•*-PB8f*5raSPIMW--u! mp^MP ar! THE WEATHER Following readings were takea at 6 p.m. on dates shown. Min. Max. Rain ^ Aug. 31 — __ 53 45 Sept. 1 - _ 54 43 2 61 35 3 _ 73 40 4 66 53 Dept. Prov. Library Jan. "M 5 56 40 6 _ 44 37 .35 KPapeF fotflt & Gtmstfetue' VOLUME XXl, No. 40 HANNA, ALBERTA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1933 FOUR PAGES $2.00 PER TEAR Df ADVANCt t^**************yf****^***** Tribute Paid By Hanna STANMORE TAKES DECORATION DAY Lodge To Valued Officer THRESHED OATS SUNDAY, SEPT. 10 —Was Active Since 1920 J. Adames Paid Fitting Honor by AND MOLASSES MORRIN CHAMPS Decoration Day will be observed In H. Hanna Lodge A.F. A AM. Hanna on Sunday next Sept. 14th on Retirement TO CAMPMONDAY when the graves of all deceased ser­ URGED FOR FEED vice men In the local cemetery will Fitting honor was paid H. J. Adames Junior Provincial Champions be visited and floral tokens of re* by members of Hanna Lodge No. 78 M. D. Hand Hills Considers membraiUse laid in place. All ex- A.F. & AM. on Wednesday evening, Defeated by Stanmore service then are urgently requested upon his retirement as Secretary- Feed Relief—Green Labor Day to be present at Memorial Hall at Treasurer of the Lodge due to his re. Feed Scarce i 2 p.m. Conveyances will be provided cent removal to Calgary, foUowing his Stanmore girls took the Morrln Jun. to the cemetery and will leave Mem­ superannuation from active service In the recent survey made by mem­ ior provincial champion saftball ag­ orial Hall at 2:30 sharp. The general with the Province as Sheriff and Clerk bers of the CouncU and the Secretary- gregation 'into camp at Hanna on public is invited to take part in Sun­ of the Court here. The retiring of­ treasurer of the Hand Hills Municipal­ Labor Day for a most spectacular win day's memorial services. ficer affiliated with Hanna Lodge ln ity it was estimated that 200 famines in a nine-inning game, with the score Parties ln a position to contribute 1920, when he was elected secretary- would require relief ln varying amounts 8-6 and Stanmore still in the midst of flowers are requested to communi­ treasurer for 1931. Proceeding through in the matter of feed for Uvestock and a batting fest. Unquestionably the cate with Messrs O. G. Stubbs or A. the chairs, he was elected Worshipful vegetables. It was felt by the Council big feature of the Labor Day program, Finch. All local ministers of the Master in 1925. Many tributes were that owing to the scarcity of green the Stanmore-Morrin game was the Gospel are also Invited to assist at paid to the W. Bro. who had without feed within the province and the poor finest exhibition of girls' softall talent Sunday's ceremonies. Interruption, filled active offices ln the quaUty of hay produced in the north- witnessed here and the eastern neigh­ Lodge ever since he had taken up ern areas from which the supply bors got a great hand from the crowd residence in Hanna. would be drawn and to the fact that when they proved their ability to lay considerable old straw was available OBITUARY FoUowing regular session, a "fourth low the winners of the Junior/prdvta- within the district, that the most econ­ degree" was enjoyed in the banquet omical method to aU concerned would cial honors. DONALD BRYAN STEPHENS room, when appropriate references to be the shipping in of threshed oats Morrin went to bat flrst, getting Mourning the passing of a bright the departing W.~fero. were made. and molasses. The oats providing the three runs, with one in the second.*- member of Hanna's younger genera­ Presentation of a magnificent solid nourishment and the combination of Stanmore got one in the third. The tion, in the person of Donald Bryan leather, fitted traveling case, bearing straw aod molasses the roughage nec­ fourth and fifth were scoreless, but Stephens, a vast concourse attended an Inscription in sterling silver, con­ essary to bring Uvestock through the Stanmore tied the score ln the sixth by the last sad rites in First United veyed to W. Bro. Adames the sincere winter in a healthy condition. a brilliant rally with three runs. The Church here on Tuesday afternoon. fraternal appreciation of his faithful In the matter of the Fred Bertch seventh was without a score, but in The late Donald Stephens was the services to Hanna Lodge, together case which has occupied quite • por­ the eighth the score was again tied, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles with assurance of best wishes for many tion of the time at the last three meet­ with two each. The ninth was a W. Stephens, one of Hanna's pioneer years of comfort and happiness in ings, some progress has been made. tense session with the score tied. Mor­ families. Deceased was born in Han. well-earned retirement from labor. NOW, »F OPPORTOMITV ONl_V Mistakes have been brought out, aired, rin failed to connect and Stanmore na and had passed his ninth birthday As successor to W. Bro. Adames, 1 and in some cases admitted by both copped the day's honors by scoring on May llth. Stricken with an ail­ R. W. Bro. J. O. OdeU was appointed KNOCKS HARD EMOOG»H. (Copyrtuhl. IW '. by NF.A S-rrvk**?. Inc.' two. l .,,, , „, .i . sides. At times the discussion was ment of the throat several weeks ago, Actg. Secretary, while Bro. John Mac­ rather high in temperature. The item Morrin—Hazzard 4, Meyer 5, Don­ the little chap underwent an operation leod received the appointment of Actg. Edward Guichon, Pioneer of $16 for road work done while lif. aldson 2, McRae 9, Morrison 6, E. GARDEN PLAIN CRAIGMYLE in the local hospital. His condition Treasurer, both to serve until close of Succumbs to Operation Warwick was secretary-treasurer and Doan 8, C. Donaldson 7, Hickery 3, appeared to be improved for a time, the Masonic year. —Won General Respect claimed by Mr. Bertch has been M. Morrison 1. but he developed alarming symptoms GARDEN PLAIN, 8ept. 8.—Harvest­ CRAIGMYLE, Sept. 5.—Mr. John proved by records of Mr. Warwick to SITUATION PAST ITS WORST, Stanmore—Lois Arbogast cf., Thel­ which later necessitated his return to ing ls about ovejf in this district and WeU Known Oldtimer Passes, FoUow­ MacLean, principal of the Craigmyle have been credited on taxes, although DECLARES DR. MANION school, received word on Aug. 27, of ma Dalzell r.f., Oeorgina Horne IX, the hospital. For more than a month most of the farmers are stacking. ing Brief IUness Came to the "orders an the treasurer" far that Arlene McBride 3b, Christine Zacher- the little patient received every at­ the death of his father the Rev. Don­ NEWMARKET, Ont., Sept. •.—Three The Misses Wilkie and Jackson con­ Hanna in 1914 ald MacLean of Charlottetown, P.E.I. amount are stiU held by Mr. Bertch. iassen 2b, Myrtle Zinger s.s., Lorraine tention, finally being removed to Cal­ solutions to Canada's railway problem cluded services at Corinne on Sunday The late Rev. MacLean was a retired WhUe this system of paying for road McBride lb, Nancy Anderson c, Mary gary for special treatment at Holy were offered Tuesday at the Liberal- evening. Another of Hanna's respected pion­ clergyman of the Presbyterian church, work seems to have caused confusion Anderson p. Cross Hospital. Weakened' by the Conservative summer school In session Rev. Father Pendergast conducted eer business men passed into the Val­ and died in his 89th year. in this case, there is no question of Runs—Morrin: Hazzard 1, Meyer 1, ravages of infection, It was realized here by a Dominion government min. services In Corinne on Sunday. ley of the Shadow on Thursday morn­ Mr. Frank Shoults had two fingers any unfair practice. In the item of B. Donaldson 1, McRae 1, M. Morrison last week that the little bul could not later, Ontario's hydro electric com­ Lillian Aulg returned to her home ing, when Edward Guichon died in the crushed on Saturday and was taken $24 claimed by Mr. Bertch for 1930 2. Stanmore—Lois Arbogast 1, Thelma recover and death occurred in Calgary missioner, and a university professor. in Castor on Sunday after a short hoU- I Hanna Municipal Hospital foUowing to the Hanna hospital for medical road work the case has been compli­ Dalzell 1, Oeorgina Horne 1, Arlene attention. early Sunday morning. Baa. R. J. Manlon, minister of raU­ day at the Higgin's home. an operation which had been perform- cated by lack of definite records aa to McBride 1, Christine Zacheriassen 2,- Little Don, as he was affectionately ways, in absentia, expressed confidence Miss Maxine Simon commenced her ed in an effort to relieve him of a Mrs. M. Clarke and daughters Pauline the amount of work done and the fact Nancy Anderson 1, Mary Anderson 1. that Mr. Bertch beeeebSejjeSmt_Jf termed, was a- .general . favorite. that the situation had passed tta worst. duties as teactaKia t the Cowan school long-standing ailment. and Marion, motored to their home >1 1 i| , > a Umpires-r-Groyer PiTjiri jgflf ?f - _______ Through weeks of intense suffering ite trotr would only improve" wmrtHB rue Tuesday ...^|»W,..»WW***!P****»—»»»^ n-ii-i'ii ia ffwn w 'P-^'^yii iWi**' * *ii' Craigmyle vs. Scapa displayed a courage and patience of the business barometer. The pro­ Miss Depir, of Morrin, commenced seventy-first year and would have pas.
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