Volumes 1 to 15 1859 to 1891

Volumes 1 to 15 1859 to 1891

INDE~ TO THE I . ALPINEI JobtNAL VOL$. I. TO ~V. lJ?r'·-W9ff II I ,I I INCLUDING: 'PEAK8, PA88B8,A1:W (JLI!;CIBB8' EDITED, BY F. A. WALLRota , . VI0r,-PIUII8U''flNT OF 'tHll 4tP1NB ~L.ul\, LONDON . I I,()NG)IANS, GREErrr, AjNlD CO. AND NEW YlDRK: 15 EAST '1fI~' ST~EET 1892. I'ntl11'V.D BY I ~PO'l"l'ISWOODE A.'>;D CO" li'l!\\"S'l'lllt&ll' SQUAlll> LOl;DOli L~ST OF DISTRICTS INTO w.~nCH ITHE ALPS HAVE BEEN DtVIDED FOR THE P'fRPOS'S OF SECTION 111. OF THE INDEX ,,1. Maritzme Alps.-Main chain from Col d' 1tare to Co1de l'Argen- tiere, 8. of Col di Tenda. 2,. Oottian Alps.-From Col de l' rgentie to the Mont Cenis, E. of the Durance Valley and 01du G tibier. 3:. lJauphine Alps.-W. of the Dura ce Vall y and Co1du Galibier. 4. Tarentais6 Alps.-N. of the ArclValley land W. of Col d'Iseran and the Tign6s Valley ... , I 5. Graian Alp8.~From Mont Cenfs to ~he Little St. Bernard, E. of Col d'heran, E ••md N. Ot the Attc Valley. 6. Mont Blanc.-Fronl the Little $t. Be Ilil'd to the Great St. Bernard, S. lInd E. of the Cha.jon4 V lIey. 7. Chablais, Gene'llois,and Faucigny,,--N. ,0 the Cha.monix Valley, S. of the Lake of Geneva, a.nd~. of e Rhone Valley. S. Great St. Bernard.-From the Great t. Bernard to Cols de Valpelline and d'Rerens, w. !' the E olena Valley, including Arolla. 9. Ellolena-Zinal.-E. of the Evol nil. Va ley, W. of the Zermatt Valley, N. ofCol d'Herens .. ] Q. MQn'tfJ Rosa.:.,-From Col de Valp~lline ,to,Monte Moro, including the Saasgrat •. 11. Simplon.-From Monte Moro to, the SitP1on, including Monte Le011l.e. 12. Lepontine Alps.-From the Sim~lon to the St. Gotthll.rd, in- cluding Tieino and the Italian likes. 13. lJiabl/}ret8.~W. of the Gemmi, N. of the 1 hone Valley. H. Be1'1lCse Obm·Zand.-E. of'the Ge lni, W. of the Gl·imsel. lit Tillis, and Blume GlaciCl..-Fr m the Grim~el Valley to the Reuss Valley, S. of the Lake 0 Luce fl, N. of the FUl'kll. 16. North Switzerhwd.-N. and W of th Vorder R'hein VaMey, E. of the Lake of Lucerne, inclding th JUgi, Gliirnisch, Santis, and Todi. 17. St. Gotthal'd.-F. rom the St. Got~,lard tol the Fluel» Pass, S. nj the Vorder Rhine VaHey, N. of the In1 Valley. I vi US'!' bF DIstmCTS 18, }J",.i"',-From Ih, InJValJ'y to lh, Add. Vall')'. W, or II. Stelvio, E. of Lake C01~W. 19., Ortler .District.-From t~e Stelv 0 to the Botzen Va~.ley(Lowe Adige), N. of the Ton~le Pass, 8. of the Upper Adige Valley 20. Adamello an(l Erenta 1J'llt/'ict. S..'.of the Adds, 'l'onale Pa~1 and Val di Sole, E. ofake 0, W. oftbe Adige. 21. North l'JJrol.-N. of th Inn alley, Pinzgau, and Ennstha between the F~uela Pa II, InD" d Bavarian ,plain, including th Silvretta group, Vorar erg, a Salzburg.' 22, Central Tyrol.-S, of t e Inn !lilley, Pin,zgau, and Ennstha: N. of the Drave, E. of t e .Adig ,including the Oetzthal, Stubai Zillertbal, Gr. Venedig r, and 1'. Glockner. 23. SOltth l.)rol or .Dolomite .-S. the Drave,E. of the AdigE W. of the Piale. 24. South·Ei:lste,'n Alps.-E. iave, inclUding Terglou, Bosnif Herzegovina, &0. PRE~A~)E ,-+-- i I , I THE Index to the I .Alpine Journ~I' was lcommenoed five years ago, but, owing to various causes, thel compl~tion of the w(lrk has heen delayed; but the delay will not,i I hope detract from its va.lue, as, by including the volumes since p}lblishe I it is now brolilght down to date, The origlnal scheme was rat.h more elaborate than the present, the matter contained being divi ed into seven heads. 'rhis it was thought advisable to ourtail, and t has t erefore been condensed into four sectionII, viz.:- I. The Names of Authors of 5 gned a icles and notes, fullowt1din each case by a list of writi.ng~,exelul 'ng New Expeditions, In Memoriam notices, /lI,nd Reviews. i i II. .A list of :Mapsand lllUlltra. ons. ' III. A s{>ecialIndex for ea.llh ountai group in the Alps (based largely on the lIrrangt'ment in 'B II's Al ine Guide '), the heading;sof which are set out with an ex lanator map., Additional sp~cial headings for non-Alpine groups. IV. General Index. The.three vola. of 'Peaks, Pes, and Glaciers' are included in,the Index, and are numbered P. L, P ii., an P. iii., to avoid the oonfUliion of the two $eries. The dates of illsue of the vario anum ers of the' Alpine Jourlilal ' are given, as in many cases this ill facil 'tate reference. I have to express my thllllk to Me s. Blackstone, Brooksblf,nk, Coolidge, Gardiner, Marett, W. !:Mathe I Paoke, Sowerby, Tuokett, and Wa.lker, who kindly unde took t e task of indexing various volumes; l\nd also to Mr. Dent, W 0, in a dition to indexing a vaItHne, has helped me in the revision of he pl'OO s. June, 1$92. F. A. WAI,LRO'l'H. I I :PATES OF PUBLICATION OF r PEAl 5, PASSES, AND GLACIERS,' AND THE NUM:ijERS F THE I ALPINE JOURNAL' -+ P. i. 11lO9 ~.lil;nd P. Ii. 186' VOL. I. I VOL. V. No. No. 1. March, 1868 29. M :y,1870 2. Jline, 1868 80. A gust, 1870 S. September, 1$63 81. N vember, 1870 4. December, 1868 82. F bruary, 1871 O. Maooh, 1864 88. My, 1871 6. June, 1864 84. N 'lember, 1871 7. September, 1864 85. F bruary, 187:2 8. December, 1864 86. M y,1872 YOLo II. VOL. VI. 9. March, 1865 37. A gust, 1872: 10. June, 1866 88. N 'lem ber, ] 872 n. September, 1865 89. F bruary, 187,8 12. December, 1865 40. My, 1878 18. March, 1866 41. A gust, 1878 14. June, 1866 . 42. N vember, 1&73 15. September, Hl66 48. F bJ.·uary, 1874 16. December, 186U 44. My, 1874 VOL. III. VOL. VII. 17. } 45. A /(Ul:lt, 1874 18. 1867 46. N vember,1874 19. 20. 47. F brunt'y, 187,5 48. M y, 1875 Vot. IV. 49. A gust, 1875 50. N vember, 1875 21. May, 1868 51. F bruary, 1876 22. August, 1868 52. M '1,1876 23. November, 1868 ~4. February, 1800 ~OL'VIII. 25. 1I1n)[,1869 26. August, 1860 53. A gust, 1876 27. Novemher, 1860 1)4. Nv.ember, 1876 :.18. :February, 1870 55. F ibrunTY, 1877 viii DATES OF P~BLICAiON No. : VOL. XII. 56. May, 1877 No. 57. August, 1877 85. August, 1884 58. November, 1877 86. Novetnber, 1884 59. February, 1878 R7. Febl'uary, 1885 60. May, 1878 88. May, 1885 !:39.Auguat, 1885 VOL. IX. 901.Novetnber, 18SlS 91. February, 1886: 61. August, 1878 92. May, 1886 62. November, 1878 68. February, 1879: Vor.: XIII .. 64. May, 1879 98. August, 1886 65. August, 1879 94. November, 1886 66. November, 1879 95.Febr~ry,1887 67. Febl·llary. 18801 96. May, 1887 68. May, 1880 97. August, 1887 98. November, 1887 VOL. X. 99. February, 1888 10101.May, 1888 89. August, 1880 70. November, 1880 VOL. XIV. 71. Februarv, 1881 72. May, 18in 101. Augullt,1888 73. August, 1881 102. November, 1888 74. November, 1881 1018.February,1889 75. February, 1882: 1014.May, 1889 76. May,1882 105. August, 1889 lOB •.November, 188$ VOL. XI. V(jL. XV. 77. August, 1889 107. February, 1890 78. November, 1882 1018.May, 1890 79. Febrllary, 1883 109. August, 1890 80. May, 1883 1101.November, 1890 81. August, 1883 111. February, 1891 82. November, 1883 112. May, 181n 88. February, 1884 113. August, 1891 84. May, 1884 •• 114. Novetnber. 1801 Edito·'s 1'. i., J. BAU P. ii. and iii., E. S KENN Y Vole. i.-iii., H. B. G.E<rR6J'1 Vols. i'\". v., 1" SSPREN VoJe. vi.-ix., D. "y. nESI FIELD ~o18.~:-xi\'.,w..f\-. 13:..c OLIDGl1 '\ 01. Xl., A. J. B*J.J1R I . INDEX TO ALPI E OURNAL VOLUMES I. AND SECTION I.-NAMES OF AUTHOR. t followed ill eack case by a List ~f W,iti {la, e,vcl ding Ne~uE.rpeditio'll8, I'll Memoriu1n notices, 'lid Re' ·ClIJ8. A. C" Hohbalm, viii. ~84 B DINGTO , C. C., list of Icelandic A. P., Sesia Joch, v. 143 lants, . ii. 125 AbercrombYjD. J., fatal accident on B ilie-Gr mann, W. A., a.scelltof the Felik och, viii, 112, 163 he Gros Glockner, vii. 211 - second ascent of the Aiguille du - Golden eagle and its eyrie, the, l\'Iidi,v. 44 ii,92 - Swiss Jahrfest, n, vi. 184 B er, G. p" ascent of Arlj.1'at, Adams-Reilly, A., Bee de Luseney, x.818 , the, iii. 49 - new pa in Norway, xii. 268 - new asceIjtsin t,hechain of Mont B foul', F }iI. & G. W., attempt Blanc, ii. 97 n the iguille des Chal'moz, x. - rough survey of the chain of 97 Mont Blanc, a, i. 257 BIll, J" Al erhorn, the, i. 820 AUbutt, T. C., effectof exerciseupon - glaciers ~ldmeteorology,ix. ~98 the bodily tem)?eratul'e,v.

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