi Electrical Undertakings Depart Indian Labour Y Appointments &c o f Registrars ii rnent o f Government Publications vi — Industries, Department o f Y Public Works Department * vj vii Buddhist Temporalities — — Excise Department . Irrigation Department V VI Railway Ceylon Government vii Central Bank o f Ceylon Ii t Registration vii Forest Department — Joint Stock Companies VI Rural Development and Cottage Ceylon Army — — Industries, Department of — Ceylon Medical Connell h General Treasury Miscellaneous vl notices to Mariners vi Revenue and Expenditure Ceylon Savings Bank ii Government Notifications ii y Returns vii Notices under the Excise Ordinance vi Cottage Industries, Dept o f — Health, Department.of — Survey Department — Posts and Telecommunications — University o f Cey.on vii Accounts of the Government of Cassim W O I B H., 2031 Dmgirj Banda, D M 1462 Cassim S M M 881 ' Hattotuwa, B* p 220 Ceylon Dissanayaka. O C 1853 Henncus Acting Sub Lt A B . Chandraratna, Dr M F , 150 1311 Dissanayaka, S A , 1221 493 707 Statement -of Assets and Liabilities Chandraaekara T B , 152 550, DiBsanayake D S S 52 ' Herathhamy, K , 1583 of the Government as at December 2105 Doole T S 560 1384, 2032 Holmes Dr C H 408 493 31, 1956, &e, 1983 Cbandrasoma W A , 1385 Dorairaj V , 1311 Chranaiya Miss T 1313 Hulangamuwa L B 52 Doranegama S N 408 Hunukumbura A. T B 1694 Chinntah WO II S 2031 Doray Chief Petty Officer (G D Christian P/O L W A , 152 Hussain, M A M 2032 A K 410 Hussain N M M R. 881 Cooray, M F S J 1385 Dunuwille J 0 A 409 (Appointments, Ac. Cooray M W S , 1385 Hussen C M. 307 Corea A E R 150 409 1221, 1527, Ebert P /O F A A 1312 Idaikkadar N Manika 150 Abayakoon J V P , 2104 1771 1853 2105 2159 Edinsmghe, E M T 2105 Ilangantileke, T B 151 Abayaratna, A 2168 Corea C A L 151, 306 409 1161, Edmwira Sgt App N M 493 Hayatamby S 151, 409 494 1221, Abayatilaka K D 1462 1312 1527, 1771, 2032 2105 Edward. S S 219 495 1527 1853 1961, 2032. 21® Abdul Cader, S H , 151, 707 Corea E B S , 1770 Edwards C A W 2169 Iriyagolle I M R A 129 Abeyagoonasekera, G H , 1635 Corea J L C 705 Edwards C 1 , 1385 2106 Ismail A S., 882 Abeyaratne L B 2169, 2170 2171 Corera, F C , 2031 Edwards J R 1222 1312 Ismai1 L N 1633 Abeyasekera, W E M. 709 Coswa tte B 305 1582 Ehamparam, N , 707, 1023, 1528, 1582 Israel V 1222, 1462 Abeyawickrema A. 1 , 881, 1312, Crispeyn, CAE, 1855 1771 lzudeen M. P Y 1583 1527 1634 2105 Croos L S , 1854 Ekanayaka, K B 560 Jamaldeen Lebbe M S L 7® Abeyesinghe, 2/L t A E. R 2168 Cumaraswamy, V M , 881 Ekanayake, J E M 1 , 218, 1527 Jansze D St C B 1352 Abeyesinghe, E F B 1383 Dahanayake, P G S P , 7<fe Ekanayake, W A , 2106 Jayanaga S S 2171 Abeysekere, W R R M , 53 Eliatamby J P 1220 Jayanetti K M D , 705 1460 Agalawatta, H S , 219 Daluwatte W P 150 1526 Ellepola M A ,13 12 Alagiah, A 151, 218, 494, 1582 David J J 1221 1312, 1383, 1527, Jayaratne K. M U 21® 1771 1854 1961, 2105 Emmanuel A W A 1694 Jayaratna L M , 1772 Alles A C A 493 Erivagama A M A 2171 Jayaratne M M 1772 Aluwihare D 1962 2104 David MAC, 1024 Esurapadham, M , 151, 707, 1221, Jayasekera I. R 1594 Amarasekara M T T de S , 883 Dayaratne D G 2168 De Alwis A F H 218, 1694 1451 2032 Jayasekera, J D S , 152 Amarasmghe, J , 305 1023 1461 Jayasekera S W , 7® Amarasinghe M D 1222, 1583 De Alwis L H 2105 Fernando A. L M , 218 De Alwis P K A 881 Jayasena K. G 2171 Amarasinha Dr C D 1961 Fernando P/O A W, 152 Jayasmghe, H. M A 1528 Amaratunga Ag Comd Stores De Croos JVC, 1222 Fernando, Capt and Qm C ] Officer V T D 1460 Deen K I M T , 706 Jayasinghe, 0 R P 162, 7®, 2170 1022 Jayasundera L 1961 Amaraweera L , 1385 De Jacolyn Seneviratne, L V B Fernando C H 706 Ameer A C M 1526 151 409 Jayasundera, R E de S 4® 1312 Fernando C S 2031 Jayasuriya V C 7® 1®3 Amerasinghe H S 706 De Kretser O L , 150 Fernando D L C 1854 Amerasmghe S 523 Delgoda, H F , 1853 Jajatilaka D B N 1528 Fernando E P 307 550 Jayatilake G W 1770 Amirtbalingam, Lt N , 2032 Delungahawatta, S B , 152, 410, Fernando F G B 1528 Amirthanayagam, J J G , 2170 1024 2033 Fernando G A , 2170 Jayawardena G R D N P , 21® Anandappa P/O N F I 152, 219 De Mel W L P , 1161 Jayawardena K D de S W 2171 Fernando J T R 2104 Jayaweera, N D , 52, 495 1771, 21® Anderson Lt D M O 1460 Deramyagala PEP, 706 Fernando, , L J D 1460 Anderson, W E , 152 219 De Saram Lt-Col F C , 305, 306 Jayewardene B. V 1693 Fernando L S. 306 1383, 2105 Jilla Acting Lt K H 494 Appadurai, J N , 2171 De Saram F J M , 2169 Fernando M D 706 Appuhcmy H M 1384 De Silva Acting Lt A H A , 494 Johnpulle F/O A M L , 1526 Fernando M. D J. P 1854 Joseph, V , 1461, 1527 Arnold, J D 54, 708 1162 De Silva B S , 64 219 Fernando P N S 2104 Amolda, Lt-Col A V , 306 De Silva, M P , 709 1772 Joseph Temp Capt V L P , 1220 Fernando Lt K W J 52 Junaideen A L M , 1451 Arumamayagam, T., 53, 1383, 1684, De Silva C V S , 659, 707 1023, Fernando WO n P L 2031 1962 2032 1461 1962 Fernando T Q 1222 1529, 1695 Kanagaratnam E E 1634 Arumugam, V K , 2104 De Silva D S P , 2170 Fernando W A 2106 Eanagasingham A C-, 494, 1311, Aryarathna, S S A S B W , De Silva D S P W 1222, 1583 Fernando W D H Z 2171 1383 1451 1694 2032 1385 De Silva Bk A A 1770 Fopseka M K W 410 Kanagasunderam M , 1770 Athukorale Lt. H V 2032 De Silva E A. V . 1529 Kanapathipillai N 54 307 Gabriel S S , 1854 Kandiah K 1527 1634 , Baie, I 2106 De Silva, K S , 2104, 2169 Gajendrapoopan G , 2031 Bakmeewewa, R A G W M K , De Silva G M U 1220 Kandiab N S , 220 Gammampila D H 1312 Kandiah S 151 307, 4®, 494, 5® 2106 De Silva G P H 1222 Ganapathy K 560 Balachandran, F /O R , 1024 De Silva G R W 408 707, 882 1023, 1694 Goneswaran K 54 Eanagasingham Miss G , 1462 Balasanthiran, T , 54 1162, 1385 De Silva H L 1770 George Lt M 1022 Balasingham E , 1583 De Silva H R , 883 Kannudurey, R , 151, 882 1527, 1771, Gnanapandithen S 1385 1®4 1961 2032 Balthazar, L A , 408 De Silva L 1 , 1853 Gnanapiragasam, V , 1384 1583 Balthazar Sub Lt L V 1384 De Silva L W 1593 Kanapper M. M I , 559 1770 Goonasekera C L W 1527 Karunaratne, J B L 1462 Bandara K D M C 1313 De Silva C R , 1634, 1772 Goonatilleke M M 1962 Bandara RMS, 1384 De Silva P G , 882 1221 1312, Karunatilleke K. S S , 1583 1R97 QfLM Goonawardana L G 1462 Kasilingam, P , 5® BandarSnayake, W D 2159” Gooneratne B C S A P 1313 Barthoiomeusz A C 219 De Silva, P R 307, 2106, 2159 Kelaart T H 2164 Gooneratne Capt M O 1460 Kmroudiyanse, M M , 162 BarthoIomeUsz Lt A E A 1460 De Silva R H E 1023 Goonewardena H C 1770 Barthoiomeusz E F N 883 De Silva, R P , 151 218 Kirnpairatnam A W L , 21® Goonewardene 3 V W 1853 Koch GEL, 1633 Barthoiomeusz P N , 151, 882, 1312, De Silva S W A 561 Grenier E E 2105 1383 1634 21IB De Silva V C 559 Kodagoda K P D E , 307, 409, 1527 Grero P J 496 Kodikara V S 219 Barthoiomeusz W A 2104 De Soyza, P /O M. A 708 , Gunaratne, A M I 1527 Basnayaka B A X M T S , 495 BevaTajan B R 1221 Koditbuwakku G , 53 Gunaratne M H 2031 Koelmever B C S 1525 Basnayake, R B 53 Devendra N , 218, 306, 559, 1221, Gunasekara W A H 2106 Batugedera, N J ' 220 1527 1770 Kohombanage D., 307 Gnnasekera C L W 1634 Kottachchi D O 1635 Bhagayadas, T , 1529 De Zoysa B H , 2169 2170 2171 Gunaeeketa XL L , X634 1772 Blaze T F , 151, 218, 494, 559, De Zoysa, L R , 1162 1855 Kuletileke S S , 218, 559. 1161 1161 1311, 1384, 1461, 1634 1854 De Zylva, B J , 409 495, 1528 Gunasekera H W , 2033 1221, 1951 2105 De Zylva C B , 53 151 409 494, Gnnasingbe T P G 410 Kulatileke W M , 218 560 1023, 1023 1221 1384 1461, 1771, 2105 Gunatilake P K D D S , 1385 1312 1384 Boniface T D J , 1024, 1313 Gnnawardana L G 1024 Kumarasingha, O B., 1161 Boyagoda C B., 708 De Zylva P B.

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