qualitalk Information on Technology and Society February 2010 Israel’s President Shimon Peres addressed the German Parliament Internet Version on January 31st, Holocaust Memorial Day, with touching words ISSN 1615-9667 of reconciliation. A few days later Palestine’s President Mahmoud 11. Volume Abbas came to Berlin to strive for peace. Let us hope and pray! 37. Edition Printed Version ISSN 1435-1641 15. Volume 53. Edition Guest writer Fr. Robert Jauch OFM Jerusalem: Jesus is still weeping About the Chapel of »DOMINUS FLEVIT« (= Jesus Wept) situated on the Mount of Olives, one of the most impressive holy places in Jerusalem page 6 Impressum Jerusalem: The view looking out towards the Mount of Olives seen from the Golden Gate. This shows the setting of the Chapel DOMINUS FLEVIT. The wall below is adjacent to an old Jewish cemetery. However the bigger and more recent burial fields can be partly seen at the right side of the picture. The window of the chapel DOMINUS site can’t see is that the stone vases on the Jerusalem: FLEVIT on the Mount of Olives is hardly unique tear shaped roof are brittle and ever left out in any illustrated books of tend to fall off. Jesus is still the Holy City. It seems that many tour- The roof of the sacristy leaks. The ists and pilgrims regard the view taken power supply needs to be modernized. weeping from the window as an indispensable Fifty years after its erection the stones keepsake. This is most apparent when need cleaning and restoring. Finally, the one watches visitors’ jockeying for best famous window of the chapel requires The Chapel of »DOMINUS FLEVIT« vantage point to photograph the iconic major renovation. It would be unthink- (= Jesus Wept) is situated on image: how disappointed they are if the able to replace it with modern double the Mount of Olives, one of the chapel is closed for Holy Mass. glazing units without replicating the The simple view of the Old City of Je- original shape. most impressive holy places in rusalem and the Golden Dome doesn’t Sun, rain and storm have left their marks Jerusalem. seem to satisfy the flood of visitors. They on the glass and its frame. Furthermore vandals have played their part in the de- struction, too. Later additions to the chapel in as part of the building of an annex for the sac- risty were not well done. Power lines and telephone wires criss-cross the venue. At the end of the restoration all pipes and cables will be underground and the cob- ble stones will be realigned. At the end of the project DOMINUS FLEVIT will be pre- served for decades to come. Ugly concrete canopies cover the an- cient burial sites and the Byzantine mo- saic besides the chapel; they will be re- placed with more suitable protection. The little Cloister A small church was erected at the up- per part of the area bought by the Fran- DOMINUS FLEVIT: The roof of the chapel is shaped like a drop as a reminder of the ciscan Order on the Mount of Olives in tears Jesus wept here at the Mount of Olives. 1891. The church was located in the gar- want the view through the very window den, north of a mosque commemorated with its ornaments of thorns and the cha- by a memorial stone now. The church Franciscan frater Robert Jauch lice which was designed by Antonio Bar- DOMINUS FLEVIT was mentioned as early OFM tells why this unique luzzi. It seems that those who fail to take as in the late C13th or in the beginning of place urgently needs help a picture from this unique spot, don’t feel the C14th. In the C16th a mosque stood. that they been to the Holy City at all! It was called EL MANSURIYYEH and has However the window itself and the been recently rebuilt. The famous archi- small chapel of which it forms a part, tect Antonio Barluzzi (1884 - 1960) desi- erected in 1955/1956 on the remains of a gned a new Chapel of Grace in 1955. This late-Byzantine church, are in urgent need of renovation. What the pilgrim to the qualitalk Nr. 53 The famous window at the chapel DOMINUS FLEVIT is high� ly popular with tourists as fra� me for their shot of Jerusalem and the golden dome. undertaking led to a major change. The dalism is a risk factor on the Mount of church was converted into a cloister. A Olives. Since 2008 there have been ken- domestic chapel, a common living room nels at the Hermitage. Two German she- and a kitchen were installed as well as a pherd dogs, the cross breeds Al Jazeera toilet and a tool shop. An adjacent room and Yadira, were a gift from Bet Jala. The was called Maison du Gardien according to watchdogs have deterred thieves suc- a plan from 1911. Obviously a custodian cessfully so far. or a brother lodged here in former times The cost of the entire renovation is es- and took care of the chapel. The upper timated at 300,000 Euro. On completion floor of the cloister contained three cells the site will be very pleasant. and a bathroom. For 50 years this was near perfect for The Garden the monks – a maximum of three brot- Apart from the main entrance to DO� hers could live there. However they had MINUS FLEVIT there is a small gatehouse no heating. It doesn’t rain a lot in Jerusa- next to the large Jewish cemetery. The The Hermitage was recently set lem but strong winds, even storms, batter custodian looks after the visitors and up adjacent to the neighbor’s wall: DOMINUS FLEVIT. Now, a common living takes care of the garden, the chapel and The barbed wire might hamper in� room will get an open fire and each of the toilets for the pilgrims. Plans for im- trusion over the roof. three cells will be fitted with a shower provements to the canopies and roofs and WC. The tool shop has been remo- of the sarcophagi, ossuaries and oth- deled as a laundry. The former Maison er antiques were postponed. A former du Gardien has become an apartment for chicken hut is now a tool shop, another volunteers. Barred windows and fences shed adjacent to the wall of the Benedic- are essential because burglary and van- qualitalk Nr. 53 3 »City of God, how joyful is the view of the Mount of Olives.« In the old church we believe that Je- sus’ words on the destruction of Jerusa- lem and the world (Mt 24, Mk 13, Lk 21) was a revelation of the secrets of redemp- tion, for the apostles and His closest friends. In the early days the liturgical celebration of these mysteries was held in a grotto close to the hilltop of Mount of Olives. Later the celebration was held at the ELEONA BASILICA built at Emperor Constantine’s request. Unfortunately the basilica was never completed. Afterwards the ELEONA BASILICA became known as the PATER NOSTER CHURCH, mentio- ned by Eusebius of Caesarea in the early C4th. An efficient alarm system: tine nunnery serves as an Hermitage: it The liturgical celebration of the my- watchdogs Al Jazeera and Yadira is hardly recognisable after the conver- steries was held each Passion Tuesday. take care of DOMINUS FLEVIT sion. A room with shower and toilet was According to the pilgrim Egeria, »Every- added for the use of the various residents. body went to the church on the Mount In addition to the construction works of Olives on this night. Upon arrival the on buildings, several fences were put up bishop stepped into the grotto where our along footpaths to stop trespassing at the Lord used to teach his followers, took the property. This has become important be- gospels and read aloud the words of our cause many visitors tend to stroll around Lord.« the garden, step on the lawns and flow- During the time of the Crusades (12th) er beds. They even take olives, acacias this same church served as a reminder of and rosemary. The walkways have been the words of the Lord’s Prayer, the Pa- reshaped and unpleasant bottlenecks ter Noster. Ruined parts of the church removed. were found not far from the CHURCH OF Donations in our offering box do not THE ASCENSION in 1911. It is obvious that cover the cost of renovation. Therefore, DOMINUS FLEVIT lies on historically im- we are seeking a contribution from visi- portant land. tors to this website, too. During the building of the new Chapel in 1953 the archaeologists P. Bellarmino The Significance Bagatti OFM and T. J. Milik excavated Visitors to DOMINUS FLEVIT are fas- gravesites from Canaanite times (C14th- cinated by the ambience of the loca- 16th BC). They found Jewish graves from tion with its breathtaking view on the Jesus’ time as well as later ones (C2-3rd) temple rock and the Old City of Jerusa- and a Byzantine-Arabian cloister from lem. Looking back from the City to the the C7-8th. Experts have praised the Mount of Olives, the view has been ad- huge discovery of sarcophagi and ossuar- mired for centuries. Patriarch Sophroni- us (634-638) was overawed by the scenery: qualitalk Nr. 53 ies in the excavated burial fields. Some of every side.They will crush you to the items bear inscriptions and symbols the ground, you and your children from the Jewish/Christian period. When within you, and they will not leave Antonio Barluzzi built the chapel DOMI� within you one stone upon another; NUS FLEVIT in 1955 he used some of the because you did not recognize the remains of the Byzantine church, but he time of your visitation from God.
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