yO^'^'^-' NATURAl W\W^ Wm MAR- 1 8- 1932 The Lake Sangchris Study: Case History of an Illinois Cooling Lake Jon Larimore . Tranquilli EDITORS .LINOIS (ilNSTITUTE OF NATURAL RESOURCES 14L HISTORY SURVEY DIVISION MGN, ILLINOIS VOLUME 32, ARTICLE 4 AUGUST 1981 i f us ISSN 0073—4918 itturail History Survey i The Lake Sangchris Study i Case History of an "inois Cooling Lalce ^3ldon Larimore li A. Tranquilli (FIC EDITORS : F ILLINOIS I IS INSTITUTE OF NATURAL RESOURCES i IRAL HISTORY SURVEY DIVISION UPAIGN, ILLINOIS VOLUME 32, ARTICLE 4 AUGUST 1981 STATE OF ILLINOIS ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF NATLTRAL RESOURCES BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION FRA^fK Beal, M.S.. Chairman. Vacant, Biology, H. S Gutowsky, . Chemutry, E, PhD Walter Hanson. MS , Engmeermg, Lorin L Nevunc.Jr.. Ph.D., Forestry; L.L, Sloss, Ph.D.. Geology. W.L, Everjtt, E.E., Ph.D.. Represerumg the President of the University of lUmois. John C. Guyon. Ph.D., Representing the Prestderit of Southern llhnots University NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY DIVISION, Champaign. Illinois SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL STAFF PaulG. Risser. Ph.D. Chief Alice K. Adams, Secretary to the Chief Section of Aquatic Biology Joseph V, Maddox, Ph.D.. Associate Entomologist Robert W Gorden. Ph D . Aquatic Biologist and Head Robert D. Pausch. Ph.D.. Associate ErUomologist D. Homer Buck, Ph.D., Aquatic Biologist RoscOE Randell, Ph.D.. Associate Entomologist, Extension William F. , William Childers. PhD Aquatic Biologist G. Ruesink. Ph.D . Associate ErUomologist R. Weldon Larimore. Ph.D., Aquatic Biologist John K. Bouseman, M.S.. Assistant Entomologist Richard F. Sparks. Ph.D . Aquatic Biologist Catherine Eastman, Ph.D . Assistant Entomologist Robert C. Hiltibran, Ph.D.. Biochemist Allan Felsot, Ph.D.. AsststarU Entomologist Allison Bricham, Ph.D., Associate Aquatic Biologist Eu Levine, Ph.D.. AsststarU Entomologist Warren U. Bricham, Ph.D., Associate Aquatic Biologist Luis R. Zavaleta. Ph D,. AsststarU Entomologist Ketiirah Reinbold, Ph.D., Associate Aquatic Toxtcologist Arthur Acnello, MS, AsststarU Specialist. Extension John A. Tranquilli, Ph D,. Associate Aquatic Biologist Charles MacMonecle. M.S . AsststarU Specialist, Extension Ken Li'BINskj, Ph.D.. Assistant Aquatic Biologist Kevin Steffy, Ph.D.. AsststarU Specialist. Extension David P. Philipp. Ph.D . Assistant Aquatic Biologist Steven Troester, M.E., Assistaru Systems Engineer Henry H, Seacle.Jr,, Ph D,. Assistant Aquatic Biologist Jean G. Wilson, B.A,, Supervisory Assistaru Ted W. Storck. Ph.D , AssistarU Aquatic Biologist Lester Wei, Ph.D., Assistaru Professional Scientist Bruce Taubert. Ph.D.. Assistant Aquatic Biologist Charles G Helm. M.S.. AsststarU Supportive ScierUtst Michael Wiley. Ph.D., Assistant Aquatic Biologist Stephen Roberta, B.S., AsststarU Supportive Scientist RichardJ. Baiir, M.S , Assistant Supportive Scientist John T. Shaw. B.S,, Assistant Supportnv Scientist Eugene SoNs.yunior Professional Scientist Sue M Hale, yumor Professional Scientist Jana Lee Waite, M.S.jfumor Professional Scientist William Lamp. Research Associate Stephen W. Waite, MS, Research Associate Gerald A Schultz, Ph.D , Research Associate Dale Burkett. B.S., Research AssistarU Michael Jeffords, Ph.D., Field Entomologist Robert Larry W, Coi'Tant, MS. Research Assistant J. Barney. M.S . Research AsststarU Jeffrey Koppelman. B.S.. Research Assistant Tzu SuAN Chu. M.S.. Research AssutarU Samuel Lynch, B.S., Research Assistant Jenny Kogan. M.S., Research Assistant Susan Dennis Newman, M S , Research Assistant Post. B.S,, Research Assistaru Lance Perry. M.S.. Research AsststarU Gail Kampmeier. MS . Research Techructan Todd Powless. M.S., Research Assistant Michael McGuire. M.S., Research Technician Thomas Skelly. M.S., Research Assistant Jo Ann Auble. Technical AsststarU Michael Wallendorf, B S . Research Assistant EiXEN Brewer, MS , Computer Programmer Frank Zumwalt. M.S., Research Assistant Joan Traub, Clerk Typist II Joan Brower. B.S . Technical Assistant Christina Clark, B.S.. Technical Assistant Section of Faunistic Surveys and Insect indent if ication E. , Robert Davis, B.S , Technical AsststarU Wallace LaBerge. Ph.D Insect Taxonomtsl and Head Bill DiMOND, B.S.. Technical Assistant Larry M Page. Ph.D.. Taxonomtsl Kathryn Ewing, B-S.. Technical Assistant George L. Godfrey. Ph.D.. Associate Taxonomist DwicHT Garrels, M.S., Technical Assistant John D, Unzicker, Ph.D.. Associate Taxonomist Rebecca Grosser. B.S., Technical AsststarU [>onald W Webb. Ph.D.. Associate Taxonomist David Aleta Holt, B S,, Technical AsststarU J, Voegtlin, Ph.D , AssutarU Taxonomist Jeanine Kasprowicz, B.S.. Technical AsststarU Bernice p. Sweeney. yumor Professional Scientist Shirley Lowe. B S.. Technical Assistant Eugene Miliczky. M S . Research Assistaru Philip Mankin. B.S., Technical Assistant Steven Miller, B.S., Technical AsststarU Section of Wildlife Research Sue Peratt, Technical Assistant Glen C Sanderson, PhD . Wildlife Specialist and Head Brenda Peters, Technical Assistant Frank C Bellrose. ScD,, Wildlife SpeciaUsl Michael Retzeh. MS, Technical Assistant Harold C Hanson, Ph.D. Wildlife Specialist Thomas Rice. M.S., Technical Assistant WiLUAM R. Edwards, PhD , Wildlife Ecologtst Jens Sandbercer, M.S., Technical Assistant Jean W Graber. Ph D.. OmUhologist Michael Sandusky, B,S,. Technical Assistant Richard R Graber. Ph D . Ornithologist Paul Shetley, B.S,, Technical Assistant W W. Cochran. Jr. B.S., Associate Wildlife Specialist Stephen Sobaski. B.S,, Technical Assistant Charles M. Nixon, MS., Associate Wildlife Ecologtst Pam Tazik. MS., Technical A ssutant Ronald L Westemeier. MS . Associate Wildlife Ecologtst Jeffrey VAN Orman, B.S., Technical Assistant Stephen P Havera. Ph D.. Assistaru Wildlife Ecologtst Gary L. Warren. B.S , Technical Assistant Ronald P, Larkin, Ph D.. AssutarU Wildlife Ecologut MarkJ. Wetzel. B.S., Technical Assistant Richard E, Warner, PhD . AssutarU Wildlife Ecologut Ruth Wagner, yumor Technical Assistant Susanne G. Wood. Ph.D . AssutarU Wildlife Ecologut John E. Buhnerkempe. MS , AssutarU Supporin-e ScierUut Section of Botany and Plant Pathology Robert D. Crompton, yumor Professional Saenttst Claus Grunwald, Ph.D , Botanist and Head Ronald E. Duzan. yumor Professional Scientut Eugene Himelick, , PhD Plant Pathologist Cynthla G Jackson, B. A, .yumor Professional Scientist Neely, Dan PhD,, Plant Pathologist James W Seets, yumor Professional Scientut ScHOENEWEiss. , D F. Ph.D PlarU Pathologist Eva Stecer, BA .yumor Professional Scientut Crane, J. Leland Ph.D., Mycologist John S Lohse. Ph D,. Research AssutarU Anton G. Endress, Ph.D , Associate Botanist H. Kathleen Archer, BS . Technical AssutarU Kenneth R, Robertson. Ph.D., Associate Botanist Elizabeth A McConaha. Techrucal AssutarU Betty Nelson, Assistant Supportive Scientist Gregory A. Perkins, BS,, Techrucal AssutarU Gene E. REiD.yumbr Professional Scientist James Chelsvig. BS . Field A ssutant James E. Sergent, Greenhouse Superintendent Teresa A. Schuli-er, BS . Laboratory AssutarU Robert A. Harrison, Technical Assistant Judith Eilbracht, Clerk Typut II David R. Moore. B.S-, Technical Assistant Supporting Services Section of Economic Entomology Phylus S, Clark, Mailing and Dutnbution Sentces William H Luckmann. PhD . Entomologist and Head Dorothy M. Diehl. AccoutU Technician 1 James E. Appleby, Ph.D., Entomologist WiLMA G DiLLMAN. Property Control and Trust Accounts EdwardJ. Armbrust, Ph.D., Entomologist Patty L Duzan. Payroll and Personnel Marcos Kocan. Ph D,. Entomologist Robert O, Ellus, AssutarU for Operations Ronald H. Meyer, Ph.D.. Entomologist Larry D, Gross. Operatioru AssutarU Stevenson Moore, III, Ph.D., Entomologist. Extension Chris Rohl, Operatioru AssutarU Michael E. Irwin. Ph.D., Associate Entomologist Jacque Sanders, ClerkTyput II Donald E. Kuhlman. Ph.D.. Associate Entomologist. Extension Melvin E. Schwartz, Fiscal Officer Publications and Public Relations Technical Library Robert M. Zewadsiu. M.S.. Technical Editor Doris L. Sublette, M.S.L.S,, Technical LtbraTian Shirlev McClellan, B.S.. AssutarU Technical Editor Monica Lusk, Library Technical Assistant Llovd LeMere. Technical Illustrator Leslie Woodbum, Technical Photographer CONSULTANTS AND RESEARCH AFFILIATES; Aquatic Biology. James R, Karr. Ph.D.. Professor of Ecology, Ethology and Evolution. University of Illinois: BoTA^fY and Plant Pathology. Iean D. Schoknecht. Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Life Sciences. Indiana State University. Terre Haute. Systematic Entomolocv, Roderick. R. Irwin. Chicago. Illinois. Wildlife Research. WillardD, Klimstra. Ph.D., Professor of Zoology and Director of Cooperative Wildlife Research. Southern Illinois University. Parasitology. Norman D. Levine. Ph.D.! Velertruiry Professor of Parasitology. Veterinary Research and Zoology and Director of the Center for Human Ecology. University of Illmois; Entomology, Robert L. Metcalf. Ph.D.. Professor of Biology and Research Professor of Entomology. University of Illinois; and Gilbert P Waldbauer. Ph.D. Professor Entomology. University Illinois. Statistics. Horace Norton. of of W. Ph.D. Professor of Statistical Design and Analysis, University of Illinois. Preface Lake Sangchris, in central Illinois, Limnological data were urgently needed; provides cooling water for the Kincaid so the company contracted with Generating Station, a coal-fired electric Limnetics, Inc., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, generating plant that was developed by to conduct limnological baseline studies. Commonwealth Edison Company of Limnetics, Inc., studied the lake from Chicago in the early
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