CHIPLEY FOILS ROYALS’ PERFECT SEASON PAGE B2 FOUR Santa Rosa’s Press F R E E 6015935 Santa Rosa County Fair TICKETS With Every New Subscription Gazette Drop By Our Office For Details Tweet us @srpressgazette and like us on facebook.com Saturday,.March.22,.2014 F i n d . b r e a k i n g . n e w s . a t . www.srpressgazette.com 75.cents Navarre Beach owners must pay tax County property appraiser, who Those who did not now will have taxes owed from 2006 until 2013, change the process if they cannot $10.8.million.owed. spearheaded this change, said all to pay big bills. with penalties and interest, total pay their taxes. land and improvements are now Stan Colie Nichols, Santa Rosa $10,872,740. “Someone else can purchase By PAMELA HOLT taxable to Santa Rosa County. County tax collector, said he is Nichols said the county will their certificate, and if they want 623-2120|.@pamelaholtpg Before now, Navarre Beach relieved to finally have a conclu- meet next week to iron out pay- to immediately file for the deed, [email protected] residents were required to pay sion on the matter. He said the ment options, but he said resi- they will only have a few months taxes on their buildings, not land. Supreme Court deemed the resi- dents have received tax notices to raise the money. Taxes for 2013 In conclusion of a longstand- Unsure how their court battle dents on Navarre Beach to have and are well aware how much are delinquent on April 1,” Nich- ing legal battle, Navarre Beach over property taxes would turn equitable ownership — all the they owe. Nichols said it is im- ols said. residents now will pay property out when litigation began in 2006, rights to their property — as do portant to note the typical two- He said the majority of Na- taxes on their land, according to some residents chose to pay tax- an inland property owners, and year grace period will not apply varre Beach residents have paid the Supreme Court of the State of es under the promise of a rebate with this comes the responsibil- to residents who are more than Florida. Greg Brown, Santa Rosa if they ultimately won their suit. ity of property taxes. Nichols said two years delinquent, so it will See NAVARRE BEACH A11 SRC Fair: green Locals learn basic CPR eggs, livestock shows, Glow Rage By AARON LITTLE opened December, but also 623-2120. new attractions like Glow [email protected] Rage, an all-ages dance music experience where The Santa Rosa County attendees may be sprayed Fair is opening this year with paint, according to with a ribbon cutting on Anthony Daughtery, en- April 4 for the newly leased tertainment coordinator of fairgrounds from the coun- the fair, and in the new live- ty, according to Rick Pas- stock shows appearing at chall, Santa Rosa County the fair for the first time. Fair board member. Kyle Holley said there will Holley, development direc- be three shows debuting: tor at United Way Santa a steer show, a heifer show Rosa and fair board mem- and a breeder pen show. ber, said the Santa Rosa “Imagine a kid leading County Fair is the only one an animal in the ring,” he growing among 16 counties said to differentiate the in northwest Florida. steer and heifer shows The fair’s growth is from the pen show. He said evident not only in the DANIEL THAMES |.Contract.Photojournalist new June Ates Arena that See FAIR A7 The American Red Cross CPR class hosted by Milton Community Center was well attended Wednesday evening. First-timer Josh Cuchens, left, said it was important for him to learn basic skills in caring for injured people and how to assess the situation should a need arise. “I wanted to take the class for everyday use and be a better citizen,” Cuchens said. Justin Blackwood, right, said it was a refresher course for him. “I TDC.discusses.grant. learned some extras I did not know before. I took it for my co-workers, but also for my family,” he said. for.$73K.camera By AARON LITTLE cleaning, pan, tilt, zoom Web-based maritime trail available soon 623-2120 camera that has scientific [email protected] nodes on it,” Negley said. She said the camera would See.shipwrecks. “The idea is to create a choose-your-own- Santa Rosa County’s accommodate anyone inter- adventure-style experience, where someone who Tourist Development Coun- ested in the reefs and ma- below.Blackwater cil had a regular meeting rine life who “can’t go out may be interested in the lumber industry can March 19, during which So- and snorkel or scuba the By AARON LITTLE nya Negley, grant writer for reef. There would be a live 623-2120. find information about it, or those interested in the Navarre Beach Marine streaming video of that ma- [email protected] Science Station, presented rine life.” She also said the the Civil War can find information about the a grant recommendation for scientific nodes would allow Underwater cameras will be shipyards.” $125,000 to cover, in part, in- users to test the salinity and used in creating the upcoming stallation of an underwater quality of the water through Blackwater Maritime Heritage camera to “view underwa- the Oceans Classroom pro- Trail, according to Doug Lasater, Ben Wells, University of West Florida graduate student ter, the marine life and also gram and the camera. president of Bagdad Waterfronts the things that are on the “We feel this is the best Florida Partnership Inc., who and he gave a rough estimate of six Blackwater River surface. reef.” way to accommodate every- spoke before the Milton City Coun- months for completion. Lewis con- Lewis echoed what Lasater “After much research one,” she said, regarding cil on March 3. Lasater said the firmed the idea for the project will said at the council meeting: Ship- with NOAA (the National special needs individuals Web-based trail will focus in phase see a website where visitors can wreck information will be available Oceanic and Atmospher- interested in seeing into the one of the Blackwater River from travel Blackwater River through through the project, but not exact ic Administration),” the ocean who otherwise can’t the Interstate 10 bridge to Car- images and video above and be- locations. Lewis said those who NBMSS “came across Blue do so. penter’s Park. Dr. Richard Lewis, low the water, learning area his- wish to illegally salvage wrecks Eyes Ocean Underwater vice-president, said the project has tory including the Arcadia Mill and Camera, which is a self- See TDC A9 been in the works for two years, numerous shipwrecks below the See MARITIME A9 Jim.Fletcher TABLE OF CONTENTS Publisher Community...................................... A2 Sports............................................... B2 623-2120 Opinion............................................ A4 Lifestyles........................................... B1 [email protected] Diversions......................................... A8 Classifieds......................................... B6 Volume 106 Issue 24 6015936 A2 | Santa Rosa’s Press Gazette Community Saturday, March 22, 2014 Community BRIEFS From Staff Reports is very active in Santa Registration is at www. For more information, citizens and leaders. organization, will have a Rosa County, and this eventbrite.com/e/spring- contact Mary Derrick at “Polymer Clay Pendant” Milton/Pace Relay for event provides assistance into-vegetable-gardening- 623-3868 between 8 a.m. and SAFER Santa Rosa class in building 4900 on to help fight the fight. For tickets-10820332907. 4:30 p.m. weekdays or at the Milton campus of Life event more information, call 266- Classes will be at UF/IFAS [email protected]. annual meeting Pensacola State College. The last team meeting 2285 or visit RelayForLife. Extension Santa Rosa The SAFER Santa Rosa The presenting artist is for the 2014 Milton/Pace org/MiltonPaceFL. County, 6263 Dogwood Drive annual meeting will be Sandi Lang, who is showing Relay for Life event will in Milton. Your registration Milton Kiwanis 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 7 at her artwork at Dragonfly be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Spring into Vegetable includes these events: Milton Kiwanis will 4115 Soundside Drive off Gallery and Local Colour March 25 at the Locklin March 24: Getting sponsor its annual of U.S. 98. Lunch will be in Milton. Kits will be Building behind the Santa Gardening Series started with a vegetable Rummage Sale on April served. RSVP at safer@ available for a fee under Rosa Hospital. All teams, If you have ever garden; site selection; soil 5 in the parking lot of Big santarosa.fl.gov. Elections $5. Please bring pasta clay businesses, churches, considered planting a preparation; square foot Lots. The proceeds of this are coming up. For more machine and a tissue blade. clubs, civic organizations spring vegetable garden, gardening method sale go directly back into information, send your Everything else will be and individuals wanting attend a three-week series March 31: Seeding and the children and youth of contact information. provided by the artist. A to learn about this event to learn all you need to get transplanting basics; the Santa Rosa County. The fee of $10 for nonmembers. are invited. The 2014 started. This workshop will specifics on tomato, pepper, Milton Kiwanis provides Santa Rosa Art Guests are very welcome. Relay for Life will be April be 6-7:30 p.m. Mondays, squash and cucumber assistance for numerous For more info, call Linda 25-26 on the grounds of March 24 to April 7. The April 7: General garden organizations and activities Association Linzy at 251-987-5473, email the Milton Pensacola cost is $25 per person or maintenance: watering, to provide opportunities From 10 a.m.
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